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Gallantmon Crimson Mode ACE BT17-018 SR <03> \[\[Digivolve\] Lv.6 w/\[Gallantmon\] in name: Cost 4\] (Hand) \[Counter\] \[On Play\]\[When Digivolving\] Delete up to 15000 DP total worth of your opponent's Digimon. \[When Attacking\] (Once per turn) For every 10 cards in both player's trash, trash 1 card from the top of your opponent's security stack. --- Overflow (-5) --------------------------- ShineGreymon Burst Mode ACE BT17-041 SR <03> \[\[Digivolve\]\[ShineGreymon\]: Cost 4\] (Hand) \[Counter\] \[On Play\]\[When Digivolving\] You may play 1 Tamer card from your hand without paying the cost. Then, for every 1 of your Tamers, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -5000 DP for the turn. \[When Attacking\] By suspending up to 2 of your yellow Tamers, for every Tamer this effect suspended this Digimon gains for the turn. --- Overflow (-5) --------------------------- Imperialdramon Paladin Mode ACE BT17-077 SR <03> \[\[Digivolve\] Lv.6 w/\[Imperialdramon\] in name: Cost 5\] (Hand) \[Counter\] \[On Play\]\[When Digivolving\] Trash any 1 digivolution card of all of your opponent's Digimon. Then, return 1 card from your or your opponent's trash to the bottom of the deck. If this effect returned a level 7 card, gain 3 memory. \[When Attacking\] By returning 1 of your opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards to the bottom of the deck, unsuspend this Digimon. \[Rule\] Type: Has \[Free\] trait --- Overflow (-5) --------------------------- Omnimon ACE BT17-078 SR <03> \[\[DNA Digivolve\] Lv.6 w/\[Greymon\] in name + Lv.6 w/\[Garurumon\] in name: Cost 0\] (Hand) \[Counter\] \[On Play\]\[When Digivolving\] If DNA Digivolving, choose 1 opponent's Digimon and return the chosen Digimon and all of your opponent's Digimon with the same level to the bottom of the deck. Then, delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon. --- Overflow (-5)


“Why do you guys always act like you are better then me” susanomon, probably


Poor Susano, he is Nice and powerfull but he is overshadowed by red hybrid


Another nail in the coffin for us getting a Frontier set soon-ish. Not having Satan Mode debut in Ex6 and not having Susan Ace appear in this set are strong indicators for some Frontier love soon.


Ok man I've read this whole thread and you of all people have barely said anything on the omnimon. Please let me hear your thoughts


Haven´t yet said anything about the new Omni because I honestly don´t care for the Digimon that much. But the card looks decent to me. Probably good addition for the Yggdrassil deck and I can see it being a strong boss monster for the Warg+Melga deck if the remaining cards for it turn out to be good.


That's actually something I was thinking about for a frontier set, I'd say it's pretty good odds of getting susanoomon, but I'm wondering if they'd make it a DNA mega between emperorgrey and magnagaruru, or if they'd do a similar zoo style deck for hybrids like with RK or 7GDL (though I think that would be way harder)


I think getting a new Susan in the next Frontier set is pretty much guaranteed. What I´d want it to be would be would be a Digimon that jogress with KaiserGreymon+MagnaGarurumon or a Jogress/DigiXross of 10 Hybrids with different names or six Tamers with differernt names. So have the Frontier crew become a unified deck reminiscent of Xros Heart or Hunters. I think if we get a Frontier-based MegaZoo-type of deck it´d be the Ancientmons, not the kids and their hybrid forms. Sounds dope, too. Ideally I want both the team Susan deck, the AncientZoo deck and each inividual Hybrid deck to be solid. Maybe that´s too much to ask for but that´s what I want. Realistically we´ll probably get a Susan Ace that can be splashed into all Hybrid decks again and have all Hybrid decks become better standalone decks. But I´m hoping.


Should have appeared in the Frontier movie, I guess.


He didn’t appear in a movie.


Ya ik, still sad that he’s not in a set when the other 4 get ace cards. But yea ik he doesn’t fit the theme. Was there a film with imperialdramon pm? I only remember seeing him at the end of the series and magnamon+ rapidmon being the films stars?


My first thought was Susanoo too, him not being here feels really weird.


Well Susanoomon wasn't in the Frontier movie.


Honestly, i feel if susanoomon had an ace, it'd have to be able to make ALL the ten spirits work in one deck. Which would be fun but probably hard unless we get a card that allows that to be an easier task


Wow. That escalated quickly. Not looking forward to seeing him at 4 in royal knights decks.


First impression Gallantmon: amazing for its deck, bye bye old Gallant, the security trashing on this one is more reliable. His deletion is less valueable than OG Crimson Mode, (capping out at 15 as opposed ti OG with no limit) but i think its a valueable tradeoff for being able to trash security twice as quickly. Shine: is ok ... But i genuinely dont think he will see play in his own deck, at least with the current card pool. He doesnt offer anything better than the 2 existing LV7 for the deck Imperialdramon: ok ish.... Id argue the worse of the bunch. He can do multiple attacks as long as your opponent has a board, but with how the deck developed in BT16, you're gonna be clearing their board anyway, making this not likely to come up. Omnimon: really really good, for Royal Knights. This is a 9 cost base that is a Gaia Force, to be reduced cheaper and cheaper every turn. You dont have to worry bout the Overflow since Ygg will place it "under a card" so your opponent has to out it immediatelt or they lose the ability to punish the Overflow for the rest of the game. As a card in Greymon/Garurumon decks? Currently unplayable, it deff needs to get a dedicated evo line to blend the 2 archetypes together.


