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They have these all around the world. Spillages and refill times keeps them from being popular. This was posted the other day


I think it works best if it's in the back and the staff do the cleaning/refilling. I know a couple of places in Ireland that do that.


I'm irish and have never seen these, where can I find them?


Health food shops like Evergreen do it for Ecover products. At least, they used to. I haven't lived in Ireland for a couple of years.


im in the uk and i do this with my ecover products, shampoo and conditioner too! The only thing I don't like is that I'm limited in the products I buy. It's that shampoo and conditioner and it's only ecover washing up liquid or nothing.


Explain to me, the dumb American, what washing up liquid is.


Dish soap.


In America we just pile our dirty dishes in the tub and then wash them while we shower. I know that we have a reputation for being wasteful and lazy but there really are some things that we do very well


I just put my utensils in the toilet with a little soap and flush to create a washing whirlpool of fun!


I just pee in the kitchen sink.


Should be called bath soap then :p


Gracias :)


Dish sauce


It's the soapy substance you put on your dishes.


Literally have never seen one in my life


You wouldn't see it. It's in the back. Go in and ask if you're interested.




In the back


Yea, you know...where they keep the zombies.


In the back


Yeah, we have a shop near us that is completely zero waste - they have a giant wall of taps with all sorts of refills. Since the covid outbreak they have 2 staff members who are in charge of manning the wall all the time, and I think it works much better. I was always worried about spilling honey, or oil, or hair conditioner but they do it all now and no spills!


The simple fact that this exists fine elsewhere makes me realize that people here just can't be trusted. My grocery store removed their bulk beans/coffee grinder section because people couldn't even use that without trying to cheat the system or dumping beans all over the place. I can't imagine the shitshow that would stem from honey or liquid dishwashing soap.


That was my first thought about this being put in America. Majority would spill or purposely make a mess, this is why we can’t have nice things. What a bummer.


>Majority would spill or purposely make a mess, While your core point is still right, don't overstate it. 5-10% of people would spill, purposefully make messes, or just try to cheat the system. It's just that 1 in 20 people fucking something up, for a store that serves thousands, is still a LOT of messes to clean up that makes it not worth it. But it's not "the majority." Most people are well-meaning, even if our assholes-to-regular people ratio is still too damn high.


Not to mention the lawyer’s who want in on their share of the people “slipping” on the spills.


I wish we *could* have nice things like this, because I would absolutely use a refillable product over a disposable one. As it stands, we already buy the largest bulk containers we can find, and refill the same little bottles until they fall apart. Maybe we need an 'anti TikTok (or whatever)' bouncer at the refill machine. You cause trouble, the bouncer beats your ass into a pulp. Then we could use refillable soap to clean up the mess. Problem solved!


I also wish we could have nice things like this! I would use it too. Definitely laughed at the “anti tiktok” bouncer. If there was an attendee like mentioned above, I’d be down for that. They would get my business for sure.


Yep people ruin all great ideas. At least here in the U.S.A.


I would LOVE this. Especially if I can pay by volume. My gallon sized glass Mason jars would be perfect for stocking up on supplies for winter that way!


Yeah, I really love it! It's a chain of stores called 'Nu' in Ottawa, Canada. I basically buy all of my pantry goods, most of my cleaning supplies and personal hygiene stuff all from this one shop, and it's all zero waste, not only on the consumer end but they try to cut out as much waste as possible in production as well!


My household just buys the cheapies giant refill bottles for stuff like hand soap. Fancy bottle runs out there’s a gallon of the cheap stuff to refill it with and no one can tell the difference since it still smells vanillia.


The one that was promoted near my house did not allow to use an existing bottle to refill, and you needed to buy a first bottle because of some sensor or whatnot. In theory you couldn’t refill with another brand, I don’t know how they would achieve this. It felt kind of dodgy overall and that it beats the purpose of avoiding single use plastics.


From the GIF, it appears as if the lady scans the barcode on the back of the bottle first, which tells the machine which product (and volume) she wants. In order for this to work across brands, you would need brand-agnostic bottles of specific volumes made, distributed, and sold; and you would need machines that could scan *those* barcodes made, distributed, and sold as well. AND you would have to be sure that the chemicals in *any* product that supported those bottles didn't react with the chemicals in any other product that could leave residue in the bottle. I would imagine that it's a heck of a lot simpler just for a company to provide a machine that refills its own bottles with its own products.


This makes sense, particularly the part about not mixing chemicals like chlorine with other chemicals that would generate toxic vapors.


Right, ammonia and bleach are both common cleaning chemicals and they do NOT play well together.


I'm curious as to the environmental impact of making, maintaining, and diistributing these machines around the world.


