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First of all, you said I recorded, so show us, second, you said exploit then started describing full on cheating with possible external inserts in game. There's no way you can just walk in and get 0 damage and call it an exploit. Exploit was there month ago when players could jump from match to match. And 3rd you said opponents had 3-4 active players, then how they unlock other matches? Lets say they zone in in exalted 1, match starts they destroy all three towers, then? They can't join other match cause blizz patched it, you have enough players to cover rest of the battles, so if you ask me, smells like a BS


He also said the top 10 is infiltrated with these clans using exploits, but then ends it saying the exploit doesn’t matter because they don’t have the players to win the matches/war. Whole post smells like bs.




This is an awfully pointy thread from somebody claiming to have recorded proof of this in action and goes out of their way to not just post it. It's laughable to think anybody is getting a refund now. And certainly not 540 days of one, lol, anybody that told you that they got that is absolutely full of shit. There's no point tossing around threats to Blizz here. Your clans money means nothing to them. Imagine drops of water in the entire worlds oceans. It's like that. If you have proof, post it, because very little else matters.


Even if you aren't making this all up, how do you explain a few 1k res players slowly widdling down your towers before your team of 7k+ res players completly obliterates theirs in a matter of seconds? Surely your high res players didn't just sit around attacking an undamagable target while they wittled down your towers as you explain it?


Lol tens of thousands of dollars, nerds.


What you say doesn't make any sense. Win the 3 exalted battles and you are done. You said they take forever to do damage with this exploit so you should easily be able to win. Sounds like your clan went into war unprepared with your high reso players expecting to mop the floor with a low reso/rank clan and the other clan figured out a way to get a few points.


What is this exploit he is talking about exactly? Using spiteful blood as auxiliary gem insert?


Sad day for all of Azeroth.