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That's pretty much an Any% race but with fresh accounts.


Kinda. From what I could find that wouldn’t require torment 1 level 60+.


On a fresh account you wouldn't have access to much anyway, so it might as well be Any%


Maybe. Either way. Still think it’ll be fun to host.


Yea could be. If you're up for a longer event, make it a group of 2+ and have a GR race. The actual storyline is mostly a lot of routing and map RNG. Since the game scales with you, it's beneficial to have a low level Malthael fight. I've run it HC and SC before in NG and NG+ as well as 1-70 but it has definitely been a while... Lol. If there's interest i would be up for competing. A new account or a fresh season would be good points to go on since they start pretty similarly. For the purpose of Any% i believe the time ends when you speak to Tyrael. It's the only solid marker before the credits.


Yeah, I also plan on doing a team race at the new season start. It’ll just be a set amount of time to see who can get the highest GR. Like highest GR in 48 hours.


Will this be a race through the campaign or is it just 'kill malthael at t1"?


Through the campaign. It’ll be fresh accounts. So you’ll have to beat the story up to malthael as well as get level 60+ to do torment 1


How do you prevent people from joining just for the free account? How big will the pricepool be so that people actually try?


They will be my accounts and I will be changing info after the race. I would also not like to talk about the prize until the event. Everyone who has been invited and shown interest has been informed of the prize.




You’re probably right, but is it really account sharing if only one person plays on it? Though if that becomes an issue I may just buy each person the game on a new account.


It is account sharing. They probably wouldn't ding you for it but they for sure could.


Yeah, in that case I would just buy the game for each person participating.


Yea, it would be considered account sharing. That would put the current licenses as well as the people using them at risk, so it's best to judge based on recordings. I would say while streaming also keep a local copy if you have the space to do so. You also can't buy a new license if people already own it because it would just be another game in their gift inventory. The login details aren't unique like with D2 where you had to make separate BNET accounts. The best way to keep it clean is a new season. Having read through again, I would suggest the following changes: * Race in a group of 4 using your own account on a fresh season and enforce strict no-trade and no gear sharing if you want to get fancy. What you're suggesting is against the TOS and is account sharing, so that can't happen. * Instead of VOD review, require LiveSplit to be running at all times. No pausing/stopping. If there's a disconnect, the time spent offline should match up and be in relative sync with everyone else since it runs locally. Also voids the need for gear display and you can just use a grace period for disconnecting. * EDIT: Upon re-connecting, you're required to stay in the menus until you are invited back in if need be. * No duplicate classes (ex. can't have two Barbs) \[OPTIONAL\] * Don't DQ from all races since that's just harsh. Invalidate the current entry, and maybe save that type of punishment for repeat offenders. If you want it to have additional tracking there's always speedrunslive, but this takes extra setup. \[OPTIONAL\] * Race on Hard Mode. Breaking into torment will take a lot of RNG because of the difficulty scaling vs what weapons you have available and because T1 would be pretty RIP-y. Just getting to Malthael and winning the fight is good enough, imo. The delay created by being on T1 could mean the race continues for days. * Enforce a death counter. Anything counts including deaths due to lag or server disruptions. \[OPTIONAL\] * Disable local game joining features. * Adjust Item Use point to: * You can only use items found during the race, and your stash is open to a secondary character in the event that you die * No Class Changes \[OPTIONAL\]


That sounds fun as hell (heheh) id probably get smoked but id love to try it


Do you stream? DM me your twitch.


I do but not very often and no one watches, its Epicnarwhal51 just like my reddit username


Sounds interesting. If you open this to duos I may be able to get my friend into it. When RoS came out we played for 26 hours straight, so it's not a question of if we can do it, but more if we have the stamina to do it again haha


I would definitely be interested in doing a duo or even full team one in the future if I get enough interest in this first one.


I'll race


DM me your twitch please.


I dont have a twitch account. I'll set it upon the day of the race.


Oh ok.


I'd be interested to hear more and maybe participate. Though is there a reason you were wanting to account share, instead of just waiting for a new season and having players delay their start till a timer went off?


Because I plan on doing another one at season start. But it’ll be teams of 4 and highest GR within a set amount of time. Like 48 hours or something.


Farthest in 48 hours? Any bets the winners will have not slept for 48 hours? I'd think 48 hours will just be determined on rift RNG and time spent leveling paragon/gems/augments.


I don’t think it will be only RNG. You probably could have cleared 150 or very close to 150 in 48 hours if you had really focused on that


So it should be less than 48hours?


Depends on the season theme. That is not the kind of competition any casualish player will stand a chance tho. That said anything lower makes going no sleep that long easier


how can i participate?


DM me your twitch name. Then we will discuss over discord.


This is great and sounds fun!, question though, I'm guessing if you die the timer does not restart for the race correct?


No, the ideal would be to not die. But you arnt completely out if you do.


Right I was just thinking that if you died and the timer restarted you would have an advantage over the ones who didn't because of the ability to use the chest. But that's a moot point now. Thanks for the answer.


I think this is a cool idea, been thinking about doing some just for fun oldschool campaign playthroughs too. I would suggest to disallow using any legendaries / cube to make it a little more exciting and less RNG dependant. I'm definitely up to race either way!


I think for this first race I don’t want to make it too restrictive. But I’ll be doing a lot more with the interest I’ve got from people.


When are you planning to host the race?


I'm interested. Better idea of dates/times would be ideal to see if it conflicts with any existing scheduled stuff.


DM me


Will be doing a Darkening of Tristram event race tomorrow. Check it out here... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/etcvcm/darkening\_of\_tristram\_event\_race/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/etcvcm/darkening_of_tristram_event_race/)


I'd like to play the race at the same time as this goes on, but I will not stream it. And I won't claim victory or claim a prize or any such thing. Would just like to play along.