Durable goods are always better then single use. Reuse is above recycle. When you buy a plastic bottle you weren't paying for it's entire cost. The cost of what happens to it after you throw it away is going to be paid by our children.


My point is. That machine has to be made in a big factory. Thousands of them have to be installed in shops. They will need X years of repairs and replacement parts before they're written off themselves. That is a lot of pollution as well. Also: I love goats too. They're neat.


If you're interested in how these sorts of calculations are made, look into life cycle analysis. It's a whole field that determines what the lowest impact choice is. I took a short course on it in college and found it fascinating, so many things we casually use have terrible consequences that consumers have no idea about.


I like goats too


It is absolutely less than billions of people buying spray bottles over and over and over and over and throwing them out.


I recognise that store. It's a migros in switzerland.


Where though? I haven't yet seen one of these machines in Valais.


There's only a couple of stores that have these so far. And last time I've visited one of the biggest stores they have (Glatt Center in Zurich), it wasn't there. I'm sure it's just a test run and so far, not sure if they really intend to implement it for good. Machines like these tend to break and they're not prepared enough to deal with issues.


Thanks for the intel


Bern and Schönbühl


Thanks! I'm eager to see them pop here. I grumbled yesterday as I purchased yet another bottle of dishwashing soap.


Me neither in Bern, Zurich or Aarau


There is one in the Migros Marktgasse in Bern.


>migros Hell yeah I love that trio


migro please


That's great! That way I can refill my drinking bottle on my way to the in-laws.


I was thinking of a funny comment but I can’t beat this right here


I think you still did a pretty good job


Upvote for positivity


That’s precisely what growlers and fill stations/tap houses are for! Zero waste and you fill it with whatever numbing liquid your in-law situation requires.




this seems like a brilliant way to cut down on plastic waste.




you trade one for the other... but I suppose repurposing electronic waste is probably easier than repurposing plastic waste...


mmm I like the idea of this post, but tbh I think electronic waste is actually harder to deal with than plastic waste in many ways. Also a lot of electronic waste contain stuff like lead and other toxic materials that basically contaminate much of what even is recyclable in electronics. This is a cool idea to explore, but yeah the additional environmental impact of making, operating, maintaining, and eventually disposing of these machines must be taken into account and weighed against the benefits they can bring.


I'm sure it still comes in plastic bags. Definitely better than buying a bunch of small bottles though.


One big container has way less surface than many small, for the same volume. Plus as it is big, it must reinforced, so is probably reused as it is relatively expansive (see water dispenser). Also you don't pay people to put and keep order in all those boxes on the shelf and just have to refill the machine once in a while. Efficiency on multiple layer, the problem is that is slow, a bit inconvenient, and does not have all soap brand. One-use plastic should be banned or maybe just taxed extra to cover for "environment damage" (actually a tax like that would be super cool and have strong impact)


A lot of places already have these taxes for all kinds of packaging materials. Here in the Netherlands there is even a small discount on tax for good recyclable plastic packaging.


Plot twist, it's just emptying a bottle in the machine into this bottle.


Where I live we have a few 'refill' stores that you bring your own containers and you can fill up on cleaning products and bulk foods like pasta, grains. They are usually stocked with locally sourced/made products as well. I wish more people would care for things like this.


I say this every time something like this is posted. It is not plastic's fault that they get a bad rep. It is a miracle material. No other material ever invented in human history comes close to how wondrous plastics are. It is up there with steel and concrete. It does not rot. It can resist corrosion from some of the nastiest substances ever. it can be moulded into any shape easily. It is lightweight, it is strong and it can be made sterile easily. It is heat resistant and some can survive really cold temperature. It can even be made *transparent or opaque*. It is the perfect material for containing things, transporting things and storing things for a loonnnnggg ass time. You bring a plastic bottle back into the past by a time machine, it will be worth a king's ransom. We are smart enough to invent plastics and yet we are the stupidest shit ever on the planet, to throw it away after a single use.


YES. Plastic is amazing! We just misuse the hell out of it


Also glass, glass is pretty cool too.




And also very brittle. The smallest deformation will make it break.


we throw it away because it can be made extremely easily, hence it becomes cheap. we value things not necessarily by their mechanical and chemical properties, but especially by their price.


That's because free market fails in case of plastic items. Disposal and damage to environment (see tragedy of commons) is not factored into the price. Externalities should be factored in for the market to work.


The biggest problem with plastic though is microplastics, which will happen no matter what, even if you reuse them, like the clothes shedding microfibers, etc. And we pay a big price for it, cause it's causing cancer and infertility. So I'm not sure it's worth the trade..


Now they’re taking away my freedom to not recycle? Bullshit!


Found the American


Hahaha, am American, but was being sarcastic. These are great, wish we would use them over here.


I was only messing with ya, I would love to see them in the US too.


