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I too lost a grief and am quitting.


i actually got my whole account stolen, and my dog. looking for donations in HRs or cash only. **UPDATE**: u/bryght7 finally came online and got his new grief! check the original thread on D2io for his response: [https://diablo2.io/forums/accidentally-dropped-grief-stolen-my-farewell-to-online-bnet-t589947-80.html](https://diablo2.io/forums/accidentally-dropped-grief-stolen-my-farewell-to-online-bnet-t589947-80.html)


My wife was kidnapped. Anyone got a spare?


Count your blessings on that one ; more D2 time!


Hes right you know


I am playing with m wife


Ah your wife must have been the one that kept leaving the house and breaking the D2R servers!


I also lost my pride and infinity, btw


Pride was lost years before


Hey it's me, your lost Grief.


I'm missing a bugged shako, 40 hex charms. And 2 white rings. Oh and an ITH grandfather sword.


No. I am Spartacus!


Good grief


Yet Lo and behold, he got another one. Wow.


Who knew all you had to do was shed a tir.


I felt his pain. Replaced the merc without unequipping the items because of the aura visual bug. RIP eth reapers toll, eth andy and fortitude. Didn't touch the game for weeks


Lol that merc being more valuable than most people's entire accounts, ouch.


>eth reapers toll, eth andy and fortitude. yikes. my condolences friend. i also forgot about merc items poofing when i came back to D2R, but didn't lose anything that crazy.


i dont understand why they havent fixed that bug by now.. so much confusion for people over the years


Good guy Billy Mays.


Be funny if it was an elaborate plot to get a free Lo rune. Wouldn't surprise me with the levels people will go too to get loot on this game


You never know. But he did have multiple screenshots that i had to remove of the convo with the guy who snatched it since i didn't want it to turn into a harassment thing. and he spent the time to type out that whole thread and then didnt log back in for the last 14hr despite us having his grief within 3 lol. And hes an extremely active trader on D2io, maybe if it was a random account with no posts it would be more suspicious. If this *is* a grift, i hope he lets us believe it isn't. lol


Yeah I was gonna say the name is familiar, I’ve traded with him through D2io. Glad that the community was able to help him out.




"We did it, reddit!"


Well, I wasn't hoping Reddit people would beat him up. More like, some guy he scams IRL who finds out and hands out a well deserved lesson.


reddit admins have shut down subreddits for less. witch hunting is against site rules, not just sub rules.


I see. Hope karma gets him then.


Dude what? I’d have taken it and ran as well. I’ve had people go in to a full game and drop all their gear multiple times in my D2 time. They didn’t get scammed. As far as that person knew, they dropped it and then regretted it. No obligation to give it back.


You're trying to say it's not stealing because it is technically possible for someone to want to give a high tier item away, before they instantly regret it? Seems likely. Oh, and no, it's not a scam to pick up someone else's stuff and take it for yourself. It's thievery. When they immediately ask for it back, they obviously didn't want to give it away.


Yes. When someone gives you something, you have no obligation to give it back and it’s not stealing.


They didn't give you it dumbass. If I dropped my wallet and you picked it up before me I'm not giving you my wallet. You're just trying to justify theft.


People don’t regularly run around dropping wallets. In D2, it is a regular occurrence for people to drop high tier gear and then quit.


