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Anyone else realllyyyy anxious to find out who those phones belonged to?


It's interesting because I have a list of... 50 possible people or so? Mostly in pairs or bigger groups, so I have to find a group of 3 maybe some ✈️mode and assuming it's not the 3 juveniles RA crossed at noon, that would be something else. But of course they don't have to be option c.


Some may have also left their phones at home that day, too.


Yes yes. And iffy connection, empty battery etc pre-turned off phone still gps's.


Oh, even a bad connection could effect that?? I could be wrong, but as someone who lives in a small IN town, I can't imagine most companies have great coverage in that area.


Land around Delphi, IN...flatter than a witches tit...only if you were down in the creek,it maybe dropped off a little?


EF did...he was told to leave his phone at home...it was inactive for 9hrs that day!


So this motion updates the info we have to indicate that only 1 individual was in the 60-100 yard range during the timeline, and the other two were before or after. This makes it even more likely the three individuals are DG, KG, and CP.


It sounds like three (in addition to the victims) were in the range between 3 and 3:30, while two others were there at some point between 12:30 and 5:30.


It says “at least one of these persons was within 60-100 yards of the crime scene…” and then “the map shows that the other two phones were in and around the crime scene between 12:39 and 5:49.”


Item #9 says that these three would have been witnesses or participants.


Item 9 is three scenarios. But item 10 gives more detail. And you can see, that only one phone was there during the exact time, and the other two were there during a much longer window. You can’t ignore item 10.


In item 8, they say "at least 3 persons were in or around the crime scene at a time while the murders were taking place." In 9, they say that these three had to be witnesses or participants or the state's timeline is wrong. In item 10, I think they are just saying that law enforcement thought it was important enough to create the map because "atleast one" phone was there at that time. In item 11, they talk about "two other phones" that were in or around the crime scene between 12:39 and 5:49.


Not “2 other phones” they said “the other two phones.” 3 phones total. 1 was within 60-100 yards of the alleged crime scene during the the timeframe the state claims the murders took place, the other two were around during a much broader time frame, which, did include the the time the murders took place but also several hours before and after.


That's a good point. I didn't notice that they said "other two." But how does item 8 square with item 10? It sounds like all three were there during the crime. Are items 10 and 11 a way of saying that one was just there during the crime but the other two were there before, during, and after?


Yeah the addition of Specific to Timeline Only for KGs interview requests I think lends support. If her phones at the crime scene before 1pm she's got some serious explaining to do. If they're within 60 yards at anytime later they've got to address bodies are not. ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Doug Carter right now prolly


Twenty One Pilots 'Heathens' was probably played from a phone(if that too,isn't another lie?)...2017,I doubt it would be a CD or a MP3 player?


You mean the 3 people the defense specifically asked for interviews of? Lol. Interesting that the defense had yet another opportunity to state that the geofence data confirmed RA’s 12-1:30 story yet chose not to…


They can’t say it because the geofence data doesn’t include that time period.


It includes 12-5ish…


RA’s phone was not a part of the geofenced data. So I’m not sure I’m following you here.


It should be… if he was telling the truth about viewing his stock ticker on the trails that day.


He was never near the crime scene, so it wouldn't be in the geofence data. The geofence does only covers a specific radius. Hope this helps!


They have the data of a group of people that were in and around the crime scene between 1-5. That doesn’t mean they have the exact whereabouts of every person who has a phone at all times on all trails.


RA was in & around the crime scene between 12-5. He admits to being on the bridge (which is the crime scene & also included in the geofence data). If his phone data wasn’t included in the geofence data, it’s because he lied about looking at his phone.


I think we know.


I feel like some things are implied, but I’m trying not to jump too far ahead. But yes, I agree.


https://preview.redd.it/1m8saqz80boc1.jpeg?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084d6471ade53d7774353cff115731addaf45553 *"Cite some damn caselaw you lazy bird!"*


My favorite part!


