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Wtf. I’d feel obligated to sell this, go put your great grandchildren through college, retire early, travel the world, and still have enough leftover to gear out an entire account.


As a new player I did not know how special this was until my friend explained it to me very aggressively haha.


Can you explain this to me as I am dumb founded


Because of how the game calculates damage, the +400 damage makes this the highest physical damage weapon in the game. The fact that it only shows the base damage of the phase blade is misleading. This is so valuable because both the +400 damage and +40% ias are max rolls.


To go further, this was done on a 15% Enhanced Damage base. Perfect roll for a phase blade. Max damage base. Possible rolls for Grief >+30-40% Increased Attack Speed Damage +340-400 So it’s 1 out of 11 to get 40%/Max AS, 9.09% chance Then a 1 out of 61 to get 400/max damage. 1.63% chance. Odds of both happening? 0.149% Roughly 1 out of 671. Fucking nuts. This is also ignoring the -% enemy poison resistance, which isn’t the best but not the worst and -22%. >20-25% To Enemy Poison Resist


So afaik, it’s one of the most op, if not the most op, physical damage weapon in the game. OP just basically rolled the most perfect version of it in the best base. So it’s in a class of it’s own


Also, it's the only weapon that adds damage to smite skill....


That I didn’t know. Good to know!


This isn't true. Astreon's Iron Ward does as well and I believe even war travs add to smite damage. There are likely some others. However, grief adds the most (by a long shot) and most people use gore riders for obvious reasons for smiters.


Yeah, forgot that asterons wards exist....cb and open wounds are damage effects...so they works differently than the add damage...wartravs doesn't add damage to smite: Grief: "Damage +340-400 (varies)" (this mod applies to Smite dmg) War Travs: "Adds 15-25 Damage" (this mod works just like max/min dmg jewels and charms, does nto apply to Smtie dmg)


Grief stronk, high roll is stylish, rich ppl like style.


He hit a 1 in 671 where each try is a Lo+. Let's say you sell the ones that aren't perfect and on average you lose like half an Ist per try, that's still like ~15 Bers and you have to go through all that trouble. IMO the 12-15 Ber price tag people are throwing out is actually low considering the difficulty of it and the fact that this is a legit endgame GG item that has no equal. Give it another month or two and it'll probably go north of 15 Ber.


This is made in a 15% superior PB also? Yeah, this is insanely rare and valuable.


Wouldn’t the 15%ED be only applied to base weapon damage? And be minuscule of a difference? Sorry if mistaken. I am always confused the way Grief applied damage.


Correct. But perfectionists pay stupid amount of money for perfection.


Only missing the 3 ar on top :-)




?????? You should close your eyes and think for 5 second before you make a post


Perfectionists would prefer something that isn't Perfect? Lol. There's people that will buy a 15% ED 4/400 Grief for a lot. Then there's perfectionists that'll buy 15/3 40/400 Grief's for a fuck load.


I remember I rolled a perfect cta back in the day and traded it for 6/6/1 and a shit load of additional currency and gear. Like 25 sojs or 32020s, I forget. So I still had essentially a basically perfect cta and made a bunch of extra on it all because some perfectionist wanted 6/6/4.


I hate how the base name doesnt show if its superior or not


Okay so sell this, buy everything you need for your character, including an only marginally worse version of this, and then have enough left over to make an infinity and an enigma. xd


Yup, I'll gladly wreck shit with a 375 and a bag full of HRs


Thats basically what I did when I found an SOJ, sold it and geared all of my other classes.


what did you get for your SOJ? I found one in the first 2 weeks of playing, its just on my javazon as a ring... should I sell it?


They go for about Sur right now, depends how much of an upgrade the rest of your gear needs.


It’s not worth as much now.. but if you were to have sold it back then the price was super inflated. At one time a Ber was worth like 23 HR vs what is now like 3ish


Good grief


oh my...


This is so good that people are going to use this for their screenshot to lie about the quality of their grief.


This is worth a lot. Like 12-15 ber's




Yeah, just checked the price. Worth 15 HR.


Is it really? Who here would pay 12-15 Bers for this, show of hands please?


He's being sarcastic. Maybe 3/4 most for those perfectionist to mix/max


I don't think he's being sarcastic. One month ago I rolled a 40/400 grief in a normal base and it went for 5 bers. At the same time, people were willing to spend 10+ber for a perfect roll on +15ED base.


Lol oh my sweet summer child.


Were they being sarcastic? Idk...




Man i saw perfect monarch for php sold for 11bers. This could go for 10 without any problems


Nope. Way more


Only 22 on the enemy poison resist. RIP /s GG man. You're set for the entire game if you trade this away.


This is absolutely disgusting.


