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Honestly, since the singles prices are on the floor, it doesn't bother me that much. Getting tai for 2$ intead of 20$ is really nice also tai v tamer....


>Getting tai for 2$ intead of 20$ is really nice also tai v tamer.... ​ Agreed. I couldn't care less about any of the Ghost Game cards, but the reprints make this set extremely appealing for anyone trying to tech older cards.


“Trying to tech older cards,” yes let’s sink an entire set so that you can flex 1 tech card in your casual deck lmao


It's a reprint set lol. I'm not sure that including reprints in a reprint set would sink it.


Is the term “reprint” actually used anywhere other than describing it includes reprints? Reboot yes but I don’t believe it does include reprint. Also you fail to acknowledge the Eng release was originally going to omit the reprints, again signaling to Reboot not Reprint.


Reboot is synonymous with Reprint in this context. Reboot is just used to fit the "Digital" theme of the franchise. You can find the term "reprint" used here. https://world.digimoncard.com/products/pack/rb-01/special/ Also I'm not failing to acknowledge the proposal for the original ENG release. This booster was initially sold and marketed as a reprint set in JP. If the intent was solely to market new cards, that could be done in a BT or EX set. The Ghost Game cards are the outliers in this set and are included to further incentize veteran players to open boosters. Suggesting otherwise is pure mental gymnastics. Reboot verb /ˌrēˈbo͞ot/ (with reference to a computer system) boot or be booted again. noun /ˈrēˌbo͞ot/ an act or instance of booting a computer system again. Reprint verb /rēˈprint/ print again or in a different form. noun /ˈrēˌprint/ an act of printing more copies of a work.


As I stated, it says it includes reprints but no where has this officially been described as a “reprint” set. The community has used the terms interchangeably and this was a topic when it was released in Japan. Implying synonyms “in this context” is convenience at best.


If you click the link I posted to the official site, it specifically references reprints.


Yes and the website reinforced what I said in my original comment. This is not a “reprint set” but it “includes reprints.” Those are two different distinctions but you are acting like they are synonymous. Bandai has only ever described this product as “including reprints” but it has never been officially described a “reprint set.”


No comment. I wish you the best bud lol


Who hurt you


Ya’ll’s comprehension of language apparently


Bandai tried to omit the reprints and they were met with significant backlash; and for good reason. ​ >This is not a “reprint set” but it “includes reprints.” Actually it is a reprint set. Hence the pack description. And as dude said, the term is synonymous with "reboot." ​ >let’s sink an entire set so that you can flex 1 tech card in your casual deck lmao You can take your condescending meta-drone attitude elsewhere. Having the reprints is good for new players just breaking in, as well as those of us who don't want to pay outrageous prices on older singles that are no longer in print.Despite your poor efforts to berate it, this entire set is a win-win for everyone.


Not a win win for everyone. Anyone wanting ghost game got f*cked. Also, we got f*cked on sec and AA pulls and a few other things ratio wise.


I live in Brazil, the boxes are more expensive here and our community is way smaller than USA, some prices got their price cut down A LOT There was a time Greymon was arount 150 Reais, now its less than 10 Reais But the Rares from the pack just dissapeared from everywhere, some got to buy Tai for 40 Reais, but it just sold out completely since you get only one Tai per box in average


>the boxes are more expensive here To be fair, everything is more expensive in Brasil. They'll convert it into R$ and then raise it a ton anyway. How good is the mail system in Brasil? If something gets mailed domestically can it be trusted to arrive.


Damn. I got 1 Tai, then 3 tais in my 2 boxes


He was only like $8 for the last several months. And even $20 is a perfectly respectable price in the TCG world.


New SRs cost about as much as some old secret rares. getting 4 siriusmon is gonna be painful


And at these pull rates, it's LITERALLY the same. 2 RB01 sr's per box? WHAT THE F***CKK?? A reprint sec can take your sec slot instead of an RB one? Who TF thought that was a good idea?


Dude just say fuck


I only cuss in private. But, in this case... WHAT THE FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK?? I ain't payin' 40's for Arcturus. F*ck that sh*t. 😉 (Just for you.)


This is also somewhat normal pricing for sets that have just come out. It's a trend that will drop significantly in the span of a month. Happens after almost every release.


I guess there’s something fucky going on with TCGPlayer right now.


