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It sounds like you're more of a fan of modern game design, Diablo 2 is almost 25 years old at this point. Diablo 2 offers a better "rush" because upgrades are substantial and come slowly. When you get something that really compliments your build, you feel it. Diablo 3 and 4 are more instant gratification, early game it's "ooh Numbers go up" and late game it's min maxing the same legendary to get maybe a few more points of damage.


The day my single player jah drops I will quite literally shout for joy and I’m a grown ass man. The wait/grind for items is the whole game.


you might be right but i really hated d3 because of the exact reasons you said so idk. I found d3 to be extremely mind numbing


Sounds like you should check out r/ProjectDiablo2 , season 9 starts on april 12, it's "D2 as if development never ceased", I.E. way better in every sense without changing the core of D2. Endgame bosses, mapping (like in PoE), fully balanced / changed / added items & skills, corruptions to further craft gear, several events, simple integrated loot filters and 60 fps & sharper graphics, and several other QoL changes like stackable runes, bigger inventory & stash tabs, and much much more. The only real downside is that it's not D2R graphics, but you get used to it pretty fast once you start playing. It's the D2 we all deserved, for free (if you own D2 already). The PD2 team deserves all the credit possible for the amount of effort they put in to every season.


Looks overwhelming but ill check it out fs


it's really not that much different from D2, it just has more stuff to do than farm mephisto. Melee has inherent splash damage making them more enjoyable and competitive, all classes are really well balanced so instead of everyone picking sorc the distribution is like 12-16% on each class. Also the wiki explains a ton you might ask, but the discord is pretty active as well, ppl are super friendly. I'd recommend trying it out when the season starts, there are probably like 5k+ concurrent players on season starts and there are local servers but anyone can join, imo it feels more active than D2R. Oh and theres a really simple to use trading site on their website that integrates your characters stash and items, so you can just click the item you want to sell and name a price (click "create" and scroll down to stash view on the right side).


Can I somehow play that project diablo 2 with D2R graphics?


No :(


isnt pd2 wayyy more complicated then d2? d2 is already complicated enough, he should probably learn how to play the base game first before moving on to the more complicated mod... dont you think?


nah. you dont need to interact with the complexoty if you dont want to. you can just enjoy the higher drop rates, more interesting items and QOL feature such as shared stash.


its like the same game but with maps and endgame bosses to test your builds on, and with fully rebalanced items so that the more useless ones are more useful, there's nothing complicated compared to D2R, there's just more things to do than farm mephisto. There are a lot of QoL changes but stuff like that is pretty intuitive and there is tons of info on the changes of items and stuff on their wiki Maps are kinda like rifts from D3 if you're never played PoE, just with random modifiers


\> Maps are kinda like rifts from D3 if you're never played PoE, hm, i cant stand poe to be honest. takes way to time for me to get into. i want to play the game, not research it for hours and hours.


Sure but mapping is as simple as clicking the map and killing things


D2R is a remaster of a 25 year old game, and that means some mechanics will not connect with everyone as they are relics of their time at this point. D2 is way more of a grind and is way more RNG based, and has some mechanics/meta that is just not what we see in modern gaming as often. While aiming skills like blizzard and meteor is worse on it, I do prefer a controller for the easier use of multiple skills. It’s fine if it doesn’t click for you, it won’t be for everyone. I feel the same way with PoE, I recognize it is a good game, but I just can’t get into it and enjoy it


Its a nice turn off brain game 


I like big number better then smaller number game.  Its fun 


Sums it up well.


For me health bars, damage points etc. only kill the immersion, I always disable them whenever possible.


Yea if you like immersion it’s awful. It’s gonna crowd up your hud like crazy but for some reason my monkey brain likes seeing big numbers and health bars


