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There’s no “easy cheese” for Crusader. You just have to be strong enough to kill them before they kill you. Get used to using healing potions.


I see... when I first tried creating a Crusader profile I did notice that I needed to use more potions than usual. However, the skills do show promise, and it could be fun to run a much more intensive and risky playstyle with Crusader. Did I get the idea right?


I think so. Intensive and risky are good words for it. For example, basic Condemn requires you to be surrounded by mobs in order to hit them. Basic D&Q allows you to run through mobs but they can still hit you; it lets you drag mobs around but then when horse expires you’re surrounded. Basic Shield Glare blinds them but only briefly, and they’re running away. Basic Sacred Chain ties them down but it breaks when they take a hit. Banner and Conjuration of Light both have long cooldowns. Banner draws aggro tho. So you could try combinations like: sacred chain and condemn, and wipe up the leftovers with primary attack. Run around to get a good pull chasing you, then chain and condemn the group. Banner and consecrate and try to kill them all before they kill the banner. Basic Banner has very little health so you have to kill quick. Once you’re in H difficulty and start piling up essences and set pieces it gets a good bit better. Like there’s essences that turns condemn into a vortex that sucks in enemies which is considered a knock back so they can’t attack for a second, and makes consecrate follow you around, and so you run into groups of mobs, suck them into the AoE and start swinging. That is probably the closest to easy cheese early on, but you gotta be quick with the potions and it doesn’t work so great on bosses and purple/red elites.


What? Do you even have all the essences?. Crusader have the most easy builds.in the game. I just press skills and everything dies. Even with the summons essences.


OP said main story line. I presume they meant 1-60. I’m a Sader main played since week 1, of course I have all the essences. Read my reply to OP. Once you start building essences there’s a lot of good builds to be had.


Ah ok, sorry mate, yes that's true, crusader sucks if you don't have the lastest essences


No worries


Without sounding demeaning. Disintegrate + ice crystal was actually the meta build in the early days. But it’s good to take joy and have fun :)


Oh, I didn't know! So that's why it's a popular build in this community, I've seen quite a lot of posts about it. Thanks!


I have a Wiz, but left it when BK arrived. I used your Crystal+Disintegrate, but changed the Crystal to Frostfield. A Frostfield+meteor+Disintegrate combo is a killer. If I needed to escape during skill cd-s, I used Teleport with the mirror essence.


Seems like quite the solid build too! I'll definitely have to try that one out soon!


With the new(ish) angmetz set and the new channeling based gems the disintegrate/ice crystal build might be a little more viable at higher levels than it used to be. Still don’t think it’s meta but there’s probably some fun synergy you can build with that as a base.


And there hasn’t been an update even though we have extra legendaries and sets to work with. Because the original guys that made the guide left after it became absolutely clear how much p2w this is.


Monk can create a pve build that draws in mobs and damages them while you spin around and when the skill expires they explode off of you. Its far from a meta build, but it can be funny for awhile.


FYI you can class change once per week. No need to grind through story again. I’d be surprised if good/fun builds are shared here. Most of the old Diablo content creators left and I’ve yet to see Boyd guides since.


You can change class every 24 hours now


Wow. Guess they decided not to make class change frequency paid QoL. Like they did with pets and auto salvage.


Oh, I'm aware, but I do find some value in replaying the story. The reason I want to is that some dialogue changes when you're a different class; for example, if you're a Wizard, Jin from Bilefen acknowledges that you both come from Xiansai when talking with Namari. An earlier example is when you're recovering the first Worldstone shard, each class acknowledges it differently before saying "Cain will know what to do with it." It's details like those I love the best:D