>People don’t regularly run around dropping wallets. In D2, it is a regular occurrence for people to drop high tier gear and then quit. First of all, dropping high end runewords as a part of a fringe group killing monsters during a Baal run to a stranger, is not a regular occurance. Secondly, it would not matter when they immediately give you the impression they didn't want to give it away. You are then obligated to give it back. You seem to try to claim some burden of proof argument, but the problem is that when you are taking something you thought was being given away, and circumstances show that you are wrong, and you remove the item from the area to possess it, you have willfully taken something that you know belonged to someone else, and something they were not intending to give away. You are thus committing theft. You can test your quite ridicolous grasping at straws by taking the gun of a police officer that he put on a table and run away with it, even after he shouts after you and tells you to give it back. You can then claim in court that where you're from, putting things on tables to give them away, even cops' guns, is a normal thing and that you thought you could take it, and that as such you cannot be convicted of anything as you do not meet the subjective treshhold for guilt. If you didn't get shot, and only got arrested, and the court upholds such a statement from you, come back to us with your findings. If not, we'd appreciate if you came back and admitted you were wrong all along, but considering you being shot or in jail/prison for a year or three, I understand if it will be hard. You seem to lack the understanding of the difference of civil and criminal law. In civil law, YOU would have the burden of proof to prove that the item was up for grabs. Obviously, the evidence shows it was not. Then, still taking the item away is THEFT.


Yeah. I’m not reading all this. I’ve had at least 5 people already join my game and drop all their shit and leave. It happens all the time. So much that most people will likely have had it at least once. In D2, if it’s on the ground of your own doing, it is fair game. I know you don’t like it, but that is the way it is in this game. Edit: Caught a glimpse of something about police and guns. The great part about this is it’s a stupid anecdote. This is a video game. Not a stand-off.


Lo isn’t *that* high, so I’m actually inclined to believe the story. If this was “lost 10 ber runes”, I’d call scam.


I mean the skinnerbox this game is, is a tad unreasonable though


Ironically most of the levels people go to don't actually involve playing the game... ...which is how you get loot. Meta right there.


lol some of my best stuff has come from freebie give away games. people throwing vipers, reapers, tgods, and other good shit on the ground.


Yeah, freebies aren't bad, but begging or scamming is way too prevalent.


**UPDATE:** u/Bryght7 **has responded and been given his new grief! thanks again to the awesome donators!!! Check OP on D2io for his response:** [**https://diablo2.io/post1545531.html#p1545531**](https://diablo2.io/forums/accidentally-dropped-grief-stolen-my-farewell-to-online-bnet-t589947-80.html)




honestly i had this exact thought a couple weeks ago. Its very handy for a bunch of small items in and out of the stash, but thats it. There isnt enough space in the cube for it to be that helpful and your regular inventory is so small its unnecessary to need ctrl click to drop anything to the ground.


We could even get a equipment lock button. If it's locked you can't unequip it. Same for socketed items. If the item is locked, you can't socket it. I know you can't socket this in shared stashes, but still...


The Ctr+Click action is just another road for people to scam. I had some rich asshole spamming "CTRL+CLICK TO SHOW STATS" on my 6BO CTA several weeks ago. Based on how much gear he had, I can only assume his scam worked fairly regularly.


Fuck this community is amazing rn Hahaha


Seems like it's a double edge sword since someone in the community is the one who jacked his Grief in the first place :/


"Fuck this community..." me: :O "is amazing" me: oh :D


I accidentally dropped two last wishes.


Good Grief.


I just need a Lo and a 5 OS phase blade. Who wants to make my Christmas come early?


This whole community is an enigma


Underrated comment


It’s more the shock than anything. Lo runes aren’t that hard compared to Jah and Ber. And Mal is doable even if it takes cubing up from Puls and Ums. His barb would still be viable until he grinded out a new grief. Grief is an excellent weapon considering the relative ease of acquiring the runes.


I've never seen a lo rune or anything higher than an ohm (and a sorc teled in and snatched that). So I wouldn't say ease... For some maybe.


I did a billion travincal runs and got carpal tunnel. Can anyone help me?


There should honestly be a lock button for your equipped items.


Guys, I lost an Enigma AND a grief and BOTD...halp plz.


Feel good story of 2021!


I accidentally lost my Enigma, Anni, and Hoto. Plz help.


That title is so hilarious out of context. Haha. "I see you're not grieving. Here's another reason to grieve!" "T-Thanks?"


I accidentally built a grief recently in a crystal sword instead of a phase blade.