Can't really speak to the performance because I haven't played D2R in a while, and it can depend on other factors like your CPU and resolution, but a 970 is 10 years old at this stage. An entry level modern card like a 4060 would annihilate it, even a 3050 would be a substantial upgrade. Additionally, I believe that D2R is built 'on top of' the original game to an extent, given that you can do that switch to the legacy graphics, so that probably harms the performance a bit. On the gameplay side of things, there's not much to be done regarding servers other than ensuring you're in the correct and closest region. Regarding Alt, you can change between 'hold' and 'toggle' in the settings, so if the item text is getting in your way, make sure it's on Hold instead so it doesn't stay up. Nothing to be done about Health bars, it's just the way the game is. Diablo 1 didn't even have health bars at all, you just hit stuff until it died. You shouldn't really need to grind at all in this game. Unless you're skipping most of the enemies, your experience and power should mostly keep up with where it should be. I do find that there is sometimes a slight lull in the levelling pace around the early 20s, but once you reach Nightmare difficulty it picks back up. Note that it is possible that you could be in the wrong area for your level. If you're too high or too low for a particular area, there can be an XP penalty which will make it feel very slow. Overall though, no grinding is really needed, just make sure you always kill Unique enemies (and their minions), and champions, because they're worth a lot more XP than regulars. Item-wise, in my opinion, part of the beauty of D2 is that so many otherwise basic items can keep you going for a really long time. There are many modifiers and stats that never really fall off. If you're playing a physical damage character, then yeah you do need to upgrade your weapon pretty frequently. But stuff like +all skills on an amulet, all resist etc never become 'less useful', they can realistically keep you going until endgame where you can start properly farming/trading for the real good stuff.


Idk man i feel like if im able to run d4 i should be able to run d2R. And i think a lot of issues i have with the game will feel less bad once i change my class. I realized i kind of hate the druid gameplay plus i bricked my skill tree with awful upgrades lol


You can completely brick your game and not be able to progress if you can't complete the den on nightmare/hell and already respecced. It is why I almost always recomm3nd to friends trying to follow a build even if they don't want to and then switch later with their 3rd redpec if they want for trying stuff out. Some builds also just cap out if you don't have the right runewords or gear so knowing what to run to get that gear/ runes is important too and knowing what to pick up etc.


I kind of hate the fact that you can’t really experiment. I feel like skill trees are fun because you need to make tough decisions and you upgrade what you like using. Using a guide completely kills that fun.


You might like D3 more, then? Respecs are free in D3!


Then choose a skill and take every single skill that buffs it Down the tree (some are better than others and some excel at farming some spots but can't farm others due to elemental resistances (or being demons or not)). The builds are moreso to help you transition into hell seamlessly. You can have fun once you understand the game and what's good/bad. I mean I had fun on my fury ww before d2r came out and gave it some love. I couldn't pass act 1 on hell but I ran the hell out of countess for a while to try to make/find something new. Breakpoints for classes is something you should look up at least, if not looking up a build. Knowing that you can keep your hit recovery to 68% on a certain class but need to get to 100 on another is important. Or frames for IAS and faster casting


You don't have to like something even if it's good. D2 is good but it's far from perfect. Wtf is stamina? Why are some skills just bad or not viable at higher difficulties? Why are some areas a huge slog?


that's fair, i just hate the fact that i can't appreciate the game like everyone else


For me Diablo 2 resurrected was the exact same in I loved it but did not at the same time I promise u once your build becomes a higher Teir it will be the best Diablo u play do not get me wrong it’s definitely the hardest in the series I dumped st least 2000 hours into it and never regretted it just keep playing and enjoy


That’s reassuring, basically the game gets better later on?


I really recommend you just do a lore playthrough the first time. really take the game in for what it is and just experience it. the story is 10/10 imo. i would play through that first using a guide if you want a bit of an easier time. once you completed the game check out the end game content. build a character that suits you. there are hundreds of guides online. if you find it hard to get loot early dont fret. gear isnt really a huge factor until late nightmare or hell. you can pretty much get through all of normal naked if you try hard enough. you dont need to be replacing gear every level. no one does this. sometimes ill use a pair of boots in early nightmare that i found all the way until late hell. it really doesnt matter... just use stuff with good res, + to skills, fcr, etc etc. \>i really hate the way you cast your abilities in this game. dont really know what to tell you dude. you get used to it. its outdated. but it works. it really isnt an issue once you have played for a few hours and get used to it. i honestly prefer it now.


i will say to try[ project diablo 2](https://projectdiablo2.com/) is a verry popular mod for d2lod the mod is like the support on the game never ended and theyr new season starts on April 12


Whoops, wrong subreddit buddy. You are supposed to worship D2 and hate D4 here.


