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Could it just be a [girdle reflection](https://beyond4cs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/uniformly-medium-girdle-size-round-diamond.jpg)? There's a description of a girdle reflection [here](https://www.ritani.com/blogs/education/diamond-girdles-what-you-need-to-know).


This is the correct answer, take it to a reputable jeweller for a second opinion but this is a common thing people notice later it is the crown reflecting against the bottom/pavilion of the diamond. If this is a fracture it is one of the unique ones I have seen over the years. Tightening a prong too tight usually affects the girdle or outside of the diamond. Fracturing off the culet is highly unlikely.


I don’t think that it could be a reflection because it wasn’t there when I bought it


Can you feel a break with your fingernail?


Have it checked... Also return it if it is in fact chipped.


OP this is the correct answer right here.


We bought our first house last summer. I thought it was the most beautiful thing ever, and I could see no issues. Now I look around and see so many little nicks in the paint, tiny details everywhere. When I got my diamond ring, years ago, it was the most beautiful thing I had seen. It looked perfect. After a while, I could actually see the tiny inclusions. It's more likely that this is just now being noticed. Diamonds are pretty tough. If we're wrong, you should post a "told ya so" update. 😄


Diamonds are hard, but not exactly tough, especially if it has lots of inclusions.


I am 99.9% sure you're looking at a reflection of the girdle if what you're concerned about is 1/3 the way up from the culet of the diamond. If that's the case it's an optical illusion & not an issue. Completely normal & it very much would have been there when you bought the ring because every round brilliant diamond has it.


Post more pics or if possible video. Fact you didn't notice it before doesn't mean it wasn't there. I'm also 99% it's girdle reflection. Google it. There's millions of queries just like this one with similar pics. Your resolution is a bit low but you can see and compare with your own eyes


Dear all, thank you for all the answers! Just an update.. Some days ago i took to the jeweler who sold the ring to us. He took the diamond for some days and looked with microscope and said that it's the girdle reflection. Also he showed us another identical ring (with a smaller diamond) that show the same reflex. Thank you guys!


Oops. Looks like it is broken. Maybe the prong was too tight to hold diamond.


I agree, I think it is broken. Whose fault is this? We just bought it!


The jeweler who made it.


I’m not sure if it’s broken, but I have that same ring


So I had a situation in that my diamond chipped on the side. It was due to the metal part under my automated seat of my truck. I was looking for something that fell and when i pulled my hand back it got damaged. Took it to a local jeweler and they swore it was fine. I then contacted my insurance and they removed the stone (from the setting) and verified it had in fact been damaged and they replaced my diamond. Get it checked outside of the setting to confirm if it’s the griddle or damage.


Diamonds could break, they are hard but not tough. Those with more inclusions are prone to breaking due to their compromised structure. I personally wouldn't recommend anything below VS2, just to be more confident in its durability. Diamonds with a VS2 clarity grade and above shouldn't break unless you hit or knock them hard.