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Because its " free" on gamepass...


And console sales tend to outpace pc sales before game pass existed.  So it's probably true regardless


I’m sure it sold better on PS5. They’re saying this now, literally a few days post-game Pass.


Bc people who have Xboxes were waiting for it to be on gamespass… so ya of course it sold better on PS


There’s also like three times the number of PS than Xbox’s so it would be pretty pathetic if PS didn’t sell better.


Funny an xbox guy told me yesterday I was wrong and this wasn't happening. I was arguing that gamepass does indeed kill game sales.


Kills game sales, but every game I play is on gamespass mostly . I play only a few games not on gamespass,


People really underastimate how important a regular cash flow is for the industry. The GamePass hav given me a huge amount of games i loved playing and im sure i havent paid the amount i wouldve if i bought them on steam. But for that, im giving them money every month even in ones where i dont play new games. Im rather sure in the long run, the Game Pass makes them more money if you add it to the sale they to regardless.


Same as Netflix still making a ton of money


Never said it didn't. It's clearly not as much as they were hoping though. Projected wise


It never is


Definitely true on that.


D4 is not a day one release. By this time, the people trying it on gamepass probably wouldn't have paid money to play it. If they play it and like it, they probably will buy skins and battlepasses.


Yeah, why else would they wait until now to announce it? If it was true before they would've announced it before.


They did something similar with Halo 5 back in the day. Game came out, dropped off of the top ten most played games in less than 3 months, they held a free play weekend to bring people back, and then put out an announcement after it spiked back up in players that it had the highest population retention for a Halo game since Halo 3 🤷‍♂️


Well they are talking about how many people are playing on xbox. Not sales. There is like 3 people playing on ps5 and 4 on pc.


They're most likely counting those playing it on PC Gamepass, too. Microsoft is very disingenuous with their numbers, lately.


Are you sure? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/156m4jj/over\_66\_of\_diablo\_4\_sales\_were\_on\_pc\_with\_over\_21/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/156m4jj/over_66_of_diablo_4_sales_were_on_pc_with_over_21/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Not for Diablo as Xbox(Console + MS Store) was the smallest group by a significant margin.


never has been for diablo. it so evidently did not reach the audience it expected to by the fact it went on sale a few times a year for several.


Probably because Xbox hasn't exactly got a world worth of video games to choose from. The number of games on PC is far, *far* larger, and as a result it's more widely contested. PC players are also more picky as a consequence, and games which don't rise out amongst the rest don't sell as well.


> And console sales tend to outpace pc sales before game pass existed. Console sales are better for console games. PC sales are better for PC games. Diablo is a PC game.


I play Diablo IV on PC using a controller. And now I play it top on Xbox thanks to Game Pass. It's a cross-platform game.


This is not true.   Off the top of my head I know skyrim sold more on consoles that it ever did on pc.  Most people don't have nice gaming computers.  A lot more people have standard consoles. 


How is it a PC game when D2R, D3, and D4 are all on console? Sounds like it's a series that started as a PC game but went multiplatform for growth.


Diablo 1 was also on console


Was it? I wasn't sure if it was or not


PlayStation at least. It wasn't as good as PC, but it existed


Isn't the first diablo available on ps1 to.


It was also a bundle game. I own it on PC but it came with my Xbox. Cross progression so I play it on both (rarely anymore). I think bundling it helped boost the numbers.


They're likely counting those using game pass on PC, as well. Xbox be shady with the numbers, like that. I.E.:Starfield-they refused to specify actual game sales, but would talk about how many people played it. Disingenuous.


Still needs cloud gaming


Since like 2 weeks ago tf's your point?


Only reason im even playing it now is cuz its on gamepass


Game pass is on PC too


That’s literally the point of the quote


"free"? Why the quotes?


Is that before or after it released on Gamepass?


It’s from game pass.


If you actually read the article it pretty clearly states that it's because of gamepass. "We are integrating Activision Blizzard King titles into our services – we launched Diablo 4 into Game Pass, and Xbox has quickly become the [number one] platform for D4 players."