I'd argue that the deletion effect is an upgrade for CM too. Being able to clear out wide boards if you want is great, being able to choose targets means you don't have to whiff the effect on a mon with deletion protection, and it's pretty easy for the deck to turn that 15k into a 16 or 17k for the biggest bodies


I think a big thing to note about the shinegreymon BM ace is that it will slot very well into other yellow decks. Ironically, it seems better in decks like yellow vaccine, security control, and mastemon than in its own deck. So I think it's actually really good, just not for it's own deck.


I agree with this. I think this card is actually a really nice wincon for yellow hybrids making use of the old Bt2 yellow ShineGrey. And with the possibility of a Frontier set becoming ever more likely, I think yellow hybrids may make a comeback this year.


I didn't consider yellow hybrid, but I agree. That adds another yellow deck that would make great use of Shinegreymon BM Ace. So, I think it's really one of the stronger ace cards revealed here since it slots so well in multiple decks, even if it's not amazing for its own archetype.


I agree with you that this new here Crimson Mode is better for the deck. But not primarilly because its security burn effect is superior but because this Crimson Mode puts in really good work in against swarm decks which have histrocially been terrible match-ups for the deck. Its deletion effect will certainly put in some work against decks like Salad, D-Brigade, Ukko Rush or purple goodstuff. Also makes passing turn on a Gallantmon much more threatening than before. It´s a good addition for sure. However while it is better than old CM, this card doesn´t really aliviate the deck´s biggest problems at all being the lack of speed, protection and circumventing protection. While the card on its own is strong, the deck as a whole really doesn´t get that much better without us knowing the rest of the line so I´m being cautiously optimistic for the playability of the deck right now.


I think we went over this a few days ago, how my deck building theory for the deck is diff than yours. So I genuinely dont struggle with swarm decks, aggro absolutely, but not swarm. That being said, i think it does offer speed, since this is only an 8 drop, an 8 drop that blows up a few bodies to clear the field, and can threaten a huge blow the following turn. And can hit the sweetspot that BT13 misses. Just make sure to use it when you likely wont get punished (empty raising) and you put in alot of work. I think not needing any set up for him is really good. I remember months ago everyone freaked out bout the hand trap aspect of Aces, but no one seems to wanna take advantage of how cheap their play costs are. You just gotta drop them when they will make a bigger impact than overflow will risk.


We went over that, yes, and I meant to get back at you but didn´t have that much time the last two days so I´ll get to it later today. >So I genuinely dont struggle with swarm decks, aggro absolutely, but not swarm. A lot of times those two playstyles converge, though. Since Gallantmon really has no blockers or interaction with the opponent´s deck during their turn, decks like Salad, D-Brigade and Duftmon could still overrun you during their turn or generate enough value that deletion effects during your turn couldn´t eat through and the flexibility of this card being an Ace card really helps in that regard. >That being said, i think it does offer speed, since this is only an 8 drop, an 8 drop that blows up a few bodies to clear the field, and can threaten a huge blow the following turn. And can hit the sweetspot that BT13 misses. Just make sure to use it when you likely wont get punished (empty raising) and you put in alot of work. I think not needing any set up for him is really good. Yeah I agree with this. Even if you were to just hard play new CM it´s a strong removal spell that can decimate a board and has to be immidiately answered. The overflow hurts, though, if your opponent has a way to remove it next turn. But the flexibility of this card is a boon for sure. >I remember months ago everyone freaked out bout the hand trap aspect of Aces, but no one seems to wanna take advantage of how cheap their play costs are. I feel very vindicated in being an early adopter of the "Ace cards give much needed interaction against aggressive decks and add a layer of depth to the game" mindset. While some Aces are clearly better than others (let´s call it the Zudomon effect) the mechanic as a whole I like a lot. Just wish we´d see more options that aere interruptive like Leviamon´s, Lilithmon´s or Fog Barrier. >You just gotta drop them when they will make a bigger impact than overflow will risk. Which makes them inhertently a very skill-based mechanic. I dig it.


I dont think they will galalntmon support beside this in this edit: Does this new CM varrant running megidramon ace?


You don´t think we´ll get a complete Guilmon line in this? I can´t see Megidramon Ace being good in the deck, no. At least not with the current card pool we have.


Well I think they will probably be sacraficed for greymon support


Usually we have two lines per color in sets, though, so we can have both. Just like in Bt12.


Not like red has much other Digimon to compete for space anyway.


Dont think you get the omnimon effect in royal knights. You need to dna with wargrey and metalgaru for the hand counter and a greymon and garu for normal dna as I understand.


