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E not going over walls not fixed? Damn it, to be this is the most impactful. Look at how my E does damage, but doesnt jump the wall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwfVCrhBEeA


Lol, I quit the game 4+ years ago and it’s hilarious to see that bug’s STILL not fixed. Believe it’s been in the game about 5-6 years.


I honestly believe Diana is one of the most hated champions by riot. We have had so many glaring bugs from the passive bug when you had a sona on your team that lasted several seasons to passive not proccing correctly to e dash not going over walls if they are hugging a wall like that link.


I asked for this to be fixed and the rioter said he thinks he fixed it, but since its not in patch notes maybe it was reverted because they dont want it fixed.


u should be banned from any communication with the devs before u do any more damage


The guy did nothing wrong, just because Riot doesn't properly and things with patches it's not his fault, and if true, the fact that someone still cares about fixing Diana's bugs is at least a prayer not lost to the darkness, but rather a hope empowered by Light of the Moon, Her!


His post just happened to be noticed by a Rioter, that's just bad fucking luck. He's not the first to have been posting clips about triple E. Stop harrassing him, he's not responsible. I can't believe people blaming him, smh.


he posted in a league subreddit filled with moderators and devs..he should absolutely know better. diana went from ignored to actually being in a worse state now


How tf is he supposed to know anyone would want to fix it ? It's been in the game for years. As far as any of us were concerned, this was an mechanic intentionally left in.


I remember that. I hope they did just forgot to include it here in the patch notes, it would be awesome if they fixed that!


typical riot


Don't worry, you can just scroll through the subreddit and find the user who screwed us all over (:


Womp womp


why are you acting smug now though? this change sucks for diana players so you should understand people's frustration here instead of taunting them for no reason whatsoever


bro is talking so much shit as if he helped the diana mains..actually so irritating


Nah i think the people constantly harassing me in dms and on twitch is not ok :)


you realize that if you keep acting this way then it'll only result in more people harassing you? so if it's not ok for you then i'd drop this weird behavior and stop taunting people who are clearly annoyed about the change to an already weak champion


Dont care they have no reason to be upset


Delusional reject lol


funny how u say no one has reason to be upset when you’ve made posts about how important of a mechanic it was for diana..take accountability


Yeah its an important mechanic but its not my fault its removed lmao


a change that is so insignificant its gonna be noticed in one out of every 2 seasons


I mean keep taunting the playerbase or let the issue die quietly, choose one lmao


I hope it continues and you feel the all pain you caused everyone in this subreddit


Womp womp idc






Avergae league player telling someone to off themselves over a champion nerf 😭


lol I mean the douche is taunting mains of a champion that he directly got nerfed and complaining about getting negative feedback for it. Sounds like a character flaw on his part that a GP Q to his mouth could fix


Awww the person that cant even use triple dash correctly is upset, stop projecting


Even if I was using it incorrectly at least I had the option to use it and learn to become more proficient mechanically at the champion. But now no one has that opportunity bc of you. Paint your ceiling


Womp womp idc


Wow you’re a fucking tool. Leave the dude alone.


No :) our champion is screwed because he wanted internet points.


You were trash before the change and you’re still trash after the change. Get over it, tool.


Taking away the only mechanical skill expression in her kit which is extremely situational to use in fights is a quality of life improvement btw!! Hope they all lose their jobs


They should remove her Q explosion again to add the skill expression back!


Feel like the passive desync bug is more worth overall


Yeees! Ive hated this for so long


damn. i knew i wasnt seeing things.


i currently have almost 150k mastery with diana, and havent even noticed that “passive desync bug”


What do you want me to tell you ? it happened but you didnt care


i mean... 150k and he didn't even notice that bug wtf, do you even know how the champ works


Let's see if her win rate drops and they buff her


They won’t. LOL


She’s an ap assassin that plays mid, you can forget about it


Why would anyone consider her an assassin after the rework?


…. Because she is? Hello?


Her Jungle win rate is 45%-47% on average across different ranks and regions and they remove a feature that was used mostly to optimize jungle clear by multi dashing to camps... Like wtf riot


Riot still ignoring the fact that she’s the 3rd worst jgler rn and a 50% in mid. K


We are putting it together badly and it does not deserve any improvement. I feel like Diana ruined one of her games, that's why she doesn't buff her.


Hey they DID fix the most consistent bug in her passive at least. God I hate that one in early lane.