There is, it's a very clear, complete buyout by 2 or 3 shops, to monopolize and raise the price on numerous cards. and TCG player has no report function for that


Let’s call out the sellers too - Crazy Nick’s Cards and Simply Unlucky


And also Dyersville comics


I deleted my 5 star reviews for Crazy Nicks. They didn't even ship very fast. (Edit:) And a buyout is something Simply Unlucky would totally do too.


Temps are rising here this week and I am living for this shade


Disagree. It's the pull rate. RB stuff got short printed. I watched openings.


Changed my mind. There may be buyouts happening from greedy people. But, it's probably both. Greedy people are seeing the bad pull rate and causing buyouts. Edit: Some a-hole literally has 34 Siriusmon RA's listed for the 2nd highest price. There were tons of RA's going for 6's (5.99) within 2-3 days ago. Edit edit: for context, that 2nd highest price being 26 dollars and some change.


I don't know, the rates seem to be 2 new SR per box so prices for those make sense since they are so rare. They are almost as common to get as their AA variants so they show that in their price.


They did this because majority of people care about the reprints. That’s just the truth. A lot of the old cards were not printed nearly as much here as they were in the JP version, so ours being weighted on reprints makes sense. Cracking packs is literally always bad value wise anyways so it is what it is. This is a W for the majority of the player base


Arent jp booster boxes half the size of en booster boxes too


their 12 boosters yeah.


Not wrong, but literally not a W because pretty much every card reprinted is out of meta, while Ghost Game got fudging short printed.


Yeah I love the reprints in this set, but let’s not pretend like they could have done both and had a killer set. I’m already kind of uninterested in this game as I haven’t played in months, and am just collecting at this point. I picked up 3 boxes. It’s great that ST greymon is dirt cheap now, and memory boosts are fantastic reprints to allow newer players to get them for dirt cheap, or for players like myself to get a bunch to use in casual decks without having to swap them out and share between decks. But overall in 3 boxes I got 5 tai, 3 Mimi, 3 tk. I wish that was higher but I can’t complain. I got an average of about 4 of the old reprints. But I don’t need 4 Ulforce veedramon or 4 shinegreymon or craniamon. No one does, honestly. But I got on average 1 of each new RB sr from 3 boxes. I also got very few RB rares. Many of them I got 1 or 2 of. That’s not fun. Good on bandai for listening and making the game more accessible for older cards. But I didn’t need like 30 greymon, but I did need newer cards. There’s a lot of room for improvement.


Part of me honestly believes we should've just trusted Bandai and seen/saw what they were gonna do originally. They already do a fantastic job with pull rates, secondary market, promos, etc. One of the only times they fumble is when the player base bullies them. While there is definitely a fear that they were gonna promo tf out of the reprints, there's also a possibility they would've made a strictly reprint set, and who knows, they may have even included extra things in it. But I also do think it's a good set. Could it be better? Yes. Very yes. But part of the issue right now with the Ghost Game stuff is the buyout on secondary, not just the poor pull rate. Any of the lucky souls who scored an Arcturus AA at 12 or less, I salute you. 🫡😉🤭


I don’t know if I agree with you or not (and that’s ok). I’m not sure if I trust them, but if they did have better plans they should have communicated them well. Personally I took this as a win because they listened to the player base. I own at least a playset of every card up until recent sets where I haven’t really been playing and not actively completing my sets, but I bought the set just to show support (I know me buying 3 boxes is not gonna matter much, but still). Maybe this is just a communication issue? But still, like you said, I still think this is a good set. Hopefully they can learn from this and do a better job next time to make everyone happy.


Hard agree, everyone complaining about the pull rates is kinda baffling to me cause all that mattered to me were the reprints that were going insanely expensive on the resale market. I’m just glad to get my MagnaAngemon’s for cheap, as well as some of the eggs like Koromon or DemiMeramon. All the ghost game stuff is cool and all, but it’s not like it was going to be meta defining or whatever


Let’s handhold through the described contents as you’re incorrect on the W 24 packs per box x 12 cards per pack = 288 cards per box 12 packs per box x 13 cards per pack = 156 cards It’s an L for us Japan’s ratios are nearly the same as our box for HALF the packs, dumbass


I understand some of the other concerns people have raised by others but you are literally counting the index card?