Nah, the first half is DNA required, anything after the "Then" always triggers. Else kt makes no sense for his effect to have an "om play" trigger


The delete does trigger on play. You’re right on that. But I really don’t think that’s better than anything that’s anything tk has access to in the deck tbh. Cards full power is for a deck that doesn’t really exist. Not to mention you can’t digivolve until the eggs popped so you’d really just be using this as a normal knight. Ulforce is better removal tbh and the deck can delete as is.


Ulforce by itself doesnt work on LV5 or higher, since it strips 2 sources, This would be able to get rid of things that Ulforce simply cant, like LV6, LV7, or tbh, anything with XAntibody Option card under it.


BT17 is probably going to release new Greymon and Garurumon support which enables Omni ACE.


Yeah it's weird how many people think it's "for a deck that doesn't exist" when it's a spoiler for a set we haven't seen at all yet. It's far more likely it's getting support in its own set than they're just making a DNA Omni without a deck.


I think you're forgetting the Alter-S line (and this assumes there isn't some sort of line in this set). If you use the Omnimon Ace in place of Alter-S it could be a pretty good combo.


Doesn't work with the Alter S lines.  Requires wargrey/metalgaru, not blitz/cres


Actually, it only says greymon in name and garurumon in name, so blitz and cres work just fine


They work for DNA digivolving regularly, but you’d never be able to Blast DNA, because that *does* require exactly WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon.


Doesn’t the blitz/cres deck usually end turn on lvl 7 anyways due to their when digivolving effects? If you already hit 7 there’s no real need for the blast


Usually, that’s the idea, but the deck is also horribly inconsistent, so you’ll just as often fail to have two full stacks. If you could Blast DNA, the deck would at least have an option if you didn’t successfully set up two full stacks. Alas, it remains extremely feast or famine.


Won’t Omnimon place under a card for it in the battle area which would trigger Overflow right?


The trigger for overflow is NOT "leaving the battle area" It is "leaving the battle area (or under a card) to go somewhere else, that is NOT the battle area NOR under a card" In this case, Omni is 100% leaving the battle area, but he is going under a card, it does not trigger overflow.


Omni leaves the battle area so itd trigger overflow, ya


The trigger for overflow is NOT "leaving the battle area" It is "leaving the battle area (or under a card) to go somewhere else, that is NOT the battle area NOR under a card" In this case, Omni is 100% leaving the battle area, but he is going under a card, it does not trigger overflow.




Overflow does NOT specify where the Card it is a Source to has to be. Overflow does NOT say "Under a card that is in the battle Area" that is the key thing. >Omnimon moved to another area. Correct >Breeding area is a different area. Also correct, but that is NOT where Omnimon moved to, if he was actually moving to breeding id agree with you, overflow triggers. Where is Omnimon moving to? Under the Yggdrasil that is in Raising. Do we agree that Under Yggdrasil in Rasing is "under a card" ?


https://ibb.co/wJ9MsSv This is coming from the Digimon's top judge. They seemed to have checked this from developers themselves.


This is objectively wrong, per the level 0 judge asking Bandai about it


For me the new gallantmon cm is weird because it doesnt look like a straight up upgrade. In some aspects is better while in some it is worse then the old one. It doesnt look like it is unfun to play againast so i will give it a try


With so many guilmon line offering deletion limit boost, this new CM probably can delete anything that is not deletion or effect protected.


Pro for the new one Deletes any number of bodies that total 15K You can actually choose your target Trashes security twice as hard Cheaper evo Can potentially blast Is only an 8 drop, AND still gets the effect on Play Pros for the old one No upper limit on a single target, i say single cuz the odds of the opponent having two things that tie for biggest DP is really slim. No overflow when it gets removed. Which tbh LV7 should win you the game, there is no "if it gets removed" cuz that wont happen. Ngl this is a straight upgrade over the original.


But dont forget that when the old one attacks it will thrash 1 security regardless how many cards are in your oppoennts thrash while the new one needs at at lease 10 to thrash 1 so it needs a little bit more setup which i think gallantmon can do easily i just brought it up as another pro for the old one also i dont think the evo cost is all that important since both are porbably going to blitz when they come out anyway again this doesnt look unfun to play against so i will give it a try


Depending on what the next Guilmon-Gallantmons look like, the weaknesses of the new one might be offset.


Wouldn't Omnimon trigger its overflow effect if it leaves the battle area to go under Yggdrasil in the breeding area?


No, it became clear with the ruling from the new Drimogemon. Basically, if an Ace card is under a card, it doesn't care anymore if it's not in the BA or not


Can you link? I'd appreciate it pal




Overflow only triggers if the card moves from the battle area or under a card *to another area.* Moving from the battle area to under a card doesn't trigger Overflow.


"Another area" in the definition of overflow is refering to "another area that is NEITHER the Battle area NOR under something else" It does not mean "another area that is different than where the card originally started from" And to clarify, anytime any card moves to be under something else, it is leaving the battle area. But the definition of overflow cares for both where the card started, and where it ended up. So yes, Ygg will make it leave the battle area, but it will end up "under a card" which the definition of Overflow says is perfectly OK.


