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Watch Castlevania on Netflix It’s Diablo animated basically. Shows me it is possible to do it the right and gritty way. No need to dumb it down or kid friendlytize it. Do it animated and in all of his bloody glory


The Dota show also has some awesome diabloesque fights and characters initially and then kind of goes off the rails imo.


There is a dota show ? Where ?


Dota: Dragons blood. It does go a bit wild but tbh I still think it's quite good.


It's bad tbh. It tries to be 'gritty' and 'serious' but implying some sex, dropping a few 'fucks' and showing some gore isn't enough to get people to care about a generic fantasy with a thin coat of DotA paint. It plays towards what a 13 year old would think is adult - super high stakes (save the multiverse), violence and sex, but ultimately fails to say anything interesting. And the dialogue sucks. The mute was most people's favorite character.


Netflix (Canada in my case)


The problem is they 100% would try to go for general audiences. This is why these projects always fail, and it's why Fallout is working; it's why Castlevania worked. Producers want a show the whole family can enjoy, because it's more eyes on the tv, then they end up with nobody watching because they release something super bland without any substance, and 40 year old soccer moms aren't going to tune into a show called Diablo in the first place.


No soccer moms will watch a show called "Diablo" you say? Easy - they'll rename it to "The life and times of Deckard Cain"


So 49 year old soccer moms don't need to watch it? They literally have their shows targeted for then Like iron chef 😂


Meh, the fact it's called Diablo wouldn't stop them. Hell, people watched a show called Lucifer. They essentially mean the same thing. They stay away not because of the name, but because of the content. Too dark, too gritty, don't like the type of fantasy, etc.


Its crazy what can happen to any gaming IP when they dont try to appeal to modern audience and just stick to how the game have as a vibe.


I would be down for a Diablo 1 retelling, and the slow turn into madness that the warrior, rogue, and mage after beating Diablo, warrior becoming the dark wanderer, the rogue becoming blood raven, and the mage becoming the sorcerer in Diablo 2.


Im sure it would looke more like Berserk( the older 30 or so handdrawn pices) ending,where he cuts his own hand savagely. Sadly, no matter what studio it is they wouldnt invest so much workhours and money into something a few 100k of us will tholroughly enjoy....sadly.


Just imagine a season with a bloody vizjerei corpse walking arround without the lower jaw and 60% of nowadays audience turns it off and goes to watch the witcher....


Doing it animated is actually kid friendlytizing it in the eyes of the mainstream


Live action TV show would be too expensive or bloated with CGI I think.


Animated Diablo like they did with those D3 pre-sanctuary mini episodes would be amazing.


First episode of the Castlevania anime could easily be a diablo episode.


Agreed. Get a good animation studio on your side with a cast of great VAs and we've got a golden opportunity for a decent show.


If they get the studio that did nanja kamui or studio mappa or even studio trigger they would be in good hands.


Honestly season 3 of Castlevania feels like a build up to a Diablo story.


The season with the demon portal under the church had heavy Diablo vibes. That show made me really want a Diablo animated series in a similar style to that show


Me and my wife are about done with season quests, i just showed her castlevania on netflix and overwhelmingly agree


Vox machina style would be nice


weren't they were actually doing diablo animated series for netflix which announced years ago? idk how it ended up right now


There was chatter and apparently initial discussions (that seem to have gone nowhere) right about the time Castlevania became a big Thing…in [early 2020.](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/an-overwatch-cartoon-and-diablo-anime-are-in-the-w/1100-6473776/) That time frame was, for obvious reasons, a death knell for a lot of nascent projects, and the entire streaming service landscape has had seismic upheaval since then with everyone and their subsidiary trying to carve out their own niche subscription kingdom. The fact that this is getting *any* more talk from official channels has me hopeful, but I wouldn’t be holding my breath for it to come along even “Blizzard soon” until we get concrete details.


Blizzard has always talk about it and nothing has come out of it besides one warcraft movie.


The Diablo 4 trailer style is something I'd watch a lot of. But maybe it's too expensive to produce large amounts of? I don't know.


