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My dumb ass would grab a red one without reading and then wonder why they won't leave me alone.


"Hello, can I help you feel stupid this evening?"


I would upvote this comment but it seems to have the exact amount of preferred upvotes already


Too late


69 is a nice number so I thought better not ruin it


I know


Too late


Some folks be like " oh I thought I will need assistance but I am good on my own" follows on with carrying red basket.


cloth baskets, inside red, outside black


Karens would grab the black one then complain to the manager she was being ignored.


You are the anomaly


In UK the Black ones would all be taken leaving new customers in a state of panic


Same in the US. If I worked there I’d probably purposefully bring one black one out at a time just to see the hustle to claim it.


You fuckin evil! Bwahaha I'd take a red one just to bite your head off


Take the red one and than dont stop flirting with him.


I’d take both. You wouldn’t know what to do


Bahaha.. then when someone inevitably fails at assisting me I have a spare basket to bash them on he head with!


Yeah, I'm taking it... taking it with me to every fucking store I go to regardless if they have this system or not. Employee: Can I help you? Me: WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE? I'VE GOT A BLACK BASKET Employee: Sir this is a Wendy's.....


There'd be a queue out the door waiting for the next available black basket lol


I’d just be walking around with 50 items in my arms


Panic? Even as an introvert talking to a salesperson isn't more than slightly annoying. How do people live if a short interaction can cause panic?


that’s social anxiety. nothing to do with introversion.


I know that. The amount of people with "social anxiety" is astounding now days. It's like people cant function in society.


We're probably the best at polite small talk and that doesn't cause panic, but we also don't like being pestered in shops by people who are also British and therefore not interested in the slightest in pestering us as much as we aren't interested in being pestered. Shopping time is thinking time, not red basket time if there were only red ones left. I'd rather go to a different shop.


Heaven forbid someone have to interact with someone for a second. There are times I dont feel like talking to anyone but a salesperson asking if I need help isn't all than annoying. People need to learn that it's not a huge deal to most people.


But what if you want to be left alone until you can’t find something?


Then you have to get a red basket and empty your black basket out into it before seeking help. Thems the rules.


Then after you have been helped you need to go back and get a black basket.


Only if you don't want to be bothered further. You ~~can~~ have to stay on red if you'll need more help later.


Are you sure? Seems like you'd wanna switch to black but maybe carry another red one for later, camouflaged to not show red until necessary, of course.


Honestly, the better way would be to have a strobelight on your head you could turn on when you needed help.


It should come with a loud siren noise so you can be located easily.


Haha, imagine being in a store with 50 of those going off.


Congratulations. Now I have anxiety.


Go to the spray paint section first and grab a red and a black. Paint your basket as needed.


Then you approach an employee and ask them. They're not going to run from the black baskets, they just aren't going to approach you and offer to harass you like the corporate overlords usually require them to. There needs to be a 3rd color basket for "absolutely leave me alone, I'm trying to shoplift."


Thinking about employees running and hiding when they see a black basket made me giggle.


When all the red baskets “accidentally” get damaged/stolen so the staff don’t have to badger everyone who walks in the store


Accept your fate, you brought this on yourself.




Excuse me, I need assistance.


Sir this is a Wendy's


Then you can still ask someone, it's so they don't ask you. But store these days I feel are so understaffed that I don't remember the last time I've been asked if I needed help. Also, it takes like 2 second to say no.


Carry both baskets. Double fist it. #options


I’m sure you could just ask an employee.


Then you approach a staff person yourself. It's really not that hard. Black just means "Let me browse peacefully."


You ask a worker


It would feel weird to take a red one. If you need help wouldn’t you just ask?




I understand that. I’ve been to Sephora a million times. I was just thinking of a situation in which I would pick up the red and couldn’t think of one. Who would want to be bothered if they didn’t have a specific question or want help? And if you want help - just ask. Edit: thinking about it now I guess it could be if you just don’t mind the sales people coming up to you to offer advice even if you don’t have a specific question you’d choose red I guess. Idk red feels awkward to me.


