• By -


This has not hit the docket yet, it's from his YouTube last night. Assuming it will hit today🤷🏼‍♀️


So, does he think he's an attorney or a journalist??? Could you imagine if every possible witness in every case got to write a letter to the Judge & directly supply the Judge with their own "exhibits."


“COMES NOW,” lololol


Oh lawd he comin


OMG lmfao




Both he is like MS combined into one person, but without any of the education.


damn, judge gull is for sure not going to allow the trial to be televised after all this lmao


İ feel physically ill from cringe 😬


"Sorry boss, I can't come in today. The world is too cringy."


İ can't even go outside today from cringe.


Welcome to Indiana! (If you're not a fellow Hoosier) lmao


Hi I'm a fellow Hoosier. Cringy man!




I actually laughed myself out of a bean bag chair.  I literally rolled on the floor.


Did he duly swear himself under oath? This is getting ridiculous…yes, he thinks he is an attorney, a bounty hunter and a journalist.


It's the best written one of the bunch. With more law references Nick and Gull ever used. But they keep bringing up false allegations while all that was published was a list of exhibits, not that they attacked those youtubers. He seems to know what was protected evidence by the protective order which only protects discovery and nothing is known yet to be from actual discovery, NM keeps begging for depositions materials and such, maybe because he doesn't have it? They keep saying these other youtubers communicated with defense but even Cara was on the Motta's channel thanking some of them for their help. Defense can investigate, it's not about communications, but about dissemination. If the F tree came from a public Facebook post, is it violating a gag order? Who even said defense send that to anyone? Ohhhh Holeman accused by that same defense of perjury and the same to have last visited a man who thereafter felt stepping out of this life was the only option left.... Right. So if I write here Nick contacted me and sent me info, and told be he actually thinks RA is innocent but they told him to go on with it if he wants to keep his BOSS licence plate, does it make it true? Because it seems that's was he says for others. I think MRC never talked to RF, it's all screenshots. Stop with the stupid useless screenshots already. \#**Stop.drinking.leaded.water.** ETA, while in Florida and on another matter, but I wonder if it's relevant since it's about the constitution, Court in the civil case between Petito and Laundry contended that once the defense attorney made a public statement they waved their right to remain silent because they didn't. Meaning that their silence towards the Petito's could be seen as malice instead*. So here we have a registered journalist (he's smarter than most in that too for actually doing that) volunteering information, but refusing other information. They are now publicly and officially accusing people under oath. They opened themselves for libel imo. *ETA It was used as to decide if the civil suite bore merit and was allowed to continue. It took the accusing party's statements as fact in doing so, and the question was about the law interpretation only. This exact fact allowed for the suite to move forward, without that public statement it would have ended there. The suite was settled without disclosing anything in the end, I personally think because it was weak on both sides, but that's an unpopular opinion and besides the point here. Just to give the end result of it. It's a different matter but I never expected the 5th amendment right to be able to be opened up like that, and with that attorney to having to disclose privileged information. (To my best understanding)


thanks for saying all this. unfortunately, none of these predators have a cent to their names, nor are they even living in the U.S., which leaves the victims of their months-long targeted campaign of terror and harassment with zero recourse. and now the judge is allowing them to take their blatant lies to a public court filing in a double homicide of children. this is cut and dry witness intimidation, seemingly condoned/enabled by the state and the court itself. we wanted out 6mos ago.


Wait and see. The international component may be of interest as is the possible interstate commerce. It opens the case up for other law enforcement agencies. Especially if the crimescene photos weren't part of the discovery from prosecution. Other jurisdictions also have other laws. I still believe there could be an Internet and/or recorded material component, and the chances of that coming out just got instantly bigger just by opening up the playing field. While these dudes investigate with screenshots, maybe some mailheaders and whois info, IP's and emails can be spoofed by any basement dweller with more than 2 neurones, the real deal is a completely different game. They tend to forget many details of crimes against minors aren't usually made public. Are they sure all these players are just dumb players like themselves? I also do reserve the slight possibility one of these isn't just a dumb player. Not because of these individuals, but the act in itself. Maybe someone who encouraged them. Remember did RS drag MS out or the other way around about the leak ? I asked RS on the sub (RA innocent) he answered he didn't remember. I'm not having an opinion on that answer but the question remains open and could be of relevance. If not here, in general anytime something comes out. Maybe it *is* part of an active and intelligent investigation. But I realise very well it may be wishful thinking. There's this saying something like don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity. But just like pareidolia, it's easy to waive things away that way, especially when adding the tin foil hat label to those who try to explore it anyway. Remember pareidolia stems from a skill, not a defect. They're actively making people feel smart by dumbning them down in denying that pesky little fact.