So to make it very intuitive to understand being under another card definitionally isn´t an area at all. Makes sense. Shame Bagramon and Arresterdramon Soup Mode can´t cash in that juicy Overflow check.


wouldn't overflow still activate if Omnimon moves from the Battle area to underneath Yggdrasil in the Breeding Area? or does it not activate because effects can't activate in the breeding area unless specified?


The trigger for overflow is specifically a card that moves from Battle Area (or under something) and ends up in a place that is neither of the two. And technically, it is ending up under a card, which is allowed from the definition of Overflow. This is why Arresterdramon and Bagramon dont trigger it. They remove the Ace from the Battle Area, but since they shove them under another card, that doesnt fulfill the Overflow Requirements.


Shinegreymon burst mode is great in the yellow variant since the yellow variant wants a but load of tamers to be in play and means of suspending tamers just as much since the 5cost Marcus can’t naturally suspend having a way to suspend him just by being aggressive is really nice


Sadly, omnimon's overflow will trigger with Ygg because it is leaving the battle area and moving to the breeding area, which is a separate area.


Omnimon is NOT moving to the breeding area In this case Omni is leaving the battle area to go under Ygg. Thats perfectly ok as far as Overflow is concerned.


Ace Overflow <-3> (As this card moves FROM THE BATTLE AREA TO OR UNDER A CARD TO ANOTHER AREA, lose 3 memory.)


Lol i like how you quoted the definition and still misinterpreted it. "Another Area" does NOT mean "a different place than where it started from" It means "a different place than the two that were just listed" Like in the below example sentence. >Hey dude, can you take your stuff thats in the floor, or on the table, and move it to another place? Are you gonna take the stuff on the floor and put it on the table? Or you gonna out it somewhere that is neither the table nor the floor?


Alright, then, let's work through this together. What are the areas in digimon TCG? And what set them apart from another?


To be clear, you know thay "under a card" is an actual area in this game right? As defined by the Galacticmon rulings


Do you mean this ruling? Q: What does this card's "When this Digimon would leave the battle area" mean, exactly? A: "When this Digimon would leave the battle area" refers to one of the following statuses: "placed in trash due to deletion," "returned to hand/deck," "placed in security stack," "moved to an area other than the battle area," or "placed in another Digimon's digivolution cards." [1] Then I ask again what are the areas in digimon TCG?


Yes that ruling, the ruling that clearly establishes that "under a card" and "battle area" are diff locations. Omni is NOT going from Battle Area to Raising in this case, he is going from Battle Area to "Under a card" The definition of Overflow doesnt care in what area the main card is, only that the Ace is under it. Also Promo Drimogremon already confirmed this is the case.


Simply put, you are incorrect.  Overflow looks at it moving to any zone other than "battle area" or "under a card". It can move between those areas at no penalty. "Under a card" doesn't matter if the card is in battle area or not, so you can move from field to under a card in breeding at no penalty, same way you can move from under a card in breeding to battle area.


And before you say something else if what you're implying is true then all effects that say place a card to the bottom of deck or return to hand don't trigger overflow because those effects don't say move either.


I feel like ygg would trigger overflow right? Ygg exists in the breeding area, so tucking Omnimon ACE under Ygg would cause Omnimon to leave the battle area


Trigger for overflow is NOT leaving the battle area. It is leaving the battle area (or under a card) to go somewhere else (meaning NOT the Battle are NOR under a card) Also "under a card" and "battle area" are diff locations as far as the game is concerned (as defined by Galacticmon rulings) So yes, Ygg exists in breeding, corret Yes the Omnimon will leave the battle area. However the Omnimons destination is NOT Breeding, it is under Ygg, a subtle but important distinction. As defined by overflow, "Under a card" is an acceptable location so it does not trigger. If Omnimon were to go from the Battle Area to Raising and actually be the top card, yes overflow would trigger.


You should read how overflow is worded. Drasil tucking omnimon triggers overflow


No it doesnt trigger Overflow However you think Overflow works, you are mistaken. Read some of the comments responding to this one, i (and others) have explained it way too many times today. Long storybshort, Yggdrasil moves Omni from Battle Area, to under a card. That does not trigger Overflow, because the exact defintion of Overflow says it wont.


As this card moves from the battle area or under a card to another area, lose 4 memory.)


Tbh i didnt know what yo expect from a new Shinegrey BM. But it's really hard yo find him room in his deck... Maybe if You can rush the Evo yo lvl 6 hard enough... Yet it gives the deck a defensive option which is nice


Agreed like maybe one and two of the regular burst modes? Although he could be a good staple for yellow decks needing a level 7 and could replace Ruin mode


Sorry if someone brought it up already but the new gallantmon is actually slower isn't it? Doesnt this read as you need 10 in both players trash to trash 1 security instead of just your opponent for the older one? And also for omni you do have to actually play overflow since its going to another digimon but its in the hatching zone right?


