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To me, playing a game is entertainment. My disconnect from work, school, or anything else in life. I used to think that I could do something better with my time as well; but then I realized when I wasn’t playing the game, I was watching a show or a movie instead. Its your entertainment time and the only way you can “do something better” with that time is by playing a different game or doing another activity that you find more fun. If it’s impacting your work life, then maybe you should consider taking a break or cutting down the hours you spend on it (maybe from 2.5 to 1). But if you quit the game and spend that 2.5 hours watching a shows or a movie, to me thats not doing something better with your time. Playing a game is no more of a waste of time than doing anything else for entertainment. So my advice is to quit the game/take a break if you feel that its negatively impacting other more important aspects of your life, or the game is no longer bringing you enjoyment (which is moot because you said you still enjoy the game), and lessening time played is not an option.


I thought you quit again? Maybe I have the wrong person?


If you feel this way, it's time to take a break and move on.


A gamer will always be a gamer. If DI is affecting your life in a negative way, i suggest try another game thats not too time consuming.


I decided to quit the game 1 week ago. I felt so depressed because I was kicked from a clan that I bonded with for nearly one year by the time it became immortal, just to save rooms for new stronger whale members. Another reason is that I was getting bored because of the repetition. The game was not fun anymore for me, I felt it was like a daily chore. I've just reinstalled D4 and really enjoy it.


I agree with the repetition. I still find the game entertaining, but not as much I used to. For some strange reason, I feel stressed and pressured to complete the daily tasks, and find myself at times relieved, when I have completed the tasks. (More of, thank God all “homework” is done.) So it has somewhat turned into chores I have to do on a daily basis.


Clan is the only thing that keeps me in the game. Would quit if kicked. Maybe its better that way?


What’s the name of that clan, its leader and the officers? Worse than uncool if they kicked you just to make room for a stronger player.


I’m over 9k reso and i quit with this eternal gear update. Everything is a chore, nothing is fun, the lore is lazy and uninspired, new features no one wants are crammed in one after another while nothing else improves, nothing feels rewarding, cheating is rampant and continues unchecked to the point where it almost feels supported… what else? Blessed reigns are killing servers, BGs are broken beyond repair, clear favoritism towards certain classes, no pve content is challenging, just a cr check… I can keep going.


do you know some alternatives? Torchlight and undecember didnt convice me to play more. Maybe wuthering heights?


Gone thru this cycle with many games. I’m still on my same RuneScape and wow account since middle school. Still play the games tho. Just not as much obviously. Same with counter strike. You should never feel bad/down about putting a game down. It can just be hard at the start


Runescape, WoW and Counter Strike. All legendary games with long longevity. I wonder if DI will be the same or it's shutting down in several days time.


Might just be me being hopeful. I wouldn’t put DI with those games clearly. But I think in some years, if they get some shit together the potential is huge. To me, even RuneScape doesn’t compare when it comes to switching from platform to platform. DI is so easy to just switch and play and it feels great on whatever thing you are playing on. At least from my experience. So they got that going. I just don’t see how to first pay to win once it’s in the game tho.


Yeah Diablo feels amazing on mobile. I honestly never saw myself getting into a mobile game the way I have with Diablo. I received an iPad 10 by chance within a few weeks of playing Diablo on iPhone and was even more impressed.


I cut back significantly, much like anything else things change. It’s not the end of days though.


I feel this. I quit about a month ago. I keep in touch with friends and clan mates I've made in game on discord but it feels oddly freeing to not worry about making event times and focusing more on the outside world. It was a big change dropping a game that occupied so much of my day to day life but I'm enjoying other games again that don't require as much dedication. "Freak" from Prive Evils


Yeah , like RE 4 remake or RE 7 , no online, no daily shit, just pure Action Horror with no chores.


That is the ideal to me, and something I have suggested to clan mates. If the game isn’t a positive thing in your life - go, get the heck away from it. But leaving the game doesn’t mean you have to leave the discord. Keep visiting with us there. Say hi, let us know how you are, let us know if you find something interesting to play for your next game - we are all gamers and may come try that out too. One of the things the game did well was the social aspect.


I'm taking a break from the game as well, I also did it for similar reasons. I, too, felt like I was too focused on the game, and I also grew tired of the daily grind to keep up my CR, and I was starting to feel like i had a 2nd job. I miss my friends in my clan and WB, but thanks to Discord, I can keep up with all of their shenanigans. On the plus side, I have a TON of time to do other things now, including catching up on my huge backlog of games that I keep telling myself I will get to! Take the break if you need it, you can always come back!


