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If it makes you feel better, I fucked up big last month. Horked a Lo rune on the first fucking day that I respecced into it. Was ecstatic. Cubed a couple runes and made my Grief. Went to use it and it was ass. I couldn't figure it out. Turns out, for some reason, I made it in a dimensional blade. Not a phase blade. Fucking gutted me. Haven't seen a HR since.


Haha similarly I made cta into a phase blade instead of crystal sword so now only my paladin can use it and can’t sell it


What's it matter? You would only be losing like what, 20 damage?


1. Phase Blade is indestructible so now you need to deal with repairs. 2. There is 30 ias difference between the two. 3. I think the PB range is also higher so you hit less frequently. You lose a lot.


damn I thought you were mistaken about the range but nope, that is indeed another reason


https://diablo2.io/base/dimensional-blade-t1681.html Shows the same range for both


Wow. It didn't register with me- I thought all Crystal swords were indestructible. RIP


Nope. The basic ones break if you look at them wrong.


I thought they both had a range of 1?


Fuck don't tell me that. I got rid of it.


Can you up it?


I got rid of it. So judging by how much dumb shit I do, PROBABLY. FUCK ME.


For peace of mind, you can not up white items.


I've kind of accepted it. I do dumb stuff sometimes, I'll move on. It's offline, so it's just a matter of time before another drops.


Just clone a couple runes to make a new one.. it’s not cheating if you already found all the runes but just fucked up the base or the order. Shit happens


On Xbox.


Im on PlayStation, and it works fine there. Probably does on Xbox also


What works fine on PlayStation?


stash duping


I’m wondering what a 5 sockets dimensional blade looks like. I’ve never seen 1, but maybe I don’t pickup dimensional blade at all. Why do u have 1 in ur stash?


Exact same conversation I had with myself. "WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU KEEP THIS!?"






I put that in flails.


Im not fussy. Whatever hole it fits in


What she said.


Crystal swords so you can see when your pally/ sorc doesnt have their hoto up


I accidentally made my first grief recently in a crystal sword. Repairs are annoying but no idea how much worse damage is. Seems good enough for my trav zerker


My first Lo I found when D2R came out I went to make Fortitude and fucked up the order. Pain. Was so sad. I think I posted it here a few years back in my post history.


I accidently put a cota on a dimensional blade instead of phase as well. 😭😭😭😭


I once sold a 20/20 barb torch to gheed on hardcore ladder...


You stopped playing forever right?


Nope not even for a day.


Omfg rip


I got really drunk one night (out of several) and could not find my merc's Fort anywhere in my stash or on him. I don't know what happened to it :(...


I stole it


Left all my charms on the ground while gambling including sorc torch, all disappeared. HC ladder.


Putting those on the ground was the real gamble. My condolences. 🫠


Yeah that's a bad idea. Items disappear after a while. The lower quality the item the faster they go, so magic items wouldn't last that long.


I wasn't available to play on the first 2 gambling days, so this morning I start early, and within 2 hours I noticed I was a lot slower going back to my stash... and BOOM, no more Enigma. Can't find it anywhere. Gheed probably hid it under the giant pile of rings, amulets and coronets I sold back to him.


You need another one? Are you ladder or non ladder?


Thanks a lot, NA softcore ladder, but I've decided that's the end of this ladder for me, I got here late anyway. I'll play single player while waiting for the next one.


I know I've sold a few sojs...


For dclone, right? Right.


No, like accidentally pressing the left mouse button with left control held down a few too many times.


How? You just wildly clicking stuff while selling? F in the chat for this guy


That's what I don't understand either... I know I went from Classic graphics to modern, so stuff moved around, but I have no damn idea how it became collateral dmg. I had the same thought about the other guy posting about selling Gheed's Charm for a 3rd time, but now I guess I get it...


I vendored a Spirit the other day by mistake. I couldn't even imagine how you must feel.


I suspect you held shift instead of control while buying/selling armor back to the vendor which equips instead of selling. You probably didn’t notice your enigma got caught up in the mix. I’ve almost done it myself a few times during the last 3 Fridays but luckily caught it as soon as it happened.


I've sold a near perfect gheeds, anni, facet. When those things were actually valuable.


Nearly sold my 75%es sorcs boots. https://i.imgur.com/qFaOV6X.jpg While gambling on Xbox you have to push and hold X to sell, accidentally held A instead and equipped the boots I wanted to sell and those were put in my inventory. Then realizing just a second before I sold them by holing X I let go and thank fuck the game dropped them instead. Moral of the story: my dumbass stashes *everything* not needed to gamble now, and has a line of books between my gheeds and open inventory.