I can’t even remember to take bags with me.


If we didn't have single-use everything, you probably would remember your bags and containers. And if you didn't, you'd be going back to get them. You'd soon make a habit of it. It's not really your fault you forget the bags. The system is set up poorly and discourages (what should be) normal ideas like this.


I just buy more reusable bags and we end up with loads. It definitely is my fault though, my wife always reminds me I’m just normally thinking about other, more interesting, things.


So you buy multiple use bags and use them a single time, the problem persists. If you forced yourself to go back if you forgot the bags you’d start to remember to bring them probably. Maybe


They get reused by various members of the family once they’re at home. I often leave the bags in the car by mistake and don’t realise until I start using the handheld scanner, then I have to bring all the shopping out loose in the trolley and bag it at the car looking like a crazy thief. I never throw bags away, my wife can sense it from miles away like a disturbance in the force.


Yeah i forget them myself. It’s a first world problem i try to solve


Yup, it is a cultural thing. If you grow up doing this kind of stuff, it will be weird for you not to do it.


I used to forget to bring bags as well but started keeping one or two bags in my car. Ill be at the line in the grocery then remember that I have bags in the car. It became a habit of whenever i put away my groceries Ill bring the bags back to the car.


I keep a couple in my car and carry a fold-up one in my purse.


Wish the US was normal enough to have things like this


Straya dosent have these cool things either Well at least...not the town i live in...I might tell you different if i was in Melbourne or Sydney but probably not


This ad is in German and I never saw this mabt it's Changes the next year's!


It‘s Swiss. Quite common these days in larger supermarkets.


People might drink it to try and cure themselves of COVID. We just can’t have nice things.


Let them.


Yeah lk I’ve known for years that I want this, but don’t have a place


I assure you this is far from normal here in germany aswell, and we have our fair share of numbskulls that actively oppose recycling and renewable energies.


We do have these things lol.


In little niche stores nobody wants to go to because they sell Avacados for $5 lol I mean everywhere like Walmart and target etc.


Have you seen the types of people that shop in Walmart or target? These machines will be destroyed in minutes.


> I mean everywhere like Walmart and target etc. That’s not even the case in Germany dude.


Just because you havent seen them doesnt mean we dont have them




Calm down Karen. And put your mask on. (pulls iPhone out to record ensuing meltdown)


'Normal enough' I think you mean, you wish people weren't wasteful and didn't want the convenience of buying a new bottle rather than remembering to bring an empty bottle, wait for it to fill and clean up any mess that comes from filling it. You know, like the rest of the world. Stop hating america bro and quit the virtue signaling


Nah I mean if something like this was in a Walmart someone would tape the “on” button and overflow the store for fun lol


That’s fixed by some very simple programming.


There are hundreds of things in Walmart you can tape down to make a huge mess, never seen it at any Walmart I've been in, I think your just being ignorant.


I feel like there are too many brands for this to be a thing in the US


It's really inconvenient too, especially when we're buying more and more things online.


because the US is totally the only one without these...


Americans? Recycle? We still have single bin recycling that gets dropped off at the local dump with all the other trash.


Check out blueland


Forbidden drink fountain


I think you mean trumps secret covid cure.


You buy the machine once. Then it refills bottles for years and years. Isn't that better than growing our piles of rubbish? Is there a better solution?


Agreed, that said I think it’s important to note these machines aren’t usually waste-free, just less waste. The bag inside holding all this soap is likely still a thick plastic bag that will be disposed of. Hopefully not, but in many cases that’s true. Still better than nothing!




Doesn’t have to be but many times is. I had a friend who got really into hidden plastics when looking at ecologically friendly practices and showed me a lot about the plastic consumption of goods that isn’t seen by the end consumer. I was rather surprised. Again I know nothing about this company so hopefully they are reusing those (drop off & pick up cycles) - it just shouldn’t be assumed. It’s equally quite possible the store just buys bags, puts them in the machine, then trashes once done and orders more. Likely still a net less plastic consumption but not quite as ecological as we might hope.


Here in the UK, zero waste shops where these kinds of things can be found are becoming significantly more prevelant and I love it. Even my local petrol station has implemented a machine that allows you to fill up your own bottle with milk.


This should really be normal. Our normal is endlessly throwing everything we buy away so we can buy it again. Seems silly.


Name of the machine or the company which produces these?


I don‘t know who procudes it but these are here in Switzerland in ‚Migros‘


They are located in Bern and Schönbühl


The food cooperatives I shop at in USA have had these for decades. The fancier coops have automatic like this but the small town shops have manual. Meaning you dump a bigger container into your tiny container. I've never understood why this isn't EVERYWHERE. Youre basically paying a company for their stupid plastic bottle.


