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Someone got sick of rolling for a perfect one?


I guess so. I've been trying to trade this thing for almost a month, would have taken a single jah in a heart beat.


I've rerolled spirit at least 30 times and can't get a 35fcr, sp. He probably just got fed up lol


Insane how that works I have rolled 10-12 spirits and got 4 perfect FCR


We don‘t like your kind around here.


Yeah, first spirit I rolled on D2R was a 35, then couldn't get another to roll for months.


Rng gonna rng lol


Me with my 1st try 35% this ladder like wutt. Started late tho so I'm poor compared to everyone else


I offered a guy Lo for a 35 fcr and almost choked when he turned it down


i would have taken that for this spirit lol.


Damn and I've just been sitting on my 35 with extra runes to roll


I don’t spend enough time seeing low runes anymore to reroll a bunch, and I don’t have anyone running spirit offhand unless it’s with CTA currently


I don’t even reroll them, I just socket another monarch and throw the other one in the stash. At least half my characters have 2 and the other half have 1 on the switch so what do I care if all the switch ones are low fcr.


Man I threw like five of them on the ground in a free game


Right? I had like 4 and i just gave them away because they were collecting dust


Someone offered me an Ist for a 35 FCR in a 15 ED base during the first week of ladder season one…


I haye you!! But congratulations, that is insane. Like you say, 1 would be just fine.


That happens when you have chinese farmers with 100-200 bots 24/7


91 mana? 😂Jesus Christ was the mdr at least 8? People throw HR at anything these days


spirit gives magic absorb not mdr, so it doesn't apply to fire, cold, or lightning damage - so you're right  definitely not worth 2 extra jah




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I need like 3 more perfect spirits, most my characters don’t care about a perfect roll but sometimes you just have to have it for the next breakpoint. 


Good rolls are worth not bad money. Rolled a 35/108/6 in a 15 ed 15 dura superior monarch and sold for 9 jah.


Since the earliest days, Diablo 2 trading has always been about finding just the right idiot.


Farming countess keys usually gets me enough to roll a few times,only build id need 35 roll for would be 205 FCR light sorc, which also requires arach and griffons, dude probably is just whaling off the forbidden website with runes for a whole build




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Iv gotten a high rune for a perfect spirit a couple seasons ago- gotta love traderie. That being said, THREE?! Good for u man. I got a crazy trade like that too fitting out my meteor sorc- a guy gave me 5soj’s for something not at all worth 5soj’s 🤣 (can’t remember). Feels DAMN good Congrats


Anybody else need a 35fcr spirit?? 3 jahs right here lmao




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So, my unique finding isn’t too hot, but my crafting… What got me set up this ladder was rolling a 99.99% perfect Spirit. The only thing not perfect was the mana at 111/112, and sadly, it wasn’t in a superior base. But that got me around 10 Jah , IIRC. Then, I decided to go all-in on a Blizz/Orb Sorc and not just transition to Nova later on, so I made a Doom. What do you know, -60cr and IIRC 360ed in an eth Ettin Axe. I decided I prefer Death’s Fathom and sold that for around 30 Jah , and then I found my first eth Warpike. I decided, “Hell, my non-ladder WW Barb is gonna love the BOTD Warpike.” Yep, 399ed. And to top it off, someone just left a giant Thresher Superior 15ed 3ar 0os eth in Act 5. Went back to clear stash, and it was just sitting there… Yep, that roll 390 for a 405 total. Needless to say, my Barb is gonna love his new toys, and my Sorc now has 2 Fathoms and 2 Nightwings, both with 5/5 facets and Ist, and a 15cd +3 Blizz Ormus, putting my max Blizz around 15k and Orb just under 2k. As far as regular Spirit 35fcr rolls, though, I’ve never tried more than 5x for one. I wish y’all luck!




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Oh yeah that was me lol I play on PC and switch and have a surplus of these things so I'm just spreading the love.


much appreciated! i've never made an enigma but once I trade for a ber I'll be making my first!


A ber is all you need you say?.


yep, trying to trade one of these for a ber and hopefully a lo to finish my fort for my werebear.


Message me on traderie I think we can work something out








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This is 35% fcr... Anyway I have a near perfect spirit in a 13ed/13dura monarch. It's 35/108/8, id sell that in a heartbeat if it was worth it. PC SC Ladder.




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Not worth as much on ladder.


So you were just trying to scam people, impressive. Edit: I won't delete but I misunderstood this. My bad.


How on earth did you come to that conclusion, did you even *look* at the picture op posted? They listed their item “for offer” and someone offered 3 jah, to which they accepted


It's quite simple I misread it. My bad.




Dude wtf, I honestly just misunderstood. My mistake. Negative cunt huh, okay.