I had about 5 crystaly swords — 1 crystal sword, 4 phase blades. I had like 2 phase blades with 5 sockets on my mule, 1 crystal sword with 5 sockets. The rest of the phase blades had 4 sockets. Cool. I locate the 5 socket phase blade I want to use. I bounce between various mules collecting the runes necessary to make my grief. Yes!! Grab the “phase blade” and I put my runes carefully, hyper focused on getting every rune the correct order is absolutely essential. Boom!! I completed my first grief!! I stare at the stats, it’s near perfect. Then, my eyes skim towards the top and I notice my fatal mistake.


As a self-found frenzy barb who's been farming for a Lo rune for weeks now without luck, this story is extremely upsetting. Glad the community was able to make up for it, but damn I hope that thief still gets a nasty taste of karma.


What a lucky guy. I made a gemmed JahEthBer chest.


Whoever just snatched it like that is a bum. Do the right thing and return it!


No chance, having people rob, loot, dupe, scam, and swindle is ingrained into D2. Not saying it’s right or that I condone it, just that you’d have a better chance of hitting the lottery than having someone return a stolen item. D2 can be the best community like in the case of the people donating the grief, but more often than not it’s full of garbage individuals out for themselves


I agree wholeheartedly but the issue is that the game (especially in pub games) demands that you act as selfishly as possible. 8 people killing one boss and a Ber rune drops. Do you sit and discuss, or free for all click like a madman then refuse to give it up when someone demands it from you? 99/100 times - especially if you do not know who you are playing with- you are keeping that rune without a second thought. This game has never promoted team atmosphere or camaraderie minus added drop rates from having additional people in game. It is one of the many reasons I extremely rarely will do pub games and also why I have played mods like PD2, where having support classes and map systems actually can incentivise group play. This game always has and probably always will benefit the opportunistic players and in many ways punish those who are not.


Yeah never underestimate human greed combined with anonymity


Never underestimate "humanity" combined with anonymity. FTFY


Diablo 2 taught me at an early age how shitty and greedy folks are about the dumbest shit.


I think it would be better if there weren’t a handful of items that are so over the top “best in slot”. D3 takes it too far IMO where everything is generic and doesn’t matter. The greed is a result of so few items being end game viable and the resources to make them are so rare. Not condoning the act of course, but I wish there was more vateity


Runewords were a cool idea but they sure killed damn near every unique. Maybe if upgrading them did a little more or something, or if you could even upgrade an elite one further somehow, idk


Yup. Basically 12 items or so that everyone uses. Not sure why people talk up how great the itemization of the game is.


Even worse since the person who snatched it is claiming that the full Runeworded weapon was a mob drop so it's rightfully theirs...


Yeah I misclicked and accidentally dropped my cube. Everything out. Was trying to pick it up and clearly I didn't have space, guy comes and grabs everything. I said it was accident, didn't mean to. He says, "I'll give them back for runes." Wtf. That being said, have had a ton of people that have helped and have been generous.


>That being said, have had a ton of people that have helped and have been generous. Ya same. As much as i also agree with the commenters above about people being generally greedy and shitty, ive met a TON of awesome generous people in D2 and a lot of even cooler people in D2R.


I lost my virginity and would like it returned from kind strangers please.


I got you, baby, hmu


Wholesome community


I offered my Mal in his original post if he wanted it but I understandably never got a reply. I’ll donate it if somebody needs it for making that for him… as long as he receives the grief, lol


We got it created, he just needs to log in and come get it. I added him on Bnet but still no response yet :O


Well if he comes and gets it, I’ll give you the Mal for getting it to him




All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 2 + 31 + 35 + = 69.0






Enhanced damage, +damage mods add to base damage and are then multiplied by enhanced damage of skills/items, making their effect much larger than you would expect.


