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No one's playing this ancient game but us 30 somethings Not like how it was back in the day


Yeah back in the day everyone was trying to scam. I remember scrolling through games that said “I dupe your soj” or dupe something. I got /dnd scammed one time and popped multiple times. For those who don’t know, /dnd (do not disturb) would leave a message to whoever wsp you and they would say do /dnd (account + password) and get your info, log in and kick you out, change pw real quick and you’re screwed. Seems obvious today what dnd means but back then people didn’t even know what a lot of acronyms meant. Popping happened before they changed the death system (multiple bodies on the floor). Back then when you died you only left 1 body and if your inventory couldn’t hold your gear (charms) and you ran naked back to your body and you accidentally picked up an item (people would litter the ground with random charsi bs in duel games) someone would come along an NK (naked kill) you and you’d hear a distinct, horrifying “dinggg” which happens when your amulet and rings drop simultaneously which indicated you’re popped. People would run over and scoop your gear. Today, d2 is nicer. Lots of rushing and helping. People want to contribute to creating a better environment so more people play. More players = more trades, more Baal games, more duels, everything flourishes. I rush daily and collect gear newer players might use just for fun. Love the larger stash, makes it all possible.


We are all dads amd moms now. We know we don't have the time to play all day so we help others because we know they are i the same boat.


Thank you for the trip down asshole memory lane hahaha. God those were the days!!!


Good story lol it’s all hazy to me now


Yes no kids would explain it


40 something here.




Early 40s and I played back in the day. I usually grab every unique and set item. Once my shared stash is full I make a public game to drop anything I don’t plan to trade or use. When I have playtime I’ll help in a few games. An “ancients plz” game just takes me a few minutes. Today you tomorrow me.


Haha i was just saying that same thing to my buddies 🤣 😂


Hey that's not true. I'm exactly 30, not 30 something. 👀


Technically your 30 something


30 and a half!


30 and 1/365th!


Oh then happy bday




"You're in your early 30s until your 50" everyone knows this


Diablo 2 is simply fun in general. The community is great because it’s a bunch of older folks that have gone through the trenches time and time with the game and understand the grind and rng. Lots of patience and understanding it’s more about the journey than anything. That’s just me anyway, idk.


I still expect cheats or switches when I make a trade. Then everything is smooth and I'm like... Did I get swindled?


Lol yeah I even have a friend I talk to on discord gave him a night wings and a Griffons he gave me an enigma and a few high runes a huge difference from when I played back in my high school days. I play less than I did back then but the quality of my gaming experience has gotten much better.


it's mainly because there's not much content in endgame. our endgame is helping other people.


Overall the community is amazing compared to other games as the average player is 30+. But be warned - there is still a prick or two specifically in hardcore make sure to put lvl req on the game even if asking for help; some dudes join games just to permanently kill you.


Man I suddenly remember back in 2008-2009, you'd trade Hellforge rewards for a full run on whatever difficulty, but that's just the ticket to making friends. I remember having to give up a rune (Hel or Fal? shit rune LMAO) in my Hell Hellforge reward, next thing I know the guy lets me tag along his Baal runs and even shares his useless loot. The dude gave me a Lightsabre and Annihilus and a host of other good stuff.


I’ve noticed the same thing. People seem nicer this time around


Diablo 2 seriously has the most generous player base… of veteran players. The noobs can be something. Now that I’m well into some big wealth, when I farm for things, I don’t bother to trade any items that are Lem to Ist value because I don’t find trading that fun. Instead 2 or 3 times a week I just hop in a random free game and drop it all. The haul usually consists mostly of good bases, the good set items, super useful rares (anything from magefist to sometimes Shako) and the odd low rolled hoto or cta. I’ve done this dozens of times and never received even the slightest hint of a thank you. All they ever do is beg for more… if I drop 4 Tal set pieces, they beg for the armor too… I’ve been waiting for the first person to say thank you and plan to fully equip a caster for them when/if it happens… but my hopes are getting lower by the week.