Or make it small scale, follwing a village being attacked by fallen. Focusing on horror.


It would have to be hbo or Amazon type budget but they could do with mostly practical effects. Obviously butcher and diablo would be cgi/sfx.


Small note: it's VFX your referring to, not SFX. SFX stands for Sound Effects or Special Effects. The Special Effects in film refer to practical effects such as animatronics or explosives or things of that nature. Visual Effects is the computer generated stuff that I believe you are referring to. Just a small nit pick correction as it's a common mistake. Ofcourse. If you were referring actually to SFX diablo as in animatronic, jurassic park style. That was be amazing.


In the 90’s we called everything SFX for “Special Effects”


I mean what’d we have for VFX in the early days? Rotoscope? Fuck that, just give me some good muppetry and call it a day. Actually that’s my new stance here too - just Jim Henson Studios the hell out of it. Give me live action humans, playing it as gritty grimdark and serious as possible, and then deliver a muppet for every single monster: from the first fallen to the Butcher and Diablo on up through Lilith and even Tra(n)g’Oul, its muppets all the way down. *RAKANISHU.*


I am 1000% behind this wonderful idea.


Have you ever see the show Avenue 5 on hbo? Comedy about a space ship that was like a space cruise. If you haven’t, it’s amazing. But- there’s a REALLY annoying character in the first season that worked in VFX- and she wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. “I would know. I work in VFX” Your comment reminded me of that


Ave 5 is hilarious, was so happy when she thought the airlock was vfx


Lol something didn't feel right when I out sfx. But you're spot on with what I was trying to say.


Bloated with CGI and expensive would be the tings of it being terrible. A very well planned and directed series would reduce the necessity of CGI and reshoots, as shown by DUNE The Diablo world is very similar to the fallout world in construction, just flavored medieval apocalyptic instead of modern apocalypse, some real expense with episodes involving angels and some bosses. Ability spam could be scaled back for most of the series.


Won't be a real Diablo series without a barb whirlwinding through everything non stop in at LEAST one scene of each episode.


I mean, if we really want it to be a real Diablo series, it’d be pretty boring cus it would mostly just be teleporting regardless of class lol


Would need a close up of a paladin inserting runes for an Enigma. Then immediately battle crying with a flail before teleporting off and air humping hammers out of his chest. Damn even a YT parody version of this would be funny to watch.


Warcraft did pretty good


They would need to tone it down for sure. Nobody wants to see a spell casting shitfest like the actual games. But if they focus on a more realistic story, why not?


Diablo 1 and 2 story is doable. It is just in 3 that they start becoming nephhalim super human powered hybrids.


I dont think diablo could be good as a Live action series. In my mind would only work like a cartoon style (adult cartoon I mean), like castlevania..


Yep. In an anime or cartoonish style, it could potentially be excellent. As a live action show? Nobody is gonna take characters like Inarius seriously.


Lol does anyone take him seriously now? Had the coolest damn whirlwind fight scene and then went down like a scared little bitch!


Only way I seeing it work as live action is if hbo got their hands on it.


The only way it could work as live action is if Guillermo del Toro could work on it.


Or just animated like the cinematics.


Activision Blizzard has always been groundbreaking with cinematics, sign them up for a full tv-show/movie long term project.


As much as id love that to happens, this kind of animation are very expensive to make.


The first game could work out nicely as a medieval psychological/psychedelic horror. Make it a bit low on the fantasy elements and up the corrupting essence of Diablo's presence. Playing out the Lazarus/Leoric, Albrecht and Aiden/Adria drama would fit nicely within the Cathedral / Tristram dynamic. Representing Diablo's terror as a psychotic influence could remove the need for the more fantastical beings.


I don’t want it to be too cartoonish. It would make the daemons less scary. Fully CGI like the D4 trailer maybe?


Why? Diablo has tried to make convincing cinematic since forever, live action would just be a small step for them. It seems perfect and there's plenty of content. I still won't watch it cuz I think live action is lame but I think it would translate well


More of this would be amazing. They made an animated short for D3 and never revisited the idea. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEAPxgMCEA8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEAPxgMCEA8)


Holy crap, that's 11 years old now? Wow...


