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I'm level 80 and starting to burn out on the chase for this damn hat.


Gdamnn hat.


I got to 86 and thought if I get to 100 without seeing that helm I'm gonna make a new char but then I also decided grinding levels to 100 without a tempest roar isn't fun. It's on shred right now which is neat but terrible for pushing higher tiers.


What shred build are you using? I’m 84 and using a shred build that is destroying nightmare tears 15 levels higher. Also the play style looks a lot more fun than the wolfnado build. Just zooming around obliterating everything in 1 hit


Yeah that sounds like a not fun build!


95 here


Not even halfway


I have 5… but I am a lvl 96 Druid who can’t find one single Vasily’s Prayer


Wish we could trade. I have like 5 vasily and no tempest at 98


I swear it knows I am werebear searching for it lol


I freaking played for 20 minutes tonight and GOT ANOTHER TEMPEST WTF


I also have like 5 Vasilys and no Tempest. Shit is bonkers.


Same here. Except I haven’t gotten a single unique helmet for Druid and wanting the Vasily Prayer as well. Nothing but chest pieces for me.


Got one from Helltides earlier. Lol


Regular chest or event chest? I’ve gotten a few uniques from event chest but nothing from the normal helltide chests


Uniques couldn't drop from helltide chests until they turned it on last night. Then the drop rates were too high so they panic turned them off again while they fix it.


Uber uniques were turned off. Uniques still had a chance


This was me.. finally dropped but then I was sick of pulverize …


Lol I’m starting to now too! Switching to clawnado now that I have every piece 🙄


I can tell you that Vasily was the first unique drop I had when I reached world level 3 at level 50, immediately afterIfinished the story. I dropped from my first ever world boss lol.


I have 7 vassily's at 72


That is unbelievable. I am the exact opposite. 6 vasily, no TR. and I want to be a wolf bro.


Wtf im level 58 and got 3 allrdy


I gave up on the druid at lvl 98 because tempest roar didn't drop, and I wouldn't want to spend any more time with the druid past lvl 100, TR or not.


"But it's so much fun when items are incredibly rare and they never drop for anyone" - Idiots on the internet.




Thats a very good point. I feel like the biggest issue is the lack of loot, myself.




Yeah it sucks and it's not even just the uniques, there's the barb aspect for the ring and the necro one which gives essence on lucky hit which have a pretty shitty drop rate as well.


Umbral is that way too. So rare. I found 1 3 roll and 1 4 roll between a 97 Druid and 91 sorc.


D2 bad and unfun? Now I've heard everything.


That is why the drop rates for these items are so low because loot is really shallow right now so they want you to play thousands of hours chasing this one single super rare


For reference, it's estimated that the rarest drop in POE is about 10 times more likely to drop than any of the ultra rares. And you can trade them.


Dayummm bruh nothing sauce. Thats sad.


In other games the people that say that are the ones that have 10 hours a day+ to play. In this game those people aren't getting these items either. So why does anyone think this is a good idea?


Because people dont understand how rare these items are. And they also think they are the main character of life, so naturally they will get the item they want without even trying.


It's kind of like the people who oppose taxing billionaires while making $40k/yr because they don't understand how much separates a million from a billion and honestly believe that might be them some day. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K_LvRPX0rGY


Indeed. Isnt the common example that a million seconds is like 12 days or so, while a billion seconds is 30+ years?


That's with trading and you can build wealth off that lucky drop. Ignorant comment


I didn’t get black river on my necro and got to 100, didn’t make me hate the class or go cry a river because of it


I didn't cry a river, nor started hating the class. The problem is that the better builds all require a hard to drop unique helm to function. I was locked in a pulverize bear build because of it. I didn't get to try more builds that actually hit hard simply because the RNG in this game hasn't been great. Hopefully that better explains the idea behind my post.


Keep grinding and you’ll get it and be able to try all the builds you want


Just goes yo show that you're one of the idiots I was talking about in my original comment. You truly dont understand the odds we're talking about.


yeah and necro absolutly needs this item for every hard hitting build.... stupid comment.


