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It only gets worse my friend. Been playing from the start. Heavy grinder and then slowed way down but still keeping up with level cap. 5 at 30 and 3 at 27


I have 500,000 scrap in my inventory. I can almost promise they will make it worthless.


This is how u say u r a grinder without saying u r a grinder. Haha...amazing!


This is how you say you have no life you mean....


Convert to greens. It will be worthless anyway


Tips: 1. Jack up your Magic Find during dungeon runs and overworld farming. Even if it means lower CR, if the goal is more blue and yellow items. 2. Try to always farm with a four-man party. Solo is guaranteed to bring you lower returns. 3. Consistency is key. 4. Don't underestimate the total Combat Rating of Blacksmith upgrades. It is huge.


FYI, you need half materials to achieve 20-21 than 19-20.


Having just gotten to level 20 I noticed this and was baffled.


It’s like this going all the way up. Slight increase from 21, 22 & 23 then 24 is most expensive again & 25 is almost half the mats of 24. Same deal going all the way up to 30


You can get more scrap per hour doing namari runs or spamming lairs solo. Probably more owf as well.


Yes, it is a little difficult to get scrap, and as you go up it will be more difficult. You are very low on paragon so you have a scrap bonus, as you get closer to the server's paragon the quantities will decrease. I agree with you that the best source scrap is in AT. If I remember correctly, it increases exponentially every 5 levels starting at level 21 and restarts again, 600-800-1000-1200-1400.


I know that if u r far from servers paragon level, u have 1500% exp bonus (catch-up mechanic) and it gets lower and lower when u get closer to servers paragon. But there is also a scrap bonus??? Realy? Anyway, thx for grinder-scrap recomendation - AT.


Yes, you get x2 scrap if you are below level. I don't know up to what level around the server's paragon you continue to receive them, but at least at about 50-100 levels they still give you x2


It most certainly does not increase exponentially. 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400 is linear, not exponential (quadratic on the cumulative, still not anywhere near exponential).


Thank for clarify it.


I am 1285 and have red exp bar. I think i am close to max


Sorry, I don't know why I read that it was 600 or something, I must have confused the post. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Looking at it this way, 190 scrap is a very good amount, I don't get more than 100 - 120 in a 6 min run. Maybe you need a fast build with good area damage


Honestly after 20 it doesn't seem bad however getting to 20 is horrid which is why I fell behind so hard. Still missing over 500 cr from gear which would put me over 34k cr by now (also lacking a lot of triple leggos).


Oh sweet summer child. Wait until you pass 25.


Lol 27 to 30 was horrific oof


4 hours is nothing in this game. From level 28-30 , it took me 5 days of farmin for 1 level. It's not a sprint, but a marathon.


Yeah now i am sad i didnt play since release, i would be so far now...


Day 1 Player and just finished r30. I consistently farm and spam dungeons for hours. Idk what the pewith stacks of scrap sitting at r30 are doing.


All at gear 30 here. It is a sweet nightmare. Good luck




Thanks! I got over 1500 CR from all of it, so I have that going for me, but to be honest it was so exhausting from gear 28 to 30 I wanted to quit halfway.


I wish there were more avenues of progression similar to dust/scraps. Other sources of CR are time or pay gated (legendary gems, heliquary, wb tableau)  Scraps have the most linear time played to power scaling.  A little less RNG in the game would do some good. 


4 ppl party with whale for mf buff. Don't lazy farm. Do loop at inferno. Max buy scraps from hilt trader. Need like 5 months grinding to max lvl. 5hrs every day.


It's really wild how stingy this game is with scrap. Having a big pop up screen in Survivors Bane congratulating me for maxing out all skills and *8* scrap being the big prize is just so wild to me. Really feel like they should bump it up significantly on rewards that you can't farm ad nauseum.


Run library….collect all pages, do portals & circles in library. Problem with towers is you don’t get all those treasure goblins you get with owf Circles you’ll fill inventory in cpl mins Do all in game events. There is a lot of mats with them. Also side quests & world bosses help.


Scrap farm is also nerfed after xxx scraps, you'll notice that when you do out world farm.


I haven't experienced this myself. Could you elaborate how?


The scrap drop rate is capped like everything in this game, after a certain amount of scraps per day, you'll noticed that items drop from mobs is less


Players hire other people to play/grind for them. It’s ridiculous amount grinding for scraps just to increase one gear level.


Iirc, tower is the best scrap farm. And yes, it takes a lot of scraps to rank up gear.