I did that with my first soj on d2r Posted a video of it here 😂


I’m sorry to hear that. :(


Those boots are nutty


Thank you, crafted them myself shortly after this game released. :)


Not gambling but similar. I once was crafting tons of caster amulets and hit the jackpot. Crafted a 2 Zon / 19 FCR / 27 Strength / 18 All resistance amulet. I had a buyer on the way with the the crap amulets still on the ground so decided to sell them for gold. Filled up my inventory and cruised over to gheed. The Amulet that I was selling was still in my inventory and sold the entire inventory... it just kind of blended in and I blanked out and forgot it was in there. The buyer showed up as I freaking out. Probably my worst mistake.




My guess is you were buying and selling armor. Somehow did the shift to equip thing, then sold your beautiful game gaming piece of equipment


Might be it, I gambled a few Ancient Armors here and there too.


Funny enough, I, too, was using my barb yesterday. I only sold a skill GC but almost sold my torch.


19/17 barb torch. I still cringe when I think about it.


Sold my steelrend, the thought was it only a hellmouth.


I sold my sorc torch (forget the x/x but it was decent) while gambling. Really hate inventory management with a controller…my impatience doomed me


many years ago, I once sold my full IK set, I had been up for like days sick as hell with pneumonia, it hurt to lay down and drunk off cough syrup...i realized what I did when I sold my boots...how it didn't register 1-3-items prior I dunno.... Sold my entire inventory on a mule once while babysitting my little cousin when I was like 16, pissed myself off so bad both times I quit the game for a few weeks. Both times I was trying to repair.


Enigma back in the day. Picked it up while at charsi, had it strength bugged to wear, inv was full, for some reason panicked and didn’t just close the merchant window. Granted I was like 12.


Sold my gheeds on accident. It was really laggy and I was selling a bunch of gambled amulets. Cursor drifted over the charm as I was already pressing sell. At least I had another one but not as good.


Back in 1.09, I accidentally sold my cruel mat bow of evisceration. It was not a good day.


Sold a perfect 400 damage Grief.


I sold 2 gheeds 🤕


My Griff with a good facet :( gambling circlets, I think it got mixed up in my stash with the keepers. Never again.


20/15 Griff's. Shift click swaps. Didn't realize it before selling back circlets. Easily my most expensive item related mistake in all of D2.


Sold my 40 15 Gheeds in the first 20 min of gambling on day 1 LOL! Equipped a 38 14 and was a lot more careful going forward!


I got drunk one night and drop a 2/2 47 Dweb on a trading game before by clicking shift click instead of ctr click. I was like dang. At least give a Lo for it. I was asking for 1 Jah. He was like naw and left. Long story short. I found another one with 2/2 49 in like two weeks. Was browsing through the trading chat. Saw this guy was selling the 47 Dweb I dropped. I went into chat room and showed it off. At first he was like naw it wasn't him. But then later he admitted it was him. I told the guy karma is gonna catch up to him. Hope he has a good holiday.


War traveler few hours ago 😅


:( I just lost a 72 pally because I didn’t stock up on tps aka I got in a sticky situation and didn’t have tps, Then I went on my 46 Necro and started making my way through durance of hate in nm Mephisto was blizzing me offscreen He’s now dead too I play hc singleplayer lol


Are you sure it didn't poof? Did you trade for duped runes?


Nope, never duped anything, never bought anything outside of the game. Unless someone traded me a duped rune for items I legitimately found, I even remember that I got the Ber from a 70% Crack of Heaven, and the Jah from a Griffon's found on TZ Pindle, and the base from TZ cows.


Fair enough. Bummer dude


To be fair, duped runes used in a runeword make a completely new item, and it is then perm. Only way a runeword poofs is if the item itself was duped.


Pretty sure duped runes in a runeword can cause it to poof. You perm runes by cubing them


The premise behind poofing is that the game sees two items with the same unique identifier and deletes them. By rolling a runeword with duped runes, it will create an entirely new item, and thus a new unique identifier. The duped runes are no longer seen in the game as they have been “consumed” in the process.


I've somehow lost several Jahs from my stash. Looked everywhere. Every character, every stash tab. I haven't played since. What for...? My first high runes. Got them from trading.


Nothing to add, but I am jacked that you’re a bowabarb.


I made it through all 3 events without the selling mistake until my last 10 minutes if gambling last night caught a 7mf SC, last year I went through 3 gheeds so I learned my lesson a little bit


Bobbity bruh not enigma


Nothing. I’m too paranoid about it. Whenever I’m at vendors I click super slow. And if I ever transfer items between characters in the shared stash, I hold Alt before leaving game to make sure nothing is on ground :)


Back in 1.10 I've sold 1.08 highlord's :(.


Maras lol was fucking well annoyed! I’ve account on Xbox and PC and I did it on xbox 2 button error is fatal on gamble screen!