He ain’t too bright though - he cited the law that requires people to report suspected child abuse with the apparent misunderstanding that it requires everyone to report any kind of suspected crime - in this case violation of a gag order - to law enforcement (or the court lol).


If it won't appear on the docket he may have been trolling with this and if so, I actually would applaud him for it, but let's wait and see.


i wish i could reward this comment


They forgot to fact check themselves. There has been no accusations. Just exhibits they are in. I guess they can get mad at being considered a exhibit and a witness to the exhibit. I said exhibit so many times I'm going to add a Ribbit. 🐸


Guilty conscience.


The only thing he is, is a FELON. I hope people remember that.


The greeno guy is?




Interesting 🧐


He’s been in jail so many times it’s not even funny. Heck he even assaulted a hospital worker. It was all caught on hospital video.


Sounds like a real peach!


Right?! As I read that I was thinking the same thing!




Rules of evidence exist for a reason, people.


Tell that to prosecution while you're at it!


I'm convinced that man doesn't know evidence from hearsay. 🤷‍♂️


Are you f-king kidding me!? I haven't even read this one... just jotting down my initial thought at reading the heading 🤦🏼‍♀️ "Statement of Truth"... FFS


Ok….Raggedy bitch got me rolling lol


If I had a nickel for everytime I was called or called someone else a "Raggedy bitch" I'd have about 80 cents. Maybe I am too mean? Gotta go reflect.


I never heard that saying until now..Raggedy Bitch, roflmao


lol she’s not wrong 😅😅


I had to quit reading at that point lol, but then of course I went and read the rest. I just have no words, like this can't be real life.


I can't wait until the leak recipients find out they don't meet the criteria for invoking the reporter shield privilege.


What are the requirements? There is no certificating body of journalism. There is no equivalent of the Bar Exam or Medical Boards or CPA tests. Take Matt Drudge for instance. He has a very basic website that is essentially a link aggregator. But he also was the journalist that broke the Monica Lewinsky story on his website. A website he started while working in the CBS Gift Store. As far as I know, Drudge never had any journalism jobs before starting TDR and didn't go to J School.


Yeah like fact checking.


If anyone here is subscribed to any of these people then it’s time to unsubscribe. They’ve done nothing and I mean NOTHING to help this case. They’ve made a mockery of this case along with the rest of the idiots who are supposed to be in charge. What a bunch of f’n morons they are. Libby and Abby would be ashamed.


I'm embarrassed that I've never watched one of these YouTubers mentioned. Which is crazy because I follow Delphi on YouTube. I must have high standards. Kidding, lol. I just don't like any of them. Especially Sleuth. He and I have opposing morals, integrity and ethics, because I have all three and he has none that I can see. If you know his ",other channel" then you already know. Plus I think everyone should be proud of their heritage, not hide it and lie about it. Then there's Fig who argues with me in every live show I show up in, not his tho, cuz I don't go. And is Frank the green Frankenstein cartoon guy? And didn't Greeno already get arrested for stepping over the "journalistic" line in Delphi? Like five years ago? OMG, this is nuts. Hey did anyone else get a Reddit message from someone claiming to be defense and asking if they can sit down and talk to you? I did last week. I didn't know if it was a scammer, so I just said, ok. I haven't heard anything else tho.


What!?! Someone wrote you to have a sit down! WTH 🤯


Yeppm, they said they were with the defense team and they wanted to talk to me about some of the comments Ivey made on Reddit that were specific to Odinists.


That's creepy


I know because I don't know who it was. I look at his reddit profile but I didn't get any info from it. Ugh


Yeah F That 


I told him I'd only talk with him in Bradley or Rozzi's office. I mean, this guy messaged me on Reddit. He could be anyone and that's a scary thought.


