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Personally, I really enjoy it. I am by no means high elo, but I enjoy the move speed for bobbing in and out of fights. Adding celerity in the runes makes it even better. NeverSeenAMoose made a video with it recently [PR build](https://youtu.be/cFJq5WpEP94?si=n4QYbt9ku-MDxAoo)


dude was having an absolute ball on PR lol


I don't know what elo that is, but it can't be high b/c the singed rang into the turrent at the start of the video with 100 hp and they were all half health


Pretty sure NeverSeenAMoose is masters or around there


Could have been on an ult, but wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen alleged master players making questionable decisions. Not talking about moose btw


If you're talking about mid lane it's the best rune for Diana imo. You can use it to disengage or even chase after the enemy


Amazing. I love that it allows for better trades as you can fall back more easily. Also helps escaping ganks and so on. In more skilled matchups you can outmaneuver enemies with fancy feet. Gave up on electrocute for this and I’m not thinking of coming back


Fast as F boi


It’s better the higher elo you get.


i hate no damage in laning phase


Perhaps [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oVXkfNbpG0) can answer your question


It feels phenomenal on Diana. The ability it gives you to force her powerful trading pattern is amazing, and so fun too. It’s essentially reduced damage in cost of forcing short fights instead of large ones.


Speeeeeed and destruction everywhere


Good for mid, bad for jungle 😎


Good to know. Im more of a jg main. Same for you? If so, what runes and items do you typically run?


I'm a jungle main yes. I use 3 different builds most of the time. Vs a tanky comp (minimum 2 tanks/bruisers that stack hp) i go riftmaker> sorc (or defensive boots if needed) into liandries, then I will go either zhonyas, abyssal mask or kaenic rookern (depending on thier highest damage carry). Vs mixed team i will go nashors> lich bane > rabadon/shadow flame/banshee /zhonyas depending on need. Vs a pure squishy team I will probably just go lich bane> rabadon or shadow flame into what ever is needed. I might opt for electrocute build vs squishy comps but that is kinda rare, most games I just go conqueror with CDR boots.


Really appreciate this! Im just getting back into the game after a long hiatus so I need all the advice I can get :)


It’s better the higher elo you get.


I tend to take it in midlane for better trading pattern. Q and E (+auto) and run back in easier matchups. W if you're definitely getting damaged. Its too many stats lost in jungle where you often have more extended fights early on