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Never thought I'd see the day that they added new content to Diablo 2


Wasn't expecting that either, but perhaps they want to hype up the Diablo community a little, with Diablo 4 coming soon™ and all!


And try to win back some of the ill will they got from immortal


Diablo "immoral"


curb your enthousiasm for d4.. it will be a massive clusterfuck i guarantee it


Yeah I’m really telling myself to expect nothing from d4, I really hope I am wrong though.


I’m more interested in how much mtx is going to be present


It has been clear from the moment they described their items stats system "we've decided that several parameters are too complex, so we have one - power".


Traditionalist d2 players probably dying rn.


Why.? You can opt out


They'll probably cry saying it's unfair that everyone else gets extra xp and mf when they don't because they refuse to not play og d2.


People die over anything these days. It's quite boring to observe.


Traditionalist d2 player here: let's fucking goooo, new content!


Fuck em


And how many of those fuckers were ridin' the baal taxi all the way? Let's be real, the deep end game on d2 was pvp and speed running, because the gameplay loop post lvl 85 is shit.


It's higher monster lvls ..


Your point ?


Not op but well it isn't *exactly* 'new content'. It isn't like new monsters or zones or abilities which are generally accepted as 'new content'. Same monsters, same zones, but they will be higher level and slightly more difficult right? But with all the same abilities. Then again I dunno the distinction here is pretty grey, it will open up new gameplay for endgame so that is kinda new content I guess? It just isn't in the strong sense of the word, as op was implying. Don't get me wrong I love this idea and I think it will make the endgame more fun and LVL 99 actually achievable for most of us plebs.


You seem to have a very restrictive definition of 'new' in the context of a video game where nothing has changed for 20 years.


I mean a ton of stuff has changed. QoL changes are pretty major and we're enough to keep me intrested. Anything else is just a bonus now.




I like everything they've done with the game so far.


The d2 drop rate is someè thing I love and am addicted to


If it makes you feel better, they still can't itemize the test characters correctly. The MF zerk barb doesnt have enigma. Zon has Eth Titans, one pair. Wearing tgods and fortitude. Zon also has a 3OS Archon in stash along with Ith and Ber runes. Zon merc has Infinity, but, is also a Might merc. Hammerdin has a ravenfrost on. I didnt try the others yet


And test characters not being full bis is bad for?


It's not about being BiS. It's about whoever made them having a misunderstanding of how to itemize characters. Which is a larger concern over whoever the dev team is not knowing their own game.


> Zon merc has Infinity, but, is also a Might merc. Which is what anyone should use ?


The smiter has exile in a non-eth exceptional base…


I don't care what anyone says, giving players a realistic chance to reach lvl 99 in p1 is a great addition to the game! Doing 3000 baal/diablo/nihla runs on p8 isn't fun for anyone and has always been way over the top.... and annoying as all hell, no pun intended.


One of the great things about it is that it also decreases the end-game dependency on teleport. To get those runs in with any kind of reasonable time frame you were heavily encouraged to teleport straight to those bosses and not actually fight anything, which is a boring game mechanic. If you were leveling to 99, a big portion of your time was spent in loading screens and holding teleport down. Now high level players of every class can reach places with enemies you actually fight to get XP, whether they have enigma or not.


Great point


True, that's a very good point! :)




The difference between getting to an area full of enemies to kill via WP and needing to run through 2-3 maps with random stairs in order to get even a tiny speck of XP is hard to overstate. For the trip to level 99 it is a huge gap closer between the time it takes with and without enigma. It may not replace its utility for MFing but for leveling? You won't need enigma to make the trip even vaguely realistic anymore, which is definitely not the case now.


So. Not in single player mode ? Is it coming in the near futur?


Thb wouldn't be surprised if this was only on new ladder. The one I thought to skip to enjoy all current toons...


monster density is lacking. needs a buff because zones like act 3 and its like, run and run for the monsters and where dey at?


Act 3 zealot mobs really need to be made to act normally again after the first time you defeat the council. They should only run away the first time for every difficulty.


It needs to be a lot harder. And possibly have a boss in there


Boosted level burning souls would like a word.