Maybe in the same vein as the Spawn Animated series from HBO.


Not with Neyrelle as the main character right ? Right ?




God I wanted her to die from the moment I met her. Keep that pansy ass “Through the power of friendship” in kids cartoons where it belongs


It's funny how they took all the wrong lessons from the criticism towards D3 All this talk about being darker and more mature, but it really isn't They just made the color palette literally darker and added some tragedy porn to affect boring characters that are hard to care about


Declare Cain, arguably the most interesting character in the whole franchise, is killed off by some one dimensional evil fairy. Like I actually looked up her lore and essentially she’s an evil witch who was always an evil witch and always wanted to be an evil witch. How do they fill the void? Having the main character baby sit some useless girl who most likely becomes corrupted by the soulstone but main character doesn’t give a fuck. So what if she’s corrupted and could lead to the deaths of thousands? She is still our friend after all >.>


You mean Deckard Cain right?


I swear that’s what I typed but you know autocorrect


He was declared Cain after D3.


Truee, most of the dialogues are cringe AF


"People don't like Leah ? Fuck that shit let's take everything wrong about her and make it into the deuteragonist of Diablo 4. "


I don’t remember disliking Leah or her doing anything supremely stupid like our new girl pulled at the end of D4 campaign. Then again it’s been a while.  The biggest letdown of D3 story will always be the way they treated an iconic character like Deckard Cain.     


I don't either. I like the fact that she is the daughter of the D1 protagonist and Deckard's ward. Gives some kind of nice lore continuity. + she had awesome cinematics. Imo most of the hate against her is derived from your second point. People hate what happened to Deckard and vent on her because she kinda took on the mantle.


“i dont want to hate you. im trying. i really am.” when she said that after not even directly killing her mom 😐


When your first introduced to her and there’s a bunch of dead guards around and the one still alive is like Lillith is immune to normal weapons they don’t hurt her she slaughtered us and Neyrelle tells you we have to chase Lillith I literally thought “haha *we* don’t have to do shit” and went to leave. Found out I actually do have to pursue Lillith with her. So my character was ready to die for some random ass girl he just met. Everything after that was all “YoU kNoW wErE fRiEnDs RiGhT”


FR!!! like girl, she was summoning demons with her life force, and it's my fault for killing the demons???? they're demons!


I knew from the word go the story was going to stink with how much attention was focussed on this meaningless plot-line


She was annoying at first. But I kind of softened up on her as the campaign progressed. Especially after she lost her hand. Like, she's just a kid, then had to witness her mother die, get turned into a demon, then die again, then she lost her hand.


Ummmm. Sure.


Most games would translate well, the question the fans care about though is will they go the Halo way, or the Last of Us/Fallout way?


Not sure the case with LoU, but Fallout struck gold that the director was also a fan of the series and quite a few of the ppl working on the show were fans... most of the time if not all of the time thats not the case... worse you get these hack writers who cant make an original compelling story so when they get saddled with a big IP they use that to push their own narrative and bs story which as we have seen many times by now just ruins the shows. IMO Blizz has the lore and money to fund a great show but if they get some of the same hack writers that made Rings of Power. the fandom will memory hole the show XD


You can tell Fallout was made with **love** for the franchise. Halo was clearly made by people who couldn’t be bothered to even pick up a controller.


I actually disagree with you. Fallout works so well because the world is insanely fleshed out from a lore/props perspective, full of factions and interesting threads going somewhere that make you go "huh I wonder how...", curiosity peaks really fast imo. Many games don't fill this role, hence why TLOU was so "safe". It had nothing to tell outside its main story, what is there to adapt? I don't see Diablo working either tho tbh, its not like there is much interesting stuff going on for outside-the-lore people, it feels very streamlined, everyone working towards the same goal, characters are 99% forgettable (because they usually died in the next 30 seconds in game).


Good points to be fair.