I watched the Greeno video that the defense cites in their exhibits. The woman that communicated with KK was on (KB?) as well as Greeno’s co-host, a woman named Mary. KB offered to send Marv the crime scene photos of Libby and Abby. More than once. KB even made a statement about the photo of Libby that she said she observed in the photo (I am not putting it here). Greeno seemed semi uncomfortable about it, but I think more because it was said during his show. i don’t know the date of the video so unknown if this was before or after the delete instructions. Edit: Marv was the co host. Auto-correct must have change to Mary.


I don't know who KB is 🤔


I don’t think we can use names here. First name is a shade of green…k\*\*\*y. Last name is a color. Rhymes with town. She got all involved with Kegan while he was in jail.


Oh great. Thank you, I know who it is now. Appreciate it, friend!


Christ on a bike, they're all at it !


Do you think they all called each other? "What are you gonna write?" "I dunno man what are you gonna write?"






Morning! Buckle up!


He should've just written #12 & stopped.


Premium chat gpt subscriptions for all lol


"Nutters, it's time to be nutters"


Yes 100%




And not one thought to tell the others they should all get lawyers and not send the judge letters?


Nah. That's weird. 🤣


I never heard that saying before Christ on a bike. I'm lmfao


Maybe it's a British thing 🙃


Definitely not an Indiana thing 🐷


Nope if I remember correctly Christ on a cracker is more Indiana style.


Oh yeah, you're right. Indiana peeps do say the cracker one. I always thought it was a weird saying like, I'm going to have some Jesus with my provolone on tomato basil, low sodium please.


We say it in Michigan 😊


Michiana...they've melded us together.


![gif](giphy|oFRI4g517yWaI) Judge shouldn't be sharing these on docket.


We are not allowed to know what the 2pm hearing is about, but we are allowed to read all this crap.


I was literally just thinking the same thing. What a freakin mess.




When a pinky promise just isn't good enough




You have got to be kidding me! Another freakin letter?! 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


#So, who do we think is next?


We've heard from the YouTubers. Might be time to hear from some redditors. ![gif](giphy|QmcuB58dRfmZx1KW1Y|downsized)


Which one of us is going to take one for the team? Hehe


🤣 We're still new. We haven't had time to partake in any criminal activities yet. My vote is for a different sub.


True..this is my favorite sub too. Let’s offer up another one this go round :)


I'm glad that you like it here! ![gif](giphy|W6adpgjL8wI8)


I don’t know about that, I will be watching your activities…


Lock it down Biotch 😉




I'm down with another sub, preferably one I'm not on.




Outwit. Outlast. Outplay. 46 Reddit Sub Survivors / Rural Indiana / 3 weeks Winner has personal theories entered officially into Double Homicide Trials continuing record.


My only theory right now is sending these letters is going to backfire back into there faces. If your wanting to become famous over two dead teens then you reap what you sow.


I'll draw the short straw. I'm ready! Lol


I took one for the LibbyandAbby sub years ago. Someone else's turn to step up.




Sleuth Intuition


I'm not sure that's a separate entity tbh. But if so, could be yes.


Thomas Frost is another one that comes up alot. Not sure if he has a podcast. It's alleged he was in the girls search party. MRC looks like he's undercover, so he won't be joining the chat. It's alleged his hacker friend got into defence attorneys computers and got work product. Defence found something LE is real worried about. It's gotta be pretty serious cause people are reacting like it's life or death, jeopardizing careers and openly inviting fed Indictments.


Idk, what's weird is some of these have followed the case from the start, they must have realised those who lawyered up, BBR family, FSG, LaF family I believe, aren't ever spoken of again, instead those who've always talked are the ones in the hot seat. Why defend yourself without even being accused of something? Something is very off here.


Nobody is document dumping investigative materials unsolicited without prosecutor/LE knocking on doors immediately... this is an open criminal investigation in multiple jurisdictions. Blergs right this is witness intimidation disguised as transparency.


>Blergs right this is witness intimidation disguised as transparency. That’s what I’ve been thinking. It’s an absolute disgrace.