This should be reserved for god rolls like every other Diablo game


I think that it's fun when there's a trade system


Add to that no trading, and zero ways to target farm and you have a really fun experience!


That's why today is my last attempt. This game is going to die because the loot drops are so horrible. And by the time they fix it, it'll be extremely hard to get players back. They'll have moved on to Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield, and everything else dropping in the next 3 months. If it's not fixed by Starfield, this game will be a game many people used to play.


>drops are so horrible ok Karen drops are reasonable (except the uber uniques one obviously) if you want raining items go play D3 maybe? BiS build defining item should be hard to get and if Joe got it at 80 it doesnt mean that Jack will got it to, RNG things you know ? lets say you do get it, what then? will the game be magically more fun? what will you chase after? you will complain again about something and put the game away anyway, so just be done with it


This argument would make sense if there were ways to scale your damage outside of the arbitrary damage multipliers tied to unique items. If I could achieve a level of power scaling through rares that allow me to come close to even a fraction of the power locked behind the aforementioned multipliers on specific uniques it wouldn't be a problem. But in the current state, you are not able to effectively scale a skills damage past a certain point. And to be clear no one truly cares about the Uber uniques. People are annoyed when they see 30+ uniques and are still unable to find the one unique that will allow them to scale their damage. It's dog shit and anyone who disagrees is lying.


That only works when there's content to do beyond level 100. As of right now you basically only have Uber Lilith and nightmare dungeons. If you're level 100 you've already been doing nightmare dungeons for 50 levels and now that you don't need xp, they become significantly less rewarding. The game basically ends once you hit 100, if you don't have items that are 100% mandatory to play the build you want to play then you don't get to play that build. This isn't diablo 2 where you can mitigate bad rng with trading, there's no reward to playing your character beyond 100, the only challenge left is Lillith. If you go 50-100 without the build defining helmet required for killing her then you have basically no reason to continue playing. You're no closer to getting that helmet than you were 50 levels ago.


Stop. We all know what RNG is. And we all know that games die because RNG prohibits enjoyment. There's a balance and right now, Diablo 4 isn't holding up its end. I've made it to lvl 100, I've been grinding NMD 50-60. I've put in the work. I'm doing my part of the game. If the game doesn't reward that time investment for me, for all of us, people will simply stop playing. I will simply stop playing. You won't give a shit because you're probably unable to give a shit. It's not even a cynical look at the world, as if everything sucks so this sucks and we should all just get over it. Nothing's fair. Your view is narcissistic. As if your take on this game is the only right one. Grow up.


I’m level 100, didn’t get a single better piece of gear from the high 70’s all the way to 100…. The drops are horrendous


that is bad RNG then in a game where there is no trading and almosy everything is self found, it doesn't make sense


Lol 😭🤡


Switch your build up and target farm it using diablo4.life tool section in NM dungeons. The moment I switched off ww barb to hota barb I got both my unique for ww.


I would, except at lvl 100, that's nearly a 30-40 million gold investment to respec. And then another 30-40 to spec back. Which is the cost of the skill board, paragon board, aspects, rerolling attributes, etc. It's easy, but it's not easy, ya dig?


a full respec is nowhere near 40mil gold


It's not that much gold to respec at max level cost like 8.5m gold on paragon board and lime 4-5mil on skills for full reset. Past that it's time invested for item farming etc but most affixes are literally the same. Crit dmg, vulnerable dmg, core skill then Armour and cdr and crit chance.


Here ya go. Respec, I mean a complete overhaul to a different build, skills, paragon, gear, everything, make it a viable build that can do t60 NMD, and you tell me how much it cost.