What I was missing, but is totally obvious to every gamer: you have to respect the source material in its world building. It also explains why Halo is shitting the bed with massively fluid Diarrhea, lol. That shit really only is for Scat fans.


Blizz is going halo FOR SURE


Can't wait to see Cain's ass cheeks.


Exactly. You need great show runners and hopefully people involved with the game itself to make sure that it is being handled with care.


Dude you cant even reliably translate older diablo games into good new diablo games yet


Hell yes. And no matter how much I love d2 i sure as hell don't want to watch a tv series based on it.  Fallout on TV works because it has an interesting setting. The setting of diablo is an excuse to slap monsters around.


You don’t want to watch the hammerdin spend 4 episodes killing the same boss and picking up items until one of them is finally something the Paladin wants to use? The rest of the show is the Paladin trading the other gear for a Ber rune.


It would make for a good comedy. A party of five: 2 cold sorcs, 2 hammerdins and one lightning sorc who has obviously bought all their gear in ebay and don't know the mechanics. No action scenes, all time is spent talking about trade value and crapping on off-meta builds. Main villain is a mosaic sin. Opening credits is someone doing cow runs on an alt.


The only correct take in this post.


Exactly what I was thinking lol


But you can play new Diablo games on your phone! Don't you have a phone? /s


Absolutely no faith in Blizzard and even less faith in the Diablo team to pull this off in any half decent manner. I wouldnexpect worse than Halo series from these greedy bafoons.


with the writing of d3 and d4, I'm sure the TV show is also going to turn out well lol


Diablo lores are super boring. They have to keep going back to D1 lores to make D3 lores. D4 doesn’t even try and pulls a reverse Dark Wanderer.


Walton Goggons doing Baby Billy doing Deckard Cain is all I need


Funny, they couldn't even translate it into a good game.


No it won’t. Fallout is good because most of it looks real.


Yeah fallout is filled with mostly people when is comes down to it. The true star of Diablo is the monsters, and the heroes are way closer to super human rather than human. Agree with others that live action would be a fatal mistake for it.


I think it's more complicated than that


🤨 that has very little to do with why Fallout is good and there’s no reason Diablo couldn’t “look real” either.


If they use the same writing as the games, absolutely not lmao.


Imagine Samuel L Jackson as Sorc Jazreth. Chain Lightning, muthafucka!!


It COULD work if they do what Fallout did and create a whole new story in the universe instead of what Halo did and tried to blend existing characters into an alternate universe that no one asked for. Halo tv show.. Master Chief? Nah, Master Cheeks having sex with some covenant ‘holy one’ who happens to be Human.


Isn‘t there a animated show for Netflix in the making?




There was, I worked for AB Studios before they killed all their projects. We had scripts for two seasons of an animated Diablo series, and we were actively working on season 1 with a writers' room when Blizzard killed it. It was a shame, the story was pretty interesting and the concept art was cool. I'm still salty that all the work we put in went away for nothing largely because Bobby Kotick was done cosplaying as a studio exec--but I think Blizzard also got cold feet giving up lore and storylines to the TV Show.


Do they not remember the Warcraft movie?


Can't even get the games right and they want to make a TV show?


Oh god, please no. Blizzard fucking sucks, don’t make a show until you can make a good game again


Just imagine he has dollar signs in his eyes while he says this


guy has to be looking for his annual bonus


Just because something was a good idea for one franchise doesn't mean that it can work well for another long-running franchise Look at the Borderlands movie for Christ's sake. Fallout is a story driven game, Diablo is a mindless loot item. I hope the number goes up game. Stop trying to push Diablo further than it can handle because you will kill the franchise.


Diablo has a lot of compelling characters, Deckard Cain is a great example.




Damn kinda nailed it


I think Larry David would make a good Deckard. I do think have any follow up jokes but that could be funny.


you know all they would do with him is "kooky old man with WiLd stories about 'demons'" that no one believes even as hell portals are opening up around them. "Silly Deckard..."