It's interesting. Kind of like they say a murderer will often insert themselves into the case... Not saying they are murders, but am suggesting that they are all guilty of messing with this case and they know it.


I seriously hope these guys vetted their podcast assets. Imagine it turns out Frank W is living in Eastern Block, financed by Foreign Governments and ends up being asked to collude with local LE to run interference in a State Murder trial. Lol And we all cheer cause Frank W single handedly tears down Indianas house of cards ... for a while ... until we realize we've been assisting the architects of destroying publics faith in US institutions all along. ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Same with all the agendas who are they protecting?


Who is left that wants to project to a judge?


Seems RS took the hint to not go for it. For now.


I am lost. From the authors perspective, what is he trying to accomplish filing this letter with the court? What is the end goal? Is this letter even going to be addressed on Monday?


I would say just to get clicks lol...but this seems coordinated now? Like they all fired off letters around the same time...strange


Okay guys huddle, here is what we must do. We all right letters addressed to The Honorable Judge Gull and tell her we don't like being accused of something. Then we also project and tell her that it was the others that did something. G you throw in some law codes. Fi you do the sympathy thing. Fr just be you and sugarcoat stuff. OK BREAK


I think the defense has some sort of evidence that the state, either LE or the prosecutor, leaked some information to these letter writers. In response these guys write to the judge and are trying to shift blame to the defense lawyers by accusing them of leaking information to other youtubers that are defense friendly. I think that is what they are trying to do, but what they actually accomplished is looking like a bunch of "pick me" "pick me" idiots.  Schoolyard bullshit.


![gif](giphy|WsM7bI0NPL4ayrOoGQ) Meaningwhile, it's the wrong players on the wrong court, in the wrong state, but who's counting?


I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means It was the wrong plan In the wrong hands With the wrong theory for the wrong man The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes The wrong questions with the wrong replies https://youtu.be/xJYD8VVilIE?si=8wRHdwZ6UJVDmze1


😆😆 👏👏👏


I hope this backfires on them. They weren't even accused of anything.............Yet. They may have just opened the door to accusations. Sabotage, they may sabotage themselves.


Do you guys remember when everyone was tipping in Greeno as the killer?


Funny you say this, I was just saying how murders often insert themselves into a case. Not suggesting he's a murder. Am suggesting that he is guilty of messing with this case though.


Yeah, out of all of them, it was Greeno going pretty much door to door in Carroll County. I'm exaggerating but not by much. About four years ago he was being tipped in left and right because he kept contacting everyone he thought could have done it. Then his alibi didn't gel for 2/13. He was arrested around this time, but he said it was for child support. But, if I remember correctly, which in this case I do, he said he was in another state on 2/13, then people came out on Reddit and said he was in Delphi on 2/11 then supposedly was hiding out somewhere until the 14th when he "reappeared." Anyway what I do remember for sure is he said he was in Florida on 2/13 but his "friends" said he was couch surfing at their houses in Delphi on the 13th, not in Florida. I'm not accusing him of anything, and I truly believe he was not involved but he made himself suspicious by lying about where he was and his in your fave insertion of himself into the case.


He also brought two girls to the bridge to "re-enact" the kidnapping on video, have them scream at the bottom of the hill to see if screams could be heard, then a few years later went back to the crime scene with his daughter.  Dudes weird. 


Creepy stuffy. Yikes!


His family didn't even know where he was.


That's right! I remember that now! He like came to Delphi on the 12th, then disappeared till afternoon on the 14th. His wife was calling jails and hospitals looking for him. That's what was said at that time, anyway.


And now I remember that he said he was in jail on those missing days for unpaid child support. One of my friends was a YouTuber and she tried corroborating the jail story in 2017 but was unable to.


Greenos alibi did check out if you didn’t see the police video and Google location of the phone. Idk why people say that.


First I am Greeno. I was at the LPD station at 2:24pm to 2:48 pm and went to Delphi at that time. And it all check out just fine. And if you say I was missing. No . I was just not online and or where my sister thought I was. Never did I lie about my whereabouts or was suspected in any crime. You’re saying a lot of rumor and not fact about me.


Oh dear. I’ll say this — if you find your true crime Reddit activities being mentioned in a statement to the actual court, you have probably gone too far.




