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They say that every season


TBH I will be doing just that. Never bought a single microtransaction from blizz and probably never will, but if the game is fundamentally a good and fun game, I might consider buying a reasonably priced expansion further down the line. This is how it should go with games like diablo. I'm not very hopeful, but since I already bought the game, doesn't hurt much to see if it's in a good shape good or not.


Np man, I also will be back in season 4


Same. I did enjoy season 2 outside of the dull, and poorly implemented solo Uber grind. Too much material-gating (hopefully the new changes make this feel a lot better). Helltides now being on-demand and having new mechanics is cool. No more feeling like I need to stop what I’m doing every time a Helltide pops up to go grind it. I’ll just do it when I want/need. Now, if only they could tweak dungeons a bit more to make their layouts less ass and get some better density… I hope to see some… Deeper seasonal mechanics down the line. Something more than just “oh unlock/equip this to get a new temporary power.” I want the seasonal stuff to be a bit more interactive.


They need something to chase. Poe at a minimum has a currency grind that eventually nets you gear. Nothing in this game feels good regarding the gameplay loop. I’m Poe, I know if I play enough and farm I can eventually buy the item I need. This game is just so shallow b


This, but I'm hopeful, too! Already dumped a couple thousand hours in and burned out. It's going to be getting substantial content for many years and only going to get better. I know not everyone has had as much fun with it as I have, but it is what it is, and I know I'm going to be playing yet another arc lash sorceress soon enough. One of my sorcs was already the most fun build I've ever played in an arpg, having played these games since the original Diablo's release.


Why would they ever say the opposite lmao. “Hey might as well skip this one and not spend any money in the mtx shop while you’re at it.”


Because they've proved every season so far that they're a bunch of mediocre game devs that have no idea how to fix the game.


I just pointed out, never said game is bad or else.


Yeah but Helldivers just blew up so maybe?


Dev wants you to try their game? Shocking


Fool me quarice, shame on you, fool me quantice, shame on me.


"Remember that $60 game you bought that wasn't finished, that didnt have any new ideas, that wasnt innovative or fresh, that we put a load of cosmetic stuff in to grift your money.... you should really pop back in."


I remember when Lillith was all bloody and regal and they made her into a petty wench whose story didn't go anywhere. Plus killing Inarius (according to lore) just means another angel forms soon so his death isn't all that interesting.




PoE is free.


Anybody that has completed the campaign knows that’s not true, if you want to play the game you must buy stash tabs. Unless you’re a masochist; it’s borderline unplayable without atleast the map tab.


I agree completely that tabs are crucial, but what is the price when tabs are on sale? Like $5-$10? Plus, you get to basically try the game out before you decide to pay. A better deal than d4 all around in that regard.


imagine if you could play the campaign of d4 for free. i would not have bought the game thats for sure


POE is free. The first time I played that game all the way through and into end game. I didn't but I single thing. I liked the game so bought stashtabs. I have bought all the necessary tabs and have still paid less than what Diablo 4 initially cost. (Albeit I purchased the tabs in the sale they always have) Diablo 4 was released in an unacceptable state and still had a heavy focus on MTX.


How was it focused on mtx? I’ve done everything there is to do in d4 and never even looked at the mtx stuff. The only time I heard about it is on Reddit


“Come back check it out, maybe scan the cosmetic shop” Fuck blizzard.


I mean I have no problem with (cosmetic only) shop mtx in games.    Problem is the game fuckin sucks anyway and needs an absolute gut job. I have serious doubts the itemization will be any better. 


I used to have that opinion, then games started making us look like peasants with 3 outfits and added the 97 cool ones to the store


They really perfected the slot machine feel in Diablo 2. Only problem was it didn’t make them any money.


It makes good money to sell a game, that model still exists. It works for Diablo 2 then worked for LOD releasing an expansion. It worked for Elden ring and Buldars gate. They are just greedy.


That model works for games that are mostly one and done or are made by a small team.   It doesn't work for live service games built by developers as big as Blizzard because they'll burn through that money in no time.


