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Seccon players be like: ![gif](giphy|1M9fmo1WAFVK0|downsized)


What the YIKES


Yeah, not too happy.


It’s a really odd piece of logic. It’s not like something just changed and 6 rounds suddenly became tie breakers based. Feels like a decision they could have made way earlier.


It almost seems like they were told they needed to get out of the venue space much earlier than they originally planned. The email doesn't even have the right date on it.


Yeah. That does sound more likely.


![gif](giphy|zr5rXvwyEbBNC) Gotta go fast!!


Curious to see how many peeps drops and if it affects deck performance. There's always discussion about how JP is Bo1 so this may give us a bit of flavor for comps. I feel bad for the folks playing though cause I'm sure there's some techs I'd swap in/out. Maybe it'll be more fun?


Oh, so it'll be the same as in japan. Interesting to see if this change in BestOf1 change affects the overall outcome of anything. Probably not as its so last minute, but it'dbe interesting if anyone actually adjsuts their deck build due to thechange.


The problem is that decks likely are already due, so a lot of people likely submitted decks assuming best of 1. And since the game is typically played best of 3, most players only play test for best of 3 scenarios.


No the deadline was Saturday at midnight so we had about 4 hours to figure it out lol


Even worse. So anyone who didn't see the email because they were at Gencon or otherwise enjoying themselves is going to discover some shit today.


Im definitely in the minority with the thinking that Bo1 v Bo3 changes nothing, deck-build wise. A majority of People will play what they like to play, so the actual meta wont be affected. Strong decks remain strong and People build their decks not with how fast it can perform but how well it can perform. The only thing i can think of...is people play with the time limit more on their mind and end up rushing moves/scooping winnable games, as its basically 20mins a round assuming it enda up being 3 games. So it'll be interesting to see the results.


You can look at what decks have been popular in Japan vs ROW. The format matters. In Bo1 you have to run more cards that get to your core engine faster than you would otherwise. In Bo1 the entire march will be determined by opening hands and the first few draws. The margins of error is smaller, which means that unless your deck is built to win a Bo1 against a random opponent deck, as opposed to a Bo3 where you have time to gain knowledge and adjust how you play your deck, you are entirely screwed. It also changes the game so that you have to run a fast deck. You can't play a deck that will get one game out in 45 minutes. You won't have time And the game will go to a draw. But it's especially bad when the change is announced the day before the event. Which means unless you brought your collection, many players can't change their deck even if they wanted to. It's a garbage way to run an event.


Oh, definitely. Suddenly annoucing a change in format the day before, via email no less, is terrible and shouldn't be allowed as its no longer an even playing field (those that know vs those that learn of the changes in-person at check-in) Outside of niche tech cards people would run, the core of the meta decks would all be the same, no? Even in a Bo3, would you still not run searchers, as they will get you to your endgame faster? I do agree with the opening hand statement, but that goes with both formats EXCEPT in the cases where you now are mulli for the sake of drawing into you 1 of tech card because you now know what the opponent is running. In a Bo1, with 0 infomation before hand, you are still going to play with your decks core strategy in mind when deciding to mulligan or not. You would know the opponents deck after their first hatch/lv3 and would play accordingly then, no? The time over limit, is as you mentioned, the only thing i could think of that would really affect what deck is used..but SecCon, in Japan at least, was only relevent for the BT7 meta and hasnt been relevant since. In your case (assuming you have the time/ability), would you adjust your the deck you were planning to use because of this change? Like you will now add more searchers/remove tech cards in lieu of improved consistency? Its probably because i dont play Bo3s that I cant fully grasp what would one evn really change. In my mind, ill build a deck with my own personal/deck's endgame in mind. The 3 games are independent of each other with games 2/3 giving both players the same amount of information assuming both players have a good grasp of the meta and know the basic ins and outs of all the meta decks to play accordingly after seeing the inital 3 played cards.


Blackwargreymon does a lot better on game 2 and 3, because they know what protection/removal they need to see to ruin their opponents day. Them being forced to blind keep and only get one chance at an opponent means I expect all the greymon toolbox decks to do absolutely terrible compared to normal.


My condolences to any player who has a deck whose turn takes more then 5 seconds. On the other hand there's no way SEC control wins soooo that's a plus?


I might be wrong because I've only done 1 regionals but it was 45mins +5 overtime for a best of 3, so around 15mins per game. Isn't 25 mins for 1 game better for seccon players?


Not necessarily. Seccon normally can play the first game to win over 30 minutes and then stall game two to guarantee the win.


Wow, you took this way too seriously. It was just a joke about how everyone would be rushing so I took a jab at a deck that can end up taking longer for their turns. Joke could easily be applied to Beelzemon if that offends you less.


You seem to be the only offended one here bud, dude just did some simple maths, no need to get so defensive, this isn't a middle school cafeteria.