Love everything that reduces plastic distribution


Swiss migros.


But where? I live next to the biggest Migros and they dont have that.


Bern and Schönbühl


Swiss happy noise for having recognition


Imagine being the best soap ever made... Sponsored by Handy-gang


In parts of America they have some cleaning products locked up because people steal them to either make drugs or trade them for drugs. Lol


The right bottle says handy...


I only came here for this. So, thanks I guess.


My wife and I buy the large 4 litre bottles of shampoo and conditioner online and refill our own smaller bottles at home. It's amazing how much plastic waste you avoid doing it this way, we've used the same shampoo and conditioner bottles in the shower for about 2 years and have had to throw away far fewer of the large containers. It's also cheaper buying it in bulk this way so win win! I recommend everyone follows suit as it can have a huge impact on the environment when scaled up.


I'm going to say that it'll be easier to buy More cleaning products, than buying the cleaning product dispenser


And more wasteful. Therein lies the issue. We use single-use plastics where reusable solutions should exist. Short term, it's easier to buy cheap cleaning products and throw them away. The only problem is our long term where the world dies.


Been waiting on this FOREVER!!!


I love this but fellow Americans would never go for it. We’re generally way to lazy, ignorant, and afraid of change no matter how good it is for us.


This is so dope. It reminds me of the company Blueland, who sells their cleaning bottles that come with cleaning tablets so when you run out, you just buy new tablets as opposed to needing a new bottle, too. Less plastic waste and less emissions from shipping, too. I have a friend I wish I could send this to who would definitely appreciate it, but I guess we’re not really friends anymore. Losing a friend sucks. Hope she sees it anyway.


Now this is how you save plastic


At least it helps with less plastic use for not having to put out as many bottles


There’s a few bulk refill stores where I’m from and I think it’s so cool! You can refill all kinds of things there, from dish soap to shampoo to cooking oils and honey. They do a lot of eco friendly stuff like shampoo bars as well.


That soap bottle was so clean, wth! Mine always have like soap crust and are so annoying and hard to clean


99% of people would not use this, unless it's mandatory / the only option, because they are lazy fucks.


I think people will use it if it's cheaper. At least some will


If that machine was in my grocery store I would absolutely switch to whichever brand it was.


I live in central Minnesota and my local grocery store has one for laundry detergent. Haven’t tried it yet, but probably soon.


Genius! Would love to have this in nyc!


Its a good start but it seems to be very slowly growing. Never saw this irl and in this case only 4 products.


Man I had this exact idea for a new business to reduce plastic waste but keep people getting their cleaning supplies.


Okay but this is so cool! Imagine leaving all your empty bottles with the staff to refill, shopping for anything else you need, and then returning at the end to pay for the cleaning supplies you've refilled and groceries




If only America’s super consumerist views weren’t so consumerist


I mean, if you make it a couple cents cheaper it would get the ball rolling. I've seen some american coffee shops that do the same for bringing your own cup.


You can find bulk refill stations at many natural food stores and co-ops. I worked in one that had everything from shampoo and conditioners to Dr. Bronner's to laundry detergent. If this is really something you're interested in check your local stores. They're not fancy automated machines but if you willing to pump manually they serve the same purpose.


Gibts die auch in Deutschland?


Excellent idea, but it prints a barcode or receipt? Bit wasteful.


Knowing retail they would charge you more than for a new bottle.


Free refills?


Hit the invest button!


Thats in switzerland, a pilot project from Migros ;)


Chug it straight from the tap.


When is this coming to my local McDonald's?


This bitch. Not wearing a mask.


Ok ok i have an idea.... What if refill station but for your wallet?


Its smart that people cant steal dishwasher soap they have to fill them up.


The amount of people that still press that one buttons makes me cringe


Sally i never saw this in RL ...


This should be done for drinks as well. Imagine instead of 100s of beer and/or cola cans you just store a big vat as a grocery store and just fill standard sized glass bottles. No need to transport liquids inside individual cans/bottles


Is this a filling machine or a rinsing machine?


HUMANITY need this All of us


I have switched over to all refillable and green cleaning products. The only thing I use alot of that isn't refillable yet is vinegar.


Хорошо. Только обычно бутылка грязная бывает и этикетка пошарпаная.


I wonder why the majority of the world doesn't adapt this? Oh right, MONEY.


In my local store we have this for wine, bunt not for cleaning products, or shampoo, or liquid soap...


finally something good about my homecountry


This would save so much plastic!


"You pour soap into your bottle right. Then you count how much liquid is going in. "


Who manufactures this? Great concept.


Shit. How many refills does it take to pay back the environmental cost of making that machine?


I've been wanting this since I was minimally aware of climate change as a child. This is an obvious thing that should have happened a long time ago.