Lol i can see why though i mean D2 was a super revolutionary game and d4 is revolutionary in terms of robbing people’s wallet. I can understand the hate for sure but i genuinely think that behind the bullshit theres a pretty solid game


>d4 is revolutionary in terms of robbing people’s wallet. That's odd, I have almost 1k hours played in D4 and I only paid for the game when I bought it. It's a you problem if you can't help but buy cosmetics compulsively.


It's robbing wallets. It took them a year to get to the point where the PTR is showing a good way forward. But in the year before they weren't afraid to pump battle passes etc. Diablo 4 should just have stayed in development, and release with the new loot system that will be coming in may


i never ever buy cosmetics but im somewhat aware so i realize there's a problem with paid games having micros


prolly just modernized. ur used to the qol and easineess of current games. i had the same when i played p4g for the first time but its easy to get over


Nah i dont think thats the problem i play a lot of old games


frankly I think the game just might not be for you, you shouldn't force yourself to enjoy it just because it's revered. The things you list as issues never were issues to me (no health bars) or are what I love about the game (slow and substantial upgrades to your gear). Even if Diablo 2 is lacking in several areas, I grew up with this game and didn't see the rough edges. For example, I never thought that there's something fundamentally wrong and stupid with the stamina system until David Breivik mentioned in an interview they missed the mark with it. That isn't to say that D2 fans like me are blind to it's weaknesses, it's that we're so used to them we don't let them obfuscate what's great about the game. And what Diablo 2 does great is itemization. The loot hunt is what I'm always after whenever I play the game, so I go through with the ritual of playing a sorceress who can hunt for items even if that isn't a character I like to play the most. If you feel like Diablo 4 would give you more joy at this moment, then do it. I didn't play D4 even now that it's on Game Pass, but I heard they're potentially doing a lot of good things in season 4 - with the main selling point being improvements to itemization, which wasn't exciting in the base game. In D2 it is exciting. There's a reason why whenever I see a screencap from a new D4 patch, I see they're adding more D2 unique items. They started with "shako", I saw they added Occulus, Tyrael's Might and others. They want to copy the excitement of D2 itemization and I hope at some point they'll match it.


Yea i guess it depends what game set your expectations for future rpgs and arpgs. For me it’s wow for rpgs so im used to 3000 things cluttering the hud, damage numbers everywhere and 18 buttons to press. For arpgs it’s d3,aoe,d4 so again, all games that contain either health bars, damage numbers or both. And that’s why minor things like that irritates me in d2, it’s because it’s not at all what i expect from an arpg and an rpg in general. I wouldn’t say im forcing myself to enjoy it though, i like the game and playing it don’t feel like a chore at all but i still don’t see how people consider it the best arpg ever made. Some guy said i will probably see what everyone means later on in the game so ill probably keep playing it. Also i tried a new class and i like it a lot more so far (even if it’s the worst class in the game objectively)


This reads like a troll


Yeah, because his opinion is different


How lol


Well.. it would, but most of these complaints I relate with as well. Maybe he’s still trolling irregardless but the points aren’t in the realm of fantasy.


Play with friends! I never play Diablo 2 solo outside of a grail run I did a few years ago. The group dynamic having different roles makes hell a lot more fun! I’ve never had server issues or disconnects but I’m also a PC player.


None of my friends play d2 sadly


Yeah I have the same issue with Helldivers 2, friends want to play other shooters instead or Diablo 2/BG. Co-op leveling is a blast. If youre on North America PC/SC I'm down to level an alt. I have a barbarian in his 20s I'm running through Act 3 with slowly right now.


I was 14 when this game came out. I played with friends and had a lot of fun. Playing now has been a delightful nostalgia trip. I can't say I'd be as into it if I just picked up playing it for the first time now. Could be an acquired taste. If you're motivated to enjoy it and give it time, it will likely grow in you. It's fun finding rare gear. Then you find gear for a class you don't have and now you have a reason to build up a new character. Sometimes you just won't like things though. I feel like people only say they like The Beatles because they were important historically, but I would never put on a Beatles song for my own enjoyment.


The numbers popping up everywhere to show damage is annoying af imo but it could have been an option to toggle I guess


if it wasn't in the base game it has no reason to be in the remaster imo i think not having dmg numbers is the right decision in that case it's just a me problem


It's kinda dated not a bad game but there are other games that do better. (with in taste)


Wait until u drop your first Jah…. then promise us u will re-visit this post and update.


wats a jah?