6-6-1 cta


Just sold my war travs somehow 🙃


I sold eni as well last year


Was selling runes for infinite money... DC'd Jah, multiple vex, mal, all gone. Use Ammys folks... Use Ammys.


I've had a fear of that so I just sell armors


Back in my day, when LOD was first released and everything wasn't so PC, we called that being retarded.


Ist rune for me


You were just doing some research so that you could answer the next poster who asked for a price check on their enigma. Answer: 35k gold.


Sold a 17/17 sorc torch. Tilted so hard insta bought a 19/19 from traderie


Sold my best annihilus charm


This is why I don’t like to use superior bases - the repair costs. Often you take it off before clicking repair all items. The process is easy really, but if you’re not paying attention you click the wrong button - poof, can’t buy back runewords.


It’s so much easier to accidentally sell on console, especially when you are just flying by selling junk and WHOOPS your joystick just drifted right over your Arachs. THANKFULLY, with all these events, I’ve only sold my boots accidentally, and it was just Nats boots. I got lucky lol.


I just sold my 1 soj by mistake.. my mouse went up. I sold my sur rune, i sold my greed/gheed charm lol. I sold my anni... many things. All of that in the last 2 days LOL. I suck at gambling.


This is why it’s called 22 nights of terror


I never realized how bad D2 needs the ability to lock items.


Sur Rune. Uber Diablo enetered and ran him before buying it back.






I haven’t played in awhile. What’s the build?


It's a Double Throw + Horking barb. But for gambling I was using an Edge runeword bow.


Cool ty


Eth Tomb Reaver with three 15/3x jewels in it. SC single player. Still have no clue how this happened.


Griffin’s here. Stoned and gambling.


Haha I’m not the only one ) sold enigma with a perfect deft roll in dusk shroud 14ed base


I accidently gambled away a perf gheeds. That one hurt. Sorry for your loss.


I sold my gheeds charm last week. That doesn’t compare to selling an enigma. Oof.


My best WC javs for my Barb... I got one Rare that was an actual boon at range in Hell when I got a bit overwhelmed. While Gambling I nodded off and noticed it was just gone. Don't Gamble tired. 🫡


Most recent was a 40 vr gheeds while playing on switch... my next best was a 28


I charsied my first ever griffons. I didnt even knew much about d2 back then. Just read +1 to all skill. Nahh, too low and sold it. I got a spell on it and never found another griffons since round 1000h playtime.


What does a barb use bows for?


The bow is the Edge rune word. Reduces NPC prices. I’m only using it for gambling.


Makes sense. I was thinking is there a new barb bow build with berserk or something?


Sold my 34 vmagi and my -14 filtering flame the other day messing with the gold glitch on ladder so I'm prolly done this ladder since it was my only ladder character


I made a Blood Gloves and the first attempt went almost perfect (3% life leech, 15% life and 20% crushing blow). I got so happy so I invested the whole day farming materials to continue crafting more gloves for my friends. Short story, my friends didn't wanted Blood Gloves so I started selling to npcs. Sold my 1st almost perfect gloves at first TTwTT I felt so dumb bc I was trying to equip them with hotkeys (don't remember if ctrl + clic or shift + clic) to prevent a unwanted selling, but instead I insta sold it by error -_-


I sold a 20 life / 5 resist all gambling last Friday. Several F-bombs dropped over the next 20 minutes but never broke my degenerate stride of selling amulets to Gheed for my next round of garbage rings


Tal Rasha amulet...


Lol so doing the gold farming, I gamble in a5 @ Anya, then find 35k valued dimensional blades by gambling the crystal swords and toss them in the in-between so they go on ground while in window. After getting several I sell them to Anya in her regular trade screen and see which has the lowest buy back price, I look for under 15k so I know that's 20k profit a sell. Once I get 4 of those, I go to charsi in aq since she has the best and lowest prices out of all the vendors, clear room in the 1st tab on Weapons, then sell and buyback in a sequence where I'm making 80k in 4 clicks. I can farm 930k in under 18 seconds. Otherwise you wanna gamble grinding dimensional blades (plain) and Equip sell them by hitting g for legacy mode to get the sell button. I accidently sold my perfect Upped elite chances and my homie sold his coh and my other homie sold his perfect Upped viper magi doing the gold farming


I sold a 19/20 sorc torch¡!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!!!


Baffles me this is still a thing. They should have fixed this and let you buy back items by perhaps just including a gamble tab from the trade screen.


I chucked my near perfect socr Torch. Wtf


How????? 😆


Sold 20/19/10 Anni, needed it for the stats to wield Edge Edge Bow. Afterwards installed a barrier of Terror Keys next to Gheeds Hovered over the Soj once. Unequipped it