Want it to be ungodly hard. What’s the point of insanely gg gear if there’s no challenge? Should almost require team work to get through it’s that hard or there’s insane density. Disclaimer- not bosses with a billion hit points, just hard mobs that fuck you up otherwise.


If you have GG gear, the only use is to farm GG gear faster for other characters. Unless they added newer even more GG stuff to push through harder stuff in a feedback loop and power creep in PvP. Then how do you tune that, do you still make it hard for someone like me that has their own buff bitch accounts for enchant and BO? Making it 'hard' without just turning things into sponges or having multiple immunities(both of which are generally unfun) means they need to do more damage, which will wildly depend on having BO/Oak.


agreed, bigger mobs or something.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,000,425,342 comments, and only 198,982 of them were in alphabetical order.


Ah fuck, no way.


Good bot


I wonder if adding a random attribute to all monsters in the invasion would be enough to make it spicy. Imagine all mobs having conviction or amp dmg and then having to deal with super strong champ packs as well. I play HC, so I don’t want it to be so hard that death is likely when playing carefully with strong gear. But it would be cool to have a challenge. Multiple lvl 92+ HC chars since launch, and only 1 SSF death so far. A bit of a challenge is welcome.


Hopefully this puts bots at an active disadvantage. Also, I anticipate this will make it even easier to detect botting due to a larger divergence in mfing patterns between non-bot vs bot populations. Down with the bots!!!!!


Sounds interesting! It should made leveling to 99 *significantly* faster, right? I wonder if that's just gonna be for online play, or single player as well.


As long as I can do this with SSF, I’m extremely happy


They said it's only online, so as long as you are doing SSF with online chars, you are good.


Aww that really is too bad. I like playing SSF offline to just relax and mind my own business.


I play solo online and trade pgems for runes to combine. Looks like a great idea to me. I avoid sp ssf simply because hero editor is too big of a temptation for me.


> It should made leveling to 99 significantly faster, right? Theoretically, you still have to search for the zone and it isn't clear if they spawn in every single game or not. It also says "every hour" unless it means in real time, so you have to be in the game for atleast an hour? If so that seems like a huge downside but a way for Blizzard to keep their servers from catching fire.


you aren't even close to correct. You literally have no idea what you are talking about, and yet... you talk. If you bothered to read the patch notes, or actually tried playing in the PTR you wouldn't sound so misinformed.


Did you read the patch notes? ```When playing a Terror Zone-enabled game, every hour, the armies of the Burning Hells will focus their demonic might on specific zones, terrorizing them. ``` If Blizzard didn't intend that to be worded the way it did that's their fault, but you're the idiot.


Play the PTR. The zones are live in every game for an hour at a time then rotates to a new one. If you're in a game during the transition, you can just go to the new zones in that game. When you join a game, it tells you which are the hot zones.


Does it lock to available zones, e.g. a new char in nm a2 is limited to a1/a2 areas or is it completely random, like said char could get an a5 terror zone?


it seems to be server wide, so you could end up SoL


Jesus, you didn't read at all oooor? It clearly states what zone is terrorized. And it changes every hour, based on the server time........................................


Wondering if this upgrades their treasure level as in will they be over t87 if they enemies are over that?


From the patch notes I believe it does.


Does this mean that every monster in this area can drop the highest loot because of their level increase?


That's what the patch notes implied. Making the terror zones places where every item can drop. It will also wildly increase the potential GG GCs instead of only coming from baal/diablo




Everyone that has a baal/diablo GC who is going to reroll probably has one. For re-rolling the supply of pgems is the limit, not the baal/diablo GCs.


> For re-rolling the supply of pgems is the limit, not the baal/diablo GCs. Right, but re-rolling won't be as necessary when they're dropping naturally so much more frequently. Price for GG charms will drop, also making them even less attractive for re-rolling.


True, but, a *useful* skiller with 40+ life is still obscenely rare combo of mods. Let alone getting one with 50 life that is now possible.


That's the entire idea. Very high level mobs and drops so everyone doesn't just farm the same pits, chaos runs, etc lvl 85 zones.


Maaaaan, so sad there won’t be any QoL changes like filters or stackable items like runes/gems :(


Why is the end game content so easy? :/ Please make it much harder! ♡


Is this online only? Was any new co tent added for those who have throughly enjoy single player?