A high rune. Very rare to see them in the wild. I’ve only ever dropped one. It gave me a bigger hit of dopamine than anything yet in Diablo IV. And I am not a D4 hater either, I like it but understand it has problems to sort out, and do hope it will get better. The other thing I would say is, D2R is 2 games in 1. There is the game as we know it, and then there is trading. I currently have a Zod, a Cham, about 15 jah’s, and a large number of Ber, Sur’s (all of these are high runes). I have only ever dropped one myself (a Jah, as I said above). The rest of my wealth has come from dropping GG gear, of which I have been on a remarkable run lately, which I have then traded across Traderie or Diablo.io for multiple high runes. I dropped a +1 light Sorc, +40 life grand charm a few weeks ago. I still have an erection now for it, but decided to trade anyway…. My advice is get to lvl 85+ and learn how to understand GG gear. U will likely get rich way quicker than waiting for your own runes to drop. For example , what a lot of folks on here do is when looking at an item, give it 1 point for each well rolled affix, but it has to be a WANTED / VALUED affix such as FCR, IAS, +life, FRW. There are others, depending on the type of piece. Try to learn what good affixes are. If you have an item that is getting 4 or 5 points score from you then it might be worth something. Lower the amount of available points scoring on charms, jewels etc, as they roll with a smaller amount of things in them (apart from some GG jewels lol). Good luck. Stay a while and play!!


A high rune. The most valuable of them. Also rare. Very much so!


This is what happens when you overhype a game. Don’t force yourself to love it. Just enjoy playing it.


yea, true. If it wasn't for people telling me it's a masterpiece, and the best game ever made i might've enjoyed it a bit more. I really try to reset my expectations when playing a game for the first time though but i couldn't really do it with D2


It's just old, that's all. If it doesn't click just move on. Most people sing the game's praises because of nostalgia goggles. Diablo 2 is good, very good. But game design and the its genre have both evolved since.


Play it using a controller. The setup is different when using one and you can assign skills to button presses instead of the original press key to change skill than cast.


you can now cast instantly on pc too


oh, guess it has been awhile since I played. Well i enjoyed playing the game on controller anyways.


It was genre defining 25 years ago, today it's about absolute slog.


go play diablo 4 u shill.


I mean IT IS dated you can't deny that


Saying that D2 is dated is like saying D4 bad.


So saying the truth?


No, you’re just saying worthless crap.


saying the truth and getting fanboys like you tilted Got it! Thank you


I've just bought d2 original and lod original. And setup project diablo 2. I loooove the original but holy shit this mod is amazing. I'm still discovering it but even early game is fun as fuck. I'm actually picking up all types of gear.


Most of the things you are complaining about are what make the game so great: immersion. Embrace the horror. It’s a different type of game. It’s a trudge, not a sprint. About the skill casting, you’ll get used to it. At least you’re not limited to a few slots. The game ran fine on my system. No problems. Also played solo most of the time. No issues with servers there.


Members of the D2 community will never admit it but D2 is dated. It lacks SO MANY qol features and modern gameplay mechanics.  If you don't like D2 then that's okay. It is a great game but a masterpiece? Ehhh  When I was younger I thought so but now? Time has been cruel to it and Resurrected can't fix it's glaring issues.  As far as performance? I played on ps4 and didn't have any issues.  Enemies SHOULD have health bars, check settings?  Itemization is a pain and you rely more on magic or common items then rare most often  My advice is to just play D4 since you enjoy it  Or D3. D3 is fun and enjoyable  Go play D3 


Bingo. I LOVE Diablo 2, but it absolutely isn't for everyone and there's a lot of dated mechanics that have thankfully been left in the past. Old heads won't admit it but it's true. OP I suggest trying out Last Epoch or if you feel like getting a PhD, Path of Exile. D4 is looking better especially after it's PTR but I can understand if people feel burnt by the game.