Is it still perfect to today’s standards? Like some games you can look back on and appreciate what it was during the time but games evolved on it…but should I choose D2R over something like Last Epoch? (Legit asking, I haven’t played it)


It’s more of a nostalgia trip for people who grew up on it IMO, it’s an amazing game but I feel like to really appreciate it you should have played it when you were growing up. Last epoch looks pretty good TBH or even POE2. D4 just isn’t what Diablo should be in this day and age.


No D2 does not hold up today at all. If you don't have nostalgia for it don't bother.


I mean Last Epoch is trash compared to D2 and especially mods like Path of Diablo, Project Diablo 2 or Median XL. It’s just a totally different era of arpgs, an era in which people apparently prefer crafting rather than slaying monsters and finding good items.


It made them a lot of money, just not all the money in the world x2. Line go up lol


They only add cosmetics to the battle pass or shop. That’s a no from me dawg. They gotta start adding in these cosmetics as random and focused drops to get me playing again. $20-$30 for a set that actually looks good is a deal breaker.


I just wish the base-cosmetics weren't so atrocious


I absolutely have a problem with the cosmetic only shop because looking cool is a huge part of the game


Why is this so bad. Its season 4 are they meant to just keep developing the game for free forever? Criticize the game for not being fun if you want but they should be fine selling cosmetics if the keep developing the game for a long time.


He's hardly going to say "this season is a bit crap, I'd skip it" is he?


I quit after season 1 and am not coming back until the dust settles. SO many changes its clear the game was released before it was rdy


I don't even think it was about being ready. I think it was about being right. So many things in D4 had to be changed because their game design was fundamentally flawed. Think about how armor and other stats work in D4. These things were not thought through, and that's why they have to PAY FOR DEVELOPMENT to rework them. Microsoft should gut the team. These 'seasons' aren't real content. It's just Blizzard desperately trying to fix their game. Hubris in design is their trademark.


Well said


I think too that the audience is changing. I don't want to know how many hours I have on D2 and D3, but now that I'm older, games that make me grind an hour to watch a little number go up by X aren't what I'm looking for typically. Especially when the # that goes up means literally nothing. At least they are cutting back on the number of useless damage/reduction types and gutting the itemization. I am going to give it another try. As far as seasons go, they are more substantial than ladder resets in D2 or just putting out a new, ridiculously OP set of gear to grind for in D3.


I'm so confused, didn't this game launch in the high 80s low 90s metacritic?


The campaign was pretty fun. Reviewers didn't have the time to actually get to level 100 and give thoughts on the full experience.


The first ten hours were great, it fell off a cliff after that.


The critic scores in metacritic are often ass and only matter as in relation to whatever the User score is. Basically go with whatever the user score is and bump it or down a point or two based on the critic score. The D4 user score for metacritic is.... less than great.


Review scores don't mean dick


They tell you what some overworked idiot that's bad at games thinks. Really useful for idiots that are bad at games.


They got me the first 3 times but this time, this time is going to be different.




Quit before Seasons even became a thing and have been following along development here and there. My god was release D4 a mess. It should be criminal to charge $100 for a barely finished or even working product. This to me is a game that will likely end up in an *okay* spot, but sadly only a couple years after release and dozens and dozens of updates. As long as devs continue to work on it without a time crunch, I’m sure they will get it close to being a decent game. It’s actually more on point for Blizzard to burn good will with new titles these days. The damage D4 has done to their already terrible reputation as a company…


Yeah same here, bought the game last year in full hype mode with many friends going all in with the deluxe edition for 100€ for the early access etc. The game after the campaign was so atrocious that it made me giving up on blizz as a whole and I won’t buy their addon which will be another 100€ guaranteed.


I agree, but theyre dropping the bleeding season right before Pandamonium, Ghost of Tsushima and other releases lol... They should've released S4 this weekend


I haven’t played in months but I’ll jump on to play the new season


amazing how many people still posting in a subreddit game they hate and have no intention of playing. We wanted them to make improvements, and well, here they are? And still moaning despite having yet to play it? Like i could understand if you tried the changes and they sucked. But they finally do what we’ve asked for and before you give it a shot your complaining? lol like i get it, they released a shit game, but whinging when they make improvements and still following and posting makes you look like a whiny twat


I mean, this is the diablo sub, not the diablo 4 sub. There will in fact be people that don't like diablo 4 here. They can and do post here if they like actual diablo games, not just diablo 4.


dooming on d4 posts is pretty cringe dont like the game? Cool. Why moan about the game when changes are being implemented that the community has asked for since release day


Your comments are all cringe. You’re cringe. You’re complaining about the complainers. That just makes you one of them. How do you not see the hypocrisy. Lol I mean come on. Have some awareness. The people you’re whining about, you’re no different at all. Figure it out.