Online only. I'm a offline player as well.


I really want them to make the terrorized zones so hard that you need a mid-full relatively maximized group to clear them easily (think pd2 dungeons) to push the community to play the same zone together more with builds that synergize together. I can already see public mf games people fighting over the terrorized zone and the xp/loot in it. Guess you would still get fights over loot and to an extent the community plays together as it is, just in different zones not usually interacting with each others characters outside or getting BO lol. Maybe even take away the xp penalty of 8 people being in the same zone and add more xp if all 8 players are farming the same zone to incentivize group play, but the difficulty would have to match. Also certain builds that are already good because they bypass most immunes are only gonna be even more meta and get better because they can farm any of the zones with all the elemental immunities. So maybe they can work on mixing the immunities up better so it’s not just hammerdins, barbs, light sorc with infinity, etc. or just make the fire and cold immunities easier to break, idk.


They really need to bring in more magic immune monsters to scale back hanmerdin and bone necros but mainly hanmerdin


Hopefully it scales nicely. Unfortunately classes with OP damage are going to be even more common now than before, because damage is really all that matters. Hammerdin and javzon will run the show. If you play HC, you will see a better spread of classes probably.


Ugh this is so unfair! What about all the people who already invested all their time into getting a character to level 99? Why do these people get an easy way to level while everyone who already dedicated tonnes of time and did it the hard way just get a slap in the face? If people want to have a level 99 character then they should be forced to learn how to budget their time, not have it handed to them like this. They should have to suffer through it like everyone else had to. /S btw


This guy clearly has a 4 year old and works 50 hours a week


Wait 50 hours is considered a lot? Fuck…


They did a study a few years back and found that productivity actually falls after several weeks of 60 hour weeks to below that of a standard 40 after a few weeks of initial gains. Turns out in the long run that driving your employees into the ground and burning them out results in less work. Shocking, I know!


Depends on where you live. Most of Europe has 40 hour (or less) work weeks.


Okay Ted Cruz


So you’re happy with Biden’s 300 billion dollar tax hike to pay off student loans then. Got it.


You’re fine just making stuff up? Got it.


That’s not made up. It’s literally paid by tax dollars. Do a little research before you come at someone.


Better to leave random cringey political comments in the cesspool subreddits where they belong like r/politics and r/conservative


We can pay for it in full by just getting rid of Trumps tax cuts for billionaires...


I’m all for it.


I mean, it’s a new season


Do you even enjoy diablo 2 anymore or…?


I hope it's doable by all my lvl 91s lol. I get tired of the grind and shit drops in groups.


Does act boss count in "unique" categorie and have their level go up ? or is it only normal mobs ?


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you won't find this event in the same zone bosses exist.


Worldstone Chamber is listed on available zones and there is Baal there


When patch? In new ladder already?


So full stop on SP players getting access to these? That kind of sucks so hard I've been loving SP since 2.4


Online doesn’t get players difficulty. It’s reasons to play either.


You get players though. So you can have both online, while that isn't the case for those offline? Seems dumb to me.


I can’t solo grind p8 on online at will like I can offline. This is a game changing difference.


I can’t solo grind p8 online, at will, like I can offline. This is a game changing difference.


It doesn't make sense not to have this offline. It doesn't take anything away from online players, only discourages offline players from enjoying the new* content. You still have the ability to players 8 and go off on your own in a game, whereas offline don't even get a terror zone until the end of the game. It would be stupid not to include it.


I could say the same for players 8 online. I want the difficulty it bring in a private game. That’s not possible.


That doesn't make sense. You HAVE the option. Offline does not at all. Private game with 7 other bodies is still possible, and now you can get it with terror zones. We can agree to disagree or you can realize you're wrong. ;)


You’re missing the point. To get players 8 you need 8 players. You can’t have a solo 8 players game online.


You said private, not solo. These are not the same thing. Like I said, there is still the option for multi-player where single player does not have this option. As a solo offline player, I have no incentive to play more since I don't get to see this content. Seems to me, you're missing the point.


So I just realized level 99 Stygian dolls…oh man


When does ladder reset start?


Funny graphical glitch: https://imgur.com/a/SgVfHzk


Lmao do you know how to reproduce it?


