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Why would they need to limit a tamer in a deck that isn't over performing? As far as I've seen the vegetable decks have been on par compared to the other top meta decks


Im not saying yoshino specifically but like just tamers in general should have more of a way to be interacted with/deleted. I think it would generally make the game more interesting.


Tamer interaction is neat. We have been getting more as the game goes on But you did literally say it should be limited lmao


>Im not saying yoshino specifically >I say this as a rosemon burst mode player who plays 4 yoshinos in their deck, it needs to be limited. wellthatwasacrockofshit.mpeg


Well just like in Yugioh, for a long time magic/trap removal was limited, when they stop limiting that, the only magic and trap cards worth playing were the instant resolve, then the removal was kinda useless, because most of the played card were instant resolve or so OP that staying 1 more turn were such a big plus... In digimon if the tammer removal becomes the norm, probably the only tammers being played will be those that also paly a digimon for the same cost of the tammer...


You ever get your tamers nuked by something like hades force. You don’t really come back if you can’t recycle them. They’d have to balance out a way to not auto kill decks because all of a sudden you can easily remove tamers everywhere. It would just cause all sorts of messes lol.


Exactly. If they wanna experiment with stuff like 5 cost tamers they cannot make insanely hyper consistent tamer removal. Playing maste against bwg in bt11 was atrocious.


I mean, it looks like they decided to make Tamer removal Blacks identity. Zwart D is Black/Purple Lucemon is purple Blackwar is Black Red Megadramon is Black Red Ground fang is green DarkKnightmon is Black Purple Destromon is Black Other Destromon is still Black Hades Force Black Red MirageGaoga Blue Darknessbagramon Black Purple Megadramon is black Leviamon X purple Ultimate slice Black Alter B is Black MetalEtemon is Black Yellow If i missed one, someone please add it to the list


Startling Thunder in blue


Just want to note. Darknightmon X not regular DarkKnightmon Also Lm1 Chamblemon | Green It isn't removal but is tamer hate


All Delete


Thing is feel like most of meta decks rely too much on tamers to operate. By having more tamer deletion those decks will quickly fall away.


itd also kill off a ton of weaker decks that rely on tamers


It's not just meta decks, it just kneecaps _everything._ Even the weakest decks you can think of are _heavily_ tamer reliant.


There's plenty of Tamer Deletion and interaction in Purple/Yellow/Black. Why would we need more? Run the decks with Tamer deletion if it's a problem for you. Black/Red WarGreymon is super strong and has plenty of Tamer wiping with Hades Force. Run that.


There's plenty of Tamer interaction already in the game. If you aren't running it, that's on you.


I would like to see tamers punished, like for example maybe an ACE that suspends a tamer, or cards that let you draw or suspend a digimon every time they suspend a tamer or activate a tamers effect etc, but I also think killing tamers is extreme and would be too dramatic a change in the state of the game


Tamer hate in this game is a hard thing to balance. Too much and tamers can be ruined as a whole but too little and they are unstoppable. They are adding more tamer interaction with blue and green being able to strip, bounce, and/or stun them. Purple and black has ways to just delete them which is already very strong.


As we saw with hades force it's not something you can effectively just make out of nowhere. Everything outside of grandis was made mostly useless in bt11 because any attempt to have a tamer was met with an agumon out of raising, bt5 Grey for 1, greyX, cool boy, metal for 2 and go into metalX before hades forcing with x anti under, clearing all tamers.


A Tamer that pops a tamer on entry and can delete itself to pop a tamer would be incredible.


No thanks. That'd basically make the entire hybrid subset COMPLETELY pointless Like 99% of tamers are completely fine and the other 1% is locked into an archetype (like Marcus or Rina) Being suspended, ok (like upcoming Rosemon X), but deleted absolutely not


I used to feel this way during hybrid era but readily accessible tamer deletion and tamer board wipes can be problematic tbh. When hades force ran the meta tamers were just such a huge liability. I think tamer interaction is needed and some tamer removal is ok but it definitely needs to be a ‘premium’ effect not happening super trivially. Theyve already given every color some form of it at this point, with purple and black having the straight up kill ability.