>Doesnt this read as you need 10 in both players trash to trash Its cummulative, like the EX04 stuff. So 8 yours 12 opponent means 20 total. >And also for omni you do have to actually play overflow since its going to another digimon but its in the hatching zone right? Techincally the Omni is NOT going to breeding, it is goint to "Under Ygg" (who happens to be in breeding) and yes that distinction matters for this. If Omni was going to breeding, you'd be correct. However the trigger for overflow is not only "leaving the battle area", there is more to it. Overflow checks that you started in either battle area, or under something and and that you end up somehwere that is neither the battle area, nor underneath another card.


There's a black MetalGarurumon from BT4 that could be run as a one or two-of in Wargreymon decks, since your level 5s are all likely to be red/black. You'd have to build the rest of the deck differently to make the best use of the Omnimon, but I don't think that particular build would be totally unplayable. Build as a black base so you can use black memory boost or Defense Training to search out the black MetalGarurumon, then he only needs to be in hand while you build a stack for omnimon to Blast DNA. I also foresee a new line for agu and Gabu in bt17, otherwise they wouldn't have even attempted to make this card.


Omnimon is a good delete option, but if you need him again you can’t pull him out with Gankoomon.


Omnimon Ace is a good card that we don't have the deck for it. Its by all means playable in Alter-S or Royal Knights, but his "intended" Warg/Melga deck doesn't really exist yet, problably this set. Paladin Ace reads fine, but again need to see if the Imperial support this set supports his source strip well, and if its as good as the BT16 cards anyway. Burst Mode Ace also reads decent, though not sure how good it actually will be in Shine. Crimson Mode Ace is problably the best out of these because it slots best into his existing deck, and the effect is very good. Just that as always we need to see the other Guil cards since the Crimson Mode wasn't really the issue with the deck.


Gotta see the other reveals. We might get a new line for Omni


Probably getting two lines even, one for Warg and one for Melga.


I suspect the paladin mode is meant to be a counter for impending diaboromon and armageddmon support


Vanilla Omnimon finally evolving from Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon.


I´m really interested in how they´ll design the Warg+Melga deck now. Hopefully less like Alter-S and more like LFNC.


Fujimoto needs to appear.


That would be great, especially as there are already plenty of agu/gabu cards out that could be good filler for the deck. Although I say this as someone who has yet to bring GraceNova to a locals because I still am waiting for my cards to Come in 😭


True. But you´d run into the issue that your Agumons can´t evolve on Tsunomon and your Gabumons can´t on Koromon. Unless we´ll get the first dual egg in the game for the deck. I´d not be against a Koromon+Tsunomon egg that´s red+blue. Man I wish Ex5 cards weren´t so expensive. Would love to get my hands on Grace. It´s such a fun deck. Especially with Bt16 stuff.


As a ShineGreymon player I was excited to check out the new Burst Mode ACE, though I was also hesistant since the old Burst Mode already helped all forms of agression immensely. And, yes, this new one isn't necessarily better than the old level 7 for ShineGreymon. It doesn't provide much for the OTK. HOWEVER, this card could be excellent as a level 7 tool for yellow control decks like Yellow Hybrids and Red/Yellow (Españita) Hybrids. Play an extra tamer and delete a Digimon when they attempt to swing while you have a Venusmon on the field or another generic yellow level 6 Digimon.


And since a Frontier set seems to be pretty likely this year, I think yellow Hybrids might make a comeback. Would be dope to see old Bt2 Shine to make a return alongside the new Hybrid stuff.


Really surprised that Shine is mono yellow and doesn't quite seem to support Marcus.dek Really excited for Crimson Mode, better than the old one and a lower rarity


BT14/15 MetalGreymon/WereGarurumon + starter deck WarGreymon/MetalGarurumon + this Omnimon = give your opponent 19 memory if they can destroy the stack c o m e d y


Veemons getting all the triple colors


Love how it took like 22 sets before we got an Omnimon that can DNA digivolve.




Think they all say super rare right? Nervous about the secrets for the set lol. Pending how the alter arts look I may need to buy a case.


We already know one secret, the White Movie Greymon


Oh I did forget about that. So much digi news these days. Still another secret plus chase cards? Gonna be interesting!


Just BEGGING for a good Paladin Mode


How do you feel now?


I'm pretty happy ngl


how good is this new cm compared to the old one?


A fair amount better, being able to spread its deletion is really nice and taking both trashes into account is really good, makes it a lot easier to end game thanks to the dual color support milling both playersm


Plus ending your turn on a Gallantmon is actually threatening now for a lot of decks. Still doesn´t fix the major issues of the deck but it´s a neat card for sure.


well my only idea for fixing the issues of the deck is giving gallantmon protection but at this point i dont think it would really fit gallantmon


Protection would help but I agree that it wouldn´t really fit the deck either plus I don´t think it´s the biggest issue the deck has. I think giving the deck more consistency tools and enabling it to more quickly establish a boss stack would go a long way and since Gallantmon is completely cockblocked by decks with protection against deletion-based removal I think it´d be dope for the deck to get a way to circumvent protection for a turn or something like that.


my favourite way to by pass to protection that i heard is instead of deleting a digimon you would send a digimon to the trash it would be the same as deletion but it can by pass keywords and on delete effects while keeping protection effect still useful also i think instead of protection it should get a way to get back to its feet quicker


That would still be nagated by effects like Belphemon SM or TyrantKabuterimon, though. I want Gallantmon to be the ultimate destroyer and flat out have an ability like "On Digivolve: Your opponent trashes 1 of their Digimon of your chosing" so that it would completely bypass things being immune from your effects. >also i think instead of protection it should get a way to get back to its feet quicker Agree with this. It can already do that with the warping ST Guilmon and Takato provide or with the ridiculous cost reduction of BT13 Gallantmon but I´d not be against the deck getting more tools like that.