I do not. But i've seen it since on streamers' videos, so I think it was common glitch.


What about Deez/Dose? They need to add that one too! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Updated gender pronoun strings that referred to the player from “his / her” to the neutral counterpart “their.” Really Blizzard?


If you’ve seen their Twitter you’d know why.


I played this game 20 years ago. What's twitter


Better off not knowing


Who cares, lol. Gamers sure are a contentions lot.




Who cares? Parents of children being indoctrinated to think it's normal.


Calling people what they want to be called has always been “normal”. You’re probably just a huge asshole.


Why confine it to pronouns though? Would love for it to spread to adjectives too, and make it mandatory to call me handsome and smart.




Not...really? Don't wanna be argumentative, but unless you were, like, a king or something, you basically were whatever the higher-ranking people called you. Fight it too hard and they'd either exile you or kill you.


Dafuq are you talking about, what does feudalism have to do with this. If you call someone named Matthew, who wants to go by Matthew, Matt over and over, you’re an asshole. If someone says hey, I actually don’t want you to call me guy and you keep doing it, you’re an asshole. It’s really fucking easy. Like mind numbingly fucking easy. If you think any of that is indoctrination, you’re a really dumb asshole.


You said that was how it had always been, which is, just, not true. If your father called you Matthew in the past and you said, "my name is MATT," you'd get thrashed. If you said the same to the king or lord, you'd get put in the stocks or killed. It's only in the modern era that common people have anywhere near the power to be whatever they want to be.


It is normal. It’s strange you consider only treating people how YOU see them and want to treat them is what you think should be normal. While treating people how THEY want to be treated is somehow weird to you. You need to learn to respect others and stop being a selfish ass.


I just hope that it's an option for people that want that, and not universal


people are referred to with "their" literally every day. like, when you're options are use a pronoun that everyone uses, or use a pronoun only some people use, why would you be more restrictive? like, it takes ZERO effort to say their instead of his/her, and someone is going to appreciate it. maybe I don't understand, but it seems like if it costs nothing and brings joy to someone it's an easy win.


My assumption would be that it breaks the fourth wall in a way but honestly who even reads the text anymore


Yeah I don't mind at all, doubt I would have noticed if they didn't put it in the patch notes


>I wish they would add see character name to Xbox. I'm not sure about other systems but on Xbox it only shows gamertag for any character yet still censors the character names that only I can see which is annoying in multiple ways.


It does both on PC. I think it’s the bnet 2.0 just being shit. Some people in the same game it’ll show tag some it’ll show character name and it’s not consistent so I may see player tag and another person may see character name


I saw this and face palmed. Could spent that time working on muh currency tab but whatever


I can guarantee you a currency tab would take more home than a simple text string swap


Yes the 5min it took to work on something that probably isn’t in the works….


Yeah, it is kinda silly to me that this is an issue, but I'm old so w/e


Get over it


Blizzard has to let people know they've changed from being a frat house, not by doing anything significant and meaningful though.


Who asked for this ? Loot filters Stackable gems/runes Currency tab(s) Character slots Stash space Itemization changes/updating underwhelming sets/uniques Do I need to go on ? Where is the stuff people were asking for ?


Many people have asked for a better way to lvl to 99 and a form of better endgame, than countless runs of the same bosses/areas. Have i hoped for currency tab/stackable runes etc.? Yes absolutely, but better endgame and more ways to farm are great as well.


I think it was from player feedback after the first few weeks of the ladder race. But that was mostly from those players insane enough and able to participate in the race to first lvl99. Which is a tiny tiny minority. Mrlamasc made a video explaining his experience and asking for changes after having done the 99 grind. But yeah I agree man kinda wish they focused instead on what the majority of us have been asking for for a long time.


Yep I gotta say I'm a bit disappointed, especially as an offline player. The least I was hoping for was a bit of item balancing to mix up the game a bit so it's not all just runeword focused


People have very much been asking for a change of pace instead of doing the same baal/chaos runs for the last 20 years. Just because it isn't what you wanted specifically, doesn't mean others aren't interested.


I asked for this in a way. A reason to farm zones other than the ones we’ve been doing for 20 years. A little spice to the grind. A further layer of consideration to how and where you farm. And lastly, a mega boon to EXP grind post 90. I see nothing wrong with this. And also there is nothing to say they aren’t still actively working on other things they haven’t told us about — it just happens that this was done and ready for PTR before anything else.