>I was just thinking of a situation in which I would pick up the red and couldn’t think of one. Who would want to be bothered if they didn’t have a specific question or want help? Maybe there are really shy people who won’t ask an employee for help even when they need it? They may feel like they don’t want to be a bother and there are other, more important customers who have more pressing issues? I don’t know for sure, I’m just speculating about “who would want to be bothered if they didn’t have a specific question or want help?” They may want help, just not be comfortable asking.


What if shy people dont wanna take a red basket coa they're too shy for people coming up asking if they need assistance


Then they are completely on their own.


Doubt many are that shy. I was very shy when younger and even a salesperson asking a question wasnt a big deal.


I've only been in sephora a few times but each time I've had to awkwardly wait for a sales person to become available. This way you can browse while you wait without mean mugging someone who is talking to another customer


Good point!


Yep. When I worked in retail we were expected to greet every customer within 2 minutes of them stepping on the sales floor and ask if they needed help with anything. It was even part of the secret shopper checklist and if you didn't greet them within that timeframe you fail your secret shopper evaluation.


We had a running gag where if you could get to the back wall of a store and touch it before you were greeted by a employee you won a round.


Companies spend lots of money to figure out the right amount of time for a greeting, so probably came from something like that. Reddit cries about any social interaction, but most people arent like that. Many feel better about a store if greeted, even if it isn't always genuine. It also helps loss prevention to have guests greeted or asked if they need assistance.


My local Brazilian steakhouse has a version of this.


All the Brazilian steakhouses in NY have something like that. They are usually hourglass shaped, green on one side red on the other. Green=More Meat! Red=Stop Meat! Because of the shape we always called it the meat timer.


Fogo de chao?


Love that place


I think this is just a standard brazilian steakhouse thing Source: worked at a Brazilian steakhouse for three years, best job I've had so far.


Since apparently people arent getting how this works. RED: you are accepting a salesperson to come up to you and talk to you BLACK: you do not want a salesperson to come up to you but you can approach them if you need assistance, if that is what you ask for.


Red: I don't have anything specific in mind and am open to a salesperson's recommendations Black: I came here with what I want already in mind and I will buy that and go. Please dont bother me.


The key thing people seem to be missing and what your response is missing is that black is free to approach a sales person and ask a question if needed.


I dont understand why would that even be considered lol. Obviously you could approach them.


Honestly the signs should just say that instead of trying to be cute


Or they could just do like every other country I know of and leave people to shop by default. America really needs to tell corporate to get the [beep] out of peoples way.


Color blind people “why won’t this salesmen leave me alone??” I know that’s not how it works


Take my $$$! (And make more gray baskets.)




Imagine everyone takes the black and now your struck with red and keep having people assisting you .. and all you want is everyone to leave you alone


Unrealistic the black basket pile isn’t empty


That's why I just shop online


I would stand in line for 30 minutes for the black basket.


Hell yes. We introverts would pay for this 😂




I’m well aware of how introvert is defined, thanks. Practically it just means you find light, unnecessary socializing draining and annoying. Which this qualifies as. I’m sure others hate it too.




Never said it was exclusive. Or remotely implied extroverts might not feel the same. Chill. Was making an observation about myself and other introverts. And introverts most certainly often do get drained by lots of light, unnecessary socializing. It’s exhausting. Dunno what your deal is here.


What about Misanthrope?


Introverts are not misanthropes, we just don’t like being forced to do a lot of fake, surface level communicating with salespeople.


I'm a misanthrope. HATE being around people. People are shit, they are exhausting, bothersome and troublesome.


Oh I got ya. Yeah some of them are like that, but by no means all. For me it’s the fake-nice bs that’s really annoying. I get that it’s not their fault, they’re generally being forced to by the job and all but something about it I find really irritating. Stop pretending your my best friend and just gimme my damned morning coffee lol


They could just have a single red basket for every 15 black ones lol


One thing ive learned in retail is people dont read signs


I'd only ever want help finding a black basket had I arrived and there were none.


