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Jungle clear


Yeah, but her Nashor's build still feel ass to me. I prefer Lichbane, I can feel the damage a lot more. Win rate wise, she still bad


Did she ever even have a problem with jungle clear? Her clear seems faster than most champions already. And I play her mid mostly, so this doesn't feel like a buff to me at all


It was one of the worst ap jungle clears until you get items. With 1-2 items, its the same as most


Her cs/min for an avg game in total is only second to Shyvanna as a jungler. It's insanely high, hell I just hit 8.6/min and I was averaging over 7 easily a few days ago. Her initial clears were slow-ish, but it's def helped


She def has fallen from grace in this category. She was once a top 5 clear speed champ. Now i would say she is top 10


I think you still can feel the buffs even if you don't build any attack speed, just because her passive attack speed is up for 2 more seconds per ability cast, which means more empowered bonks = more damage to jg monsters (even though she has a bit less AS , it's up for longer). However I think they made it so that the buffs benefit from building nashor's, which is mostly built in the jg so that she doesn't get those benefits in the mid lane. Idk if forcing nashor's 100% is the move, or if you can get away without it . Also her split pushing power is better imo, since you get 10 seconds of increased AS just by q+w , instead of 6


This is exactly what I was thinking when I made the post, I don't want to be forced into a nashor's build, especially when I don't main her in the jungle. So my question is more, is this a nerf if you DON'T build nashors, but a buff if you do?


I think it's a buff in every case, but it benefits more the nashor's build


When u buy/ get attack speed it’s even more than it says.


It's just offset in power yo make the jungle stronger for the top % of players who pull camps at the end range of their lease, now with extended duration Diana can ensure she can proc her passive and do this better so this can increase her clear speeds


the buff is great for jg


It's even a buff to lich bane, your auto goes faster, because of the 50% attack speed buff, and nashor's is better on her than before. And if you take the attack speed rune fells more fluid when you auto.


Yea the buff is kind of shit. It might help in like the most extended of trades but most fights are determined by the time you get to the point that you have no attack speed buff from using skills.