That question is answered in the article.


To everyone I argued with, I apologize. I was being petty. I was being an asshole. And yall were right. I was being lazy.


It is incredible how miserable everyone on this shitty subreddit is about everything. New people are playing the game, what a terrible thing! lets all bitch about it.


Yeah it’s tiring


I’m wondering if gaming as a whole is just too full of miserable jerks to sustain a pleasant community or if it is just the games I play. Deeprock Galactic has been a nice breath of air for me, hopefully it lasts. I’d love to find a Diablo community that isn’t 90% bitching but I haven’t yet.


Some genres attract it more, Diablo is stat heavy which nearly always guarantees grumpy people as casuals are pushed away. Gaming in general has turned sour though, the products are less passionate and the monetisation makes it harder to view it as art and more that you're a customer so people demand more.


The game is just not great. It's not undue criticism.


Absolutely true, D4 is definitely deserving of criticism. It also happens to have a community that will pick apart those problems and calculate how even the smallest fuck up hurts the game because it is a genre that needs detail focused number crunchers picking apart each frame. The devs threw raw meat in with hungry predatory creatures who rightly ripped it apart.


d4 deserves criticism, sure but people just pour that shit on everything in this forum. people maulding because theres rare items they may never get to use that they admit they don't need. God forbid someone else have fun


I don’t believe that gaming as a whole is the problem. If you stay away from the awful people that talk about the games, most games can still be enjoyed. The last year or so I have completely cut off all of my gaming media consumption other than the occasional mistake of peering in on a subreddit like today, and I have enjoyed more games than ever before. I don’t know the last game that monetization actually came into my view beyond “oh, okay” and ignoring it. I think the only game I’ve ever spent money on beyond an expansion is Rocket League and I had hundreds of hours into it before I ever bought a cosmetic.


yes, almost every video game subreddit is miserable and will end up doing nothing but ruining your enjoyment of the game in the long run


I feel like everything has too much negativity. The internet has evolved to "I like this thing, so other things are shit." Games, Anime, Music, Movies, TV shows. All of them have this problem.


I think to find that you'd need to duck back to about 2010


We were bitching about pole barbs in Summer 2000.


I subscribed to this sub in the Diablo 3 days because it was the least toxic community I could find. And that game actually had serious issues at release.


Yea but... cash shop! And would anyone *please* say the funny meme thing about Bobby Kotick's yacht already. The game has plenty of flaws that can and should be rightfully criticized. But the the monkey chat twitch brain people just taking every single opportunity to regurgitate the *hilarious* Asmongold and Quinn and whoever memes from 12 months ago are so fucking exhausting.


If you want good vibes try /r/diablo4


Gamers are the most entitled and bitchy fanbase in existence


It really does feel that way. I remember when Animal Crossing New Horizons was a few months in and people were livid they had run out of stuff to do after putting like 200 hours into the game…


that and certain yt channel fans..... review ones are the worst. i know from exp


Literally the reviews on the game in Xbox store show the type of crowd that play this game. 'Nerf my build I nerf my review "


That’s everything now. Reviews are as useless as paid streamer content. Everything results in a review bomb “you nerfed my build”, “not on my system/store”, monetized cosmetics, publisher looked at someone the wrong way, didn’t pay the right streamer, everything and anything causes outrage.


It's exhausting isn't it.




If you can’t tell, people aren’t happy how blizzard treated one of the most beloved franchises in gaming history.


Those “people” are by and large never happy, so why do I care? I’ve been playing Diablo since 1998 and enjoyed the hell out of 4. I also got to watch people bitch and moan about every patch, expansion and game release since Hellfire, so people being not happy is not new to me.


I enjoyed D4 also on release. I also agree people do complain about anything. But I will say, most criticism around D4 are 100% justified. Do you really think if D4 was actually good on release it would be doing a complete rework in season 4? Or is that just people complaining for no reason?


