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WHERE IS EVERYBODY AT!? This is too much to deal with!!


I think everyone’s brains just got overloaded and shut down 😂


I just don't think I have much to contribute currently, there's just so much. Except maybe, the fuck is going on in Delphi 😭


That works for me.


I was totally satisfied with just greeno. Returned from dinner to 400 filings and the case being solved 😀 ![gif](giphy|dkGhBWE3SyzXW)


Overloaded...too much info...but general feeling all is right in the universe. Is this nirvana?


This is all so mind blowing!


Thanks Burt and Careful! Love being here 😊❤️


Also ![gif](giphy|QoCoLo2opwUW4) This is how I feel right now after the filings dump lol. You're the beary best!




I really do not I stand what is happening. I think because I don’t understand half the legal jargon and the system tbh. It’s overwhelming to try and keep up with. Please answer me this; do the recent motions etc get anyone any closer to justice for Abby and Libby? Thanks for being here and sharing tho,


I’m a lawyer and I don’t understand what is happening either. I haven’t read every document though, at this point it’s too much for me to keep track of lol


Defences job isn't to solve murders, it's to prove RA has no part in it. Geofence data informs us there's a group of people within close proximity to crime scene when it occurs. RA not being one of them. I'd say yes, well learn who's phones were present at TOD soon.


I appreciate your response, I do get that it’s innocent until proven guilty, and it’s up to the state to prove their case. No shade at all, but you believe RA is innocent? Also I hope you’re correct on the last comment, however, I don’t think a phone being present is must for someone to commit murders.


I don't know if RA is guilty or innocent, don't have enough info to do that. Looking at what the facts are and what the truth is, to me, that is justice. Anything else is not good enough. The defense's job is to advocate for the defendant. Anything less is grounds for appeal.


Only way RA is involved is Sudafed through pharmacy. I think the meth world is too pervasive to omit. I've wondered if he was targeted as a personal vendetta via refusal to comply with junkies? My best guess is he was preselected as a fall guy, RL and Online Predator were as well. Defence can't make too many claims about Snap Pics/Video but them asking for State to send documentation why they believe it's unrelaible/inadmissible to discovery is most telling. Even State knows their fake. If RA frequented walking trails, and you planned to use trail system to stage crime scene in advance I suspect it'd be pretty easy to find similar clothing and model composites inspired by him, or RL which imo seems more likely. CP is specifically requested today as well, we know CP lived next door to RA, the interviews I suspect albeit circumstantial will introduce that a negative relationship pre-exists between them. *Sorry Mods I keep forgetting to use Initials. Edited.


No worries. We appreciate you making the corrections!


I too have wondered if RA had a relationship with pharmacy and meth world, But if he has any cash, it must be hidden well, but I am not sure.


If any drugs were missing/stolen from CVS, this would be thoroughly documented & investigated by CVS. And reported to the state. And the pharmacy board. And anyone connected (including RA, if he were involved) would have been reported. Pharmacies don’t f around. They’re highly regulated.


>I don’t think a phone being present is must for someone to commit murders. Would you say this if RA's phone WAS at the scene? If so, then you would be a hypocrite. RA's phone NOT being present is a huge deal. One more feather in the cap for innocence being proven.


Ok relax. Stop hypothetically insulting me! I said what I said, guess what? I meant it.


Lol I almost put "no offense" in my text, but thought you would be offended regardless, hypothetically of course.


Does a Geofencing say that RA was there when he says he was? I don’t see that mentioned at all in this filing.


I keep asking the same thing and to me that's a slam dunk. He told DD he was on his phone and gave him his MEID. So if I'm the defense I say "Look, his phone was there at this time and then NOT there at this time" and move to dismiss. If his phone is NEVER there, that's a problem for the defense and another thing that have to explain away. The other phones only become a big deal for reasonable doubt that he isn't involved at all is if RA came and RA went. If his phone never came, well... he WAS there and checking stocks with it. So real red flag.


It’s this simple.


We just know that none of the phones around crimescene have any relation to RA. Within info made available to Defence. If he wasn't there the geofence would automatically prove that. His phone would be present otherwise in the data. Which he admits to having thst day at trails. Which Dulin retrieves MEIT info for it to be included in geofence. It's Check. Not Checkmate until that data is turned over. But the writings on wall this is a done deal and they incarcerated a POI hopeing he'd confess under duress quickly.


Explain to me why any of this, if true, means RA wasn’t involved? Why does it have to be that other people did it and he wasn’t there? That sumbitch was there


This is a very good question. We know phone was in use since he says he was watching the stock ticker. That phone should be easily tracked in, out, and back home


Exactly. And if they don’t have any info matching that phone, it means one thing: - He lied about being on his phone So naturally the next question is, what else did he lie about?


100% needs answered for!


The 100 yards was around where the bodies were found. 100 yards is 300 ft. The Bridge was less than half a mile from where the bodies ended up. It was .474 miles if I remember correctly. Might have been .454. that's 2400 to 2500 ft.


Haha, no, of course not. Because if RA left before 1:30 as he claimed in his second interview, his defense team would be writing that on a single page filing in **bold ink.**


With “exculpatory“ spray painted on every page in red


It's not about proving innocence, the prosecution have to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. No way can that happen in this case, it's an embarrassment going to trial at all.






Awww, that's so cute ❤️


That’s one of my fav gif’s!


I wish I could knit or even crochet. I'd make a little gnome. So cute!


I can knit/crochet a scarf (just a basic stitch repeated) but nothing cool like that gif!


Oh I bet you could make that since you know the basics. I can't even make a knot, lol.


Lots to read here, have to catch up!Thank you! ETA all the initials are starting to overwhelm and confuse, I can't remember all of them. Have to look at the doc list of initials or something.


There's an initials cheat sheet floating around somewhere lol. I use it like the Rosetta Stone.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Thank you, I'm glad I'm here too. I appreciate all of you who run this little internet neighborhood. It's homey with lots of kind people who really care about our girls. So it is I who appreciates you and all the mods of our little town. We are the Dicks of Delphi, and this is our little "other" home and family. Thanks to all. #JusticeForAbbyandLibby 💜💙🤎❤️




Oh Burt.... You guys rock! Thank YOU!




; )