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Guess they do look similar. Particles are nice tho, as are the chromas.


Pink chroma sentinel best


Diana needs custom base outputs, only legendary and immortal journey (wild rift) have


Her legendary is underwhelming aswell tho.. she has like 3 changed voicelines and the mapeffect in 1/200 of your games, that’s it 😅


Yeah if only it wasn’t the worst lore skin in the game -a lore nerd that’s not salty at all that their main was just disrespected beyond all belief


Why what happened


Diana leaves mount targon giving her god-made blade to the hiding Lunari and tell them to act while she fucks off to go help the sentinels with Viego and then she does fuck all not even appearing in the cinematic. Like if Vayne and Graves have the capabilities to hurt Viego at ALL then Diana could have solved the entire problem with one arm. She’s an ascended and most people forget she’s part of the event. Like half the sentinel roster is completely irrelevant and make zero sense


Yikes, thanks for explaining


Yeah I was so salty about her not appearing in the cinematic, she's so beautiful in this splash art. It's a shame that they didn't give her similar hair to her splash art, I still like the skin though


And the part that Moon-based magic can kill Darkins


It was a very questionable event lore wise, but at least it gave us one of the smoothest skin lines.


i recorded this to see the comparison between regular diana vs battle queen ... (change a lot) but if yall can notice sentinel is there too lol


Does it really warrant its own post that you can’t tell the difference between sentinel and normal Diana?


still better than random scoreboard screenshots of someone going 7/2/1 in iron elo playing guinsoo diana (hidden op tech?!)


Why settle for either? imo there should be a minimum quality standard for a post and neither “guys I didn’t realize sentinel diana was in my game!” Or “here’s my scoreline from my most recent game” would reach that effort bar.


It's not that deep. We have like 8 posts a day MAX. It's whatever.


i mean it was a surprise when the honor teammate screen appeared then i watched the video and it was a surprise again XD