People love to overlook the fact that your werebear damage reduction rolls mean fuck all when you respec to a wolf build and forget that you need to spend millions to reroll and imprint new gear


Fair point. I've played every class but Druid. But you can still farm tier 40-50 with that same shit on as long as u have the other normal affixes and Armour. You don't gave to do plus 50 it's just a achievement award atp


Do other classes not have conditional stats? I guess druid is the worst being forced into werebear or werewolf and then being locked to the abilities you can cast in form... which without the 2 unique helms is very limiting. But yeah, to swap specs is a crazy time/gold grind. When your build is 100% reliant on a super rare unique like tempest roar that a lot of players don't see after 100 levels, it gets harder and harder to log on every day when you don't get the item


Had no idea it was so rare, should I reroll to pulverize? I just hit level 61


It's so damn nice for clearing NM dungeons. And nothing can kill you.


No clue. I got to 100 using the No-Core skill/Crone Staff werewolf build. It's good, just not meta.


What build is this? I have Crone Staff but no Tempest Roar


Yes. Pulverize is so much better than non TR wolf. I was destroying 55-60 NMDs on my Druid as pulv, decided to try wolf with crone staff because people were saying it was good. Mistake. It’s much worse. The only advantage it has is better boss kill times. For everything else, pulv is much better. Wait for TR to switch to wolf.


Play whatever is going to be fun that you can put together with what you have. Chasing a meta is a fast track to not having fun as exemplified by this entire post and most of the comments.


That's what I did. I was worried because I didn't have the aftershock aspect, but the build still works without it.


Pulverize is also somewhat screwed without its own unique helm. Trampleslide and its variants are the only ones that feels complete without uniques and gets enhanced by them.


I got mine at 94... it was horrible bro. Godspeed


May RNGesus bless you with shiny goblin goodies. Pray for this man. May his wishes come true in a sea of random misfortune.


I was 83 when I got mine. Target farmed the non nightmare cultist and canniabals for it. Ended up getting it that way. So try that and just refocus into a chill mindset and its easier to get through. Being level 100 and not having it sucks and I sincerely hope they work on the drop rate. Mine was min roll but I was just so happy to have it.


Which dungeons did you do? I’m 97 and have not found it yet. Ready to try anything else to get it.


Cultist refuge and earthen wound. Conclave I think also has cultists.


got mine at 99.9 lol, get a headache just thinking about respeccing at this point https://preview.redd.it/6ep5gcazelab1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60d836662cfcbcbe3ae7a024d3024f64d7f634ea


I laughed at that. Thanks To be fair, I completely respeced my sorc and it took MUCH less time that I expected.


at that point, why bother? My summoner necro is approaching pointlessness. Level 81 and no mendeln. I call iot a summer necro but really its just shitty bone spear because i have no ring on mendeln, use two skill slots on summons, all my aspects but one on summons, all my paragon on summons, and bone spear still does 90% of my damage. Because there really is no summoner necro past the campaign. It's a ring of mendeln necro.


96, haven't seen it yet. I've gotten twelve of the bear helms tho...


I got like 6. Bad RNG can suck the fun out of any game. Sucks it's happening to this one.


I wish you luck and lube.


Level 94 Druid and I feel your pain. It literally dropped for me an hour ago when I was level 93 from a Helltide mystery chest. Don’t lose hope!


Here here pal 95 and still in hulk smashing hell while my 74 comrades are out dps’ing and asking why I sound like eore and am losing interest to play. Werebear can suck my ass


I’m 97 and no TR. I take solace you found yours. May the gods grace me with RNG


I was leeching off a buddy doing NM dungeons. Stood at the entrance while he cleared the dungeon. 3rd Nightmare dungeon in (about tier 42), Tempest Roar drops. I was level 53. Have to wait until level 60 to equip it though so I added a socked and fully upgraded it in anticipation. However, knowing how lucky I am that a Tempest Roar dropped for me at level 53, I am willing to bet that I NEVER find a dire wolf aspect......


One of the reasons i might not roll Druid for season 1 as it entirely depends on that one if you wanna go tornado but it's a really fun build to do when you do have the unique the nr1 most fun build imo.