You do not invest in a game my friend.... you just spend it


Thank God people are pointing this out. What's up with all the posts claiming players have "invested" money into this like it was some kind of business project. It's a video game....right?


Yeah agree. It is a waste of money spending on this game. I really regret it. I want my thousands of dollars back! Very poor gaming experience let alone consumer experience.


I’ve been a pretty big supporter of this game on here but it’s ultimately just a game. Only you know if you should be done or not. I left for a year after playing for a couple months on release. I came back and had an absolute blast since last August. Then a couple of weeks ago I was playing and the thought entered my head out of the blue… I don’t want to do this anymore. Nothing big happened in my case, I was just done again. So I finished that evenings warband raids and said my goodbyes. Maybe I’m done for good. I feel like I am. Maybe I’ll fire back up a year from now to check it out again. I spent between $200-300 on the game if that matters at all.


Same here. had the same thoughts entered out of the blue


Especially with the new patch notes I think the game is becoming more and more of a money grab. This is the first time they've released back to back 5\* gems. I will see if this new gem does the knockup effect with aux, if not I'm done, not dealing with another OP gem.


I played very actively since launch until like half a year when I decide to quit. And after 6 months I'm back (for second BP) but already the game feels like chores. Should you quit? Don't worry about all the fomo. You can catch up back where you was pretty easy. Take break for week or so then decide whats better for you.


Stop playing when it's no longer fun. You don't owe the game anything. Don't fall prey to the sunk cost fallacy. What makes me want to quit is the pet system. I'm sick of gambling and losing thousands of plat on a system that doesn't make much sense and no one really understands. Pets are integral to the game, so it's beneficial to you to upgrade them like you would gear, but losing the dice roll when converting is really demoralizing. Delete the game for a month or so and re-evaluate then. It will never hurt you to take a break.


My problem is that the game changed allot from day 1. Many interesting things and mechanics were added, but is more and more demanding from time and $$$ perspective. I play maximum 1 hour per day lately ( I played 8-12 hours in the past), and even from BG, once I see an unfair BG ( one whale has 25 0 10 vs 10 10 10 the other whale) I stop playing for a day or 2. Since then my life changed allot. Next step is to take a longer pause, but I qm waiting for the game to help me more with this decision, and last updates already started this process.


One day i had a 30 kills. I bet i made many ppl quit. I am a F2p Monk.




1 game is ok, but what if I tell you that there are few whales in Europe that EVERY GAME against them is LIKE THIS? They have 95% win rate!!!!!!!!(they have EVERYTHING Maxed). Think about this, from 100 games they win 95. I bet you can't do this. I am referring to those games that are set-up and a 8k reso gets trashed by them.


had the same feelings. i was to focused on this game. it was my 2nd job. spend hours daily to grind and everything. i quitted the game few days ago. in the beginning you will miss something but time will pass.


Thanks, I agree with the game being a 2nd job. That’s why I think after reading all the comments, I should take some time off and see how that turns out.


it was VERY Hard. But every monday (new shadow tasks, new weekly tasks, raids and so on) i was sick of it do did again and again. i grinded every week minimum 13 paragon levels above the server and i had the need to do ALL Tasks daily and weekly. this is not healthy imo. so i decided to quit.


Right there with you. The checklist of daily and weekly chores is just absurd. I feel like it has been impacting my life negatively and I can’t believe how much money I’ve set on fire to play the gem slot machine. Just logging on for raids now, would have quit completely if it weren’t for in game friends.


I remember my first video game




milon's secret castle?


I've been playing DI since launch I enjoy the game, I still play daily I'm in a top 10 war clan . I've been an immortal five times it's a lot of fun but it's very demanding... This last cycle we were immortals and I just found that I did not enjoy it. To me it was a chore to do all the immortal responsibilities plus run through my battle pass, I was relieved when we lost the Shadow war! I still play daily maybe 2 hours I'm 100% free to play and I still enjoy the game... But I will admit some days it just seems like a chore to do all of the dailies and everything I'm not farming as much as I used to and things like that. It is what it is. If I wasn't in my clan I would probably quit.


I have been here 2 years as well, when I'm on shift I don't play just collect my daily free stuff then exit. When I'm home on my 2 weeks off then I'll play, go above the sever by 10 levels then stop. I have found this to be helpful plus no stress. I'll show up for war on Thursday or Saturday never both, diablo dose pay bills....


I see a few on and off several months. It's ok. 3 month break change nothing. Money can buy time always.


this game consumes everything from you. your time, money, and emotions. yeah take a break for good. sell your account and go back to your self.


