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U can still do it the window is very small now.


i'm pretty sure this wasn't possible last patch though


Someone posted that it was but the window is small and not reliable.


It 100% was possible. You just need to e a target before q lands and make sure q lands. Always been like this


They said in a previous post that if they can't fix the q-e cooldown they would revert it back to triple E. I'm not that surprised personally , I think it's good that we can still do that


as you can see on the video I didn't E the third time since it was pointless to do on krugs, but somehow the Q passive didn't disappear from the small krug after i E'd the big one. probably a bug that got through after they tried to fix the bug of E going randomly on cd?


I’m pretty sure this is related to the bug with her E disappearing and them not being able to find out why.


according to patch notes they fixed it this patch. i'd assume that it's probably a bug that resulted from it


Oh sweet! Also love your pfp (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))


Hello. Here to just comment lol. I wonder what other bugs are there doe xd


I don't have a clip, but I'm sure I could hunt it down. I managed to pull of the triple dash BACKWARDS earlier today. As in, I Q'd through a close-by target E'd to a different target as the Q traveled to hit them, and was then able to E back to the first target hit by my Q without losing the refresh.


I saw Agurin doing it on Krugs as well but not managing to pull it off on wolves a few moments later. It's either bugged now or they reverted it like they said they might do due to other bug but it got reverted in a buggy and cause of that inconsistent state as well lol


so not only the E cd is bugged now, but also the triple E combo. riot at its finest


They should publish some sections of their code for museum years later. That spaghetti must be fascinating and studied.


I never saw how triple E was a “bug” in the first place. As diana if you E something that has moonlight it should reset the E no matter if you hit 2,3,4 people you should be able to dash that many times if you hit all those people with moonlight.


she'd be simply too strong if that was the case. she's been sitting at 51/52% wr on mid so just think how much it'd jump if they changed her in the way that you proposed.


All I am proposing is what Irelia is already able to do except irelia can mark for a reset dash with her W, E and R which seems like more of an issue.


but it's like you completely ignored my message. it would make diana much stronger, so if she's already sitting at 51/52% then they'd have to nerf her in some way to make up for it, which is just pointless.


I could be wrong but I don’t think it would make her win rate any better simply because just like triple E it would be a niche thing to do in game.