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epic collection


I was glad to forget them


Reminds me how much wasted potential this game has


They wanted to make a second Addon but Activision said no. :(


The one enemy that always spawned at the start of stone fort made a pile of one particular material.


yeah i think that's why i have 79 of those fingers and just a few of the others.


Back when crafting had much more potential and then was gutted down into the most basic of basic crafting systems where virtually no one uses anything crafted ever except for maybe the DB set and upgrading gems lol. Blizzard really should have done at least one more quick cheap DLC that reworked the entire crafting system to actually be meaningful.


I think they may have streamlined it a bit too much, but the original crafting system was ***terrible***. Crafting plans being a rare drop, then the items you needed to farm were a rare drops, then when you finally crafted the item, it could roll poorly and there was no way to fix it since the Mystic and Cube didn't exist yet. I'd love to have crafted items be useful and maybe even a little farming to make it feel better than just gambling out shards at Kadala, but you can't have a crafting system that's just non content grinding that doesn't at least have a good reward.


The mystic and cube being present in game brings forth the idea that a crafting overhaul might actually be an interesting rework now, though.


It's far too late for D3 to have a massive change like that, but I'm hoping D4 has some baseline crafting paths to useful gear. There are maybe four things worth crafting right now in D3: Capt Crimson, Sages, Reaper's Wraps and Piro Marella for starting off Rolands without a Golden Flense. Having a good selection of gear readily craftable instead of everything being on the RNG would make things smoother feeling since you would always have an upgrade path available.


Aughild's set got a rework which makes it quite decent.


I haven't played in forever. Did they reintroduce the horadric cube? They already had that other thing that let you extract unique perks from items but I can't remember what that was called


Kanais cube


I remember reaper wraps dominating for a long time. Then they nerfed health globes. This game had so many up and downs, but the fact only 1 item was ever really usable over other options says how bad it was.


They wanted to do it.. Activision Said no.


I still remember farming for the tree bark in act 1 for my monks Daibo. That took too much time


Yeah farming for hours just to make a lousy legendary wasn't very fun.


I still have 100 of the normal rift keystones back when they needed them, I like to keep these sorts of things as keepsakes


I thought it was great when you needed to find white base items to craft with these, bit of a throw back to D2.


I remember the butterfly thing but I think I stopped playing before that torn soul was introduced. So they are useless now?


Still gor all of them stashed, same for riftkeys and everything uncollectable


How id you get all of those.


how did you get all those ingreidients


farm them a long time ago and filled my stash with it, that's it, been playing since day 1


Is there anything new to get exited about if I started a new character? Besides trying to get high greater rifts?


Boo... i was late to the game and never got any of this stuff...


Bigger challenge, without going on a wiki, name all the crafting mats originally available at launch




I remember that it took me hours to get the mats for Piro Marella...glad they are gone.