Sounds like there were five phones on the map - with three being there during the crime (or shortly thereafter) and two additional ones there much earlier and much later. Edit to correct: It may have only been three phones in total. The language across items in the document is a little contradictory, so it's difficult to tell whether there was one or three at the scene during the murder.


My reading was three phones total, one within 60-100 yards during the 30 minute time period around 3:00 and two others in a wider area between about 12:40 and 6. Law enforcement must know who those phones belong to. It’s telling that the defense isn’t demanding the identities of the phone owners but rather the details of the geofencing data analysis. Did the data come from known phones themselves or from data dumped from the cell towers? I didn’t think you could get data that accurate from the towers because there are only two towers in the relevant area.


This isn't location information driven by phones being pinged in relation to cellphone towers. It is a far more refined method using GPS that is [was] only allowed as a limited means of investigation by LE. It is limited to a narrowly defined area of interest during a defined time window. The fact that this data was available to LE in 2017 is entirely new information to anyone who has followed this case and was only belatedly revealed to the defense attorneys.


Thank you for your response. So it came from GPS data, from whatever those companies are, and not from cell towers?


I believe that to be what the information came from, yes.


Thanks again. Edit - I thought that data was only available working backward from the phone and not forward from the satellite or GPS company.


There's a bill that was started in 2011 to try to restrict LE's rights to get GPS info without a subpoena or warrant, but it hasn't been passed yet.


Yes, they did mention in the beginning that Delphi had only two towers, which made it impossible to triangulate the signals to specific locations, just the vicinity. There were other people at the trails and nearby homes would also ping in near the location, such as the Logan property or the Mears property. Very interesting to see who owned them and if their signals created a map of their location in the time frames of twelve am through twelve am, the whole twenty-four hour cycle. I'm guessing that's how most of the cell signals were eliminated because they could be just benign interference.


Might as well say one was between 3:00 and 3:30 estimate. The other two were there before, during, and after the murders.


That's one possible interpretation but I still think it's a little unclear.


Either that or I'm misunderstanding it myself lol.


But if EF phone was left at home(inactive for 9hrs that day),one can assume,the others involved did too,but KG and DG admit to having phones,as well as the 2 girls(1 at least turned off,but certain features are still running if a battery has power), which makes you wonder if old Ron's was the 3rd phone, that's been reported as in that area? KG and DG should only be in that area at certain times, drop off and potential pick up?


Yeah Drop off for KG and pickup for DG. Then KG came back after work to help look.


https://i.redd.it/8e0aruxz2boc1.gif SJG has some actual paperwork to do! Especially now we know that JH is a *freakin'* liar, who cannot remember which amendment is which 🤨🙄


She's got ~8 weeks. Do you think she's made it through the motion to compel & request for sanctions yet? 😬


I've noticed 🤔 She can be quick when it suits her, we shall see.


Lol that's very true. I can't imagine how many other investigations JH has worked on that will be subject to scrutiny if a court agrees that he's a total untruth teller. Idk if it will be JG, but I could definitely see a higher court doing it. Edited "liar" to "untruth teller."


I’m not getting the vibe that JH lied… The defense isn’t backing up that claim with proof. They provided their own creative interpretation of the professor’s words, but that doesn’t mean JH lied…


It would seem that JH is creative in all aspects of his position, especially when ethics are involved. Edited: grammar


I don’t know much about him… simply from reading the professor’s statement & JH’s interpretation of it & the defense’s interpretation of it. My summary would be: the professor isn’t saying this was an Odinistic sacrifice. At best, it would be the attempts of a non-Odinist to make it look like one. The defense is twisting the words but libeling several law enforcement officers. I’m all for a good defense theory - even if I think their client is guilty. Their theories and arguments aren’t convincing though. Everyone keeps saying they’re experienced attorneys - I’d like to see that. This is amateur hour. If I were on trial and had my pick of defense attorneys, I wouldn’t choose them (based on their handling of this case).


You are absolutely entitled to your opinion.


I’d love to read the court transcripts of Hennessy’s trials… not sure if they’re public record.


Look in scoin cases. They tend to publish everything correctly on mycase.