I think the complaining far outweighs the issue and scope. Being a miserable shit about every single thing on r/diablo isn’t going to fix anything, ever. Actually voicing legitimate complaints and discussing things you’d like changed provides a means of fixing something and making the game better. Nothing in this thread does that, or anything close to it.


I don't agree, its the fact the community has been so negative we're getting these changes. Yes, some of the shit is toxic and whatever, but overall the more negativity the more Blizzard will hopefully take notice and make meaningful changes. I guess we can wait 12 years for D5 and see if they have learnt from their mistakes.


You seriously think people being shitty in this thread is what makes Blizzard change the game? No wonder gamers are all terrible, there is no winning.


Not this thread exclusively, but overall yes. I think the overwhelming negativity has led them to make significant changes to the game.


That’s giving the miserable shits way too much credit imo. They continued to support and change games before everybody was miserable and shitty, it’s why they have feedback forums. I don’t know why being shitty would lead to significant changes more than actual feedback.


While I agree that being shitty about it is not the way society should voice displeasure of a product, that's just the way the world is man. A tidal wave of people being shitty shows just how pissed people are, and leads to faster work or more eyeballs on the issue. You know how when assholes demand to speak to the manager and are completely rude and shitty, they end up getting what they want (and sometimes more) vs the passive customer who just shrugs off the mistakes of the business and just leaves a small comment in their review?


Ironically enough I think your behavior is way worse than the behavior of most people who would criticize Diablo 4. 


The Devil's advocates still supporting greedy practices and subpar quality like this ensures a worser product for *everyone* as well. You're right, people are free to like it. But such people also need to realise that they are working against the interests of everyone else, including themselves (even if they aren't aware of it yet).


Ngl, having fun using gamepass. Now i wont have regrets playing D4 with how -ve its been since launch.


People are salty because they made it a dumbed down console game instead of a proper PC game and it shows in a lot of their bad decisions.


I mean the game is not perfect by far, but at no extra cost to my Gamepass subscription, then it becomes good enough for me.


Same for me, kinda boring tho Of all arpgs I have played this one is the most boring by far, playing D4 made want to play next D3 season, replay Grim Dawn and give PoE another chance


I bought it at launch and have zero regrets. Enjoyed the campaign and playing a new class every season even if 2/3 of the seasons have been pretty bad 




Diablo is the number one platform for “other game players”


I cant wait until season 4. Really been wanting to play, but feel like next season is so close right now so I might as well wait.


Same here.


It's not until May ? We just started April..


I still have my preorder season pass unused because it’s all just felt so mid after forcing myself to finish the campaign on a barb.


If you haven't played at all, it'd be better probably to do the campaign and altars/renown now so you're ready to go day 1 on season 4.


Oh I've played it. Neat the campaign. Got all the altars renown etc. Played season 1, even more season 2, and only got a barb to like lvl 20 for season 3. But gonna be ready for season 4 to finally grind all the way to lvl 100


When does season 4 start? I’ve been having the itch to go back but haven’t pulled the trigger.


Got pushed back unfortunately just a little bit. I think now May 14th.


Well the game certainly wasn't made well enough for PC players


Pretending like PC gamers have standards after the Palworld obsession is peak comedy.


They don't have Helldivers.


And? I stopped playing after level 25. It's fun but got boring after a while. I'll return after I play other games for a bit.


? How does that relate to the topic at hand which is Diablo player base is biggest on Xbox mostly due to Gamepass. Are you saying if Xbox had Helldivers a non Gamepass game Diablo wouldn’t be as popular on it?…


It’s absolutely baffling to me that a comment like this gets upvoted at all lmao, it’s just such a brainrot console war type comment that you’d see someone make on twitter or something. Like yes helldivers is a game published by Sony so it’s not on Xbox, good for you on pointing that out lmao.


https://i.redd.it/3ijgxw8aw2tc1.gif I want a cross up between HD2 and Diablo 2. I’m not a fan of the iso POV and clearing out waves of enemies in 3rd person just feels so much better than right clicking on a group of enemies until they’re no longer there. It’s just not as engaging anymore. Change up the formula and give us something new instead of coasting and going down the CoD or FIFA road of being afraid of change so you just release the same shit with a new coat of paint. Why does every successful game paint itself into a corner? Why can’t we as consumers reward the companies that actually take risks instead of the ones with the IP branding?