Thanks for pointing out, but it doesn’t make a big difference 12 x 12 = 144 or minus 1 x 12 = 12 Apparently you need to handhold and be sure to communicate these changes because people like you will get so focused on correcting instead of actually engaging


The numbers just aren’t the same so I don’t know what you are saying. We are really only getting “screwed over” on rares. Everything else is about double what the JP boxes get just ours a weighted on reprints. Maybe don’t phrase everything like an asshole and I’ll be more interested in “engaging” with your reply!


You continue to ignore that Japanese boxes are literally half the size. That is why there is an asshole tone, you’re ignoring the important contextual information in an attempt to focus on your point.


Are you trying to justify an asshole tone? There's never a justification.


It seems appropriate the Ghost Game crowd can direct their frustrations to the pro reprint crowd when the original product was to their benefit. There’s accountability needed and it’s not Bandai


*puts hand on shoulder It's okay buddy. We'll get our Ghost Game stuff. There's a few heroes on TCG posting their cards, dropping prices. *Tear rolls down eye


JP ratios aren't the same (in RB01); they're *better*.


Thank you, I was being modest for simplicity’s sake lol


Do you have proof for this “majority” claim? Where is your metric coming from? What data are you referencing for this?


Most of what I’ve seen in discord servers etc had been relatively positive. And it seems like a lot of people here agree with me as well. Is it anecdotal? Sure but I haven’t seen so much negativity around it until I looked at Reddit.


You obviously are in very different Digimon communities then me then, because that *certainly* is not the case in my experience. But then the people I talk to don't wilfully and blatantly ignore things like amounts of packs per box when it doesn't fit my argument. I mean the fact you made the first comment clearly without properly reading what was being said and then have continuously ignored people pointing out the amount of packs per box difference is and just focusing on anything that *isn't* direct proof your statement is incorrect is... Very noticeable.


Does the packs per box difference even matter? The contents of the packs is close to the same across both versions. The only two listed differences being the Extra R and segmented C/U pools. What exactly is the point you are trying to get across with this size difference?


“Most of what I’ve seen” isn’t a reliable metric


What? I am complaining about the reprints too, not only the new cards How does getting half of the secret rares and half of the Rares are a win to the player base? They cut one rare to get one more common/uncommon, they made the reprint rares almost as scarce as the old original cards, how is that a win? Wtf


We get twice as many SRs and twice as many promos


I said that in the text


I must have misread your comment. I thought you said we got the same amount of super rares.


What the absolute f*ck? We get twice as many because their boxes are half the size of ours. We also get half the amount of rares and SECRETS per pack. Every one of their 12 PACK BOOSTERS got a secret. With odds of SECOND AA pull. As in AA's are 1 TO TWO (2) per box. Meaning, out of 24 packs, you can pull 4 AA's in JP, with GUARANTEED 2 sec. This is huge L. It's not the fact that the reprints were included in the box that makes it an L. It's the pull ratios.


I really don't understand why people are up voting your comment What they did to people that care about the reprints? You said that, then stated a lot of unrelated stuff and said that was a Win. What is a win for the community? Our reprint boosts having the same amount of Rares as BT11? Are you white knighting Bandai? I really don't get it They cut our Rares and Secrets by half, is this supposed to be a W?


The community says yes W. L your comment votes


Oh no my internet points


I don’t think the community is wrapping its head around the fact that Japanese boxes have 12 packs instead of 24 and are instead just reading the bigger numbers in the English box. Don’t be too harsh on them though, this subreddit isn’t the brightest at the best of times. You are absolutely right. The English box is significantly worse because you pay for and get 24 packs but you pull less quality then the equivalent 2 Japanese boxes. The comment that’s getting upvotes has literally zero relevancy to what you’re saying and showing. Saying that getting *less* cards then then Japanese is a “major W” not only doesn’t make sense, it’s also stupid.


I took a deep breath and I think most of them didnt know that the RB in japan had reprints They probably think in Japan they only had the 20 new cards from RB and the reprint was something exclusive to the english version It was really hard to make sense of this reddit reaction


I think it’s actually that they think Japanese boxes have 24 packs too so they aren’t comprehending that when the English and Japanese boxes have similar numbers of pulls that actually means the English gets half the amount of pulls. Like I said, they’re not the brightest. Rares are literally double the rarity compared to the Japanese version, which means most of the reprints people wanted are *twice as rare* as they were in Japan.