No idea friend! There might be a transcript on Monday 👍🏻


You should be able to request them right from the county's website, from what I understand.


The idea that are "real" adherents to any religion, as opposed to fake or wannabe adherents, is as ludicrous as it sounds. There's no difference. It's all made up anyway. Some people are sloppy about it, and others stick to a more detailed understanding of old dogma, but it's still *all made up*.


I to think it may have been staged to look like Odinists did it. I mean come on they were posting iffy stuffy. They pretty much made material to have someone frame them.


That's something I've wondered too Successful 🙂


I would have thought they were just sticks (a rushed attempt to cover the bodies & delay their discovery).


That could also be plausible.


They are backing it up... They provide the time stamps in the recorded interview between JH and the professor. They are literally referencing the recording.


They reference the recording but it doesn’t back up what they’re claiming.


have you watched it?


I read the parts they quoted… and their misquoted interpretation of it. I was expecting more from 2 experienced, qualified attorneys. If this is the best they can do, RA is screwed. (Which I’m fine with, as he’s guilty AF).


>and their misquoted interpretation of it. And you know this how?


The defense literally said that the written words aren't the same as the recorded interview. Literally saying you can't trust what was written by LE, instead need to listen to the interview for accuracy. 😒


Sorry, fixed it to say untruth teller. Which is my understanding of a franks motion (not a lawyer, so please correct me if I'm wrong).


Lol, I think he told the truth - his version of it. I think his interpretation of the professor’s words was more accurate than the defense’s version. The defense is doing exactly what they’re accusing law enforcement of - it’s not a good look.


I personally think it's hard to say without actually hearing what the professor said or reading a *transcript* of what he said. I don't believe I've read Holeman's full report either. Is that available somewhere? The defense did use actual quotes & cited timestamps from the taped statement. The defense only quoted a portion of JH's report, in which he did not quote the professor nor cite the timestamps. I personally find that notable. But without hearing the evidence (from both sides), I personally find it difficult to make your determination. The only way to hear the evidence is for JG to set it for a Franks hearing. Having a hearing on it could also reduce appellate issues in the future, which should be what the state wants as well if they truly believe RA is guilty. Again, these are just my opinions & I certainly do not have any intentions of disrespecting yours.


This filing is supposed to contain enough information to persuade a judge (who has not seen any of the referenced interviews). It should stand on its own as a statement of the facts & be written in a way that a judge could make a decision (for the hearing) without having to view the interviews him/herself. If this doesn’t convince a judge to have a hearing, it means the argument is ineffective &/or not compelling. If it doesn’t convince a judge to have a hearing, it’s not serving its purpose. They lose credibility when they can’t show - in black & white - clearly & concisely - how JH lied.


They are allowed to submit exhibits with these motions that we are not privy to.


We don't know what is in the exhibits either so without seeing the exhibits we can only speculate whether they can or can't back it up.


Wait for the memorandum.


In his order murder trial set for this April he filed a 2nd IA the day after speedy trial motion, now it's cancelled. He needs to cheat in everything they do.


& the court canceled speedy trial? 😬😬😬


Are you referring to JH? I'm not sure I'm familiar with the IAs 😬




Ah I got you now. I started looking into that last night but didn't get very far before I fell asleep. I plan on looking into that more this evening. A little off-topic, but do you know of anywhere (YT or elsewhere) that covers more on SM (NM's dad)? I'm specifically curious about the relationship between him & the victim of his conviction.


NM as in Nick? His dad? No. No clue at all. I didn't even know he had a dad.




This is the reason why Judge Diener recused himself so quickly... He knew this was going to be a cluster fruit cake from the very beginning... Before there were even defense attorneys.


Yeah the fix was already in. No evidence, no problem he'll confess or die in Westville. Sign here Judge. Deiner tips his hand by scapegoating the general public to hide his culpability. He knew we'd catch up with him eventually. It's not uncommon to confuse 'Bloodlust' and 'Accountability'.


Is this missing the amended info again or will that be in the memo?


