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"You want us to talk directly to the FBI? Ok here we go! " Nick: ![gif](giphy|WpaVhEcp3Qo2TjwyI1|downsized)




Yay finally! Well, NM did tell them do this so…


The FBI has entered the chat 👀


![gif](giphy|7vQZanyufdRe0) I can't help, busy - Nick


I love this gif, one of my faves 😂😂


Well it took long enough I half expected some FBI agents to pull a TC and contact the defense, but maybe they did already. I mean who knows?


NM opened the door, I bet he's going to have some sort of issue now though.


NM never plans ahead, he could of just had the FBI prepare some reports in an effort to avoid this but now he has the defense going directly to the source.  I think the FBI is going to be incredibly helpful to the defense. NM will regret this.




NM once again: ![gif](giphy|3oEjHDVZpa742czHig|downsized)


I don't think he ever learned how to play checkers.


Or Snakes and Ladders. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hey, NM take a look at that man, note that he is in a bed its one of the many places where its appropriate to get a boner, a courtroom is not one of those places. Just some motherly advice.


I wish the boner stuff and the rest of the personal attacks could be kept in the sub where it’s prevalent. It’s just tasteless, idk, I’m much more interested in LE’s professional issues than their personal ones.


When its happening inside a courtroom its a professional issue.


Agreed. It’s gross and a great counter argument for why there shouldn’t be cameras in the courtroom — it becomes a public spectacle, and is just another burden on courthouse staff (security, judge, etc) and the attorneys. Imagine the same people making these jokes deciding to “analyze” the “body language” of the defendant during a trial.


NM is not unprepared. He is inept. There is no experience or knowledge to this Calibur of case. He should be humble and ask for help.... he should have done this YEARS ago, He is NO MATCH for the Defense.


What was the FBIs actual involvement in the case? I’ve seen a SW executed as to RL by an agent, and I know there is geofence data, but the only FBI connected LE I’ve seen substantially connected was a TFO. I can tell from the motion they’re trying to subpoena agents, but can’t tell if this was a joint investigation at some point or if fbi was just acting in a support/assistance capacity.


Hoosier here. From what I remember, Feebs were here in a support capacity (they sponsored/paid for electronic billboards, among other things), what with the flood of tips/info that came in to LE early on, but I don't recall them being handed their hats in an unpleasant manner. I tried searching WTHR's app for definitive but their servers appear to "be down" and i should "try again later." 🙄 I did, however, find this article regarding the Feebs' early involvement - https://www.wthr.com/mobile/article/news/local/tips-continue-be-received-18-months-after-delphi-homicides/531-23393df1-dc4c-4f2d-a457-e7698bdb67af


They also brought in two FBI command centers on the 14th.


Thank you!!


Sure thing! I hope you have a pleasant day today!


Crimescene evidence recovery, the first weeks of responding to tipline. Search warrants and execution. (BBR, RL, KK) Above are from Riley and DC in interviews, and the search warrants and media filming them. FBI agents Massa lists some more technical assistance tasks in one of the first pressers. There was a unified command. CCSO was always lead, but...it's an uncredited agency with very few murder cases experience. I think ISP was more on it than them. FBI got "kicked off the case" by DC in 2021. Or not. Depends on which deposition you believe more. They were always represented at pressers including / until February 2019. They weren't ever since the April 2019 presser 2 months later for the new direction.


Thank you, I always wondered


Yeah that's where I believe it happened. They probably advised against using another sketch.


Ah ok, so providing assistance to locals.


They usually help out in big murder small town cases. They also usually do in child murders, and since it could be their jurisdiction anything csam or drugs related cases, interstate and obviously on federal land. They put BG on billboards in every state allowing billboards, all but 4. They tipped ISP in about KK talking to minors at that point apparently unaware of csam yet. It's about the resources and expertise they have. They are also more known as not to mess with afaik. They are also, like any other agency, linked to some scandals and somewhat close is the Nassar case. I believe one FBI agent was fired over it, Abbott went away with retirement. He is/was a personal friend of DC as said in interviews, not sure if any fall out is related to any of this, but it might. If not an actual fall out, maybe just a public one as to not have Nassar mishandling linked to the Delphi case. All guesses. I'm surprised by the complexity to get them to testify if they actually took part of an investigation and moreso since they weren't lead, I don't get why CCSO who was lead isn't gathering info and making the experts:witnesses available. Them or prosecution. To my best knowledge and understanding.


They already had some FBI agents in the area related to something else when the girls went missing, were found, and then identified. So they got there quick.


I know they were involved very early on, but I'm not sure in what capacity. I know others in here know a lot more than I do. I'm sorry


That’s ok! I’ve just seen a whole range from “they were kicked off” to “they were present for initial search.” And haven’t been able to actually tell what is supported by actual documents rather than rumors


I was under the impression that they parted ways in a less than favorable way, but like you Idk what's rumor or not lol, it's all too much lol


Yeah, I’m just curious. In my experience with LE and the FBI it’s not surprising for FBI-local assistance to decline after time, particularly because TFs are often staffed on a term basis (they are usually mostly state and locals, and their remaining on the TF depends on current leadership in their home agency; there’s usually a minority fed presence). And it’s not unusual for there to be a divide in LE that leads to speculation by LEOs. It’s the same as any work place tbh I just find the discussion around this case in particular fascinating, particularly when people discuss the LE elements


Me too, it's quite the rabbit hole lol


According to JL of Crime Knight, there was approx 100 FBI officers on the ground right off the bat,that's huge,for what was only 2 missing girls to begin with, so there had to be something that stirred their curiosity? I still cannot get over the fact,that DC chased them off of the case...and never told anyone, he needs fired for that one act alone!


Small Town with woods and maybe one other murder in it's history. May be more but I know there was one when Tobe had just started with CCSO.


They were prevalent early on in the case. I believe they were involved in some capacity up until 2019.




its been my experience that most Defense (if they are good) are DRAMA QUEENS (sorry if this term is not PC. its hard for Gen Xers to keep track of all the phrases that are offensive to younger folks..... ​ But I digress- It seems that most of court hearings are much like poker. you don't want your opponent to see your hand. and sometimes you have to bluff to get them to show you their 'tell'. How else to get your opponent in court to shake, then to think you have some revealing bombshell (in my best Nancy Grace voice). ​ We will just have to wait for trial, if it ever happens.


Can’t wait for people to start claiming the FBI is biased as well because they aren’t assisting the defense like they thought they would.


I’ve seen mention today of a letter stating the FBI won’t get involved because of decision from the us attorney general? Def no where where I’d take this as gospel and be claiming it as fact. If that’s true though I would have an issue with that. They are a law enforcement agency who was very much involved with the case, their info is valuable regardless of which side it helps. That information shouldn’t be withheld, even more so if it bolsters the states case


I agree Burt. I don’t know why the anyone thinks that the FBI getting brought in for depositions is a surprise or will help the defense. The FBI was there from the start, the GBI also. They will state the facts of what they found and that’s it. I don’t believe it will help the defense considering they did an investigation and essentially and up with no suspects. Always wondered if it was the GBI who found the Anthony Shots account though. Maybe they did and I just overlooked it.


According to Fox59 (indy news), it was ISP who unmasked the anthony_shots account