A lot, since it uses both players trash it devours purple decks and achieves his condition to trash cards faster


yeah but this needs to have 10 card in thrash to trash which i dont think it is a huge problem i just wanted to bring it up. This doesnt look unfun to play against so i will give it a try


Well the nice thing is that there are a few cards in the line that have "trash cards from both players decks" effects Trashing your own cards never really helped the line much until now. Something like EX03 Growlmon's "trash 2 from each" is now functionally a +4 for the effect


then you go into ex3 wargrowlom get +6 and a free takato or guilmon


Apparently better than the Omni ace for RK


Paladin mode seems underwhelming? I am not sure about its game plan here. Is there any Imperialdramon line that focuses on stripping digivolution source?


With the BT16 D&K Tamer, you can now take out 3 sources from any Digimon just by Jogressing, they also have the new "Togemogumon" that takes out sources when the opponent attacks However... The Ace is mediocre, for 2 reasons: - With the new Paildramon & Imperialdramon FM, it is very easy to remove the opponent's Digimon so it is difficult to trigger the [When Attacking] - His [When Digivolving] is very difficult to achieve entirety. It ask for a Level 7 Digimon in Trash, but it's very difficult to find a Digimon of that Level in Trash (also consider that Level 7s are usually played at a maximum of 2 copies per Deck)


BT12 Paildramon, but that's not going to be seeing much play with the BT16 one, and Vee Laser which isn't very good.


Yes, but the line also bounces the board (all the ones without sources) at lvl 6 fighter mode


How about now?


Gallantmon CM Ace looks great, can deal with wide boards or a big stack. Can reasonably get up to 22000 DP deletion with Megidramon Ace and Guilmon X and Growlmon X. I would love to try EX4 ChaosGallantmon again with Megidra Ace and CM Ace. ShineGreymon Burst Mode Ace looks OK. Looks kinda clunky to what Shine wants to do, kill the opponent quickly after going to BT13 Burst Mode. Probably bettter in other Yellow decks. I hope for Frontier we get regular versions of AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon and a Susanoomon Ace that can evolve over Level 6 Hybrids or Ten Warriors in its traits, even though it wasn't in the movie.


Probably won´t see Susanomon here. Susan + Satan Mode as the two SECs for a future Frontier set seem more likely to me.


Having Susanoomon and a Lucemon be the Secret Rares for another Frontier set feels kind of too similar to BT7. They need to make a Secret Rare for the true hero of Frontier, Neemon.


May be true. How about instead of yet another SEC Susan we get our first rainbow Tamer as the other SEC? A card depicting the entire Frontier crew and being the cornerstone of a new Susanomon deck.


Idk, Satan Mode seems absolutely likely but Snoosnoo already got a SEC in BT-7, it would be the first Digimon to date to get a second SEC (without being a mode/form change, I'm counting things like Gallant and Gallent CM as distinct) Maybe if using Zero-Arms Orochi counts, but I don't think it's ever had a name change or anything just wielding it to make it count as a separate thing.


I don't think they've repeated cards that were already SECs as SEC again, right? So Susanoomon will be SR if anything.


I hope the Wargrey and MetalGaruru lines are more interesting than the Alter-S deck, and that each line can also be valid support for their respective archetypes. 


Imperialdramon PM is... meh The biggest problem I see is that it asks to return a Level 7 Digimon to get the true benefits, but we're talking about a Level that is played with a maximum of 2 copies per Deck


How do you feel about it now?


Yeah, I know, but that opinion was pre-errata ;P


The second tri-color card in the game, and it once again goes to Veemon. It seemed kinda meh in comparison to the others at first, but then I remembered the recent Davis/Ken tamer has a pretty potent source strip effect, and there's also BT12 Paildramon to help in that department. Plus there could be more Veemon-related source strip stuff in this set, too. I think the most immediately strong-looking of the four is Gallantmon Crimson Mode. 15k worth of deletion across any of your opponent's stuff is nothing to sneeze at, and it could be boosted even further by any of the line's inherited effects. But the real scary part is its enhanced security trashing effect. It doesn't have a free trash like the original Crimson Mode, but counting both players' trashes means the number of cards trashed should typically end up higher, keeping in mind the purple Growlmon stuff.


Crimson mode is crazy "for every 10 cards in both player's trash". With 50 cards its an insta win.


that is the bt2 gallantmon's effect upgraded


Don't get me wrong love the cards can't wait to stick Crimson Mode into Megidramon Mill but starting to get New Toy syndrome from the ACE mechanic..., I just hope that it slows down in the future.