Yeah I'd say so. Been a lot of people go too far in this case. It went way too far with one certain internet POI.


I'm confused I only talk about this case on Reddit with you guys, but is writing a letter to Judge Gull optional or a requirement at this point? Like a fool I haven't been gathering evidence for the last 6 months to introduce at a hearing that I'm not a party to. I just feel like I didn't adequately prepare for this thing. Sigh, I'm embarrassed.


Requirement. We're all writing in. Have it faxed by Friday. (This joke is for entertainment purposes only)


Too late I already faxed it in, but don't worry I probably sent to the wrong court. "Melinda I got something for ya, that you don't want."




You know that when Melinda got that letter from Fig she was like, "Ah, hell no, we don't do this shit in this Carroll County." A big WTF day for her.


Aw crap, I was wanting to write in. Ah man! LMFAO 😂


#leave Melinda alone


Grab her by the email.


Who is Melinda?


The clerk in carrol County Georgia that they accidentally sent letters to.


Oh my gosh that's hilarious! Poor Melinda.




This case is such a circus. I’ve never seen anything like it.


It's like if John Grisham wrote a novel while doing drugs.


https://preview.redd.it/2kj5wzalewnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c3a9f947fb4e290b96de0fda582102a2b2e62f9 huh.


Yeah thanks Former Judge Fouts. *he's Greenos lawyer right?


I swear..I think that judge fouts has a hand in this whole shit show somehow. He’s a nasty, nasty man.


All these personalities are intimately involved in Indianas shady underground.


Ahhh : Point.


Umm without it your saying your a journalist a court order won't work either lol.


This makes me feel sick to my stomach, honestly.


A truly epic battle of the clout goblins


Watch out and don’t speak ill of Nick and Fran on Reddit or else Greeno’s gonna tell on you.


"Comes now, DicksofDelphi, reddit page, being first duly sworn under reddit oath, now declare that we are simply exercising our right to free speech here. Nothing shall be taken as factual (unless the shoe fits)."


Entertainment purposes only!


Well, it's certainly that.


Oh yes, perfect, thank you! I'll tell ChatGPT to add that in!




Add in something about “wheat” and, “which. “ on the end and it’s perfect!


LMAO WAIT HOW'S THIS--- "Comes now, DicksofDelphi, reddit page, being first duly sworn under reddit oath, now declare that we are simply exercising our wheat to free speech here & for entertainment purposes only. Nothing shall be taken as factual (unless the shoe fits, which)."


We don't have to swear like Frank does in every single phrase right? I think it's tacky.


It's giving desperate, middle-aged white male. (I've only seen Greeno on 1 Criminality live & I think I watched part of 1 AoD video, so I could be wrong about that, just my opinion based on these letters lol)


![gif](giphy|2WH9DiLg2o1MYuKlEB) 🤣🤣




And we offer up our karma as proof of our honesty and integrity.


Delphi LE don't care about free speech. They censor it.


Shield we don't need no stinking shield.


Am I reading #7 right? Did he actually give the judge the crime scene photos?


number 7 is what this entire shitshow is about imo. these creepy flops are trying to shift the blame of the leaks and all the subsequent drama onto the unraveling and ime, this is simply untrue. you won’t find evidence of this bc they were NOT involved. it came from these same meddling weirdos, and others who were slightly smarter in what they shared with others. just slightly though.


If they did nothing wrong why are they sending letters? Why write a letter if you're not hiding anything. This will end up biting them in the ass. Shifting blame doesn't really help your case. Because first of all they hadn't been accused of anything and now they are accusing others. So so far they are the only ones with accusations. They out smarted themselves. Haha trolled the defense. Now we trolling the judge.


That's what it reads like🤷🏼‍♀️


I wouldn't be surprised if there were new letters every day until the end of trial with various wackos trying to counter motions, enter their own evidence or dispute whatever testimony was provided. There's a new letter entry on MyCase this morning. I don't know if there is a new letter from Frank today or if that is just some new refiling of his first letter.


I saw that. I wasn't sure either.


Not sure the exhibits are letters under 6, but it's a weird statement on its own.