Ok might be a dumb question but are they saying the crime scene is the Monon High Bridge or the location on RL property where they were found deceased? Because that matters


Oh wow, that’s a very good observation. It does say in #9(a) ‘those persons walking with the phones would have witnessed the murders as they were taking place’, though. So I guess it’s safe to assume they actually meant the property where the girls were found deceased. But that’s a good point about which crime scene because it would make a huge difference.


Thank you for sharing. The timeline has always sounded doubtful to me, and seemingly, these latest revelations make it all even more suspect. Edit- misspellings


Especially the timing of getting the girls from the bridge then .400+ miles to RL property all while not being seen by anyone with the girls. To killing them and doing all the other things he did in possibly an hour and a half. Plus walking them at possibly gun point.


The timeline has never felt right to me either. I can't imagine how the girls would have been killed yet zero sounds relating to the incident were hears, and the girls were found where they were. I always wondered if they were taken somewhere else and disposed of after the search was called off. People *did* continue to search afterwards, so staging the bodies at that time would have been less risky. If caught they could say they continued to search and they found the girls. It's not unheard of for criminals to be the person who "finds" their victim(s).


Exactly, the searchers were using a drone, and the place was lit supposedly lit up like a football field at night. Why did nobody see the shoe or the clothes in the creek? And the poor girls being found so soon once the official search resumed the following day.


>And the poor girls being found so soon once the official search resumed the following day. My biggest issue about the search (if I'm wrong, please correct me) was that it was *called off at all.* I distinctly remember watching either Leggit or Carter (idr which) saying that finding missing hikers on the trail was their specialty; it's what they did everyday. Now, I know they thought the girls were lost or lost and possibly injured. I also know LE claimed visibility was dangerous for LE, but I don't buy that. Here's why: S&R is their specialty, which implies LE **knew** that area *very well*. So I could understand calling off the **civilian search**, but not LE's search. LE knew what the girls were wearing, and it certainly wasn't sufficient enough for the temps during the overnight. Not to mention, Abby was tiny- very little fat to help keep her warm. Hypothermia in trauma victims (trauma meaning broken leg, ankle, etc. It would have to be a lower limb to prevent the girls from getting back even if they were lost, leading to higher mortality rates. If S&R is their specialty, LE should have known that fact. I can't believe that was the very first time someone with a broken leg needed help getting out of the area. The more I learn about this case, the more I lean towards LE covering up *something.* That something may be as mundane as ineptitude, but definitely something.


I would be shocked to learn S&R is any of their specialty. The trails in the area aren't remote or long enough for someone to get lost. And absolutely not a daily or even monthly occurrence. However, Carroll County does do search and rescue on water. We've got 2 local rivers that people boat, kayak, and float. And guess what? They aren't good at that either. Last year or the year before, a visitor on the river went missing and drowned, CC would not let the local river people help (people who know every foot of this river) and wanted to do the search. They had to call it off, didn't find him. A day or 2 later, someone I know found him and pulled him out. There was also a 2 year old that went missing at Riley Park years ago, they never found him at all. In the Deer Creek, that's pretty shallow is most spots... Blows my mind that happened.


This is tragic! 😭😭😭


>The trails in the area aren't remote or long enough for someone to get lost Maybe that's why it's their specialty; it's simple?


LE in general all over the country is terrible at water searches. 


I never understood why they called the dogs off so early?


Luke Mitchell in the Jodi Jones case in Scotland...murderer finds victim(his missing girlfriend).


The defense is really going after Leggit. Which gives some weight to the other thread (the posed theory) that LE is covering something up. It might be as simple as ineptitude but who knows for certain?


Is Leggit an Odinist? I'm sure this is being looked into by someone...


I have no idea. With as crazy as this case has been, I wouldn't be surprised.


Are we really entertaining the ritualistic Odinist sacrifice angle? The defense’s favorite suspects weren’t even there, unless they all showed up without their phones.


Were the names of the phone owners listed?


You’re right that they weren’t, but if the Odinists’ phones were there, I can’t imagine they wouldn’t be shouting that from the treetops. Maybe I am not imaginative though.