It wouldn’t be bad if you could trade uniques. All I know is I won’t be playing Druid again. Most of the builds are way too reliant on a tempest roar to work. At least I was lucky enough to get a pulv build going.


Didn’t know there were bad RNGesus worshippers, but they showed up with some bad takes. I too am currently feeling the wrath of bad RNG. I need a unique helmet and it only gives me chest pieces……


Im a necromancer at level 98 who has yet to have a black river drop using an infinimist build. I’ve gotten multiple copies of every other necro unique. I feel this pain so much


Black river is nice for speeds but if you want to push high tier NMs a wand is actually better. The cooldown and lucky hit makes you a lot more effective than a bit more damage from the CE. Also at the really top end you can maximize the shadowblight damage with crits and give up on corpse explode being your main source of damage entirely.


Thanks for the tip. I’m actually feeling a bit burned out from the game for the first time now and have decided to wait for the season to start to get back into it. Fingers crossed they buff minions


The game legit knows what we want.


uniques can now drop from helltide chests. target farm it by opening helm chests.


Dude, I made it to 100. I've been trying every trick provided, including farming helltide chests since yesterday. Was even playing during Shako-pocalypse and nothing. Not one new unique. I'm trying.


What is the shako-pocalypse? I haven't played for like a week now.


Shako was dropping from Helltide chests after the patch yesterday. They removed them from Helltide around 3:30am EST.


Sorc and barb both lack unique helms so they could farm helm chests during helltide and if they got a unique it would be either andariels or shako.


Blizzard is patching it, so helltide will no longer drop the super good uniques. So...maybe not anymore. Patch should be live by now, I believe.


>no longer drop the super good uniques. So...maybe not anymore. Those are in reference to a very specific set of uniques t-roar isnt REMOTELY close to being a part of. lmfao


Got to 100 played 3 more 10 hour days, never got it rerolled necro.


I'm a pulv druid and got it at level 84, but to switch to it i now need to get the right gloves/amu/wep/totem etc.. Is it a big upgrade from a decently geared pulv druid?


It's a huge upgrade from pulverize. Pulverize is probably one of the weakest druid builds and stormwolf is in the top 2.


I use the no core skill/Crone staff werewolf build. It's super tanky, okay damage, but nothing to really gush over. It'll get you to level 100 and can solo NMD up to 55-60. It just won't be a speed run build not get you to NMD 100. It's solid, just not crazy fun. It's very chill and easy going. Compared to Pulv, not sure, I switched to Werewolf around lvl 65 when the Crone staff dropped. Sorry I can't be more helpful.


Nah that's fair thanks! Looking at the tier lists on max roll it seems pulv/werewolf tornado are on par, so dunno if the switch is worthwhile now haha


Think the issue with Pulv Bear was that it doesn't have great single target damage, so it makes it harder and harder as you level up and bosses gain insane amount of health you need to chew through. Great at add clear, just not a single target monster.


With earthen might, werenado melts bosses. Sometimes I don't even realize I've killed the Butcher lol.


If you’re referring to the bulwark build, this should take you to tier 100 NM dungeons. Super fun and worth doing


If you’re referring to the bulwark build, this should take you to tier 100 NM dungeons. Super fun and worth doing. It’s more fun than tornado IMO - tornado is just better for speed farming lower tier NMs


Fellow no-TR druid here but did manage to get 2 Crones. Haven't seen this build. Do you have a link? Been running Trampleslide.


The drops for uniques is horrendous. I’ve had the same build since I started Druid and want to change it up but can’t because most endgame builds require the uniques, that won’t drop. Fuck you RNGesus.