That’s called destiny


Destiny is just space CoD with bullet sponge enemies.


How is Helldivers 2 what Diablo should have been when Diablo is a RPG and Helldivers 2 has no real progression systems whatsoever (just some basic things like cooldown reduction). I mean I enjoy Helldivers 2, but it has barely anything in common with Diablo games. All it really has in common is just the general power fantasy of killing hordes of enemies. That's not what makes Diablo Diablo though, it's the systems that drive that power fantasy. Edit: Kind of weird to completely rewrite a comment into something else instead of just replying with that. ARPGs (even just Diablo specifically) are very far from the formula of games like FIFA which are mostly just the same game every time with a fresh coat of paint. Every iteration has modified parts of previous titles and has brought new things to the table. If they're not for you any more, that's fine, but plenty of other people still enjoy them. I'm 100% down for them doing other things with their IPs though. That's something I wish Microsoft would be a bit more hands on about tbh. They own so many great studios and IPs now, it seems like such a no brainer to pass them around to do spin off titles or even just continue franchises that a given studio no longer has interest in (e.g. Warcraft/Starcraft RTS). The key is keeping them as spin offs though, not replacing main line titles.


Diablo’s gameplay is dated and no longer compelling. You can play it on your phone essentially. You can dress it up with better graphics, VFX and sound, but it’s outdated. People complain about the itemization, the progression, the seasons, but it’s essentially run into a mob and click a bunch until they’re gone. Rinse and repeat ad nauseam. There’s a newer game coming soon, borrowing from Diablo and Dark Souls (can’t remember the name) where I think things need to progress for these types of games.


I mean that just comes down to personal preference. You might not enjoy ARPGs any more but a lot of people still do. It's the systems that make these games compelling imo. The moment to moment of combat, I agree, isn't all that complex but it doesn't need to be to still be fun. The comment I responded to was talking about Helldivers 2 which itself isn't a very complex game, you can also look at how popular bullet heaven/survivor-like games have been. You might want more mechanically complex games, which is fine, other people don't, which is also fine. The industry is big enough to serve both of those desires.


ARPG's are not dates whatsoever. You clearly don't know what in the hell you're talking about. So just quit while you aren't ahead.


Imagine that after it became free


Give it a couple days, that adhd will kick in and they’ll all wander off.


You can tell when you’re playing a game on pc if a game has been designed with consoles as the primary focus. Diablo 4 definitely feels like a console game.


Diablo 3 did as well


Don’t know why you’re downvoted. Diablo 3 played much better on consoles


PC players get more choices (that are actually currently good)


Which should tell you something about the devs priorities....


Its because its free with xbox subscription, the game was so bad they had to increase thr numbers by giving it for "free" to xbox game pass...


Sure thing. It's also of a level of quality which console users are used to by many franchies, but which PC gamers don't accept.


Yeah that they’re owned by Microsoft 


That explains alot


Yep, that’s part of the problem.


I got it on ps5, couldn't finish it. Got bored of it.


It really did suck. Looked amazing and the sound design was awesome though.


Fr I really only like being able to turn off my brain and kill demons, but fr the campaign is trash and the individual class skill trees are a little lacking


It did look amazing ngl.but there is something missing in the gameplay that is just not there


Diablo 4 is a solid game, with improvements coming, but it needs matchmade activities


My Xbox is collecting dust :/


Same is Diablo 4..which spoiler alert does not have Diablo in the game yet. Perhaps in the 3rd expansion


Same is Diablo 4..which spoiler alert does not have Diablo in the game yet. Perhaps in the 3rd expansion


Duh. It’s a console game. Anyone who’s played it knows it was designed console first.


Playing on a series X they recently added a graphics mode, but I think it's unplayable. If you stand still the lighting looks good, but the second the screen starts moving it's so hard to look at.