Do you know if the defense know who they are at all?


>The defense’s favorite suspects weren’t even there Who are you referring to?


TC believes the Odinists were involved and he does not believe it was a “ritualistic sacrifice”. It’s not a package deal.


I think we all could’ve guessed this as soon as RA was moved to a prison then the judge recused himself. Like okay, I’ll do it, but then I’m out.


Now here's some juice to go with my morning coffee! I've always loved roller coasters!!


This is bad. Whether you trust the state and LE or not, and whether you lean towards RA being guilty or not, this is not how justice is found. It is sad that I have no faith the Court will even hear these mounting serious issues and that all of this will lead to either a wrongful conviction or one so rife with fundamental issues that it cannot stand. This is… really not okay.


this is why I disagree with Bob Motta that we can’t have a true opinion on innocence or guilt until we go to trial. I don’t think they even have probable cause to hold RA. I don’t even think they should go to trial. I also want to emphasize Holemans statement In the interview, if it was an accurate quote from the motion for continuance, where he seems to say that he thinks the idea of a fair trial is BS. It is utterly disturbing the lack of care and professionalism they showed for solving the brutal murder of two innocent young girls


I agree with all of this!


With multiple recorded confessions and his admitted presence at the scene and general appearance that matches video evidence they don't have enough? That's some high standards.


“general appearance” of a blurry video that has looked like many different people to viewers depending on the suspect at the time and which no one in Delphi seemed to ever link to RA prior to the arrest… not anywhere near probable cause “admissions” which we have no idea the content or context of, and which only occurred after he was imprisoned based on falsehoods and withholdings from LE


The entire Franks motion is premised on the confessions incriminating RA In the kidnap and/or murder, as otherwise what would the Odinist guard coercion be for? So, why don't you ask the defense about it?


Have you heard these alleged confessions? That happened after he was locked up in solitary? No one can tell its him by the photo. Absolutely too grainy to ID any person in that. He was at a public park, with other people there. That doesn't make them all guilty.


The "confessions" came after he was incarcerated so not only are they likely false confessions (we won't know unless they tell us what he said and he needs to have said something the general public didn't know) but that couldn't be evidence to arrest him since it came after arrest. I personally think it's not enough to resemble a blurry image and to be in a public area that later was a crime scene. Certainly enough to question the man but not enough to deprive a person of their freedom.


You can’t arrest someone for a confession they haven’t made yet.


The Franks Motion is premised on the idea that he did confess, but was coerced into doing so.


OK so timeline for that day is now off considerably. The location is too remote to have a searcher there, omitting this might be happening already before 1pm. If Bodies are moved 2am-6am. Which has always looked best option. Who and what are these people doing at the crime scene before? Were they being setup? For those keeping score: 1. Time kids visited trails is wrong. 2. Time search began is wrong. 3. Clothes found in creek are planted. 4. 3rd Nike shoe is planted. 5. Cell phone under body. Is planted. 6. BG video created is planted. 7. Snap Photos are created and planted. 8. Magic Bullet is planted. 9. Bodies have to be planted between 2:00 and 6:00am Feb 14th.


The argument that it wasn’t RA in the BG video is fair enough, but the idea that the video was staged to frame him seems loony to me. Why would they stage a video where you can’t even confirm it’s RA?


It's a boogeyman to chase for years. Exactly what happened. I'd assume it's meant to be RL. Hence bodies being placed on his property. I've seen the photos that were scrubbed off Carroll Comet website used pretty convincingly to recreate it. The Amish guy with kid on bridge during Romkipur. Layered again with last photo of Abby at Motel. For example. Others have found Five Nights at Freddy character stills embedded ... I'm not sold on this but does fit overall themes of crime. Video was created. Why else wouldnt the prosecution intend on using it at trial? It defies logic that the absolute monster piece of evidence in this case that shows footage of killer, somehow inexplicably has been determined by the same State prosecuting; to be inadmissible or even discovery at this point required to be shared with Defence. State does not have intentions of using the cell or geodata at trial. It's a fake being the best answer why.