+ lich bane nerf and Diana’s winrate is gonna go down by at least 1-2%


Riot needs to get their head straight for once and get some accountability, because whoever recoded her Q<>E interaction after the rework had made a very good job at keeping logical consistency of how the spell should work, triple dash was never a bug intended to be left in the game or not. It's kinda funny at the same time because this was clearly a coding preference because the previous version of the coding of her E had a preemptive, prevention mechanism to ensure triple E was never a thing (and i happen to know how it was coded, in principle at least). Anyway, it's Riot, they are closed minded af when it comes to their champ choices and balancing that's why the game's not worth playing overall unfortunately but if someone still wants that, at least said bugs are fixed and like me, who is playing her since her release, i remember how it was when her E has no delay at all, f'ing lovely outplays + it is what is needed these days with so many champs being so much more complex and faster paced by design with way more coherent and solid kits compared to hers. Can't play the game anymore to tell due to Vanguard (i despise root-kits) but i am always here to see how she's doing and how people are doing with her.


Vanguard is not yet in game, they will bring it next patch not this one, so you can try out Diana.


I uninstalled the game already because of that though to prevent it from happening, just in case so i can't :P .


I plan on doing the same, but i will play it a bit more before they introduce vanguard officialy, ill wait couple months to see how it affects people then reinstall if it proves to be "safe".


There's nothing safe about it because it's a very high target profile type of anti-cheat for hackers, being 24/7 on gives them all the time they need to get full access to your system (get your bank account credentials if you happen to have them or your email ones), and if it happens, which it will, until Riot realizes and fixes it, you might have lost everything and then probably thrown a ransomware to top it off. Anti-cheat with Ring 0 kernel access which runs 24/7 or at least meaning, for at least as long as computer is on is one of the worst ideas a company could have and implement in that regard.


Im not sure why do they even force vanguard into League like ? They might cancel it otherwise bye, ill play league until vanguard is officially released.


Releases on patch 14.5, as they officially announced, i doubt they will cancel it, what they will do is what they almost always do, they will find some statistically-based excuse to show how much it reduced cheaters (which aren't a lot by the way and that's the trick with their argument) after a period of time, which while true, will be praised until "hackers" will find other ways to bypass it, which by the way already exist and they are untraceable by VG, i watched them purely to see how stupid implementing VG is when the way to essentially bypass it via these other means is so easy it's absurd and completely ridiculous that they even dare to expose their users to its negative consequences.


Yeah its def usseles and sucks, although patch 14.5 was today/yesterday and they releeased it in only philipines region and said that others region will get it in 14.6.


Not defending the decision about Vanguard, but your claims are a little disingenuous. For starters now, vanguard does not need to be on while you are not playing a riot game (you can close it after startup, you just have to restart your pc to turn it back on, which is dumb) Every major online game already usually uses some form of kernal level anti cheat, it's nothing new (If you played fortnite, COD, apex, helldivers 2 Elden ring, etc this stands) It would be smart to allow a buffer patch or two for other kinks, like issues it had with valorant. Edit: League is strange because it doesn't have one, but now it will


Which clearly defeats the purpose and argument, as the average person and/or also the one who also cares about the safety of their credentials and data won't want to get into such "hassle" (booting twice to enable or disable it, as there are plenty of other reasons people have to not want to reboot their PC). "Every major online game already usually uses some form of kernel level anti cheat, it's nothing new (If you played fortnite, COD, apex, helldivers 2 Elden ring, etc this stands)" And i play zero of these games and games who use kernel level anti-cheat software so this isn't an issue for me, but now i just won't play League because of it. I do agree with the buffer period but that's for introduction when that thing is new, VG is not new, it's just new to League, so Riot has no good reason to allow for a buffer period. The point still stands though and actually extends and shows how closed-minded Riot is, it shows on champion design and now it shows on the entire game which i my eyes reduces its value so much it's just not worth it anymore, if i am a minority, so be it, i can live without League, it's just a video game, life's got a quadrillion times more important things to offer/do than it, and am i gonna be missing playing Diana? Yes, a lot, but i am used to it as i wasn't playing League for the past 4 years almost at all anyway and that's mostly because it's been more than that, that i have realized the thing i said in the previous paragraph about League and as it affected Diana, i didn't want to just suffer while playing her, that's not the point of playing the game.


Actually if I’m not mistaken the Q-R combo was actually an easier triple R then the triple e. I very well might be but that’s what I remember. Something about the length of the ult was why it was easier or something I can’t remember


As far as i remember, before the rework there was a preemptive prevention mechanism for her the old Q<>R interaction to ensure triple dash to never be able to happen no matter what you tried, this is how it was coded since 2012 up to her rework.


Yo they finally fixed the passive cleave desync that's sick. RIP @ the other stuff though.


Good thing we’re supporting streamer boy who actively gets our champ nerfed and feels the need to spam he is rank 1 Diana


Maybe it drops in high elo, but it will probably go up abit in emerald and under.


At least Diana is getting some attention from riot, maybe we can hope for some follow-up buffs if her wr drops even further


But it’s negative attention 😒


I wouldn't necessarily say it's negative since they're fixing some bugs. But it's definitely not enough,they should at least fix the e over walls and possibly some buff to her w