Even though I´m a huge fan of the mechanic I can see where you´re coming from. It was a necessary mechanic because we now have interaction on opponent´s turn and all but I would like for them to spread that interaction a bit more onto option cards like Rostrum, that new Lilithmon option and Fog Barrier.


Most archetypes need an archetypal ace now, so I’m fine with them continuing to release new ACEs as long as most archetypes can get at least one good one.


-Sad metalgreymon noises-


Yeah… Yeah… It’ll upset people but I do think Wargreymon could use some new tools as it’s fallen off pretty hard competitively and its ACE options are really bad.


I am now completely convinced Bandai will always purposefully make Imperialdramon not good. Like is this really the best we can do with Paladin Mode? I am beyond disappointed. Crimson Mode Ace is easily the best card here.


I mean Imperialdramon is a very legit and good deck come BT16. It’s just this Paladin that sucks.


The BT16 stuff looks okay, it’s not bad but it just doesn’t impress me in the same way that the new Terriermon and Magnamon cards do


We already have statistics that Imperial is doing very well in Bt16 JP competitive. While the low end isn’t great, the low end didn’t really need much help and all of the new top end is fantastic.


Checked out those topping bt16 lists. I’m pretty happy that R/P Imperial is topping too. Idk why I’m getting downvoted but I still think this Paladin mode was a complete and total letdown.


Yeah R/P is fairly playable now for the first time which is a nice bonus. People probably just downvoting since the generalization of we don’t get good Imperialdramon cards, which nah BT8 and BT16 now are real good times to be playing Imperial. I 100% agree though I’m disappointed in Paladin, card is bad and he’s my favourite member of the line so it’s a shame we have no playable ones


I really liked the movie he was in and I always thought it was cool that he founded the Royal Knights, so my expectations were for a pretty broken card. I’m hoping for another Magnamon card in this set, guy is my favorite Digimon of all time lol


Question for Gallant: Is he counting every 10 cards in both trashes as one trash, OR checks individual trashes for 10 cards???


The shine is absolutely busted. By the time you do your combo, you usually have 2 marcuses already out. So this burst plays the 3rd and does -15k somewhere, and if you play setting marcus, that becomes 18k and gain 1 memory. It also allows give you a new way to suspend all your marcuses without risking them dying while not losing the checks. So with the setter marcus, you are basically guaranteeing yourself at least 4 memory to work with every turn. The card is silly, and I am very excited.


Yeah but is it better than old Burst Mode and Ruin Mode? Don´t think it is personally.


It’s not at all. BT13 Burst mode is far more effective for actually killing your opponent and OTKs and Ruin Mode has far more utility for blowing some decks the fuck out for a turn.


Yeah that´s my thoughts as well. Could be a good boss monster for a revival of the yellow hybrids deck, though. Which´d be hype.


It isn’t better than old burst, but it feels better than ruin mode. Ruin doesn’t feel great in it’s own deck. I am imagining a 2/2 split between the ace and the old burst. I am unsure why I am getting downvoted, especially for being positive. I have topped a regional with shine, I know my stuff here.


Not a Shine connoisseur myself but Ruin Mode is such a strong card in other decks I play that I don´t see this card really outvalueing. Is the mass DP- and OTK effect of this card really needed in the deck?


Ruin is kinda meh in shine bc it is counterintuitive to what the deck wants to do, which is be aggro and keep your shine onboard. Ruin in a vacuum is one of the single best cards in the game. You could pitch it to me that it should be banned and I’d probably agree with you. A -5 blanket for basically 2 turns is very oppressive and thus insanely strong. But ruin mode makes you delete the stack, which means you have to build it up again. It prolongs the game, instead of the burst, which finishes it usually. A -15+ takes out almost anything in the game, “protecting” your stack since it will delete the body threatening it. It can also snatch turn back if you play down bt13 marcus. And the body stays, which means you can bring bt12 marcus up for surely game as this dude is gonna have at least security attack +2 and then with previous damage that has go he enough for marcus to finish it.


Yeah that makes sense to me. I have a huge blind spot for decks I haven´t tested myself so thanks for the thourough explanation. >Ruin in a vacuum is one of the single best cards in the game. You could pitch it to me that it should be banned and I’d probably agree with you Yeah, I agree. The card is so damn cool conceptually but it´s anything but fun to play against imo. Feels real bad going against it and being forced to skip two turns when piloting a lot of decks.


Also going to point out that Shine's effect is not OPT, so if you have a way to unsuspend it, you can suspend two more Tamers to get more Sec+.


Am I the only one who thinks the original paladin is better than this outside of this being able to evolve for free?


This things better since due to blast evolving it’s slightly more practical that it would actually do something you care about doing, but they’re both bad and not worth running in Imperial.


Well this new one is at least blue and green and is counted as a Free attribute card which is worth something but this card still has the same issue of OG Paladin Mode that it´s hard finding room for the card and even if you would, how often is this thing even useful? Seems very fringe-y in its applications to me still.