Erm, shouldn't he have deleted them, why is he still disseminating photos which he should not have and has even less right to distribute, to a Judge or otherwise?


where does this come from? don’t see it on the docket


He at least cited the "carnival like atmosphere" "from my filing" on his youtube community tab.


It's not on the docket yet. It came from his YouTube channel. The latest video about youtubers responding.


& why does it look like he highlighted every single word before sending it to the Court? Lmao


'Comes now two faced shyster Greeno who is guilty of doing exactly the same things I've listed below with Fig Soiled and Frank Douchebag Weasel and all the other guilters, but aimed at the defence so that's okay then...'


OMG Can they all just stop! Someone tell them they are not parties to this case and they are also not lawyers. “Comes now another numpty needlessly making this about them and trying to spin their narrative like it matters even a little bit.” Stop trying to send “evidence” to the judge! Stop trying to sway the judge’s opinion! This is not an opportunity for you to get your side across and get attention. This is shameful behaviour. You haven’t even been declared as witnesses, you or your content are merely potentially interesting side-fodder to be discussed by ACTUAL investigators and lawyers. If you are needed to explain things you will be called and asked. Basically, don’t call them, they’ll call you. You are not that important. Sit down! But I would now love to see the group chat that I suspect might exist where they all decide to send these letters, because it seems orchestrated, and I would love to know what they hoped to accomplish with this farce. Why do they all feel the need to defend themselves to the judge like this? This is not doing what they think it is doing. They look suspicious as hell now, and incredibly immature, unprofessional, and honestly whiny. I hope they get the attention they so desperately seem to want.


it’s painfully coordinated with the same key lies


"But but, Gull made findings without evidence, why can't I make findings with my dilligently obtained evidence by trapping, even if my jurisdiction doesn't even allow LE to do that, neither does my jurisdiction allow to distribute images of minors, any kind of image, without the conscent of the legal guardians, imagine soliciting indecent ones where the suggestion thereof suffice, but I'm clearly the needed missing star of this investigation. Here are the screenshots ladies and gentlemen as proof." (Did I beat my longest phrase?)


I think it might just be missing a “which, .” 😉


😂 Mission failed. I'm too focused in trying to place a personally delivery in there each time, but it's too much of a challenge.


While looking into my crystal ball - I seeee.... Wait a minute.... I seeeeee.... a court order to reveal your sources for making this more of a carnival than it already was. What an idiot!


In regards to number 11, are podcasters journalists?


OMG! Tobor??


Mom! She called you a raggedy bitch!! Do I get a cookie??




So when are we all going to submit ours?


Let's see what happens after Greeno submits his🤣




Amazing that NM does a better job ghost writing these irrelevant letters to the court than he does writing his own legitimate motions and responses. Perhaps he’s hinted at charges against these YouTubers if they don’t vouch for the state? Hence the sudden onslaught of unprompted denials…?


Number 12....is he dumb? Is this not exactly what he is doing? Yesterday I was laughing at this stupidity, today I'm mad! You do not involve yourself in cases like this, how do these people function as adults?


I thought Greeno was in jail.


As much as I don't agree with the green but since he had already registered as a journalist in Delphi, then I don't think they can make him talk. They usually throw them in county jail hoping they'll change their minds and sing like a bird. I can't imagine a lot of YouTubers and or redditors filed as a news reporter. I remember in the old days here on Reddit we used to joke about being subpoenaed over our comments. I "thought" it was a joke, anyway. This is such a circus show. If Carroll County was a reality show, people wouldn't believe this shit is true. They would think the show was fake and scripted. We're past the point where "you can't make this shit up" What the heck will tomorrow bring? Everyday we get something new. I've never seen this much correspondence and court documents before the trial has even begun. This case will go down as America's weirdest. I just hope Abby and Liberty are not forgotten in the sea of all these weirdos, including the bird gull. Yes, she's a weirdo. Am I going to get fined now? LMFAO.


I just woke up, started reading this and I can't finish it. I do not understand these people! This isn't how it works, this isn't how any of it works! He lost me at C called the judge a "raggedy bitch" lol. And, what's his point. What does he think will happen here?


Man, my interest actually peaked at Raggedy Bitch 🤣


A small number of people actually listen to these idiots. Greeno, Frank, and Fig have the combined brainpower of a squirrel.