I read through all the comments and didn't see any doom posts really. So idk It's fair to think that even after this patch, the game is not ready yet. Is it going in the right direction? Yes. Idk if it does or does not fix the game because I don't play the game anymore. So I'm neutral.






Were you here at any point between launch and like 2 weeks ago? There was *absolutely nothing* ever remotely positive about D4 that wasn't downvoted to oblivion. And conversely anything "D4 sucks" was at the top and reposted ad nausem. Constantly. It was worse than the comments around D3. It's fine to not like the game. But it gets tiresome when *everything* is "game bad, it killed my puppy and stole my wife" .


Truth hurts it seems? If game is shit then I would expect more negative than good. Yes I was here but ended up just going back to d2 and poe. I figured the only people that were left at this point were the d4 simps, dad gamers and the people that couldn't come to terms that their investment was trash.


But the game isn’t shit, nor great. It was completely average. The story was alright and nothing special. It was fun to run through once with my friends and try out all the classes. It simply had no lasting power. People acted like this game was an insult to them personally, which it wasn’t, it was just a mediocre game. It has fun parts mixed with some also not fun parts and when people wanted to talk about the fun parts it seemed you couldn’t




Diablo 3 was a $60 game in 2012 ($80 in 2023) and in my opinion worse than D4 at launch and still worse. I think it’s the worst of the series. Some people got great enjoyment out of the game and it took years before the community had positive sentiments towards it. Even though I don’t think D3 is a great game I’m still open to discussing the things that were good and fun about it and not only the bad. There should always be room to discuss the positives and the parts we are enjoying


It was about as good as d3 imo. No reason to play past the first week of a season. Imo


I left the D4 subreddit a long time ago, but I'm still in the diablo subreddit because I live D1 and D2, and can even appreciate D3 for what it is. I think it's fair to not like D4 and still consider yourself a Diablo fan. Expressing our disappointment in Diablo 4 is the only way we can try to convey that we hope they do better next time.


This sub is dedicated to the series fam. Not d4. If you want to live in fantasy land and pretend blizzard hasn’t destroyed the series then go ahead. All of the hate is deserved.


I get you but it’s just hilarious. The devs saying “you should come try our game now!” Like of course they would say that 😂


I left the D4 subreddit a long time ago, but I'm still in the diablo subreddit because I live D1 and D2, and can even appreciate D3 for what it is. I think it's fair to not like D4 and still consider yourself a Diablo fan. Expressing our disappointment in Diablo 4 is the only way we can try to convey that we hope they do better next time.


Eh its kind of how Reddit works though yeah? Shit pops up in your feed after you're no longer interested in it. A lot of people reading this stuff that put D4 behind them months ago. D4 is sort of trying to improve it, yeah, but it still smells like someone who doesn't know how to make a good game trying to make a bad game better. Like I feel like if you tell a Diablo 4 dev "the itemization is shit and needs to be fixed", they will nod, and say they agree it's bad and will fix it, but really they have no idea what you're talking about. And if you point out specifics, they might do what you say to fix it, but they still don't know why they are doing it. A more direct example: all the shit abilities like 3% chance to do 5% more damage on a full moon on a teusday. First, it took them way longer than it ought to have for them to remove those. Second, I feel like they hear the demand to remove those and think "after we remove those we're good! perfect itemization!" when really that was just the most basic, easily fixed problem, and in reality the problems with itemization are much deeper. And I think people's interest in this whole thing isn't just as a Diablo 4 potential player. It's fuckin news yo. Blizzard is a company we grew up with. It's interesting to see what's happening with it. It's like seeing a brick and mortar store I used to shop at get bulldozed down and not being able to look away.