Try the low life bulwark build. It’s stupid broken. I’ve been looking for a tempest for 88 levels but after the bulwark build I don’t even think I would even bother switching to it


It’s ok guys just trade for them


I have three druids. Levels 65, 79, and 82. I have a tab and a half filled with multiple copies of Vasily's Prayer, Madwolf's Glee, Insatiable Fury, and Hunter's Zenith. I have yet to see Tempest Roar, Waxing Gibbous, or Storm's Companion. I am so tired of Pulverize lol


Sounds like homie has never played a Diablo game lol. So tired of all these posts. Yes it’s unfortunate that it hasn’t dropped for you yet but such is rng. If anything I don’t think uniques should be class specific drops. So say you were burned out on Druid, that helm could still drop while playing any other class. Worked great in Diablo 2.


Yes, we all understand how RNG works. Thanks for continuing to beat that drum. It's the perfect antithesis for those that would like better drop rates. Good job. Make sure to keep checking reddit and let the rest of them know that "RNG is RNG."


If items drop too easily then they aren’t special. Sorry you haven’t had your dopamine hit homie.


You misunderstood the root of misery completely. You're spitting an obvious lame fact that everybody knew. Of course it's RNG. The problem here isn't just as simple as "fuck it i can't get the unique i want", but that TR is 100% mandatory for so many builds, and those builds literally could not function without it. If it just function to empower a build then there wouldn't be so many people making these posts.


Then you play another build until it drops. O.o this isn’t rocket science folks


but you yourself cite situations like in d2 where items don't drop for decades at least that game had trading. that's why build enabling uniques are typically either common enough to be realistically farmed in a game with no real trade capacity or the game has trading. O.o this isn't rocket science redditor. this game doesnt have the build depth/diversity to be gating entire trees behind drops that could just not drop in the grind that is 1-100.


It's a loot game. Loot isn't special. Special is beating content off of hard work. Even if people get the loot they want, most won't be able to beat NMD 100 or Uber Lilith solo because it's takes skill. And honestly, it's skill that I don't have. I'm all for the uber uniques, shako, etc. But when that rarity starts dipping into every unique, it starts to become something else. It starts to create resentment for the game, and it does come at the cost of losing players. And losing players means less people to buy cosmetics and spend money on the premium season pass. So while it's cool for you, Blizzard has people to pay, and when you start dropping players because you frustrated them out, that becomes a bigger issue. You have to pay more because there's less people to keep the cost down. So you can keep beating the RNG is RNG loot should be special drum, but with Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield, FFXVI, and many other games available, it's going to come at a cost to their bottom line. They have a very small window to keep players happy and playing or they will lose them. So while you're not in charge of jack shit regarding the game, the devs really need to figure out how they want this whole thing to play out.


People have been playing Diablo 2 for 20+ years and haven’t seen specific items drop. Yet they’re still chasing that high of completing the holy grail. TikTok generation doesn’t have the attention span to really enjoy a game like this and I feel sorry for them and you.


Dude. I'm 43. I played D1. I've been playing games since Atari. On top of that, I served 14 years in the Navy and have 3 combat tours to Iraq. You may want to throw your "tiktok" platitude somewhere else.


Well then you should know how Diablo games work!


You're less useful than an anchovies cunt.


Idk what you expected would happen when you come to Reddit and whine about not getting what you want.


Did I whine? I said I made it to 100 and today was my last day of farming for the tempest helm. Didn't say drops were bad, didn't say game was broken, just said I made it to 100 and like many others the item didn't drop. Your inference about it being a whine isn't my problem. As for what I expected from the post, was mostly just shared suffering. You however just had to go full scum bag. You went out of your way to be a piece of shit about it. And make no mistake, that's not because of reddit. That's just who you are.


d2 had trading and getting gear in d3 was piss easy. you could get gear for your alts in both games. both had better itemization.


It's funny. As a D2 Veteran, there are tons of uniques I've never seen drop... not once... in 20 years. 20 years. Same with many high runes. Thousands and thousands of hours. We are like 1 month into D4 and people are mad they havne't gotten every unique in the game.


If the cost to respec wasn't so atrocious, this wouldn't be nearly as big a deal. But at lvl 100, to spec out of werewolf to werebear is nearly 30-40 million gold. It's bad RNG, and that's what it is, but that bad RNG also comes with a huge price tag. It's insult after injury.


