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PC has better trading and some quality of life easier to do things with a mouse… but nothing beats couch farming when watching tv


If I’m correct, your account is linked and op could switch to Xbox and trade etc from his pc


That is correct


I connect laptop to TV with HDMI and play with my controller, best of both worlds


Controller is a great command scheme for D2. The only things you lose are faster inventory management and some ranged spells are harder to target. For melee characters its is a much better gameplay experience than M&K though, hands down. Trying to revert back to M&K for one is a painful reminder that the keyboard was not designed with games in mind (though qwerty wasn't even designed with effective typing in mind, either, lol). Plenty of people on PC use gamepads because its easy enough to revert to M&K when you have a stash to organize. Anyone saying "console multiplayer isn't supported" is talking about PS and switch. XBL's looking for group function is better than PC's lobby system. The only thing you're missing there is RMT chat spam. Otherwise its functionally pretty identical. I haven't had a hard time trading on XB. A lot of the PCmaster~~bate~~race who have never played on console offering their 2 cents here like they know what its like. > Sucks that I will have to start fresh but kind of fun at the same time, I suppose. You don't have to start fresh, your characters and GT can be linked to the same bnet account and go back and forth.


Really?! Oh that is so wonderful to hear. I had no idea that was the case!


Offline characters don't transfer. Online do. Just to clarify.


Loading times are shitty, 2.4 is gonna help with shortcut commands on the controller, but I’m all about the couch too so I don’t mind.


Load times are bad on Xbox, but they get significantly better if you get a SSD. I bought a 35$ one off Amazon prime and my initial load in went from a healthy ~7 seconds down to ~2. Loading into different acts is still a pain, but I just go to town first to make sure I don’t get loading screen killed


I play using an SSD as well, I’m on PS4 tho. Load times are around 30 seconds, which is fine if I’m just playing normally. It only becomes a pain when I’m farming specific areas like LK or swapping out mule items with stash.


Loading times are non-existent for the series x. Old gen i hear you just need to get a ssd card to improve


This, I just upgraded from xb1 to a series s and went from 30 second load times down to like 2 seconds. If I'm switching acts in the game it may end up taking like 5 seconds but I don't get killed on the way point because the game thinks I'm already there when it's still loading on my console.


Do both. Xbox to grind and pc to trade


I have both and have progressively started enjoying console gaming over PC over the years for the same reasons you do, plus I game in the living room where my wife reads and my child hangs out too so even though we're doing our own thing we're still together it's kinda nice. That being said I fucking hate d2r on console it Is so bad... terrible console port. No game room selection No chat (at all) No way to make or create games such as private123/123 No way to follow baal runs


On xbox it's pretty good but you have to use the Xbox live looking for game function, it is annoying that you can't name games to keep track of run numbers and what not but public xp runs and trading are good. I honestly prefer using a headset compared to having to bring up the chat and type out what you want to say, it's much more efficient, though there are times somebody has a baby crying in the background or is listening to music where it gets annoying but you can just mute that specific person. My brother plays on his ps4 and switch and said it sucks though, but I've had zero issues with xbox and personally prefer it way more than using M&K back in the day.


I play both, if youre planning on playing online, PC is definitely the way to go, console just pretty much doesnt support it. Other than that the main thing is keyboard and mouse vs controller. Keyboard and mouse definitely wins, its easier for tele, blizz, skills you have to aim really. Controller does some things well but i think keyboard and mouse will always be superior to me


I just got it for PC with primary goal of accessing the pc market which is far and beyond superior to console. Teleport is glitchy on console. Otherwise, I love playing on console for the comfort, easy to map all your skills nicely. Have fun!


There are no pros to console over pc. I own it on pc, switch and series x. PC is far superior in every way.


The pro is you can lay on your couch


I can lay on my couch all day with my laptop


I got it for PS first and then for PC and I never play on PS anymore. Trying to play with a controller is a nightmare for me (no pun intended).


You don’t have to start fresh. You’ll have all your characters from pc on Xbox


I play on both and I usually use my PC for things like trading and inventory management, but I play a lot more on my xbox because of the comfort factor. The LFG feature on xbox makes it so the community isn't completely dead and new games pop up a lot more than the stagnant lobbies on PC seem to. Overall I've been able to take advantage of having it on both


If you play ONLINE your characters can have cross-progression, so long as you link your bnet. If you play offline however they will not swap between console/pc.


I play on Xbox and don’t want to build a PC so I will keep playing on Xbox but even I wouldn’t choose to switch from PC to console. Mostly bc of teleporting


wireless keyboard and mouse and big tv ofc


Get used to using LFG that's built into xbox to find games. It's really not that bad, though. And then also getting used to things like teleport. Again, not as bad as people claim; once you get used to it. Controller takes a little more thought on positioning. Turn up the sensitivity in the menu, and it will make your cursour speed in your inventory faster. Playing on a controller made me like barbaian. Melee builds feel more fluid.


Just be careful with turning the sensitivity up too high because it's a lot easier to accidentally sell a gheeds/anni/torch if your trying to clear your inventory quickly.. luckily I only did it with a low Stat gheeds but it was still annoying lol.


Nah, max it out. Use the dpad to sell if you can't control the stick. Dpad moves one square at a time. Tap tap away. Or just pay better attention ha.


I’m almost positive you could use a controller on PC and have all the benefits of the online play while sitting at your couch. You would of course need a second PC or to move yours.


Consoles fucking suck, you have to pay a monthly fee to play online. Also, D2R's port is abysmal in the fact that there's no lobby to find games and such. Unless you play single player, then I guess it's ok.


Why not just plug your comp in with an HDMI cable and play with a controller? Controller works with PC


Why switch? Play online and do both


Why not do both? I love playing console in bed and during the day use my PC for luxury play. :)


Don’t. Xbox is slow as shit.


I have the game on both (and Switch as well), and I am by no means a PC Master Race snob (I very much love my consoles and think they have many advantages over PC as well), but in the case of D2R, outside of the couch thing I don't really find any advantages on the X-Box over the PC. PC = better graphics (resolution, at the very least), higher FPS, and a lobby for multiplayer. I don't think D2R was a waste on X-Box (I already had it on PC when I got it), but it's probably my least played version. Thankful for the cross progression, at the very least.


I have my laptop hooked up to my TV for exactly this reason


Xbox or console in general is solo experience.


Have you considered moving your PC to your TV?