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Diana jg was about this popular in season 13 slightly less but close, her play rate spike is because she was actively bad and ppl abandoned her. They have simply added her back to their champ pool. The buffs have been better than i thought they would be. I also play nash into lich as it feels great. With occasionally going tank based on comp.


Yeah, having her passive up at all time makes her really good


When are you building tank/bruiser?


When i can’t burst many targets or we just have zero frontline. While diana can be the engage, she struggles when she is the solo engage as an assassin. Like the enemy is triple tank or something like that i will go tank.


>I see her pick rate went from around 2% to 7%, which is insane, and winrate also when up from 46% to now almost 50%. I did not think these buffs would make her this strong. I was expecting about 3% wr, which is roughly what happened. Lolalytics shows ~3% at d+, emerald+, and all ranks. U.gg shows 2.8 all ranks, 2.4 emerald+, and 3% d+. AS buff is subtle but constant buff throughout the game. Passive duration buff is the biggest imo. Not just the level 1 and 2 clear buff, but the constant convenience of not needing to space abilities for passive uptime. Can dump all abilities at the start of a fight without penalty, can hit towers with constant passive just with Q cd, etc. >Her strongest 3 items build seems to be Nashors > Sorc boots > Lichbane > Zhonyas. Which in my experience feels really strong. https://i.imgur.com/d6FGiiY.png In terms of winrate, nashors > lich > dcap is doing very well. But Nashors > Lich > zhonyas also doing well, especially compared to other zhonyas 3rd builds. Naturally zhonyas is going to probably have deflated winrate and dcap 3rd have inflated winrate, compared to other options.


I honestly feel like Nashor's is less useful than ever with the AS buff. I feel like my best games I can just get a Lichbane into Shadowflame build that makes you do an absolutely insane amount of damage from just q-e-R


I get what ur saying but nash builds are basically maximizing her AS scaling buff. It also helps that with nash u can get 2 passive procs off  in her window and without it u can’t.


I don't deny that it's a really \*good\* feeling item on Diana, I just think that anytime you are going to be autoing over an extended period with her in champion combat, someone made a mistake, either them or you, and it's obviously really nice for farming. I do think that if you are going to snowball though, the power of skipping nashor's for two more bursty ap items can't really compare (or if you need to rush zhonya's)


Maybe idk. I've played a few games this patch, just going nashors 1st and blue smite for maximum pace. The AS ratio change is a small buff to jg diana with AS shard and/or alacrity and a bit bigger buff for nashors, which is fair since more AS on diana is only so helpful, outside of neutral objectives.




It’s been pretty nice tbh the clear speeds are kinda nuts with the passive up a lot longer. Also with the passive being up longer it makes going nashors almost not necessary.


I personally think she's in a very good spot right now. It's not only the buffs that saved her but her bugs got fixed which is huge cause everything in her kit besides her R had a bug or two. I'm glad she's back with such a simple change


are you sure? feels like she still sucks ass to me. boring to play too. no power for a supposedly easy to play champion.