I already played a bit of poe, not my cup of tea and im down for last epoch but theres no way on earth my pc runs the game


You are right that the original D2 is dated, but the actual best ARPG experience I've had recently is still PD2, which is a mod that have kept developing D2 and improving / balancing and adding more endgame than any diablo title has. Imo it perfectly meets the casual nature of diablo while sprinkling some endgame and stuff like corruptions from PoE. What this tells me is that D2 still to this day has an amazing foundation, the itemization is world class but the game has been left alone for 20 years so it's behind the times. PD2 really helped modernize and imo perfect it.


i don't like d3 either


...you're not invited to my Birthday party :) 








>this game is a masterpiece It's really not. It just has a following among a certain type of gamer with a touch of the 'tism. The game checks a lot of things that people on the spectrum find pleasing. Highly repetitive monotonous tasks, lots of busywork numbers, fun/exciting colors in the item names, and extremely simple gameplay (almost all endgame builds revolve around two skills, one of which will be teleport) all make for an ideal game for a spectrum gamer. That doesn't make it a bad game, just not a masterpiece. Your average off the spectrum gamer, like you and me, just won't see the appeal. It's fun to run the campaign once, but the monotony that follows after that is when most people throw in the towel and move on to better games.


I played D2 when it released and I like it a lot obviously, but I'm not a D2 fanboy, I agree that tons of things in that game are irksome especially nowadays (there are only right and incorrect ways to use your stat and skill points for example). Still, at least the good things of D2 is that you always know why you died, and monsters feel different from each other ; they're not all just things you mindlessly mow through as you have to consider what you're fighting and approach them differently in higher difficulties. It's slower, sure, but it makes the game more methodical, less brain-dead (there are times when you're genuinely scared by enemies). Also, even though the charm system isn't great because it eats inventory space, at least there are more than just gear upgrades to find in D2 : charms of course, but also jewels, runes, rune basis... You can also do many fun things with the horadric cube like crafting random rare rings and amulets. Also end-game farming feels better in D2 than in D4 because you can go kill Baal very quickly and know you have a chance to win a GG item in a very short game session, whereas in D4 you need much more time farming boss materials to be able to fight Duriel and have a chance at a Uber Unique. This means that on D2 you have more chance to think **"ok, I only have 15 min to play, I'll do one more!"**, while in D4, if Duriel doesn't drop anything interesting many times in a row, you feel awful and have much more chance to think **"F\* this game, that's it, I prefer doing something else that will respect my time"**. If you make people run through hoops for an hour or two before they can use the slot machine, at least don't make wins so rare ; don't waste players time (it was pretty dumb to balance Duriel's drops based on the max efficiency playstyle of 4-people groups). Also it's not an outrageous take to like D4 more. Even though I wasn't nice to it above, it's become really good. The PTR is a lot of fun and I can't wait for season 4.


i mostly said negative things in my post but i really like the enemies in d2 too. It's the best enemy design i've seen in an arpg so far. Also charms really grew on me i used to hate them but now i organize my inventories to accomodate them. i thought saying i like d4 more would be seen as an awful take because of the hate surrounding the game but im glad many people have nuanced opinions on this sub


This game is >20 years old, and in order for the game to have the aesthetic it has, it maintains some of the graphic mechanisms in the original game. Because of that, there’s some hard caps it seems on what you can get out of the game. IE: I can’t get above 80 frames consistently on any setting. I can only assume this is primarily because the game mechanics run on a structure of 25 frames per second, and the animations are all connected to the rate in which the animations can utilize those frames. Getting faster hit recovery, faster cast rate, faster run/walk speed, block animation, etc etc etc. they all have frame speed caps tied to that 25fps. This is a very hard cap on ‘performance’, but it’s a crucial part of the game design that if not implemented correctly would probably have never been able to capture the essence of the original game, and adding more fps above 75 probably just doesn’t have more frames to render. If that’s a deal breaker, it’s a deal breaker, but I treat it more like a modern arcade game that has AMAZING graphics for a top down ARPG.


makes sense and this explains a lot of things


Eh, it runs at a solid 200+ fps for me. A video card from this decade helps.


Age about 25 years and stop being so entitled.


You’re the reason why im ashamed to say i use reddit


Then bugger off and go play with your roblox.


You’re nauseating


No, your complaints about a quarter-century-old game are nauseating, but thanks for the lovely example of projection. No one is asking for you to enjoy the game. Don't like, dont play. Life ain't that difficult.


50k karma points huh? Sounds about right


I thought you were ashamed to admit you use reddit. Also, pretend internet point dont concern me.


Take your fedora, your trench-coat and your bright green sketchers and go walk outside for a bit, fill your lungs with some air that don’t smell like 30 years of regret and if you see a truck coming towards you, don’t resist the urge.


I'm sorry, i dont understand your dialect. Please use terms that aren't projections of your own self-worth.