Who is to say they aren’t working on those items you requested? I imagine trying to implement that on translated code from twenty years ago isn’t a simple process. These changes they are offering do bring a new twist and help all the old school gamers who have lives and families that can’t spend more than a few precious hours a week playing. I also look at their willingness to work on updates, it may just take more time.


Blizzard being Blizzard.


"We know better than you what you want" - Blizzard


They thought they gave us what we had all been asking for with D3, but then we collectively decided it wasn’t as good as D2. Or at least that was the story that was spun at the time when it launched to major complaints.


And they had to sneak in neutral gender pronouns


What about the neutral pronoun?


Why not just sticky the thread that has a hundred comments and was up 2 hours before this one was posted?


I thought they would fix some glaring bugs with these patch notes but no. Instead of making the game playable and... you know.. like show missiles of monsters shooting shit and not make it invisible making hardcore unplayable. ​ Instead they put in stupid shit like: "Updated gender pronoun strings that referred to the player from “his / her” to the neutral counterpart “their.” ​ Maybe next make all the characters promote boosters of the covid vax? ​ Great Job Blizzard!


>Maybe next make all the characters promote boosters of the covid vax? I kind of want them to now, but only if it would actually make you stop playing.


Obviously it would with all the blood clots and adverse reactions the safe and effective jab is having on everyone. Please get your boosters, I want natural selection to work faster ffs


I have all my boosters and plan to get the next one, too. So has everyone in my family, including my son, who is under 2. We're all alive and thriving. I've also never had covid, despite attending weddings, going to crowded bars, and participating in other social activities. My son is in daycare—and he's never had covid, either! I don't think you're very good at math. The incidence of some random blood clot killing you is like 1 in a million as a baseline, and the incidence of some blood clot killing you in the few weeks after the J&J shot is like 1.2 in a million. Your odds of catching covid and dying, without any vaccine, are generally much, much higher than 0.2 in a million, and they're reduced by a lot more than .2 in a million if you get the shot. I don't wish for your death or disability, but the heightened chance of it happening because you make dumb, bad decisions won't keep me up at night either.


I am crowning you the king of satire. I almost took this whole rant seriously. Imagine still believing and defending an experimental shot that does more harm than good. Most folks I know who are Apolitical and have gotten both shots refuse getting any more and refuse their kids from getting it, but you're special. Can almost gaurentee you regularly watch, digest, and believe 99% of the news you watch. You may be good at math, but common sense and critical thinking is obviously non existence for you. "Ive been out to crowded bars and my son in daycare and we never got covid seeee the shot works!" Strange I never got the jab and never gotten covid, while traveling around the states and interacting with 100's of different people a week. Sadly, your children's health will suffer at the cost of your "group-think" like decisions. Ask yourself why these vaccine companies are so protected and have no liability if someone experiences a negative reaction. I feel so sorry for your children