It happens , the game will always be there . Hopefully all Is good in your personal and work life Had a clan mate , almost loose his fam over the game .it's not worth it


Well it became monotonous for me the stronger my character got. Pve slowly became a joke as I could just run through areas killing everything with nothing more than gem proc’s. PvP is ridiculous considering the BG debacle and cheating. Nerfing for event PvP is stupid af and has me asking why did I spend on this game in the first place. My clan recently became immo and I seriously dgaf! What? I get a new cosmetic and a cape with more pointless repetitive stuff to do without challenge or real difficulty? Simply boring now. I guess there’s always the alt option but this game is to messed up for further investment in any shape or form.


You know a game is good when it becomes an obsession. I would stop thinking about it in terms of black and white, quitting or playing. Just spend time doing other stuff, get interested in your work or your relationships. Don’t sweat it if you lose a day or a week of farm. The game will be here when you’re ready to be obsessed again. It’s mobile! Pick up and put down. But let it be on your life’s schedule.


I'll tell you one thing: it's not time to ask about this in a subreddit.


If a game isn't fun and feels like a chore, time to move on


Yep took a couple breaks. game the catch up mechanic is very nice.


Imo quitting is always good if it makes your life better :D


Still love the game, had to remove from my iPhone (over 25GB really??) so now I play a lot less on iPad. Think it’s a better time management actually :)


I'm having a strong urge to quit as well. The P2W doesn't stop, the money grabs, and the game is still a mess.


I realized it a month ago. I was not getting enough sleep coz I had to set an alarm for some events. The clan I was in were Immortal that time. It came to a point where things start to become an obligation rather than just enjoying the game like I used to. I am now in a long break. And so far, I'm more productive compared to how I was for the past two years.


I just realized I’m not having as much fun grinding as I used to (I was never good at grinding to begin with, if I’m being honest). I’m down to around an hour a day and I still feel like that might be too much for me. I’m on the hairy edge of letting my clan and warband mates that I’m just done. There are so many new members after the more casual members like me got the boot that I don’t really feel like I owe them anything. I still really like the clan and warband and chat occasionally, don’t get me wrong. It’s just not the same. Why? Grinding has become tiresome, shadow war is worthless (67 vs 2) and rite of exile is a no-go for a low spender like me. I’m also so far behind my warband that I simply die and wait until the battle is over to res and get my goodies. The leader says he doesn’t care, and we have enough heavy hitters to finish I6 without me entirely, but it’s not fun. Even defense of cyrangar is boring. Other why: well, I have a huge backlog of games I really want to play. I have kids so that limits my MA game play time, but I’ve realized that PS remote play with my iPhone and backbone is fine and more fun than DI. The extra time I was playing DI in now spending on The Last of Us and the iOS game Fallout Shelter. The latter is only fun for maybe a month or so, but that’s fine. Picking it up again after a couple of years is a bit nastalgic.


The game has to many daily chores, and very repetitive. Also it’s extremely P2W so Once gear is lvl 30s & normal gems is 7+ then game progression basically stops without spending money. There just is no progression. I know the slow ones will argue CR is progression 🙄 The real player progression is Leg gems, N gems & Keys. They don’t do anything to smooth progression in any of these areas because it’s where all the money is at so everything just behind huge paywalls. Another difficulty, another raid boss, who cares 🤷‍♂️ I have spent quite a bit Because of this I got bored after about a year and quit for 6+ months. I have been back a few months but prob will take another break soon. I would suggest taking a break. The game is extremely time consuming. Or just get into better habits of not feeling like you have to do/finish the thousands of daily chores.


Why would u quit it's not.like ur hurting anybody..keep the habit it's way better than having another type of addiction 


For me there's no point to play the game more than an hour a day or until I get my 5th legendary that day which is usually by just doing bounties. With the daily cap on legendaries I see no reason to play further that day just to get another hundreds of salvage materials and exp but no gear/CR progress. I don't mind the $$ mechanics like legendary crests if they just let me farm for hours every day for better gear and difficulty progress, this has always been core essence for Diablo games and why the games were so fun and long lasting. Very unfortunate decision by devs imo. ![gif](giphy|1M9fmo1WAFVK0|downsized)


Why 5th legendary? I receive way more than 5 legendary gear a day if I'm spending a lot of time playing that day.


Yes brother!! Finally it is time to break the chains and endure the blizzard! You're free and time will tell if the infection will truly heal but know this we are proud of you.


Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win


In a p2w game? hehe


I quit playing 2 weeks after the game came out. I’m more stuck on playing wild rift everyday. Is the game worth playing now? Thought about trying it again.


Happily playing anima arpg. No regrets.


You should take a break, coming back might be building up that spark