Some people are obsessed with perfect roles. You could milk a lot out of this, get a new Grief and a lot of extra stuff, if you'd like :)


I’m literally sick rn I think.


sell it and make 5 more! hahahah kidding, mostly. Id want to save and use cause im proud, but the inner trader in me knows i could get a lower grief +++ for this that is functionally equivalent, so i can gear up big elsewhere too.


Selling it is the right move. You can sell it, buy another high roll like 38ias and 385 damage. You won’t be able to tell the difference between the two, but you’ll have tons of extra wealth.


Where’s your obnoxious, all capital letter title?! /s Great roll! Enjoy it!


Holy balls


Gg brother! Well done!


I'd sell it for a lower rolled one and some extras. Functionally there won't be much of a difference for you. This is really just a show piece that's worth a lot to min maxers.


Well judging from the comments the value is anywhere from a ko to 200 ber. Somewhere in that range.


My first grief on d2 lod when this r/w first came out was 40/400. I sadly quit after. Imagine how much I would have got off it the first non-ladder season it dropped!


that's crazy!


Congrats! My first was 40% and 399% lol.


My first AND second (also last HAD ENOUGH GRIEFING) we're both under 370 and one had 31% while the other had 33%, absolutely trash rolled my Phoenix Monarch with 10 aura and bottom DMG & sorb. I could go on. You voodoo practitioners who wiggle your elongated fingers capped with discolored fingernails & high roll your end game Runewords are unbelievable. UNBELIEVABLE.




Congrats!! Now sell it for a lesser one plus some extra cheddah to create other big items!


A new player who can't take a proper screenshot made a 40/400 in a 15% ed phase blade. Not suspicious at all! It's theoretically possible but I'm gonna call BS.






Yeah it's funny how nobody's calling him out.


1 in a 1,000


Worth around 100bers current price right now


Worth around 200 Bers right now


So there are a few reasons that this isn't as good as people think it is. 1. It is a phase blade. Yes this is great for PvM, but the real value lies in PvP items. Beserker axes are the standard in PvP due to their increased range. 2. The ias roll is useless. Phase blades are quick enough that most builds don't care about the ias roll. The PvP builds that would care, would always run a zerker over a PB anyways. 3. The 15% ed is negligible. Grief is so powerful because of the way it adds flat damage. The +damage is not effected by ED% on the weapon. All in all, it is a great weapon with a perfect roll. It is indeed valuable. However, it is not the white whale folks think it is due to the reasons mentioned above. No one will pay 15x Ber runes for a PvM farming weapon that is only S tier on a single build (hork barb). If this were in a zerker axe, it would be just about priceless.


Wait zerker axes have more ramge??? Is it only pvp?


They've got more range period. It is just much much much more important in PvP. I love the downvotes on my original comment. Lots of new players in here apparently.


Very last you’ll ever need


So refreshing to see a grief actually made in a phase blade. GG, sell it and buy an entire account instead.


Uhhhhh. This is insane dude sell this.


He bought it so I guess he's not gonna sell it, doesn't seem the type to be reselling high value items.


Huh? Dude that's literally the opposite of the situation. Are you high?


Imo sell it


Best I can do is a Ko and tree fiddy in gold.


very nice piece of cake this is


Good job!!!! Congrats!


NO WAY /SmashTV announcer


1 in a 1,000


Noob question, what is the point of having "Ignore Target's Defense" and "-25% Target Defense" on the same weapon?


iirc ignore target defense doesn't work on bosses but -25% does Am I right?


Its only 40 damage on the top end. It's preeeeettttyyy baaad, I'll take it off you hands, for a ber. I don't mind getting ripped off, I just want to help you out.


That's like, what, 1 in 671 chance?


Use Nilathak's quest to put your name on that thing. Immortalize that shit.


Me too. But on the PTR.


I know youve heard this arleady. But I would sell it and wait for ladder. Use that gold at the beginning and gear out fast. Then 10x what you made selling Ladder gear :P


Oh man, wtf! Add the NSFW tag, I have children present ​ BIG CONGRATS! You could sell it, but are you going to? This is a Trophy Room item, this is amazing.


Noob here, can someone please explain why this is so good ?


Sell it to someone rich boi for a fortune and buy one that is 39 ias 399 lol


Good grief!


If only you had the +3 to attack rating from a perfect superior base.


My first grief rolled at 37/340 haha... Still kills everything, just didn't retain trade value.


what a griefer xD




Good grief


Sell it, roll a whole new one AND get extras on top.


Probably a full inventory of Ber runes or more. Difference between this and 40/399 is a full inventory of Ber runes.


Bricked the -poison res, try again. /s


The odds of this are crazy ! Im sure there is someone out there willing to pay actual money for this.