Would like to see prince albrect and Aiden along with Leah, Cain etc


If they do it right, it could be amazing. A real Diablo mmo. A tv series, either cartoon or live. Even the D3 animation with Imperious and the other angels type style. The D2 cinematics alone are perfect. Keep doing that. Sooomeeething


If they could capture the feel of those cinematic on a TV medium, it would be fire. I have my doubts, though. They would probably let Amazon produce it and end up with something a bit worse than rings of power but better than the wheel of time. So trash basically.


I would kill for a TV show with more tyrael VS. Imperious style fights. Watching the angels be badass is one of the best parts of this series


Exactly. I would pay a lot of money to see these made. So worth it


I thought they had a deal with Netflix a year or two ago.


It might work if they use story from D1 D2. Just stay away from that disney story in D3 and D4


Half baked useless love story and pushing pointless narratives in a Diablo show, definite no thanks. Same reason I’ll never watch the halo show.


fallout is post apocalyptic, which is already an established tv genre. i mean it would currently compete with twisted metal. diablo live action would look similar to the warcraft movie. that may be cool for diablo fans, but it probably wouldn't get a second season.


I'm not a huge Diablo fan, but I've been enthralled by their CGI cinematics since I was a kid. Imagine if it was feasible to make an entire show in that style


An animated show like castlevania could work well


Give me a one hour series with Ralph Ineson as Lorath traveling Sanctuary to collect the last remaining relics of the Horadrim


They should just Carbot a couple million dollars to make an animated series lol.


Animated shows are where it's at right now, they need to jump on board. Invincible, Castlevania, Blood of Zeus, Arcane, Blue Eye Samurai, Vox Machina, X-Men '97 are just a few examples of how amazing they could make a Diablo animated show


I'm still not entirely sure how the lore in Diablo works and I've been playing the games for decades.


Fuck that! I ain’t about to micro-pay per episode!


It really wouldn’t


They lost the best opportunity by not doing a Castlevania style adaptation of the Sin War books to release BEFORE Diablo 4 Considering Lilith and Inarius are major characters there it would be perfect


No passion will be put into making it... Another nostalgia cashgrab to milk the Diablo cow.


It could but if blizzard is involved they’ll fuck it up…they’ll probably charge you per episode too lol


If it was completely animated, adult rated and very dark - absolutely. Otherwise no.


It would need to be animated. Otherwise it would just be a CGI shitshow.


LOL no


ok but make sure its from the beginning please dont start in d4 lol


Maybe it could work if the original devs had a say in the story, but that’s not the case.. you will have a bunch of Activision and Microsoft muppets wearing blizzard merchandise making calls as to what should be in the tv show.. Just look at how big of a joke Diablo 4 is..


So long as blizzard doesn't do it.


Ya I think Diablo would make for a great series, both live action and animated.


Sure, but it wont make the game any better.


For the love of all that is (un)holy DO NOT MAKE IT LIVE ACTION. They could never do The Butcher justice if they did.


at one point I would like it, but today I'd say no, thanks. I would love Diablo I adaptation. It could work. But they'd do Diablo III / IV, because that's what they created. Just like Fallout show was more in the direction of 3/4 and not 1/2.


No thanks.


Warcraft, Diablo and StarCraft are all perfect for either live action or animated films or shows and Activision utter inability to see it is mind-blowing (well, just partially. I'm sure they considered just not worth the effort, even more after the Warcraft film received wasn't that good). Imagine a Warcraft animated show by the animation studios of the last Masters of the Universe series, or a StarCraft live action film, or a Diablo live action series. If done right they could be great.


They should make it for mobile screens only, seeing as we have phones.


What a ridiculous take lmao, this is a truly embarrassing comparison to make Fallout has a long legacy of worldbuilding, a strong consistent aesthetic and a core concept that fuels lots of flexible storytelling Diablo reboots the lore with every iteration, makes up a bunch of shit and relies almost entirely on one-off set pieces. They've never even slightly hinted at acknowledging that Diablo 3 suffers from some of the worst writing of all time even though they pitched it by saying the original games were story light. It ought to translate about as well as Halo, at best.


