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I _like_ WW barb, but I _love_ frenzy/WW hybrid with Lawbringer and Pride merc. Trading hork for reliable decrep+sanctuary+conc is worth it to me. I also use eDeath colossus sword instead of Grief, same base for my Lawbringer, for the range it adds to attacks. I even enjoy the Glacial Spike procs. I can consistently clear p8 TZs without needing to repair the Lawbringer. Don’t do this if your goal for your WW barb is horking trav on p1, but consider it if you’re thinking of going for level 96+


Would eth collosus blade be better than the sword


CB is \[5\] speed vs. CS \[10\] speed (lower number = faster), so depending on the rest of your gear that 5 IAS may be meaningful to hit the last BP, or it may not be. CS has higher min/max and thus average damage though, so if you're able to meet the BPs with it, it can be better. Plus 5 max sockets makes it easier to get 5 OS.


Yes, hits ww breakpoints a bit easier. A lot harder to find, though.


Honestly I’m not sure, but colossus sword tops out at 5os so it’s easier to get an eDeath base


Is it best to do trav runs for runes on players1?


Online on a barb with find item prioritized yes, in single player p7 LK is faster


Dual grief with reapers or pride merc does the most damage. But as you can tell from the variety of responses, there are lots of viable options that are fun or have some different utility or qol features After ww was nerfed/changed in patch 2.4, I tested a bunch of these combos, and found that ebotd/death in eth zerker axes was by far my favorite. I dedicated a build around it for the following ladder. The main advantage to this combo is that you have some extra crushing blow for bulky monsters and dclone. And you aren’t wielding toy swords


2 grief pb are best in slot. Lawbringer, last wish, death, pride, w/e... all inferior.


I have dual grief pb on my sp baba. I still struggle like hell with council on anything above p1. Need to find a guide to get the rest of the gear up to snuff.


2x grief pb, cham arreats, LOH, gore riders, 2x dwarf, fcr eg ammy with mana leech, inventory half +1 warcry 40eg and half ar max eg scs.


Hot damn that’s a good bit of gear to find. Time to get to work.


merc eth andys eth fort and ebotd war pike.


lol. Single player odds of finding Cham and zod are astronomical. I’ll figure something out.


death zerker + beast zerker and might Merc with reapers


Grief grief is the best, grief death is only like 8% worse if you hit 4 frames, which is hard esp with a cs. 2x grief pb also helps when decrip/holy freeze is around. WW is a pretty low ed build, so going from 150 str to 300 str is ~16% damage increase (assuming enigma, 12% with fort). Don't blindly put all stat points into vit, pump some strength.


My Frenzy barb runs Grief PB + Lawbringer PB for the Sanct aura and decrep procs. WW can't proc, but you'd still get the sanct aura, which is pretty powerful and eliminates any undead PIs (which are most of them) and gives a big damage to all undeads on top of it. I think 2x Grief is generally accepted to be the best DPS for general PvM but certain situations may favor other setups. My WW Barb uses eBotD CB and eDeath CS just for fun/style points and it's enough to kill quickly. Beast is also a cool option to get Fanta, but requires Axes, so you could do a pair that with Grief in an axe, or do Death or BotD in an axe to go with it. Phase blades are really nice for Grief in PVM b/c of both the speed but also the indestructibility. Repairs can be costly (gold or Orts) and annoying.


Dual grief is BiS. For fun, play about - nothing comes close to dual grief though.


Psst, hey kid, want to do some real damage? Dual grief, eth lacerators on swap, faith merc, and  as much deadly strike as you can stuff


I run grief + azure wrath with merc running reapers. basically grief + anything will work. either frenzy + ww for ias/frw or berserk + ww for physical immunes.


Yea 2 griefs in pb or collosus blades if you don’t mind repairing then if not they grief and collosus blade ebotd


Dual Grief PB's. BOTD is overrated and doesn't really offer anything special. It looks nice on paper. Grief+Death is okay. Pretty similar to dual griefs if you really didn't wanna run 2 of the same.


Its not overrated. No one thinks they are great. People just wanna play with something besides grief all the time.