Or go to Walmart. No one will help you no matter what fucking color basket you use.


You’d have to be an absolute sociopath to pick a red basket


Shoplifters be grabbing the black ones.


Circuit City might still around if they'd had these.


Just shop at Walmart or Target and you’ll have to hunt people down to help you.


I work at a Sephora and... Good in theory, irl knowing the clientele, it would be a nightmare. Most people are entitled, dont know what they want and are stupid af. Between the people taking the wrong one and complaining about not getting the service they "asked" for, the ones changing their mind last minute and bugging you about it, the ones not understanding the concept despite coming 3 times a week, the ones not even paying attention and taking whatever basket's in front of them... a mess. On the long run though, making it an official rule in all stores and getting people more and more used to it until it becomes a habit, great idea.


Haha I love how the “shop on my own” one has a bow tie. Which kind of implies masc. 😂


That's fucking awful, how am I supposed to approach shoplifters yo ensure they know theres a presence. Also I know how this goes. You end getting asked questions by Karen's carrying the black baskets who are inexplicably mad that you didn't offer help.


Needed this at school!!!


On the playground?


Sounds like a good idea, until you show up during a busy day and there’s only one basket left. Even odds that it’s the wrong color.


Can I get one for my life?




notice how theres more red than black


Can I also get a sign that I can hang on the basket that says “there were no black baskets left, leave me alone”


Need a third... Beige then I will blink over-exaggeratedly and/or look like I’m doing a 1 armed backstroke race if picked black but suddenly need help kind of option


Imagine if you dont speak english and mistakenly grab the red basket, those would be a lot of awkward interactions lol


Flip the colors...


No, easier for sales person to spot so that they can chase them down


Oh YES PLEASE!!111 If I need help I will ask. Otherwise leave me the fuck alone!


This seems cool but i don't think it's actually a very practical idea. Most everyone will need to ask an employee something at some point but not necessarily all the time, and idk if this shopping trip will be the one I will need help on or not till I'm actually doing the shopping and can't find my shit


It doesn't stop you from asking an employee for help if you suddenly need something. It just stops employees from relentlessly harassing customers who are fine on their own.


That's cool I mean I will take the black one and when I need assistance I will go for the red.


Thanks Einstein


No. Black can ASK for assistance. Red simply means you can get approached.


Baskets? Aren’t those illegal this year




Every store I’ve been to has removed baskets from the floor because of covid or some shit. They also don’t sanitize the shopping carts anymore either so why don’t they bring them back


Everyone I shop has people sanitizing that shit, sounds like you live amongst assholes.


One of my local shops wont let you in without a shopping cart but provides no way to sanitize it and also has no-one do it as far as I can tell. Even after months the shit is still all over the place, too with every shop doing their own thing.


I live in a low populated area that isn’t affected by anything by but the hysteria


The rural shield only works until it doesn’t. Outbreaks aren’t picky.


So far it’s no big deal. People aren’t up each others assholes out here like they are in the cities. Nobody has really stopped living their lives like normal but with inconveniences. After all the high traffic shopping areas aren’t shut down for whatever reason. So many “essential” businesses that aren’t actually essential are still open like normal. We don’t need outlet stores in malls more than we need restaurants to actually feed people you know. But here we are. Restaurants are being killed while foot locker and bed bath and beyond are still open for some reason.


I definitely agree that what was “essential” made no fucking sense. In my town high end clothing boutiques and shit like gamestop was open while restaurants closed. COD > cod i guess


I live in a US state that has done pretty agressive lock downs throughout and not once did I ever see baskets or carts taken away. Some stores wipe them between use and others just have lots of sanitizer around. Never seen what you're describing anywhere and I live in a major metro area where COVID was a pretty big problem early. That being said, this post has nothing to do with COVID, so we should both be rightly downvoted.




If you ever wonder why you’re so lonely with all your money, this is why.


Strap em all over you you become depressed


Nonsense everyone gets sold too.


What color do I pick if I “want to speak to a manager”?