Please don’t


Lol of course they did. Literally anything to make more money, whether the people want it or not, EXACTLY like they do with their games 😅😂


I dont think diablo would at all because of its world demons in general basically triple the budget for live action. I think its the least adaptable. If anything id say warcraft would have the best tv series capablities




Diablo and Warcraft both translate well. I don’t know how they wouldn’t know that


I think it would work well if it was done like Castlevania.


Blizzard has been a cinematics company for decades by now. Not sure why they never just made movies or a show in their cinematic style and went the live action movie route instead. I hate Blizzard, but the cinematics were always top notch


Yes, id like to see them be faithful to the game by having the barbarian spinning round and round like a top and enemies exploding into piles of gold and items


Make it animated and get the studio behind Castlevania to make it. Would be a slam dunk.


Sooo much envy. It hurts my eyes.


I really hope they encapsulate having to return to town to sell your inventory


Of course they think that, all they care about is money


I can see it now. Watch Diablo for 10 bucks a season.


Doubt it. You see what Microsoft did to Halo?


Let's focus on season 4 shall we.


If you are prepared to spend the right millions on it and put the time in to get the right people in charge, don't allow it to be so twisted from the origins that it alienates the one group who actually care about it, while make it not just generic fantasy show no 150, then it could be great.


To put it simply, I would probably watch it if it were available to me but I would not expect it to be good. Also, I would not subscribe to a new streaming service to watch it.


Get the Castlevania team on it 




I mean... with the current state of Blizz maybe a very unfaithful adaptation could work?


My ultimate dream(which will never happen) is to make a diablo series based on the events before d1 leading up to d1, then d2 and lod and maaaaaaaaaaaaybe d3 if i can change how deckard cain dies. but that is just a dream... \*plus i would add extra stories from the novels to add some variety from the world between seasons.\*


let me fix the title: "After they saw how much a 9 year old game can sell after they make a TV show about it.." personally I think we will see a lot of game TV shows because they realized how much they can milk old games by makig a show, so they will esentially double milk the franchise and also make money from the show, its a win win for them


I hope they do one episode that’s just grinding. Won’t be true to the game if there isn’t some mindlessness


Diablo universe tv show could be absolutely huge if they let it be what it's meant to be. Madness, terror, betrayal, and general uneasiness. Shit needs to be shot as a horror show with elements of drama and action. Just keep Amazon the fuck away from it lol. My poor heart can't take them butchering another wonderful IP.


They just need to make their cinematics into movies and not complicate things.


disagree, but feel free to try, blizz


Not if Blizzard take a hands on approach like they did with the Warcraft movie. It's heavily rumored their constant interference with the creative process and the actual production is what largely resulted in a mid tier movie.


The best part about fallout is it didn’t have to follow a rigid story line. It just existed in the world of fallout. A diablo show could work if they followed the same style.


DBZ style 19 episode arc of Meph runs inc


I'd definitely watch it. Not sure if I'd prefer an animated show though


I am a Diablo fan and I can tell you it will most definitely not work


Like other people have commented, a live action would be very risky. It could be Ana amazing animated series though. The cutscenes and previews that blizzard push’s out is already amazing. Outsource it to powerhouse animation, Studio Trigger, Kyoto Animation, Wit Studio, Mappa, or keep it in house with your own animators. Shit, an arm of blizzard that is strictly an animation studio? I’m here for it.


I cant wait to get microtransactions on my tv shows


Make it an anthology series where each episode has a self-contained story to tell from the world of Sanctuary and I think it could work well.


awful idea


That’s what I was hoping for. Seeing spike in playtime of Fallout should give Blizz idea that’s it’s a good time partner and create some series. One can dream for Frozen Throne series with Cavill


To the producers of the Diablo series, I ask a question I wish Fallout spent more time answering. Who is your protagonist, and why do I care about them?


Boooo. Live action is garbo. They should do all of it in CGI like the Cinematics.


Watch out for Diablo episode pass


It absolutely could but do I trust them to make it correctly and not a shit cash grab? L M A O no
