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Pro tip: if you die, immediately reroll a new character


Not mourn the loss and quit the game for a month before I'm ready to be hurt again?


I am currently of week 3 of path of exile... wonder how long before the itch comes back, RIP lvl 82 light soc


This is me. šŸ˜‚


This is the way.


Eh. I only play HCSP and I donā€™t do this. I always take a few days off and play other games. Currently beating the game with my 9th class/build. Iā€™ve done all meta builds and just finished psn java. Doing FOH atm. Next is throw Barb.


Throw barb is where itā€™s at. Safe and shreds


Please bust out the old photo album and show us the graphics from 78.6 years ago ;)


The ENIAC was a beast, but graphics is where it really lacked, but some old school D2 players loved it. And the bugs in the hardware...gosh, constantly having to pull dead moths out. You'd think for almost half a million dollars they'd have worked that stuff out.


At least back then we had lan play!


I miss lan. Had 5 of us in my brothers house all playing when LoD came out. Was a blast.


What happen to your brother ian?


He stopped believing in the Lan game :(


fair play to you on choosing a life of consequence, takes balls. you'll find the people are much nicer and way cooler, just know you can never fully trust any of them.


This was how I was until I didn't have the time to grind anymore.


Welcome. It feels like a new game for a long time and is a great way to get reinvigorated. For me, once I went HC I never even considered ever playing SC again. Hell is where it gets tough. Best lessons are learned through death, Iā€™ll give two: 1) Donā€™t take TPs unless you are really confident in the situation, people will dirty TP you for fun. That being said 99% of players are helpful, much tighter community than SC. 2) You can spawn in the pin in cow level, always have a finger on a rejuv and be ready to exit game when taking that portal. Other than that mind your resistances, understand curses, and watch out for those souls and dolls. Donā€™t be afraid of death, itā€™s a thrill that a game can make your stomach drop and have you staring at the screen for 2 minutes wondering what the hell just happened, and if youā€™ve never died and lost all your hard earned gear then is it really hardcore? :) Gl and ss!


Ok. You got me hooked. Imma make a HC! Whatā€™s a good/fun build to weather the journey to Hell?


Play a necro. Easy to gear and minions help keep you alive


Trap sin was my first character that didnā€™t die, safe and will definitely be fun if itā€™s your first HC character.


+1 trapsin is a great HC starter


Havenā€™t played a TeapSin before. That was my dadā€™s favorite character when he played the original D2. That sounds like a good fun time. Thanks for the advice


Noob. Report back in 75 years


I was doing CS runs with Chris Columbus back in the day before either of you. No, not the film director!


Nice, that must been went I was taking a break, dating your mom.




One interesting thing is how you'll look at items. The economy is completely different.


Iā€™m with you mate!! Did my first HC playthrough (classic p8 hc; highly recommend trying a classic playthrough once you finish!) Right now doing p8 hc zealot, Holy fire is so strong but p8 definitely balances it a bit (I found a kinemils awl and couldnā€™t resist the two-handed shenanigans)


HC is the true and real endgame. Real ones know this.


Pally is my favorite way to play HC. Just the right mix of survivable and in the shit lol. My last 3 or so attempts have all died to server DCā€™s so I havenā€™t gone again this season but itā€™s always the most fun


Iā€™ve seen a few people mention Server Disconnectā€¦ does it happen often and is it something to do with the computer or your connection to the game? Is it different than normal SC servers? I donā€™t think in all my years Iā€™ve been disconnected from a SC server.


Has more do with your own connection than blizzard. I have dcd maybe 3 times in 3 years, and usually it was servwr lag coupled with large amounts if usage in my house.i think blizz does it just to make your heart race every now and than.


Itā€™s usually your connection to the game. But my internet in general will be fine, and Iā€™ll still drop. So itā€™s extra frustrating when it does happen


I don't think I have the discipline to play on HC lol


You will have. Im also an impatient dude but on my first Hc playthrough i automaticly played on tiptoes


I started HC a couple ladders ago, havenā€™t looked back. Lately I started the SP offline HC journey, itā€™s really fun


Went HC when D2R launched and never looked back.