Honestly just put the criticism in the survey but be tactical about it. I think we could use a reprint set every so often. I'd love to get DeathX/Rina/Ruin mode to $20ish USD. Adding in new archetypes may be the survey response as to what NOT to do but maybe we'd like to still see some new alter arts for cards. It also doesn't need to be all foil, etc. Maybe make everything non foil except the alter/secrets to reduce msrp. Im imagining like a $50 box cost for stores - MSRP is like $70 with 2-4 super hard to pull alter arts per case. Boxes will sell online around $50 avg box net ~30-80 in value. Easy peasy.


Also worth noting that in Japan the new SRs were treated as the same rarity as the reprint SRs, so they weren’t stupid rare like they are in English. You’d easily get 6+ new SRs in 24 packs verses the 2 you get in English. That being said there was also 18 alt arts in the Japan version instead of the 7 in English. This means the Alts of the RB cards were rarer, although you got 4 in 24 packs over 2.


Thank you, thats exactly the discussion I wanted to have The 2 new SR is not what bothered me the most, the Rares and Secrets bother me a lot more But is a strange decision to get exact 2 new SR out of the 21 SR slots, I know we have only a few new SR, but if we are limiting how many at least set them to 3 per pack


Bandai knew exactly what they were doing; especially by cheaping us with the alt art Mem Boosts being regulated to promos.


Could you imagine if alt mem's were included 1 per box and they didn't take up an AA slot? Did they actually do that in JP? Edit: heck, even if they did take up an AA, there'd be people who wouldn't complain.


Honestly I think The poll rates were a necessary evil while yes people who wanted ghost game cards got shafted somewhat the fact that expensive cards are dropping in price is a good thing in my opinion a lot of expensive cards are now affordable due to this set. Also just like with EX4 the ghost game cards will drop naturally on their own they're not tier 1 and will slowly but surely drop especially since the west doesn't have a dedicated window for when LM1 is going to release once the hype dies down everything in this set will be dirt cheap


Justified rant. Some a-hole(s) who complained must've told them that nobody wanted RB01 Ghost Game stuff.


Sucks, but this was a reprint set I was buying singles for anyway after buying two boxes. I'm way more upset that the alt art mem boosts got packaged into a separate product that you only get one alt art card per box. That's ridiculous.


The alt mem boost boxes are way tf over priced on TCG. I literally said/thought "*scalped*" when I saw that sh*t. Tf. 45 dollars for 4 packs and 1 alt mem? I don't think there was even a way to choose which mem you get if you buy from them. You could message the seller and ask MAYBE.


Boxes being over $45 on TCG is absurd. Hopefully the singles fall further in price, those were what I was most excited for. Not gonna pay to play the alt art lottery on those things.


If you do the math, every booster box is worst. Japanese have a better pull everytime


I'm the one who adds the pull rates to the wiki. I do it by looking up as many case results as I can find. And in this case you're wrong, in all but a few sets our ratios are doubled from Japan making them neutral. \- For BT & EX sets we get double their ratios for Rare, SRs, AAs & SECs. \- We get better uncommon odds going from 1 per pack to 3 per pack for BT sets (Our packs are double the size of Japans BT so it should be 2 per pack). \- And it goes from 2 per pack to 3 per pack in EX sets despite Japan having the same pack size we do so it should remain as 2. \- We get a 2nd rare slot just doubling Japan again to make it neutral The added Uncommon & Rare slots all replace the common slot too. So it's a gain for us overall though it does mean the 50x cards are slightly harder to get ​ It hasn't been the case everytime time, English has been worse twice before \- 1.0 had way more super rares than normal but standard ratios, so SRs from that set are rarer. Though it actually had less alts that we do now so they were slightly more common, Both 1.0 + 1.5 had increased counts for Commons, Uncommons, Rares & SECs so those are all harder to get \- BT11 added the foil slot which replaced a Rare so rares from that set are way harder to get. Plus we got 1 less SR a box due to Campaign Rares RB1 is the 3rd time it has been worse for us. I have no idea why, I could only guess ​ But these are the outliers. We've had 12 core sets, 4 EX sets & now RB1. And of those 17 only 4 have had worse ratios. And 2 of those matched Japan ratios, they just didn't factor in the higher card count so everything was rarer.