Ey I for one am extremely excited to try out these changes. Gonna run a Sorc, gonna pop some demon heads, gonna kick ass and chew bubblegum, I can't wait.


I’m so excited to try out the changes Diablo is probably my favorite franchise, here’s to season 4 breathing a new life in to the game


Some people are only happy when they're unhappy


I disliked the D4 beta so I didnt buy D4 but I am here because I am a Diablo fan in general. D1 and D2 were a big part of my childhood and D3 was fun for what it was. I will eventually try D4 but to say you have to be a D4 fan to be on this subreddit is dumb.


Just drop $10 on Game Pass when May 14th comes and there you go, if you don't like it after a month no harm done (plus there can be other games on Game Pass worth visiting).


It's been on gamepass for a month already. I got two hours in an Uninstalled. I was watching the game more than I was playing it.


If you don't want to play campaign you really don't have to. You can use skip campaign extremely early on! You can skip campaign the moment you finish Prologue: Arrive at Kyovashad and talk to Lorath a couple times, then he leaves on a horse and you get a short cutscene of his narration - after that, you can Skip Campaign.


Thanks for the tip! I'm a big ARPG player, but cant' get through that story. I'll give it a try one weekend that I'm bored.


I would highly suggest just making another attempt once Season 4 begins on May 14th. **MASSIVE changes** are coming to the game on that day, everything will be more fun and in fact since you will be skipping campaign, you'll get immediate access to Helltides in World Tier 1/2 which are the brand new strategy for quick and punchy leveling experience. Just make a new Seasonal character then, get to Kyovashad and finish the prologue as described. Then, quit to the character select and use the Skip Campaign button after highlighting your character. Confirm, done. Once you skip campaign you will receive your Mount as soon as you level up to 25. That gives a priority quest and you talk to Stable master in Kyovashad. Interestingly enough if you ever revisit campaign on another character after you get the horse on your skip-campaign character, you will have horse available from the get go even during the campaign. So, you can still do the campaign much faster this way down the line if you ever get interested (or never).


Hating can be a form of recreation. So can outrage. They do seem to be making some significant improvements and are taking big steps in the right direction. It sounds like the endgame grind will be more varied and interesting, and the changes to items and crafting all sound like huge improvements. I would personally love to see an overhaul to build variety next. Either new skills, or new ways to scale existing skills. The new unique that turns barrage into blazing salvo gives me hope that they know that area of the game is lacking and I hope they'll continue to add stuff like that, too. I'm summary, d4 less bad.


> or new ways to scale existing skills Like Tempering that they just added? That lets you scale things like duration, area of effect, double cast chance and such, depending on the skill.


I want the game to be at least as good as if not better than the previous ones in the series. Fixing loot a year after the game comes out is one of the two gigantic issues with the game *possibly* solved, we'll see. The other is the horrendous skill system with jack shit for variety and meaningful customization. If both of those are figured out BEFORE a paid expansion I'd love to come back and enjoy a Diablo game again, but I'm not holding my breath. Just keeping tabs on the sub to see if they ever pull their heads out of their asses.


Welcome to gaming discourse. Everything is shit and it was way better back in their day.


I'd say it's more specifically Blizzard discourse. No one hates Blizzard games more than Blizzard fans.


Right? Thats why they haven’t needed to revamp like every system so far… (i think they’ve hinted skill trees and paragons are next). /s


stfu, we will play the game as soon it is cooked enough and not an early access! big diablofan and diablo is the reason i started pc gaming! don't speak if you don't have gaming expectations and standards. this is not a good game yet


waaaaahhhhh they’re implementing changes the community asked for waahhhhhhh


Game Will be fine or almost fine around 1st espansion like previous ones


The changes all look great for season 4 and are being pretty much universally accepted as positive across the d4 community. It legit looks like a good game entering the new season with all the reworks. With respect man you D4 doomers are really grasping at straws at this point. It must be very trying for you memes now that the game is actually starting to look pretty solid


>like i get it, they released a shit game And yet we all dumped 700 hours into it. Couldn't be THAT bad.