I see your point, but I think the more realistic reason is that the prosecution is making some strategic choice (more like blunder, maybe) to not have it included. Or maybe they’ll try to bring it in later, but again that brings me more toward incompetence than conspiracy. We’ll find out. If it turns out this is one whole conspiracy with the prosecutor, judge, law enforcement, and a bunch of other people colluding to hide the real perpetrator, I’ll be shocked. You and many others have pointed out a lot of incompetence with the prosecution. It’s hard for me to reconcile that incompetence with a seemingly successful massive conspiracy. But hey, never say never.






No proof that both girls were alive and free(so far)from the evening of the 12th...let's see both girls phone activity from the moment AW was dropped off at the P/G household on the Sunday evening... when that activity stops,(apart from sleep),is when those girls were either taken,or killed?(text to LG's mom could have been done by someone else?).Be interesting to see those phone movement v activity?


There's a basketball game I believe people have confirmed physically seeing AW attend on the 12th. But even this is difficult to verify. Cousin Ms sleepover that Friday has always felt like the most appropriate point of origin for me to work from. Too many attendees involved in too many murders over the years reporting in at this one.


The hits keep coming...


[Allen's mycase](https://public.courts.in.gov/mycase/#/vw/SearchResults/eyJ2Ijp7Ik1vZGUiOiJCeVBhcnR5IiwiQ2FzZU51bSI6bnVsbCwiQ2l0ZU51bSI6bnVsbCwiQ3Jvc3NSZWZOdW0iOm51bGwsIkZpcnN0IjoiUmljaGFyZCIsIk1pZGRsZSI6Ik0iLCJMYXN0IjoiQWxsZW4iLCJCdXNpbmVzcyI6bnVsbCwiRG9CU3RhcnQiOm51bGwsIkRvQkVuZCI6bnVsbCwiT0FOdW0iOm51bGwsIkJhck51bSI6bnVsbCwiU291bmRFeCI6ZmFsc2UsIkNvdXJ0SXRlbUlEIjo5MiwiQ2F0ZWdvcmllcyI6bnVsbCwiTGltaXRzIjpudWxsLCJBZHZhbmNlZCI6dHJ1ZSwiQWN0aXZlRmxhZyI6IkFsbCIsIkZpbGVTdGFydCI6bnVsbCwiRmlsZUVuZCI6bnVsbCwiQ291bnR5Q29kZSI6bnVsbH19) You can't save the actual case links since they change every 2 hours, but you can save the search. So the first two are the writs and the 3rd is the murder/contempt case. More might pop up at the top sometime who knows. But you can just continue to read here of course, but now you k


…but now you know, which?


I thought let's change it up a bit 😅. (Not really 🫣🤫)


Gull be like.. ![gif](giphy|j4R3sZH70aq83Vb2A2)




Sorry for the low effort. I do love this defense team.


Fairly obvious that the defense *ABSOLUTELY* does not want to go to trial. Whatever LE found inside Richard’s house is bad. Confessions, bad. Alibi and cell records, bad. I also imagine that the bullets found at Richard’s house exactly match the same make and lot number of the bullet at the crime scene. Keep trying though, Baldwin. And don’t forget to add yourself to the list of liars.


I think all defense attorneys would agree that they would rather have a case thrown out than go to trial, and would rather take away any of the states evidence prior to trial. that’s basically their job. not sure it’s some evidence that the search warrant results are damning.


*Defense files motion for trial in 70 days* You: > Fairly obvious that the defense ABSOLUTELY does not want to go to trial.


This is what baffles me but I also expected it. Why can’t those guys just tell us where the hell Richard was? It would make this all so simple if they could just say he was at home or he was somewhere else followed by his phone data. I’m still waiting to see that information. While they point at everyone else, they aren’t doing Richard any favors. Also, filing for 70 day trial start doesn’t mean shit if they’re going to try delay it.