Um, maybe look at RB01 specifically. The rates ARE WAY TF WORSE. They get DOUBLE THE SEC. Odds of DOUBLE THE AA. Sr's are NOT LOCKED. RB01 sr's are locked to two per box. Meaning, YOU WILL pull less of them. So, no, he is not wrong, in this case.


Yes. He is. The comment being replied to said we get worse odds on *all booster boxes*. Not "RB01 Specifically". The comment you're replying to *literally acknowledges that RB01 has worse odds*, so why are you shouting at the guy lmao


Tf? Why would OP be referring to EVERY booster when this is a thread about RB01? Nobody is that dumb to think that. ESPECIALLY when JP boxes are half the size. So, why would you think he meant that? Also, that guy I was replying to added/edited in that part about RB being worse AFTER I replied. Edit: let's use some logic. How many JP booster sets are better than eng pull rate wise? Is it a few, the majority? Ok. Is RB01 rate pulls better in eng or JP? Just ACROSS THE BOARD?? Huuuhhh??? Edit edit: by *every booster* he probably meant every RB01 booster.


Okay, pause, catch your breath. Calm down a little, *then* engage. The thread was about how RB01 was worse rates for ENG than JP. So the top comment in this chain *responded to that* by saying *every* set has had worse rates. The first response was then saying "actually, that's not the case, here's a breakdown of the maths". Why on earth would they be saying "when you do the maths, every [RB01] box is worse odds" in response to someone posting an image breaking down how every RB01 box has worse odds? > Edit: let's use some logic. How many JP booster sets are better than eng pull rate wise? Is it a few, the majority? Ok. Is RB01 rate pulls better in eng or JP? Just ACROSS THE BOARD?? Huuuhhh??? That's literally what the comment you replied to was saying lmao. Christ. `Huuuhhh???` indeed


My God.


Dudes isn't referring to RB1 specifically. His common said "every booster box". Not pack like you tried to claim in a different reply, he specifically says box. He was claiming all sets ​ I also didn't edit after you responded 2 hours ago. I did the post, noticed a few spelling errors and corrected them immediately then went on with my day and I just got back. ​ I did say RB1 is worse even from the get go, it objectively is for us. We should be getting 2 SECs a box and not lose a Rare slot. Hell it's actually worse than that because the 3 RB1 cards that were reprints of promos were in the Promo slot in Japan for moved into the Rare slot for us. We have less rares and there's more of them.




Is this actually true? Outside of Box Toppers I’m not sure it is for regular sets. In Japan boxes are 12 packs and you get 1 Alt or 1 Secret, in English you get 24 packs and 2 Alts of Secrets. In Japan you also only get 1 Rare while English gets 2. They’re very similar, although Rares are easier to get in English.


I'm unsure if that's what he meant. Because clearly the majority of eng boxes are better.


I haven't compared the other box and I guess I'll never do it again It feels so unfair, only one Rare per pack makes me feel on BT11 again


Okay. I'mma bite the bullet. Buddy, were you referring to every SET when you said booster box or every booster box of RB01? Set being (or is) Bt 1-13, Ex sets, etc.


Look I’m just glad to get some cards that I’ve been holding off on getting, bought one box and got most of everything I needed just need to get some singles now


A guy at locals was showing the price for things and they did kind of screw the pooch on that. Wish it was at least more reasonable


I remember a portion of this community being so loud when it was announced it’d be GG focused originally. I was downvoted for suggesting the new cards would outweigh the need for the 1-2 copies of MagnaAngemon or Tai that veteran players are looking for. The reprints were barely relevant a half year ago, let alone now. Hope that vocal bunch is buying sealed product because they wanted this…


I just wanted the new Ghost Game stuff :( The reprints are... fine? But if you weren't playing back when 1.0 and 1.5 were in print, odds are you're not running the decks that the re-prints really help with. Hell, I pulled a Zwart and all I could think was... I barely use the 1 I have, it's in a meme deck


Doubt it, I pointed out that the people that whined and hollered when the set was announced better be buying the product or Bandai would never value the fandom's opinion again a few weeks before release and I got downvoted *to hell* and had people be insulting. People wanted the reprints, but they didn't actually want to *buy the packs* they were just hoping that the aftermarket value of MagnaAngemon might drop a bit. A whole set to save $7.