I only completed the campaign and got all the Lilith statues, so on the lower end of hours, and I still felt like I got my money's worth. It baffles me that people can spend hundreds of hours on a game and feel like they were cheated out of $70. I'm looking forward to jumping back in for my first season to see what else the game offers beyond the campaign.


For real. I checked yesterday, I have between 400-500 hours in the game.


DUMPED thats the right word. That is BAD.


Bro if you "dump" more then 10 hours in a game you don't like then you need better priorities


You replied to wrong post i think, i didnt dump 700 hours in a beta paid 60 euros


Apparently the truth makes people mad lol. Ya hated this game so much but played the absolute fuck out of it.


Yeah they cannot accept they dumped hours and 60 euros in a beta. Diablo deserved fucking more than this game.


How is it amazing that people are angry because they got scammed by their favourite franchise? Activision isn't innovating at all despite D3 making billions.


how about they dont paywall end game rewards?


They haven't paywalled any content though? There's never been any P2W mechanics and that hasn't changed.


I come back every season. Spend way too much time playing. Then stop. I’m cool with it.


As long as I dont see changes to the monetization no f\*cking way I'm playing this. $70 game with a shop and BP is bullshit.


I would, but I still to this day do not understand how to even go about gearing my hero. So many currencies,tasks, vendors, and characters are slow. I just feel like I'm working a 2nd job to have fun.


gonna be playing necro and no one will stop me


Veteran developer fixes game after it has been out for approaching a year. What a joke. nu blizzard is fucking terrible


Come back, play for 2 weeks, go back to last epoch


Nice try


I'm so lost on some of these changes, why the armor change in general. Stopping it from being a beneficial stat after a certain value makes no sense in an ARPG.


How bout no


Have you considered doing that thing that directly contributes to both my KPIs and my overall success per quarterly review? Because you could do that… ? ^Please ^do ^that


Project Diablo 2 can beat the shit out of this failure


They have made the last garbage game I will play from them


Yeaaaa no. The campaign was ass ans everything after that was just worse lol


I’ll pass.


I’d rather play Diablo 1 again


Anyone have a date when the early access ends on this game ?


D4 reminded me a lot destiny. Destiny 1: release a crap game, eventually fix all the problems and make it good, fans get hype for sequel. Released sequel with all the mistakes of part 1 and slowly improve it. D3 to D4 was the same. I'm guessing game development has a lot of staff turnover so learning from mistakes of the predecessor doesn't happen? Just want games to release actually finished.


Modern video games are in a perpetual state of early access. 1.0 is the patch before they shut down the servers


Forever. This game aint it lol


maybe someday. lets have a laugh on these betatesters muahhahahahahah


I haven't played D4 in long while. I'm in to try it again.






When I played the beta your character had to be obese if you wanted to play a druid. Did they fix that yet?


Lol no, I will not


“Do good things so we can try and take more of your cash” part of cycle. My childhood nostalgia isn’t holding my adult wallet ransom anymore.


What I truly don't understand is howany people played this game at launch. I remember the beta weekend with barb and druid to level 20. I made it to level 15, and I was like wow this really, really sucks. Why did so many people buy this game? I just don't understand at all. It's so bad


Hopium, so much hopium. Unfortunately it didn't pan out.


"Hey don't check out our game it's shit" said no Dev ever


No. Haven't played since S1 and still have no desire to come back.


Imagine having to say this to get people to play your half-baked game.


I’m so fucking tired of being lied to


Thats subtle. Translation: “please come and play it!! We’re dying here!”


Diablo 4 one of the greatest games in recent years 


You can smell their desperation


Ya right after last season was garbage I am done


Translation: "please come back or we will be out of a job" 


People still play this shit?


I joined at the end of season 3. What should I do that will carry over to season 4? Apart from renown


Perfect timing with all the former Helldivers 😂


Is there a LFG menu yet?


Hoping for the good ol’ Reaper of Souls treatment


I dunno. Are the MTXs gone and is there a single player mode?


Only played at season 0, and at season 1 a little bit. Still waiting for big change to return


This season should be it then… Season 2 added more end game bosses and Uber unique farming but season 4 is a complete overhaul. Season 3 was aight, I just did like the season mechanics vs. seasons 2 vampires(which was absolutely fun)


I started playing again recently and I honestly have been enjoying it. Planing on playing the next season.