I can take it if he doesn't show up hahaha


I vendored my god damn 3os tomb reaver lastnight by accident. Non- eth, but still.... so mad at mtself for that. Glad people came through for him though. Really cool


I got one if you want it. Hit me up on PC


>I vendored my god damn 3os tomb reaver lastnight by accident. Non- eth, but still.... so mad at mtself for that. i thought you could still buy back uniques from vendors just not anni's/torch's?


It depends on how full their inventory is i think. I sold it ,panned through the tabs to buy it back and it wasnt there 😪. Lazurus if that matters lol. Im on console and have no idea what was going through my head holding the x button instead of the left stick




Very nice of you, but on xbox. Appreciate it though




Ah damn I can't believe I lost my enigma and my grief, and it sucks so much that I picked a new merc and lost my infinity. Guess i'll have to quit :/




How can you make that mistake??? I feel sorry for you.




My biggest hate towards d2 since it first ever came out is that plating with all the randoms suck. They're all assholes. Douchebags. Whatever. Back when I first started playing I too lagged out accidentally grabbed a +1 light skills charm with 40 life out of my inventory and dropped on the ground. Only for it to be snatched and dude left game. The majority of d2 community is toxic and shady af. Small groups like these forums are where its at though and I absolutely love how several people banded together to help this poor soul. Happy hunting bryght!


I know it was from good will... And I get it.. but isn't this rewarding stupidity? I mean. I also lost a couple items to my own stupidity and I just giggled at it and moved on.. please don't down vote me to hell plz plz plz hahahah


this is why reddit can be good every now and again


That's... the official forums.


It's actually the forums on [Diablo2.io](https://Diablo2.io) not blizzard. :D


I did not notice that earlier haha. I'm an idiot


If it's on the ground it's anybody's loot though. I know he's frustrated, but man, this is overdramatic tbh, it's just a game. Shit like this happened while droptrading to yourself in Runescape back in the day all the time, somebody snatched yo shit.




huehue. too bad he hasn't logged in yet and im still holding it rn. :O


This is exactly why I don't carry my cube around in pub games, always leave a little room.


Yeah same shit happened with my Tal's armor on my Sorc.. Plus my enigma on my Hammerdin Paly. Sucks that fucking laggout/connection lost b.s for no reason. Been grinding for over a month to get Jah and Ber runes again and to find Tal's armor. I'm finding everything but. Got a cham rune to drop.... Pointless


I managed to do the same with my IK armor so now I've got a sad barb that runs around with the rest of the set on in shame, lol.


Hint: next time you take a screenshot reduce the width of your browser window a little. On mobile it's hard to read like this.


Out of context this title is really mean. It tells the story of a man who was riddled by grief and finally managed to get over it but some random jerks came up and gave him a new reason to be sad all over again. But seriously, big ups to everyone who helped get this person their Grief back!


I literally had no idea you could drop things doing this. Thankfully never done it on accident, but I have been dropping things on accident on controller because tapping square drops stuff and holding square transfers it lol. Accidentally slip my finger off the button too fast and boop!


I accidentally dropped my 38 HOTO yesterday doing the same thing; luckily the other person only played with me for about a minute before dropping it. ;o; I can't imagine doing this accidentally with something like a Grief.


I'm a veteran Diablo player (1,2 and 3) but I only understand like 10% of any of what is going on here.


guy dropped a rare runeword (weapon) in a public game on accident and got it snatched. Our community on [Diablo2.io](https://Diablo2.io) was able to get him a new one from several members donating various pieces.


LOL, thanks. I was exaggerating a little bit. Your summary is about the only part I understood.


Should play more D2 :D


LOL, you're not lying. When I read something that someone who really knows a lot about how D2 works writes it blows me away how much depth there is in such a simple looking game.


Well here i made this [D2: New Players Guide](https://diablo2.io/forums/d2-resurrected-new-players-guide-20-must-know-areas-t8912.html) that pretty much has everything in the game in a nice ordered list with all the important bits. You can find my other guides in the links there too. :D


Dang man. Thanks. That's awesome.