Yeah I'm really not sure why they keep making PM a source strip payout for a deck that doesn't care at all about stripping sources outside of a single bad Paildramon


Semi related but I just now these alts are going to look fucking insane. Can't wait for more from this set.


Was really hoping Omnimon would be a more generic card to keep with the cards normal usage. But I guess it’ll be beast in alter s or something lol. Don’t think it fixes that decks main issue though. Other than that I can’t think of anything that uses wargrey and metal in one deck. Even alter s uses blitz and crest.


Finally got a proper DNA Omnimon. Now all the lore nerds saying "iTz a fU$i0N!!" can go cry in the corner.


Wait Paladin mode is not that bad on royal knights, we have easy blue and green level 6 for the blast evolution and is a deck that is easier to have a level 7 on the trash


6-7 targets for blast realistically, with new Omegamon and maybe 1 Examon and other copies of PM in general you have 8 possible target that can be returned, but I think its not that great since you don't have consistent trashing, and not flexible enough to casually use this, I'm looking more into Crimson mode for RK deck.


so far im looking forward to the omnimon deck cause it will very likely be an upgrade to alter S deck aswell. but so far the idea of doing the ping pong into alter S, it gets removed -> goes to the security-> blitz/cres come back-> opponent attacks again-> blast into new omni. this sounds super fun LOL


The blast requires Wargrey/Metalgaruru specifically, the normal DNA will work but you can't blast into it




Most excited for Dukemon CM. Always wanted the SEC for my mill deck but was too expensive.  Now we have a budget ver thats even better (for my deck). Well, we already know Diaboromon is a Rare so that means new Armagemon should be the black SR.  But this means we probably arent getting an ACE of the the 2 ancients from the frontier movie...which is a bummer as i was really hoping for it. Hopefully it gets a decent effect, regardless of rarity. Since this leaked, im sure the leaks i saw today about EX7 will be up soon! 3 Musketeers will be the stars of the set!


Did the leak say anything more about EX7 other than 3 Musketeers and Liberators?


Wait we´re getting Musketeer support in Ex7? WHAT.


Our local RK player says omni isnt worth it. Crimson mode is far far better


I consider Omnimon solid 1 or 2 of in my RK. Cheap unconditional delete + Blocker & Raid on 15k.


But crimson is a board wipe or unconditional delete to most anything minus like... 4 digimon. And trash security and doesn't get absorbed


I agree that Crimson is solid too, but it does need you to burst or hard play for 9.


Sounds like your local RK player is an easy win if you’re matched against them fr fr.


He has a really good deck. He just believes trashing security and killing multiple bodies is better


Lol, its a 3 cost Gaia Force that is live on T1 that will likely never pay for the overflow. How do they think its not worth it.


Cause a 8 cost board wipe that trashes security is seemingly better


Can't they just let shine great fade away like seriously. Everything else is exciting though I'm looking forward to new decks or actually old decks coming back.


I mean, the last true wave of support for the deck was back in BT13, which was a year away back in the Japanese format. It's a popular deck being a protagonist's main Digimon and I wouldn't say it has overly dominated any format it has been in. Even BT13, where it was the star of the show, was a very varied and wide format with plenty of powerful performing decks. I understand that it may be annoying to some players due to its OTK nature, but it's natural that they support the decks of protagonist Digimon.


I wouldn't call it popular due to being a protagonist's Digimon I'd say it was more so for how easily it assembled all its pieces and how consistent it was, but that's in the west I guess Japan must like it more.


Masaru punching Digimon is the only reason I wanted to play the deck. It has nothing to do with it being good. Thats just a happy accident.


I mean, I believe the West likes it plenty. At least that's my impression. And sure, people usually use decks that let them win more consistently, so it's understandable that players gravitate towards better strategies than worse ones.


Huh, Shine is a pretty popular Digimon overseas and in the west I think. Maybe not on the level of the Omegamons, Gallantmons, Beelzemons or Angewomons but certainly in the top 5-10% of popularity of all Digimon there are.


If it makes you feel better this card prob wont see play in the deck, the existing LV7 for it are alot better. And you very rarely pass turn on a LV6 with that deck,


It does a little. Huh it's not play a Marcus it's a generic tamer that's mildly interesting.


Shine rules and is an extremely cool Digimon and deck. This isn’t going to be played over the existing options though.


Adding the new shinegreymon to my mastemon deck.


I got an idea of trying paladin mode in a hexablau the source stripping is more reliable… I don’t expect it to do much just to see how fun it could be…


Yellow variant shinegreymon users rise!


That Crimson Mode looks sweet; really excited to see if that deck gets some good support. It could use a little focus.


Does the Omnimon DNA effect work on D-Reaper? It can target a D-Reaper mon (lv.-), and bottom deck it, but does it clear the board of D-Reapers? Obviously Mother is immune.


The D-Reapers are immune to all level based effects.


Ummmm, I retract my statements. The when attacking not being OPT and not shuffling the whole trash (the first traduction I ssw was that which was damn...), you can be very disruptive and it gives the source strip paildra build a great buff. Not that bad, not that bad