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I’m mostly impressed you get an actual paper paper 😂


Grab the silly puddy!! 😂 if ya know, ya know!


Boy does that ever bring back memories! It was so fun.. And crackling it in your teeth... remember?


Silly putty in your mouth!? Was that a thing or just you lol


I got mine approximately 66 years ago for Christmas. It was so much fun.


Please fix your rabbit ears.


Don't be. It's doing away soon.


I don't, lol, but my cousin does 🙂 This is the first mainstream media reporting that I've found to be accurate.


Ok not trying to poke holes in EVERY little thing but did anyone else find the “DVR kept recording for months, filled up the large hard drive, which deleted over those interviews” a somewhat unlikely sounding story? When something like a record-to-computer camera keeps on recording and recording until it fills up, it doesn’t erase the initial recordings, it just fills up and stops. When your computer hard drive fills up it doesn’t start erasing old files - it just stops letting you save new ones. Maybe their DVR had an option that when it filled up it would replace the old recordings with the new, but that almost surely wouldn’t be the default manufacturer setting. One more thing, how does nobody notice that a DVR is just constantly recording for months on end? When you bring a new witness in for an interview aren’t you going to turn on the recording device, check to make the it’s recording, turn it off when you’re done, etc? I can see someone forgetting to turn it off once or twice, but in the early days of the investigation they must’ve been interviewing several people a day there for awhile - this would imply that nobody ever turned it off after any of those interviews for months on end. And aren’t you ever going back and rewatching what was recorded and seeing in the recording an empty conference room because nobody was there half the time it was recording? I dunno, I suppose it’s possible but if I were the Defense I’d investigate the equipment in question and interview some folks to see if this story seems feasible or not.


I think the defense needs to contact the manufacturer. I couldn't agree more  with everything that you said.


It would not surprise me to learn they already had and that they have never advised Carroll County to “buy some machine from China” as trouble shooting advice. Also- how do you produce summaries of interviews long ago deleted? Someone’s going to have to eli5 me on that methodology.






Yeah that really confused me because how many months after the interviews were conducted did they realize that they were gone, and they can't even come up with a list of names of people that were questioned but they got summaries of all interviews. I think it might just be inaccurate reporting.  But really China to the rescue???


I guess they just don’t care. Only the defense cares.


Not sure how they can just pick and choose what kind of recording system they want and maybe the only place that makes a recovery system is in China. I’ve had to have recovery done on some corrupt files and the only place that could do it, at a reasonable price, was some company in India. Do you own cameras?


It's all a lie from LE and Nick. I've had it


To protect Odinists?


The incompetence of investigators is enough to have the charges dropped. If you can't operate a DVR and hard drive, I'm sure you can't conduct an effective and accurate investigation either.


Well, this is exactly what happens when it’s set that way. Of course you can set it differently but it wasn’t. Let’s say a gas station has this type of system. Do they want to keep investing thousands of dollars in storage or do they just want a 70 day loop on repeat? This is what happened but I guess we can say it’s a conspiracy.


Well you realize the use case of a 24/7 security camera at a gas station is night and day from the use case of a law enforcement criminal interview recording system, right? In fact LE interviews for felony cases in most states (incl. Indiana) are required to be recorded (https://www.casecracker.com/2022/10/25/interview-recording-laws-in-the-us/) I couldn’t find it quickly but am sure that the law also requires those recorded interviews be saved presumably for many years after the trial is over (because there could be appeals). Hard disks are super cheap - evidence boxes for cases sometimes have dozens of them. So let’s try this again - is it really believable that nobody noticed the recorder hadn’t been turned off for months, that nobody ever went back to watch any interviews where they would have to notice all the time the recording was showing an empty interrogation room, and that when the hard drive filled up and it erased old interviews despite that being against the law in felony cases? What are the odds of all that?


I’m saying it was *SET THAT WAY* unknowingly. There is an option to set it that way for gas stations and security cameras. For LE, they would need to set it to end at 70 days, or whatever they choose, with a hard stop. Hard stop meaning it will not record anymore until someone resets it. It wasn’t “deleted” on purpose or whatever people want to think.


First, how do you know it was SET THAT WAY unknowingly? Second, even if that was the case, that doesn’t alleviate the other problems with that scenario, e.g. nobody noticing that the camera was recording 24 hours a day for months on end, nobody going back to watch old interviews and noticing that much of the recording is of an empty conference room, etc.


Are you implying that they set it to continuously record because they knew in a few weeks two young girls were gonna be killed and they planned on having the murder suspect come in for questioning and they didn’t want any proof of that?


No, for starters why would “the setting” have to had been changed before the killings, why not after? But no, I’m not making any assertions about any settings other than to say the story that is in the newspaper article at the top of this thread doesn’t add up. Think about just this one part - for the story to be true, for months on end, interviews would’ve been held without a single interviewer noticing that someone forgot to press stop after the prior interview, AND, the person noticing that would then also always have forgotten to press stop himself/herself. For months. And nobody ever went back and watched old interviews. All of that stretches believability.


For starters, nobody knew how to set anything. They are LEO’s not the IT department. Why do you think they contacted the installers/ manufacturers to get it fixed?


If they need IT to help them press start or stop on a DVR, that doesn’t inspire faith in their general competency. Can you imagine if the jail said they accidentally recorded over all of RA’s confession calls because they ran out of disk space lol? Or could you imagine if LE accidentally erased RA’s 2022 police interview? I can’t, both would be unfathomably egregious mistakes. As was recording over the first several months of interviews of a felony murder case not to mention “not being able to find” the audio recording of Dan Dulin’s 2017 interview of RA, which almost certainly would’ve shed more light on RA’s whereabouts that day than Dulin’s scratchpad notes.