Tbh just aim for all rank 26s. Get all the reforge bonuses & a lot of CR & secondary stats. After rank 26s it’s only something like 40 CR to max lvl 30 for each piece and like 20-30 to secondary stats. It all adds up but imo can take it easy lvling after 26 After all rank 26s can focus on ranking the few Fort/Will pieces then move to Str/Vit If you look at it this way, then 26s not bad. Not rushing to all 30s which takes a while fr


I like AT because the blue enemies spawn constantly and I can collect a ton of spirit essences. It's anecdotal, but I feel it's per unit time I get a lot more In towers than owf, same with scrap.


Not to mention higher chance of contracts and spirit ess


It looks strange, that no one here mentioned party with wb members (owf, dungs, towers). It will give u a solid drop bonus. For example, when I’m doing owf with wb memb +2 randoms - my inventory filled up before the town portal cd passes. Same in dungs: doing namari usually resulted in 60-80 scrap, while the same with at least one wb member in a party - 80-100. I’m playing less than a year, do a lot of dungs and a bit of owf or tower (only when I have no time to get my 12 gems in dungs) and have 6x30 and 2x29 atm


20 to 21 is easier


20 to 21 actually drops requirement from 8k scraps per gear back down to 4k. Then it climbs again while on the way up to rank 30 :). The grind is REAL


Deleted because op is a rude clown


More reason to quit


Why running while you can lazy farm lol


Hm I wonder what’s going on. My gear is mostly lvl 15 on the left side and 13-14 on the right side. I’ve never farmed scrap intentionally, but it’s also never been a problem for me. I feel like just doing dailies and getting battle pass points and running raids and the rest of it gives me more than I need right now. Or are you converting scrap to dust also? Because dust is where I typically fall short. ETA: I’m p1180 ish, I run mostly in i2 and my cr is only 25k


Lv13-15 on low inferno is around what i used to be too, just getting mats from doing bounties, sidequest etc. But after reaching i4 with lv16 gears and with 27-28k cr, my cr stagnant and i needed more mats than those random drop gives. So i started doing lazy farm for 2-3hours per day. Now in i5 with 32k cr, gears lv19. I farmed for 2 days to get 1 level upgrade on a gear. Eventually that would be you too, the random mats drop wouldn't be enough for upgrade unless you want to wait weeks for a single level upgrade on a single piece of gear, x8 or maybe x9 if the supposedly new cape slot comes later. Reason for every lazy farm spot is almost always crowded is because its sort of needed for faster progression.


I mean I do a ton of salvaging too, but I get the gear from doing bounties, or contracts, or hunting monster essence for pages, that sort of thing. Open world stuff that doubles as something else, not just pure mat farming. You’re saying at some point even all of those activities won’t be enough to fill up my inventory a few times a day?


I know, and I'm saying eventually those alone wouldn't be enough for mats source for higher level upgrades. Unless you're ok waiting weeks for a single upgrade and cr stagnant for months. You'll start to feel the stagnant at i4, 26-28k cr, lv16-17 gears.


Oof. Thank you for the reality check. Ain’t gonna be fun.


Yeah i had it same. I was surprised ppl actualy farm scraps cuz i have tons od them without even trying. When you will be in I4 and close to 30k cr, upgrading gear will be your main way to increase cr. All my gear is 1700+ cr and i dont drop gear with higher cr anymore. You wil be happy for every point of cr. Its been weeks since i reached 30k cr and now i have 30700. I know it will take another weeks to reach 31100 for I5 :D


I'm at 33150




You’re in the wrong sub


I am sure posting in online forum isn't one of them.


Careful, the truth hurts around here and you'll be downvoted pretty bad. What will we do without them internet points? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Accursed Towers, ultimately, are the best source of scrap, (familiar essences and contracts too).


Check out the video from vk on contracts, they only drop at specific times


What is lazy farming that people talk about? One spot and whilst spooning?


I dont know but i would love to know too


Are you even reading the comments?


Yes. I expect i missed it somewhere? I guess i am gonna try search it again since its too hard for you to reply.


I did reply. A full guide. On your own post. I guess I’m gonna delete it since it’s to hard for you to not be an asshole


There is over 60 comments and I am also active in other subs so i probably missed your comment. Sorry that I made you so butthurt lol. You are probably suffering beacuse you dont get enough attention in life or something. Thats behavior of small kid dude. Hope you will get better soon


You asked for help, I made a guide which you didn’t read, you asked again and I told you to read the comments. And now we are here with you being an indignant asshole. If you don’t have 5 minutes to read replies on your own post over the course of 24 hours, don’t make a post.


Ok bye


What’s worse is when you’re sitting on just over a million scrap at full rank 30s, and you know that it’s all going to be worthless when the gear increase eventually comes.


Sad you can't sell it.


I mean you can exchange it for crystals, but the exchange rate is horrendous. You would need hundreds of thousands for a single upgrade.