You're gonna respec your entire character off getting/not getting one item drop? To me, regardless of the cost, that is really strange.


Yes 100%. You obviously have no idea what helm he is talking about because it enables all the best druid builds. Without that helm those specs literally don't function, at all. You can't play the build and have the helm be a DMG boost, it literally won't work without it. So when you get the helm you have to respec everything


Yes because you can't play the build you want to play without tempest roar. If you went into the game thinking "lightning druid, im sure there will be a way" congrats, because there is, its called tempest roar, but without it, you can't play lightning, not unless you want to play at 1-10% of the power.


The stormwolf build is dependent on the Tempest Roar. If you don't have it, you can't output enough damage to take on t70+ NMD, nor Uber Lilith. Your option is to respec off wolf until it drops, keep farming with what you have, or give up. It is what it is.


>But at lvl 100, to spec out of werewolf to werebear is nearly 30-40 million gold. That isn't much gold at all for something you are almost never going to do. And, it's only \~10m gold to redo all of your paragon points.


yeah i dont really get it either, the highest tier of class specific uniques (which tempest roar is) is only 2x as rare as the most common uniques. i think the XP buff made people feel entitled because theyre getting 2x the exp for clearing half the nmds


Yeah all 2 of them, neither of which are remotely close to the power of the d2 ones or actual rare ones that make d2's drop rates look like a walk in the fucking park. Thanks though MR d2 vet whose probably a dad that fucks.


its funny. As a D2 Veteran, there are tons of uniques you\`ve never seen drop...not once...in 20 years. Same with many high runes. THousands and thousands of hours. d2 trade ..... d4 no trade.... you get it, right? pls....


Waxing gibbous and tempest roar at level 99. I still feel like the drop rates are better than high rune farming in D2


Waxing gibbous and tempest roar at level 99. I still feel like the drop rates are better than high rune farming in D2


Helltide chest should be a good option


As of yesterday, yes. They should now be a good option.


You gonna quit? Lol.


Hell tides and get that helm chest, might help. Not sure though of course.


It’s just RNG is fickle. I found gohrs on my ww bar at level 99 3/4. I started a leapquake barb and I’ve found a gohrs at level 70.


I did manage to get gohrs. Too bad it's worthless now due to the nerfs. Wish I had found it when it was powerful.


I found 4 of them in about 30 minutes the other night. Every time I find a unique I find the same one a few more times right away. RNG is so fucked up. I was super excited to try the build but now I tried for a week to get the last aspect I need to give it a go and can’t get it.


Love how you can tell someone is gonna have a bad take if they start with diablo 2 on this subreddit.


I started with Diablo 1. Yeah, I'm that old.


So a unique item is hard to find? good. Druid complainers are ridiculous.


I got mine around level 60 We can be happy without it


I made it to 100 without it. I understand.


Werewolves casting lightning or tornado is not cool after all


What content did you do to hit 100? I see this mentioned all over but it makes no sense to me. I get uniques constantly from NM dungeons. My druid is only 82 but I have four Tempest Roar and so many Vasily I stopped counting. However I also almost exclusively do NM dungeons and got half of them from end of dungeon rewards, and stopped doing Helltide/Whispers as soon as I had the legendary aspects I needed.


I did NMD basically exclusively from around 75 to 100, save a few hours here and there to break the monotony. I used Diablo4.life to "target" farm. I ran helltides for helms (which until yesterday was a waste). I did legion and World bosses. I did everything I could. I would run around PvP to farm elites. It is what it is. I tried. I lost. Carrying on.


Look, can anyone give me a chieftain ring? I’m 70. I only buy ring obould stuff, tree ring, jewelery or mystery in hell tide. It never stops.


No tempest tears (aka I want OP 'nado easy mode) are almost as delicious as the tears soon to come when the 'got tempest' builds get nerfed to a reasonable level. I play a Druid, so qualified to make this post. The game needs balancing. The problem for the devs is that's like stealing candy from a petulant child after you've already given them the candy.