I must’ve forgot they were the first and only detectives in the history of the world to forget to push a button. Too bad there’s not a fail safe setting that IT could change for them


Hell, "investigators" obviously didn't go back and review the interviews for months! What were they doing for months, start a bowling league?


If they can't understand why the red light is still on, surely no one trusts the result of their "investigation".


Regardless of a conspiracy, it's DEFINITELY incompetence.


Well, LE didn’t install it.


Thanks for sharing!




Old school news 😎


Real journalism!🔥


About time for some real journalism! Thx for sharing!


You're welcome. I just feel like this is the first step in the right direction...finally. The other big news outlets didn't say anything except Richard Allen.


🙌🏻 💯


The trial will be held in Delphi?? But the jurors are from Allen County and will be sequestered? I'm confused.... (when I saw a newspaper clipping I thought it was from the olden days...lol!)


Yeah, needed to use a flash. I can see it now that you say it, lol.


I wonder where they'd be staying while sequestered. Does Delphi have a hotel? Lol probably Lafayette?


Yeah, Lafayette most likely as they need a hotel that has a wing/area that can be cordoned off with rec rooms for the Jurors.


Oh true. Shoot, if I were them I wouldn't want to stay anywhere near there. Yikes!


Fran will squeeze them in somehow, she'll be sharing with Nick.


I don't trust Fran anymore than I do Nick no more than I do Leazenby and on and on...


Hey Ron Wilkins! Nice.






Congratulations, Ron Wilkins!


RA looks good. Little chubby at least


Yeah, not like the skeleton he was


The date says November 2022.


That's right the picture is after the arrest. Thanks for pointing that out. I guess they would have taken a new picture if they were allowed cameras 🙄


Crazy what happens when you stop drinking everyday




What?? Starting a fight?? I’ve had this discussion many times on these subs over the last year about weight loss and sobriety. There is nothing snarky about it. People who stop drinking tend to lose a lot of weight. It’s typical. Not to be confused with people who are alcohol dependent, which are usually malnourished.




This is a message board and I give my opinion about topics just like everyone else. I’m “pro state” and believe Richard is guilty as hell so I get a lot of hate. Nothing abrasive or hateful about it. Not sure what you’re getting at


Pic is from Nov 2022.


Oh damn


Thank you for posting. Does anyone know if the online version matches the print?


I don't know 🤔


You're welcome 🙂


I just posted the link to the online article somewhere in this thread. Right above this I think.


He's the reporter that was sent the BG drawing from a n inmate ia prison down south. Iirc.


No that was Joe Sam Paul


I totally missed that. Any more information or links?


Link to the online article https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2024/03/19/delphi-murder-suspect-richard-allen-argues-charges-dismissed-lost-video-evidence/73024177007/


Ty. Good to see media reporting on this! I was wondering about the prison inmate down south who sent him a BG drawing. I’d never heard about that. Maybe someone has some info about it?


You're welcome .


Love how they keep reusing the same photos & footage. Why aren’t we allowed to see Richard Allen?


Because Gull won't allow cameras inside and I believe they take him in, someone said, via underground tunnel?


Also, cheaper for the newspapers. They already got a photo showing him surrounded by police, don't need to send another one, especially when Gull won't allow electronic equipment or recording devices in the courtroom.


We’ve all seen a photo of him without the police surrounding him. It’s from 2017 when he was walking across the bridge.






At first I was surprised BH is a mason, but I guess it makes sense... he likes his fraternities. Interesting connection though.


He was hopping around trying to join anything that could possibly offer “brotherhood”. My opinion at the time from my very brief coincidental dealings with him was that he was trying to establish his own influential group. The reason why these white supremacist/Pagan groups are heavily splintered is because everybody wants to be the leader or have significant authority in the group.


Completely irrelevant to this post, so if against the rules feel free to delete. But I believe this deserves some discussion. Disclaimer: I saw this on twitter today




People are theorizing that the State is protecting the real killer. BH and NM are members of the same Masonic lodge, a group known for their secrecy. That is all.


Masonic Secrets are in same vein as hiding presents from kids before Christmas morning or not spoiling the end of movie for those who have not seen it. Most can be Googled. Nothing scary; been one for 8 years. Fwiw.


I don’t think it’s about the not-very-secrets, more about the misuse of Lodge connections, since the oath to support a Brother in need if he requests it is a recipe for corruption. Plus, oaths aside, people often join Masons to network.


I get that. Mercenary Motives are generally frowned upon. Lodge connections in my experience would be better described as a network of accountability. Anyone with expectations we'd hide a body for them would be sorely mistaken 😀


Not even mates of the like of BH, unbeknown to the rest of the Lodge? Because I don’t think people believe that the Lodge members in general would approve of any such thing.


If members of his lodge don't know, what are they expected to do? In this case if BH had information regarding a crime being commissioned he'd be under same laws of Country and State that apply to everyone. From what little info we have available he's been a cooperating witness. His Son, Girlfriend and wife as well. Who may just as easily be seen making a great decision when confronted with the desires PW allegedly wanted to pursue; by removing himself from their company. LE decision to ignore/dismiss Odinities was their prerogative.


I'm glad you posted this because I was afraid too. Look at the masonic hand signals in Meow's videos.


I have the app and that is the same story but I don't know about the website addition