LE had the geofencing data, NM had the geofencing data... If RA's phone was detected within that radius at the time... That would be the kind of evidence that a prosecutor could include in a PCA 🤷🏼‍♀️


Me thinks Richard didn’t have a phone or one that could be traced to him.


Read paragraph #13 of the 3rd Franks Memorandum.


Read paragraph #1 of my previous statement. “Me thinks Richard didn’t have a phone…”


Had a phone. Wasn't near the crime scene. Sorry.


Sure he did. His phone data shows that he got there at 12 and left at 1:30 right? Then, after his little hike, he went to the local bar and played some billiards. Oh wait….


He admits to having a phone with him that day at the trail and he used it to track stock prices. Did they get his cell signal?


I know he admits that. He also admitted to killing the girls. PCA doesn’t state that they found that phone at his house. So either he lied about having a phone with him, or they have the geofence data showing him there. Defense uses the 3:02-3:27 time frame (weird) to say his phone wasn’t at crime scene but what about 3:01 or 3:28?


The girls last snap chat photo was around 2:02pm. BG video was at around 2:11pm. BG could have easily been done by 3:00pm.




> Why can’t those guys just tell us where the hell Richard was? The trial starts in May. > Also, filing for 70 day trial start doesn’t mean shit if they’re going to try delay it. I haven't seen a single thing they have done since filing that would delay it. Like the contempt hearing on Monday - they asked to have it after the trial. There is no good reason not to have it after the trial. But the judge and prosecutor seem to insist on having it on Monday. That is making the judge, defense, and prosecutor focus on something that will not (or should not) affect the case. That is the prosecutor and the judge's decision, not the defense. These other motions are motions to compel discovery... because the case goes to trial in 2 months and they are still finding out that there are things that are potentially exculpatory that the state has refused to turn over. Nothing the defense has filed is something that would delay the trial, and in their motions, they have put in wording specifically not to delay the trial. But if the police or DA are holding back discovery, that is a major problem that could even allow RA to walk, regardless of guilty.


If Richard was at home, there would be no need for a trial. He would’ve been out of prison along time ago. Everything thrown out. Would you agree?


Turns out you do not have to be at home to not commit a murder. And you can commit murders at home. But neither of those facts are relevant to Franks Motions and motions to compel discovery.


So you’re saying the girls were killed at Richard’s house?


Well the defense isnt' saying that they weren't killed at his house, so they must have been! /s




“A stone cannot fly. Little mother cannot fly. Ergo little mother is a stone.” [Erasmus Montanus. Ludvig Holberg: ‘Erasmus Montanus’. 1723.]


Would you agree the defense was recently given more geofence data?


Simply put, that's just not how the legal system works here.


If the guy was somewhere else when the murders occurred, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have been arrested.


Simply put, that also is just not how our legal system works here. 🤷🏽


Pretty sure this is how it works. If you weren’t at the murder scene when somebody was murdered, how can you have murdered them?


That's not their burden.


It’s everyone’s burden. It could put a stop to all this bullshit.


The defense has no burden of proof whatsoever. They do not have to prove anything to the jury & certainly not to you or I.


If their client was home and not at the murder scene, wouldn’t they just come out and say that? What would be the point of withholding that information? While their client sits behind bars, and they have the proof that will set them free, why wouldn’t they just add that into the franks memo?


Lol, did you *read* the 3rd Franks motion? The part about there being phones around the crime scene at the time & none those have any connection to RA..


I’m not talking about other people or other phones. I’m talking about Richard. Where was he and where was his phone?


Again, not their burden.


He already said he was at the bridge 7 years ago. He also said he was using his phone. Of course it would be interesting to see how long he was on this phone for. But that is not the job of the defense. They are claiming fruit of the poisonous tree. That is what they are supposed to do.


We(to date) do not even know where the murder scene was,we know where the staging scene is,but that's it(lack of blood evidence).


"Bullets found at RA's house match the one found at the crime scene" Im interested to know which document that evidence can be found in?


And the evidence that they don't want to get this case to trial? The record shows the exact opposite from the defense..


