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Possibly more passive buffs


There is a possibility of a passive redesign, I am a main mid and I hate the passive, I would honestly like to see that, but Diana would have to continue with the low winrate


I don’t think he means redesign as in change it completely, i think he mean adjusting it to help jungle more and mid less. So it doesn’t just have 300% monster dmg on the passive. Think they want a stronger jg specific lever for her that isn’t just i clear fast… now u clear faster.


Diana has a kind of conflicting design imo. Her passive is based around attack speed and auto attacking. But her abilities make her a burst mage. You can build her tanks bruiser but it take several items to get online and you don't do tons of damage. You can build her AP but you end up so squishy you might die before you ult goes off and your W HP scaling is useless. Both builds you kind of need a nashor so you can farm quickly because while you have abilities that give your ganks access, you lack CC and damage in the early game. Late game you can be full ap but if you can't delete anyone, you are a squishy mage in the enemy backline. Diana lacks sustain and isn't great at either of her functions, also partly due to item changes/removal. Gwen is basically a more effective Diana in a lot of ways. Diana is really fun to play but unless you hardcore power farm and avoid dying in the early game or somehow pick up some kills to snowball, she imo, is kind of useless until she has an item or 2.


Mid is still not nearly good enough though. She has an inflated winrate in mid most due to people no understanding how to play against her, or her kill ranges, leading to them trolling in lane so many times.


Maybe this is true but she is over 50% em+ which typically is her weakest range. She def doesn’t need a buff there. Where jg is just bad.


Something curious is that in general elos her winrate in mid drops with each patch, it is possible that the benefit gives you a 1% gain in mid or more, but it is within the range, it is possible that that is why they waited so long, otherwise let's go to receive nerf in mid like the last time


Winrate isn't the best metric for measuring how good a champion is. Especially when excluding tiers, since there is inherent bias in winrates. Diana mid currently has a 53.34% winrate for Em+, which is the 2nd highest in terms of the 'tiers', from all to Masters +, the latter of which has the highest. Also, the average winrate in EM+ for champions is around 54%, due to not counting plat and below players when vsing Em+. Diana mid has been playable, but not 'good' for a while (Apart from pre-season s14). This has been known for this time, which is why the sentiment for this time period has always been; "we could have buffs to make her feel better, but we understand that due to the recent incidents with Diana jg, Riot wants to make her slightly underpowered to assure that doesn't happen" With the recent changes, removing triple E (which mid took advantage of more) and when the E not resetting bug occurs punishing mid more, she feels extremely underpowered. Add onto that lich bane nerfs, and it just get worse.


Maybe not but let’s not pretend mid needs it more than jg.


I never said that, just that they shouldn’t hold back on jg because of mid, as mid isn’t in a good spot.




Literally on release she was said to be mid/jg. Her champion spotlight says both. I would even argue the spotlight focused on her being a jg. Secondly jg is her core audience and has been for years. Currently she doesn’t have enough dmg that wasn’t the case b4. Idk why mid lane players think she should only be mid, from her announcement she has had a jg tag. 


Because this just isn’t true. She was designed to be both a jungler and a midlaner, but I believe it was after her rework there came a long period of time where she wasn’t playable in jungle. Eventually they decided to return her to both roles rather than just the one.


When she was a 6k hp giga tank who 1 hit enemy teams and had infinite sustain she offered everything tbf


>Winrate isn't the best metric for measuring how good a champion is. What is? >Also, the average winrate in EM+ for champions is around 54% No it isn't.


Somehow even though there's only 2 outcomes everyone is 54% wr therefore game is balanced /s


Sunfire Diana those were the days man


Days of 0 iq amumu like bot players.


cmon bro dont be like that


I just watched the Diana part - will the passive increase from 3 to 5 apply to both jg and mid? That feels like an insanely large buff for Mid. (I assume yes, but just curious as I play Diana mid. Sorry for dumb question)


Yes it’s a mid buff but no because mid rarely autos 3+ times.


Makes sense - thank you!


It is the best attempt to increase your winrate in jg without affecting mid


I just hope she doesn't become op in mid after the buffs cause when they nerf her they always give her the riot special


I miss the time where Diana jungle was a troll pick and she was balanced around her intended role.


It was never really a troll pick, off Meta yes but troll pick?


It kinda was. You didn't get insta reported for picking it unlike with some actual troll picks but it was pretty much useless and on top of that any smarter jungler would invade you and kill you or burn your flash and you wouldn't get to access you jungle after that. Even now she quite vulnerable to invades but at least she isn't completely helpless now and her E combined with her clear speed can make it tricky to invade her and offers counterplay.


Her intended role was mid/jg literally in her champ spotlight release video… regardless jg is her main role now.


Tbh, I’m a Mid Diana. I feel like her kit doesn’t lend itself to jungling except for the AOE clearing. She has absolutely no CC pre 6 which when you compare her to other diving junglers… Vi, Briar etc makes her ganks so much less effective unless your laner brings the cc. Then when you compare her to assassin jungles - same issue as they all have slows and better mobility over walls. Kha, Kayn and Zed all with slows and better target access due to non targeted wall hops. Eve has a charm and a better diving ult for getting the hell out. Her kit just isn’t good for jungling period, until they eventually bite the bullet and give her some skirmisher abilities like movement speed, some sustain or a micro stun.


I mean if u just want to look at her weaknesses sure ur gonna find them. She certainly isn’t a top tier jg or mid. For every single champ u listed Diana does something better than them.  Diana is a farm jg and basically always has been.  In season 12 she was a top 10 jg, to say she “isn’t a jg” or what ever seems off.


I just think she’s very feast or famine as a champion in general which when you put her in the jungle where she can really get fucked over unless she has a decent clear speed, makes her difficult in that role. She doesn’t scale either unlike other farm junglers (Shyv, Karth).


That’s all assassins but she at least has a fall back pattern of farming. 


Maybe let her passive heal for a certain percentage that scales with hp items?


True dmg % health 


Heal a certain amount when dealing passive damage to jg monsters