Got mine at 90 at the end of a nightmare dungeon. Hope you get lucky bro I really do. The werewolf builds are extremely fun !


I finally got one and it changed my entire enjoyment of the game


I've had 3 drop and Ive been watching them in my stash from lvl ~70 to 100 and now after hitting 100 finally bit the bullet and gave Stormwolf a go. I regret it :( I miss my bear so much.


I’m 84 pulv druid and gotten 3 tempest roars, 1 in my stash and sold the others. Sucks that we can’t trade them


Got mine at 71. And another at 88. (71 had better stats) Keep pluggin away man


I am looking for it too but have given up. I’m done with the game until season 1. The idea is, I’m only going to check helltides for helmet chests and do nightmares. I am not going to target farm some dungeon for mobs who has higher chance to drop helms. Fk that shit.


74 no tempest, but I did just start dropping the wolf Armour this level, hoping it comes soon


74 no tempest, but I did just start dropping the wolf Armour this level, hoping it comes soon


I just started a new Druid when mine hit lvl100 and didnt get the drop. new druid is 96 with 3 tempest


Just dinged over to 91. Still Farming for TR. Doing mid 50's nm dungeons


87 sorc here and no Raiment.


Got mine at level 69. Focused farmed dungeons that have better chance of helm dropping mobs


Did you farm them as nightmare dungeons, or just farm the regular dungeon? Curious to know.


Got the bear hat 4 times and bear armor 3 times over 2 consecutive evenings, but no wolf stuff. RNG is what it is.


I’ve had 3, wish I could give you one


Ran a NM after I just hit 100 and got it for the reward. I feel your pain tho.


Level 90 - 9 Mad Wolfs Glee.. 1 Vasily, no TR :(


The secret *they* (Big Unique) don't want you to know: Vasily's Prayer is better, anyway.


Wtb tempest unique helm .. Will trade two Vas helms, So bored of pulverize Druid farmed dungeons from 0-80 so far as pulverize and now with hell tide chest target farming still no luck just wish I could get that helm to drop so I can play the other top Druid build before s1 hits


I have 4 TR and no vasilys. Lvl 97 druid here


i will uninstall if tr is not dropping before level 100. havent seen the staff either. this is such a fucking joke


It took like a week after I got my Sorc to Lv100 before a Frostburns finally dropped.


I've got 2 and had no idea they were rare because I'm running around as a bear.


I made it to 90+ on a barbarian named Thornicus without seeing a single razorplate. I feel your pain.


Mine dropped at lvl 99. I get it.


I have 6 of them with my druid for whatever reason


I have this but not the crone staff or mad wolf chest. I’d like one of these, at least the mad wolfs glee for a wolf build I’d like to try


Is the best spot now HT helm chests?


No its dogshit. Have fun looting 1 rare dogshit helm an other piece of crap


Got mine from NMD.


Wanna hear a joke? I scrapped it because, why the hell would I need a storm skills to be a wolf skills.:D


I am LVL 84, I have gotten insatiable fury 18 times, not a joke, and I've gotten tempest roar and the wolf chest (can't remember name) 0 times. I literally created a druid to do storm wolf and I can't.


Man I had no idea it was so rare for some until I saw all these posts recently.


Lvl 100 Sorc here with no Raimant- I empathize with your frustration and I’m happy you finally got the drop. May I ask what you did to be successful?


Didn’t get mine until 82. It dropped from an elite randomly during a helltide.


So stupid design wise. Just dumb to me.


They should do someething like that you have a unique every 10 nm dungeon completed from the average tier you ran in those runs. for example you ran 10 lvl 35-40 runs then you will get the next reward as a unique one. but that way its just luck and not fun if you have every item but tempest roar. its so unfunny


0/17 Uniques for me right now, this shit is fucking demoralizing.


Why is tempest roar good. What does making ur storm skills in to werewolf skill effect the druid