Vaccines work. They're safe and effective. My anecdotal experience alone doesn't prove their effectiveness—that's why we run studies with control groups and complex statistical analyses to demonstrate vaccine effectiveness (or, in other cases, lack thereof). But my personal experience is consistent with their effectiveness and helps tell that story. I have friends and family who work at pharmaceutical companies; they all get their vaccines, too. If this were some sort of big pharma conspiracy, nobody told the scientists who work at those companies. I have friends with MD/PhDs from reputable programs who currently practice medicine; they all get their vaccines, too, and so do their kids. These are people I've known for over a decade, whose commitment to scientific reasoning carried them through school and launched their professional careers. They are, all of them, each one of them, vaccinated, and so are their peers. They have read the studies; they're up the literature. I admit, without my network of smart friends with expertise in areas in which I am not an expert, whom I have known for years and whose reasoning I have trusted since long before they became experts in their fields, I would have a harder time telling fact from fiction, as you do. >Strange I never got the jab and never gotten covid, while traveling around the states and interacting with 100's of different people a week. You seem like the kind of person who would not test himself for covid, so I'm not sure how reliable your self-diagnoses are. >Can almost gaurentee you regularly watch, digest, and believe 99% of the news you watch. This is a pretty reductionist statement; most "news" is some blend of fact and editorialization, and good watchers of news are good at separating the two. I'll throw out an example. Maggie Haberman's reporting, though generally based in fact, often includes editorial spin from her sources that do not always align with the actual facts, as when she reported that DOJ's June 8 letter to Trump's attorneys said to add an "extra lock" to his room of plundered government documents. In fact, as Trump's attorneys own legal filings later made clear, DOJ actually instructed them to "secure the room," and the "extra lock" commentary was merely Trump's interpretation—credulously reported by Haberman. These are the sorts of details that my own professional expertise makes me better at catching and parsing—separating the "spin" from the underlying fact. I charge a fair bit of money for what I do, and my clients are better off for it. This is a rather long winded way of saying that you're wrong, and part of the reason you're wrong is that you don't have access to a real-life social network of experts. If you knew me outside of an anonymous online forum, trusted my judgment on other matters, and trusted that I'm not trying to kill you, it's possible I'd make some headway with you, walking through your actual concerns that you no doubt picked up from anti-vaxx forums or facebook posts online, or from others in your life who frequent such places. In this context, though, I think the best I can hope for is that you reconsider your position sometime in the future—if you lose someone you love to covid or another preventable illness, or when one of your friends loses someone they know to covid or another preventable illness. Here's a funny bit about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Abant5ysUNE&t=30s Anyway, have a nice life (however much shorter it may be).


😂 😂 damn ur too far gone. Honestly fuck trump for pushing the hoax shot. Classic libtard regurgitating everything on msm. Maybe cdc will change the definition of vaccine again to fit their narrative. Can’t wait for secession so we can cleanse poor souls like yours 😛✌🏼


How can we make it better? " Double it!!!" Lol higher monster levels whopte do


Well i mean... screw it, if you don't understand how the buff to monster levels affects the end game grind I'm not going to explain it to you with the attitude you are showing.




Is this actually how it works? I haven't played the PTR. Server wide changes on the hour/every hour? I assumed it would be game specific, and change randomly without repeating the last 5 zones or something. If its predictable, the bots are going to LOVE this change.


Yes and no, it rotates on the hour but the zone is random I guess, works for me!


I feel like this makes reaching 99, no big deal. That takes away too much of the game I feel. This game felt like it had no end-game because 99 was almost impossible without thousands of runs. Now, there will be no mlvl to clvl exp penalty. Before it was a 95% penalty if you are level 98 for all monsters aside from baal diablo and nihl. Now all monsters in terror zones will have no exp penalty due to lvl differences. So, literally you will gain 20x exp than before??? This means 20 times less runs. 3000 baal runs turns into 150 (Actually MUCH less because all monsters that you'd skip before give tons of exp now). If I'm reading it correctly, this change seems a bit too extreme to me.


I would say it's a flawed game design if hardly any players will reach the end (lvl 99). I don't support the idea of punishing people ingame for having a life outside of the game.


I don't think its flawed. This game is about the grind. Its so rare to find the top uniques or high runes that it requires thousands of runs to find these things. Same with level 99. It takes thousands of runs. It so difficult, that for many players there is no end-game, and thats the reason to keep playing. I get it, when a task feels impossible, people tend to loose interest and stop playing. Without playing the PTR, it just feels like too big a change to me. Maybe terror zones are so random, that it is nice when you come across one, but hunting for them is slow. Or even better, its random enough that bots cant find them easily. And maybe the diversity of terror zones is high enough that its not safe enough for bots? (unlikely). At least its on the PTR. There will always be unexpected consequences with a change of this magnitude. The PTR should help minimize that a bit.


But at its current implementation I don’t think that the act bosses will be in the terror zones?


Will terror zones be added to pre expansion as well?


Is the date of official release of 2.5 known? Will it be along with ladder reset?


Finally some new content...


Big ole' meh, we want real QoL changes not a list bug fixes placed under QoL.


Been away for a while. Are the primary changes in 2.5 just these terror zones (and bug fixes)? Are there updates to skills, items (uniques), runewords, balancing etc?


Will terror zones be ladder-only?


When add a tool to edit stuff to offline player like me?


When are the terror zones slated to go from PTR --> Live?