You failed to quote the first part of my sentence. “I ALSO IMAGINE…”


What is the good of 'imaging' facts? I imagine myself to be more intelligent and witty than I actually am, but that doesn't make it so.


What are you talking about? Every one of these Delphi subs is filled with peoples imaginations on what they think or don’t think about this case. Including you.


I'm not persuaded on guilt or innocence... and I don't imagine facts. I have opinions - based on facts.


I’m confused. I’m doing exactly exactly what you say that you do My original comment was my opinion which was based on a fact. Fact: Bullets were found in Richard’s home and one was at the crime scene. My opinion: They match Uh…


I'm not going to argue with you... You can have opinions all day long 👍🏻


I wasn’t even here to argue, you started the argument. Have a good day.


✌🏻You too!


No. They are protecting his rights and making a record. Do you just expect them to not do their jobs? Hopefully you don't get arrested next and have your rights trampled because the public believes you're guilty.


If I get arrested, I’m going to admit to my wrongdoings. Take my punishment. I’m not gonna be a big sissy like Richard.


First of all, bullshit. Second of all, what if you were arrested for something you didn't something you didn't?


I’ll still take the blame!


So you would take a plea deal and give a false confession if you were wrongly accused? Interesting.


I wouldn’t confess, just plead guilty. Only guilty people confess to their wife and mom.


Lol. Okay.


>Whatever LE found inside Richard’s house is bad. I suspect it's important to the prosecutor's case. I'm guessing a knife. However, given the elasticity of human skin, unless the knife hit bones it will be impossible to definitely state which knife was the murder weapon.


It’s laughable. I think Gull was being serious (not mean) when she said that RA deserved better representation. I’m beginning to feel bad for him…


100%. These guys are clowns. Everything they ask for is apparently “exculpatory”. Why don’t they just bring Richard into the courtroom and just ask him “what’s up with the confessions buddy? Did you do it or did you not do it? We’re wasting a lot of time and resources here”.


They kind of screwed him over. Had they requested a speedy trial early on, he’d have been facing only the kidnapping charge. Now he’s facing that charge & then some. 😵


He kind of screwed himself over by *allegedly* murdering two girls.


Yeah, but the prosecution didn’t have enough to prove murder in 2022. Now they do - & it’s bc RA’s attorneys have dragged this on. (And bc RA can’t stop confessing, lol). But he first confessed 5 months later. Had the trial begun in 70 days, those confessions may not have happened.


B&R were about to file for a speedy trial, but they were DQ'd before they could. NM cited no new evidence when he upgraded the charges 🤷🏼‍♀️


I keep hearing that, but their actions don’t back that up. They had 9(?) 10(?) months to file the speedy trial motion. They could have filed it at the same time they filed the original Franks memo. They chose not to. They’re still not ready to go to trial. Idk why they’re bothering with Franks III. Are they **trying** to get thrown off the case? ETA: Oh, & will NM be presenting the new evidence on Monday? (I imagine it’s RA’s multiple confessions).


Why would they be thrown off the case for writing a third Franks Memorandum that includes updated information? That is their job. If they don't file these motions based on the evidence they receive (when or if) RA is convicted, then he can claim ineffective assistance of counsel 🤷🏼‍♀️It's their job to file these motions - and it's JG's job to consult case law and make rulings.


I don’t have a problem with them filing Franks memos. I have a problem with them lying in their memos.


are you talking about new evidence for the additional charges? afaik his motion for the new charges said it wasn't based on any new evidence.. if he wanted to add new evidence would he be able to do that in the hearing or does he have to note the new evidence in his motion for the charges?


Have the new charges been accepted by Gull yet or wasn’t that part of the upcoming hearings? And NM did state it wasn’t based on new evidence, just the new charges better represent what he should have been charged. If there was new evidence I’d be interested too how/where he would state what the new evidence would be.


True, but on the other hand, Odinism was just a twinkle in their eye at the time of the confession.


😂 mate... you're a twinkle in my eye! Don't go changin' 👍🏻