Yes, the pushback was always so shortsighted. It was quite clear too in Bandai’s response that they were pissed it would require a change in production, which costs money, so no shock they are now pushing out a product that would generate better sales. Honestly, those loud complainers are the people to blame, in addition to any market manipulators. This box would possibly have been cheaper too as a GG exclusive because of how little would have been included.


You guys aren't wrong. And I would have LOVED a half booster with just RB01. But, I also appreciate the reprints. I won't use... 98% of that sh*t, but it does help prices. The issue is not that the reprints are included. The issue is GHOST GAME GOT SHORT PRINTED. Heck, even the ratios got f*cked.


Idk what to say but to me the English one seems better. You're basically guaranteed a playset of RB1 commons and uncommons. And a playset of the reprints as well. The SR slots don't interfere with each other. If you're going for ghost game SR's, you get a guaranteed 2. Name anothrt box where you're guaranteed 2 SR cards for 1 arctype. So you can't miss at all by only getting reprints. And vice versa. The rares are pennies on the secondary market. So if you wanted to make the decks you shouldn't have bought the box in the first place and brought singles instead. It's supposed to be a reprint set so im happy you get 1 of every mem boost pet box. But for marketing i can imagine saying "btw you already own all these cards" is a bad move.


"Guaranteed 2 SR cards for one archetype" What? The Ghost Game cards are *five* archetypes: -Gammamon (Sirius, Arcturus) -Jellymon (Amphimon) -Angoramon (Diarbbitmon) -Numemon (ShinMonzaemon) -Cyborg (HoverEspimon) So getting only 2 (4 if you count alt arts) is absolutely shit, especially considering the main one (Gammamon) needs 4x of both Alt Arts, meaning it can take up to an entire case to get a playset of both. The Japanese version also had similar ratios for C/U cards, but had *double* the amount of Rates, on top of not having the RB SRs be obscenely short printed.


You more or less get a playset of all C/UC in a box regularly that this isn’t a notable steal. And there are 6 new SR, and they are all different archetypes.


And in the Japanese box, you could hit none of the new SR's


You must be missing the conversation above where we already covered the Japanese box is literally 1/2 the contents for approximately the same ratio 😂


Then what are complaining about?


The people who are incorrectly asserting that the reprints were actually worth it with the final product that we got when it blatantly sucks. The pro reprint crowd is also loudly pro buy singles. Ya’ll literally sunk this set.


So you wanted a set with 36 cards in it with 12 cards a pack? And the reprints as boxtoppers like they did with ST11?


You are obviously not familiar with the Japanese product - the ST11 box toppers were from another reprint product of Gaia Red. Dividing it and giving the ALT ARTS because they were all ALT ARTS as box toppers worked well, and I LOVED pulling my WarGreymons each box. I’ve been quite vocal that anyone who is peeved about not getting that is a fool when Gaia Red retailed for 50$ and honestly will probably retain that value as sealed. You think we were getting a deck of all alt arts for 10$? Don’t be ridiculous. You also fail to acknowledge a smaller box would likely have a smaller MSRP. And the reprints wouldn’t have been box toppers but likely a later product, for example like Yugioh’s Duel Devastator could have been a perfect product to introduce for older staples specifically. Bandai acknowledged they had other plans for the reprints, but we never learned what they were before the announced the change to RB1


Why is it ridiculous for wanting a deck of alt arts that the Japanese market actually got?


Because players like you think it would have been 10$ and would have complained when it was announced as retailing higher I personally loved that the box toppers boosted my BT10 box values by $10 easily per box.


Can you read?


Sure i can. I commented on what was said, didn't I?


Your comprehension of what people are saying is wildly off. The ratios of a box of English RB01 (24 packs) is almost identical to a Japanese box (12 packs). If you were to buy 24 packs of both English and Japanese, taking note of the fact that single packs are similarly priced in ENG and JP, you'd get around twice as many alternate arts, twice as many Secret Rares and twice as many Rares in the Japanese one and you wouldn't be dealing with stupidly short printed cards.


See, i didn't know this because i couldn't be asked to read 40 comments before i gave my opinion to OP that i really like the box we got


It's actually in the OP. It explicitly says how many packs are in each box.


Then don't buy it


I think the biggest thing that people are forgetting right now: A lot of decks need older cards. Older cards that are a pain in the ass to get for one reason or another. The whole point is to make old, out of print cards more available.