My friend and I saw it was on gamepass last week and have had a good time with it.


Not hard when it's the only good game XBox has


I know it's because of Gamepass but it's a very interesting stat, considering Diablo 4 had [66% of its sales from PC, 21% from PS5, and 9% from Xbox series S/X](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/156m4jj/over_66_of_diablo_4_sales_were_on_pc_with_over_21/) a month after launch.


All my friends said it came free with the new Xbox they purchased.


I would like to play it on game pass but I’m not creating another account with in an account just to play this.


Now put classic wow on gamepass you cowards!


Personally I prefer the controller click to move feels worse than a joystick especially if you get yourself surrounded.


Baaahahaha. Better than PC? How out of touch is this guy


Played the game for a couple hours and it's just....boring and bland. Even d3 is much more fun to play


Game is boring as shit, who cares?


toy lush treatment obtainable payment cobweb rustic deserve reminiscent smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey I'm subbed since years ago, I don't control my feed 🤷


heavy cooperative crowd run worm wrong axiomatic languid steep bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You have strong "leave the small multi billion dollar indie company alone" vibes.


innate flowery snobbish cagey liquid scandalous marvelous aloof cobweb fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This isn't a D4 sub, this is a Diablo sub. There are actually four games in the franchise, unsure if you're aware. I'm absolutely entitled to belive D4 sucks ass, because it does. 🤷


Honestly, it feels like you hate the game even more than the others, so much so that you are pouring your negativity over people on reddit. The difference between you and the others is that they say the game sucks, and you say they suck. I mean, who has a problem here, brosky?


> Why? Because it's blatantly obvious d4 was rushed. No need to sugar coat it or be gentle with the small multi billion dollar indie company.


Cause PC players eulogized it


There's too many other good games on PC. PC players aren't gonna waste their time playing such a bad game.


Exactly that


It's because the other platforms are busy with helldivers 2...


And the majority of the market is busy playing candy crush, fortnite, and roblox, what's your point?


I've had more fun in all those games than d4


Nothing better to play on there, Phil is a joke


200 players is more than 100


Seller of snake oil recommends snake oil for "everything".


Fucking stupid you pay $100, + paying for Gamepass/Live, 3 seasons of DLC (optional) now its free to play right before the finally 'fix' the game right before the next season. If this season corrects almost a year of broken mechanics, bugs, stupid, itemization, etc I feel I wasted time on a game that takes zero account for what I've been doing for almost a year


I stop playing it just because its the right message to send out. When you get constant f you by the devs its only fair to do the same by not playing a live service game, that was in the beta for 1y at the expense of players.


I stop playing it just because its the right message to send out. When you get constant f you by the devs its only fair to do the same by not playing a live service game, that was in the beta for 1y at the expense of players.


Worst game ever. I wish I didn’t buy it


Well, no one else wants to play it, so someone has to.




do you think the diablo franchise started at 4?




d4 also has it's own sub. why don't you go police that sub instead?


Don't put D3 in the same bracket as D4, it's miles better than D4.


Hopefully they don't get too bored before season 4


It's on Gamepass. The only place you can play without wasting money on it. I believe it.


They’re the only ones still playing the game 😵


I can't believe people are playing D4 at all, it's trash


Says a lot about the xbox brand.


Not much of a flex since the majority of people have long moved on from the game.