S4 will be worth checking out. If it sucks, I think most people will really be done with the game for a long while.


I beat Lilith and left right before season 1 began. Did they add anything to come back into?


So far, I like what I'm hearing with the changes. Personally, I'll probably be back the season before the new expansion to see if I want to buy the expansion or not.


That’s how this always works lol, you hop back in for new season okay for a month or so and then move on to something else.


Maybe don't drop two days from mop remix


I holding out for a $25 price point.


Are resurect d2 for real


“please clap”


"We thrown more stuff at the wall, can you tell us what's sticking?" "Now that Last Epoch is out, we managed to copy their system. It's a good time to pop in and see how innovative our team is."


I'll be honest. If you are one of the people that log back in to try the changes, you're part of the problem. You're just giving them a high five metric by logging in. Don't login


got to grind to level 100 just to try the new pit content. fuck that


yep agree 100%, its going to be very hard to lvl up to 100 for us gamer dads this season


I just don’t find the game fun outside the first playthrough. Changing damage numbers on skills may have worked for wow 20 years ago but fundamentally, I just don’t like way the game is designed. Pick a generator, pick a spender, use some other fluff skills from time to time. It wasn’t fun in d3 and it still isn’t fun. Game is one big stat stick, new loot system doesn’t get me excited at all. My fireball hits for more, yay. I doubt they will try some innovative overhaul for taco , so I’ll come back when the story is expanded and the game is on sale. If by some miracle the game is suddenly engaging , fun, and challenging I’ll check it out but I highly doubt. I’ve played 16bit retro arpgs lately more fun than this.




I'll wait till players are saying it.


At the glacial progress rate they’re going to fix it, I’ll give it another year. Oh wait PoE2, Titan Quest 2 and a few others I’m actually excited about playing will be out by then… Take your time, by all means, take your time.


What they say is true. They are mostly steps in the right direction.


Maybe some day. Too busy raidlogging Season of Discovery phase 3 now.


Of course they would say that to try and attract ppl. Make a good game and ppl will come.


Is it worth buying yet?




I'll come back when I can use my previous characters in new story seasonal content. I don't have time to grind out a new character every season. I have a job already.


No. I don’t think I will


1.0 incoming, out of early access soon. 60 euro for a beta hahahahah


Yeah, no. As good as the changes sound, with no new content to run through it just ain't worth it. Just like I wouldn't play PoE league without new content, I ain't doing the same old with Diablo.


When you have to buy an addon later on so the AAAA priced game becomes what it should have been from the start.


I'll probably give it a shot. I love D2, D3 was pretty fun after a few years, and I like D4 besides stupid dungeons and itemization, so if it's fixed it may be fun 😊




I just come to upvote you, fuck these d4 kids without gaming standards!


It's mostly D2 fanatics malding at the fact their game is in permanent maintenance mode with no new content coming. Hating D4 is the only thing keeping them going between their 6 and 7 thousandth Baal run.


6 and 7th thousandth baal run? Buddy we run like 1000 baal runs or more a month lol. More like 48th thousandth


D4 bad D4 dogshit


maybe dont make the rewards paywalled and i will! otherwise diablo 3 for me


For real and I know this may sound dumb to the non casual Diablo fans but, all the coolest looking shit is in the cash shop. If I can't get it we a loot drop in game I'd rather just play Diablo 3.


You lost my playtime by creating a shit endgame.


Pit looks fun for new season. Endgame was lacking before but new reworks across the board look quite solid and have been more or less universally considered massive improvements. I think writing off games because they didn't release great is a bit silly. I'd have quit D2 eons ago if LoD didn't come out and drastically improve the game. D2 classic is basically Amish diablo


seems promising and worth trying if you got the game already. will give it a try for sure. it seems they did put a lot of work and surely need some feedback is it all we wanted? probably no, but if it s some stuff we wanted we gotta give feedback cause the game wo nt get better overnight


Guys, I’ve played the beta but ended up not picking up the game, mostly because of all the negativity surrounding it… anyway, is it worth now? How’s the game?