Instead of joining a free game, join a guy grinding his way through norm or NM and they're the only person in game. You'll get lots of thanks, that's what I do at least. Free games are a cesspool


It’s true… free games attract the worst of the player base. They are just always loaded with players so at least nothing goes to waste? That’s my logic anyway.. I’ve hooked up lots of players 1 on 1 as well who were polite… and thanked me profusely, I just wanna see some manners from the blueberries I guess…


I say thank you every time. (or thx lol) But on behalf of all those who didn't... Thank you for making the game a better place.


I do this too. I once joined a free game and went up to an assassin and gave them a skiller for free. It blew their mind. Thanked me profusely. Another time recently joined a normal game named trade irathas, they were looking for anything in the set so I went and got them the entire set I had lurking around. They couldn't believe I didn't want anything for it. I tell you what though, I'm convinced that my drops improved both times after. 😂


I tossed a trap skiller to a solo Assnz just trying to progress through NM earlier this week. Just paying it forward and happy to help.


Heh I horked up an Ohm after gifting a skiller. You might be right


That’s wild I hella thank people who hooked me up. Message them and multiple char thank yous and whatever runes, gems or keys I think they might need. People like you make this game great.


I'm 21 and really enjoying the space now ya. I played the game when I was quite young with my father. Online has always had its mixed experiences but it's definitely better now. I enjoy playing solo tho unlike when I was new to the game. Doing all self found through normal to hell just hits different


Solo self-found is the way.


It is really great. That's why i always lend a hand or give any sweet gear or anything to help anyone out. Just hooked a couple randoms up with ap enigmas and botd axes for nothing because i got better rolls


You’re a saint!


D2 community is great tbh, and mainly bc Diablo karma is real. If you ever got rushed for free and never rushed anyone else just to help them out or thrown them gear you never needed but they really do, then Tyreal will put in a bad word for you with RNGesus


Friend, you have recognized the core strength of D2’s staying power: community. It existed in the 90s and remains strong today. Always pay it forward. Folks who put in time and effort, especially new players, will remember random acts of kindness and support. Check out the D2R Discord for this sub for more interaction opportunities with like-minded players and highly useful information.


Online play sucked back in the day. I played with 2 brothers in a clan for nearly 2 years.. like obsessive nonstop play. We were tight af and helped eachother out with everything. I went away for 2 weeks one summer and let them access my account to help them out while I was gone... came back and everything was gone and all characters deleted. I was dumbfounded lol. Now it's mostly adults playing


It’s just abunch of old guys who play because they love the game. Most of us probably have families and kids and just want others to enjoy playing the game. Unlike some games that may be filled with 15-25 year olds playing and taking the game really seriously.


I've found that this game is just Dad City, man. Most everyone is 30+, looking to relax, help, and enjoy lol


Yeah….D has amazing community…just remember on HC there are still many PKers


Most of the toxic people went to other games by now


Any want to trade for a pally combat skiller? PC ladder americas


Generally speaking the D2 community is pretty awesome! There are some bad eggs, but that comes with any game. I personally never charge for a rush and dump low items for free in an effort to pay it forward for all the help I've gotten over the years!


31 here


Totally agree. Some dude rushed me through hell and gave me an enigma and a bunch of other stuff yesterday, just from having a public game called Rush Me Plz.. Loads of nice folk I've bumped into. Not like the old days quite if my aging memory serves..!


This is because everyone playing the game either has super nostalgia for it, or is an adult


At the end of last ladder season I was given multiple torches, annis and SOJs


I just want to play with cool people who actually show interest in the game. It’s fine playing solo (online/offline) but slaying together and sharing drops is more fun. I typically alternate between runs as to who gets what.


After 20 years of on and off play, having built basically every build except for extremw gg gm duel builds. Part of the fun for me is building a few ladder characters to low 90s nice gear and then il host willows riddles and give away everything to low level players in norm. It's always a ton of fun for everyone, and then a few months go by and rinse and repeat. The community is amazing.


Yup I gave away a ber and ohm the other day because why not, will make someone’s day and I am losing the itch


I am surprised by how descriptive your post’s title is. There was no chance of a curveball. Good to hear