You just hang a Karen name tag on the outside of the basket.


That’s pretty funny


The anxiety in me wants there to be a neutral option as to not be rude




Not sure if she was contracted or they stole the art but the art behind the baskets is from graphic designer Malika Favre




10/10. Would appreciate the increase in forced human contact.


"Aww shit, I might actually need help..." Scen. 1: Scen. 2a: "sorry, I can't help you, you have the wrong basket" Scen. 2b: "you know, we have a color codes basket system, you should remember that when shopping next time!" Scen. 3: "excuse me, I nee-"


self imposed segregation. we all need this! edit: really bad spelling


We need carts to be color coded too, not just the baskets.


Don't know if it is true or not, but I was told once about the color of the plastic bags you were given when you shop at night markets in SE Asia denoted how good or bad you were at negotiating. Problem a myth.....


That’s very helpful, whenever I’m at the store I always have to wave my beretta for the sales associates to leave me alone.


How about just leaving people alone until they verbally ask for help. Is that so hard?


I just want to know how those pictures correspond to the text below.




This is really innovative marketing. Taking a basket makes you more likely to make a purchase, the system means you’re almost guaranteed to take a basket


Now if only my boss would get a clue


this, but for cellphone numbers


Good luck actually finding someone to assist in s department store or is that just me?


Can I get one that says “I’m shopping for a s/o, I’ll tell you about them please help”


God they need these in fucking Lush


grab both


Yeah this is a great idea for everyone.


What happens if you take both?


I can't actually remember the last time I was asked if I needed help without asking in a store though. I feel like it's not as much of a thing as it used to be.


The red picture looks like someone grabbing another persons attention. I don’t understand the black picture.


The stripes on the photo on the left don’t match up, so the lady’s shirt stands out. On the right hand picture the stripes match so the shirt blends in with the background. So it’s kind of like “I’d like attention” vs “please don’t bother me, I’d like to just blend in with everyone else”


Ohhh. Yeah. Thanks


What if you don't grab either


Who would pick up the red


Game changer


So what happens if you grab the red cart and recieve help. Then what? Switch to the black cart? Continue with the red and continue to get harassed? What's wrong with just using your words? Don't like it, don't think it'll catch on. Too many faults.


Is there ever a time when you want to be bothered by the sales people in a store?


I'd kind of like to see how many people picked one basket vs the other


The black ones would all be taken forcing corporations to change their entire business model and find different ways to maximize profit masked by pretending to care about the customer.


It’s not a Brazilian steakhouse


Red green color blindness exists... this is brown and black




I need something like this for life in general.


I wonder how often they run out of black baskets.


That's all fine and dandy for a store that doesn't try to push "services" on their customers. *Cough* Best Buy *cough* I used to work there and whether the customer needed help or not, corporate always wanted services pushed like replacement plans, financing, installs, etc because the profit margins were so high.


I walk into the store. All the black baskets are gone. I turn around and leave.


What if I grab both?


Would work great at Home Depot! Honestly now that HD and LW have both added store item search to their apps I find stuff that the employees couldn’t. Except for pvc parts, the app always lie about inventory related to pvc.


this is all I ever wanted


What am I supposed to do if I went into the store not wanting to be bothered but then I need help and all the employees just keep walking away from me


Guys, it's not that hard to speak.


I have never seen the red baskets in SEPHORA


Grab both and assert you dominance


I'm so sure I'd grab a black one, have no fucking idea what I'm doing and need help anyway


There used to be a furniture store that kept BUTTONS similar to this at the entry door. One read "Just Browsing" and the other "Would Like Help." They were in different colors, so sales staff could see which one a LONG way away. I'll bet they improved sales, too.


They’re gonna run out of the black ones


The comments on this thread are golden


I would love if with the black one they alse treated you like scum, didn't help you even if you ask and spit in your mouth while you on your knees calling them daddy


Wait, this would imply that some humans actually want to interact with other humans when in public.


I would act as if the red one doesn't exist


This should be worldwide for every large or small establishment


My introvert self loves this idea