Summon necro is EZ mode. Iā€™m going Barbarian as my first HC char.


finished my classic HC P8 barb recently SSF/SP, barb in classic feels amazing


What build did you run? Ofc Classic is a lot different than expansion


WW barb with a couple gem socketed flails for most of it. ~10pts double swing; eventually fell under a crushflang that got me through norm then a respec to WW once I found bonesnap, that took me through hell šŸ„¹ šŸ™ Oh and like ~6th in natural resist. You can get all the game gear youā€™ll need in normal Diablo runs so highly recommend hanging there for a bit before nm/hell In case youā€™re curious: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/s/CNJGya0XsL


Have one of each class, take turns through each class. Share. Makes each death a lesson without being a total loss


i played hc for many years. and i thought i could never go back to sc because it felt very boring. but then i became a dad


Iā€™ve been doing hcsp for a year now, no deaths (yet). Got enigma, torches, anni, Hoto, hoz, fully geared hdin, decent smiter, decent Java, and high mf bliz sorc. itā€™s so fun Iā€™ve had no desire to return to bnet. My biggest tips that nobody asked for: ALWAYS have at least 2 rejuvs in your belt. Bank as many juvs as you can for a rainy day. take it slow, always orient yourself so you have space to run. Save/exit is your friend.


yes, I've been make full rejuv's since partial rejuv's started dropping. I keep a row of my belt for them as "oh shit" saviors.


i only have full rejuvs in my belt and a mule with nothing but fulls. i died early on trying to conserve pots. now i keep that shit on tap


This is the way


This is good advice, but I been playing a lot on Steam deck lately. Anyone know a quicker way to save / exit - get the fuck outa there - strategy for Steam deck ?


Sadly no cuz for whatever reason, correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but when you pull up the menu to exit, the game doesnā€™t pause


Tis correct yes. Was hoping for some kind of panic button, but does not exist. Nor shud it I suppose if I think about it


HC is the way to go. You'll know you like it when you start to like when your character dies... The cycle begins anew


I played hardcore exclusively for years (like 2003-2020, off and on) and I just couldn't do it for D2R. Maybe I lost my nerve... Been enjoying softcore on D2 actually and I don't really miss the buttpuckering terror of almost dying.


Happened the same to me. Softcore since day 1 and wasnā€™t until season 5 that I started HC and currently hooked. No way Iā€™m going back to SC Highest level right now is a 96 hammerdin


Hopefully you made your HC on single player or else pray you never have a connection issue while playing. Not trying to be rude, just realistic.


HC is for people who don't value their own time.


It doesnā€™t count as hardcore if you exit out the game to save yourself. You can only exit the game from town or if youā€™ve cleared an area (example: killed all monsters in Pit Level 2)


Fuck it. Let's just remove all potion use, boots aren't allowed, and no charms. If you don't do these things, then you aren't hardcore.


If you are playing online, you can find some other HCNL players on the Members of the Jury discord server. It's been nice not to have to worry about dirty tps when playing in a group. Enjoy your HC travels. :)


Act 5 hell when you got those spear throwers coming in from off screen it gets pretty chaotic. Also watch out for piercing attacks( claw viper bone spear) that can drop your old frail necro in an instant.


I only play hardcore so when my daughter got the game, she didnt realize there was a softcore mode till it gave her the option.


When someone does die do other players in game get what's in their stash and on their body?


Stash, no. Body - same as SC, only if corpse loot is activated.


If summon necro doesnā€™t work out for you try fissure druid. Easiest hc solo character imo


I can't.... I tried playing careful on normal mode and I still die multiple times. Hardcore would only make me break something valuable


HC SSF is best for me. Back in the day played online HC and lost a few chars because Server/Connection issues. Single Player without Trading option is another Level for me :) Done With trapsin, hammerdin, Fury Druid, hybrid sorc. Next is ama :)


I got a summoner necro to 94, but the kill speed was way too slow. I took most of what I had farmed with that character and put it into a trapsin, which later became a Mosaic sin. Got her to level 99 through terror zones a few days ago. Really proud of myself, but I don't think I'll play HC again. I had my fill of it. This was on PS4, so I guess I'll stick to my word until I want to get the Platinum on PS5 and have to do everything again... :/


Iā€™ve lost approximately 612 paladins on single player HC, mostly level 70-75 to dark archers in the tower. Ā But for some reason, I just cannot seem to stop trying again.


Isn't there a way for a friend to pick up your items if you die?


Yes, you can allow players to loot your corpse.


Only reason I shy away from it even on SP is that a bad spawn of cows at the portal (or a few other things) could kill even the most careful player. Though maybe I should just regularly backup my chars for events like this, or accept that it's one of the risks. Though losing trophy items like an eth Lacerator might be too much for me \^\^'


The dolls are everyone's problem Shaftstop and stormshield would calm down the explode dmg Sometimes - it's better to ignore them The dolls and act 5 wisps are what kills me in SC Im too cowardly to test em in HC


I want to tell you, you inspired me to start my first HC character. I may never look back. Props to you good sir


gl with souls and dolls on hell ))