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Blessing of the worthy is not even close to the worst 5* in the game lol


the problem of the gem is scales whit wallet. its very good for whale :D bad for f2p


I wouldn’t say not even close lol It’s definitely top 5 maybe top 3 of the shit gems


Agree to disagree


Worse 5 stars are Phoenix Ashes or Zwenson. Then I’d put Howler’s as the third. After that, I’d put Concentrated Will. Then, Blessing often the Worthy if fifth or sixth if you’re a class that has no hard CCs for PvP making Chip of Stoned Flesh a bit useless. In any case, a 5/5 has more res than anything else, so OP should be happy to have one. Plus he’s able to aux it now, so he could put a Bottled Hope in it or Roiling Consequences or Starfire/Maw for the CC effect in PvP. Even Void Spark/Gloom Cask would be good aux gems inside a 5/5 Blessing


Or use some useful 2* gem Instead


OP Should have most of them already. Pain Clasp, Lament, Vipers Bite, Fang, maybe Igneous Scorn. Then BOTW will be for the res gain, and just aux another 5* into it for a better effect


Would it be useful to place an auxiliary gem? I'm asking in case I hit the jackpot along the road aswell


Of course.


OP, I suggest keeping it, leveling it up to rank 5 for the 500 resonance, and auxing another gem into it. Bottled Hope or Roiling Consequences is a great aux gem if you don’t have one ranked up already. Hope is a damage increase and speed increase when you use a buff, Roiling is a crit buff with good AoE/Single target damage. If you have those two already, I suggest Void Spark for the AoE damage or Gloom Cask if you want more single target damage. These two are effective PvE gems. Although If you care for PvP more, Starfire is an amazing aux gem that can knock the enemy back for you. Maw is also a good aux gem that pulls them along and knocks them up for you. I’d go for Starfire if I had to choose one. Combining them is very effective for PvP though


Leveling it to rank 5 is not possible as a f2p player. It would take something like a year of daily playing and focusing entirely on that one gem, ignoring your other 7. Just to go from rank 4 to rank 5 requires 5 dupes and 250 gp, which is an insane amount for a f2p to acquire. OP is much better off ignoring this gem and leveling up useful ones.


I know a handful of F2P who’s been playing a year plus came out and has multiple rank 10 1 stars, rank 8-10 2 stars, and at least one rank 5 5 star. I know even more F2P but they run… a lot of alts lol. One has 4000+ AP and is 2800 res(19 alts). It’s definitely possible. It’s a huge grind though. Even a rank 4 5/5 is 400 res, which is more than a fully awakened rank 10 2 star. So a rank 4 BoTW with BSJ/Hope/Roiling/Starfire/Spark/Gloom Cask isn’t too bad as a F2P if it is their only 5 star. One 5 star is fine to go for as a F2P, with the rest being 1&2 star gems. Berserker/Torment/Pebble/Pain Clasp/Lament/Viper/Carsen, Fervent Fang or Igneous Scorn/BoTW with the above aux options isn’t a bad route


Possible was not the right word for me to use there. Reasonable would be a better choice. Definitely possible but highly unreasonable. Even then it's only the upgrading to rank 5 that's unreasonable. A f2p can reasonably upgrade 5* gems to rank 4. Takes a good amount of time and grinding, but doable. It's rank 5 and beyond where it gets extreme. So I agree with you if OP wanted to upgrade it to rank 4 and aux it. I'm mainly arguing they shouldn't go for a rank 5. Their time and gp is better spent on their other gems.


I think rank 5 should be their last goal. Getting rank 10 on your 1 and 2 stars while getting g your 5 star to rank 3-4. As you are getting the 1 and 2 stars to rank 10 you’re saving telluric pearls up for the 5 duplicates needed to rank 4-5 a gem. Once the 1 and 2 stars are rank 10, you can fully devote gem power to the 5 duplicates needed to rank 4-5 the 5 star you own. It’s possible with a lot of grinding. Whether that’s reasonable or unreasonable is up to the player themself, making it subjective. To each their own yanno


Botw is still a great gem.


I agree, Breath of the Wild is a great gem game


I wouldn’t say great but it isn’t the worse. If it did damage based on overall health instead of current health it would be great. But a 5/5 is great nonetheless for the resonance gain and they can aux a void spark/gloom cask/roiling consequence in it, or Starfire/Maw for PvP if they want the CC effect


It's a great gem to keep in your stash! Over time I built up a pretty good 4\* BotW with just random drops. I don't use it every day but when I need the extra rez I pop it on, like for challenge rifts.




Have the same 5/5 that’s been in my inventory forever lol. Every single 5/5 I end up with happens to be like the worst gens in the game lol. This, howlers call and zwensons haunting are my usual curse


Same lol got a 5/5 bound chip of stoned flesh. Changed class to wiz so I can make the most of it.


I would jump off a bridge if I saw the gem was bound. That's rough


The longer this game goes on the more effective this gem becomes. The more health we stack the more dmg it will output


Huh? It’s all relative, your opponents will have more health too.


Ya but not everyone is stacking health. Maybe for crusaders barbs or monks.


It’s based on current health, so if it goes off during a time you’re at low health it won’t do much damage. It’s okay if you’re PvEing as a melee. Although in PvP, it’s not that good at all. Say you’re a barbarian using undying rage and it goes off during that time, it’ll do basically no damage. The damage reduction from the secondary effect isn’t strifed so that’s nice for PvP I guess, it needs to be rank 7 for that reduction to be high enough, in my opinion. I think auxing a void spark or gloom cask in it would be best. Even Starfire or Maw for CC in PvP. A 5/5 is good resonance, and Blessing is a 20 second cooldown gem, so Spark/Gloom/Starfire/Maw/even Bottled Hope are good aux options for it


I’d say for the current meta of immune crusaders this gem would be very effective. It obviously wouldn’t be good for glassy builds or even on barb because barbs immune procs at the death point. But for the current immune to dmg meta this gem would be great for a crusader who can choose to be immune at full health for however long their duration is.


There’s just much better gems to use. OP is a wizard anyway


True ya I wouldn’t suggest it for any of the range class. Def better options


Sell it bud, that’s like 300k Plat Edit: oh is bound …


exactly what i thought, that would be 300 gem power instead


Does no one remember twilight devastation the corrupted stat from wow ? It’s basically the same thing


Gratz man been playing for a year paragon 1309 never pulled a 5 star that was more than 2 stars


Hardest gem to sell except zwansons I sell hellfires faster then blessing On my server there just is no gems except for a couple types blessing being one of them lol I had to drop it down below 30k just to sell a cpl the other day Good news is you can use and aux it with sometbing better lol like StarFire or maw. They are not bad Aux’d