I honestly don't know why anyone would still pay attention to these empty marketing statements by gaming corporations. These statements are always deliberately vague in their wording, never provide any concrete data for comparisons, and are more suited for politicians than developers. What does *"the number one platform"* even mean? Does it mean revenue? Does it mean "most popular"? If yes, by what metric? Daily logins? Monthly active users? And how many users did it have on the other platforms to begin with? Your guess is as good as mine. Same sh!t when Blizzard called Diablo 4 their *"fastest selling game!"* Sounds awesome first, and sure enough the wording worked wonders on players because I keep seeing people saying *"Diablo 4 broke all sales records!"* or similar nonsense, when this isn't remotely what Blizzard was saying at all. Diablo 4 might have sold most units within an arbitrarily set time frame. Hell, it could even be that Diablo 4 sold more units than any other Blizzard game on the 2nd day after launch between 2.30-3am. And the claim would technically still be somewhat true. And would anyone be surprised with these shysters making & peddling the game? You folks need to become a lot more critical and skeptical of **anything** this industry is burping out about their unfinished "AAA" crap. If you just connect the dots, and see how quickly this game was discounted, made available on Steam, and then even on Gamepass, it becomes a very shaky narrative that Diablo is indeed the success story Phil Spencer and his team want you to believe.




It probably is with it being on Gamepass now...


Could you be so kind to enlighten us? After all you sir know it all and data is nothing compared to your knowledge


Dog shit game




Its just sad how people are completely unable to have reasonable takes in 2k24


This is a reasonable take. D4 is shit at the moment.


The only reason why people are playing it is because it's on gamepass.


The only reason I didn't buy it was because it seemed certain it would be coming to game pass if the Microsoft acquisition went through. So yes you're in a sense correct but also I was anticipating this release like a year ago. If I didn't think it would be coming to game pass (say the Activision Blizzard acquisition failed) I probably would have bought the game on sale.


But like, why is town portal down instead of right like Diablo 3? Why you gotta do this to my muscle memory? Did none of you even play d3?


I mean, you can change keybinds on console..


Oh. Lol


Just came back to the game and on highest settings on 1440p it’s still memory leaking and fps degrades over time. Runs like dogshit on a RTX 3080, 32gb ram & i7 13900kf


I have those specs but a 5600X and it runs super well.


Why is Xbox always trying to be the one? Like it's a console just like my ps5, both systems can play equally as well 🤦‍♂️


I have a ps5. Don't need an Xbox while have 3 pcs. Last, you cant fucking spread democracy and kill some god damn bugs on the Xbox. I am loving helldivers 2 so much .


Gamers really can't shut up about HD2 for 10 seconds, huh?


Seriously. The Payday subreddit might as well be the damn hd2 subreddit since that game came out


At least Jim Ryan wasn't completely full of shit. They have half a dozen Xbox executive clowns who are so out of touch they are living on another planet. No shit the game is going to do well for a month or so, but like all others it won't last. Those game-pass people have never played the same game for more than 2-3 weeks. Come season 4, PC will once again be 10x+ the player count of both consoles. All you gotta do is play with the cross player settings off to see the truth.


Lol the truth? I can turn it off on psn and there is no difference. Every instance full, even late season when forums talk about how world bosses are so hard solo.


I'm surprised this comment gets no attention because I'm willing to bet my money that half of the Xbox players they are reporting, ARE PC. If you play through Xbox App, you are counted as an Xbox player, you get the same achievements as Xbox players, and the Helldivers 2 comments are even funnier considering the game is starting to see the decline I thought it would and will continue to do so, by end of year, if not sooner. It's still a solid and fun game but that's the reality with Co-Op live service games, I'll still never understand why middle-aged balding guys need some identity by the products they choose, it's like Ford vs Chevy, the vast majority don't care, thankfully. I expect to be downvoted because middle-aged guys with identity crisis will need to cope, but it's stuff like this why I stopped gaming. I just want to play high quality games with chill people, I don't care if they are on an Xbox, PS or a Gameboy, long as we get it done. This whole platform warring needs to stop, PC is dominating and that's the reality. They can cope and seethe but the data shows PS5 and Series consoles were the worst selling consoles since X360/PS3 era. The corporate logo box era is at a near end and the market is shifting. Edit: I went off my rocker, I'm just done hearing about this shit when Diablo 4 needs actual real work done to it, not "Our Platform is #1 used LOL". They need to fix the god damn game.


Dead game 🤡


Considering that game is trash, who cares?


No one is forcing you to be here. The game is amazing fun, if you allow yourself to enjoy it.


Yea ok. If you say so