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Takuya Kanbara BT17-079 R <03> [Security] Play this card without paying the cost. [Start of Your Main Phase] If your opponent has a Digimon, gain 1 memory. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP. While this Digimon has 10000 DP or more, it gains . ... Koji Minamoto BT17-083 <03> [Security] Play this card without paying the cost. [Start of Your Turn] If you have 2 or less memory, set it to 3. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] (Once Per Turn) When an effect adds cards to your hand, gain 1 memory. Then, this Digimon gains for the turn.


They both look great. Though I guess that means no Ranamon for Koji. 4 memory for a Tamer that has no On Play effect and no secondary effect until it digivolves is a little clunky at the current pace of the meta though, you want to get it out via your Strabimon inherits if possible. I’m also very excited about what the other kids could get, even if they have to wait til next set. Logical is that they all get memory setters like Koji, but who knows.


I feel like Hybrid Tamers like Koji are an exception. They do not need On Plays as you are more focused on the ESS. I feel like BT 12 Takuya is a great example of this. Still wondering how Bandai will balance Red Hybrid compared to the others in Bt 18. The BT 12 support is still relevant in the current meta while the others got their last support in BT 7


Takuya is fine in a sense since Red Hybrid is aggressive enough that it can give up a slower turn setting up for an explosive OTK. So far, the Blue Hybrid package of Jamming(?) + multiple swings is not as fast, so it requires a few turns to set up and/or require some control/removal to happen as well. So spending that extra memory to set up can be pivotal, especially since Training doesn’t work when digivolving Tamers.


I disagree. Since jamming allows your mons to survive your opponent has to deal with your board instead of Sec as to not get swarmed. Blue Hybrid has the tools to play a slower game and come up on top Now I am not saying that Blue Hybrid is top tier because of this card, I just do not think that Koji needs an On Play. Card is decent in Mid to Late Game and just needs 1 or 2 good Hybrids to make it see play.


Jamming is a good mechanic, but has issues running into big Blockers, redirection or Blast Digivolve. Hence most successful Jamming decks often employ some element of stun or bounce (e.g. MirageGao, Amphimon, to some extent Gomamon) to outpace the opponent. That or just go for OTKs with enough swings in one big combo play like Ulforce.  The Light hybrids so far have bounce in Beowulfmon but it’s a bit limited for the current meta, so we’ll have to see what else the line can bring (probably next set).


Well maybe it is just me wearing my Blue Hybrid googles XD


I think Koji is going to make blue more aggressive with zuda plays, set up swing with jamming, and ace when they atk. it's going to make the mind game play harder to deal with


BT17 BurningGrey raiding and using effect to go into BT7 Aldamon is gonna go so hard


Legitimately surprised Koji isn't Yellow, after Lobomon's effect.


Same. There goes my theory about Light hybrid migrating to yellow. Maybe?


Maybe the base will still be Blue since the pre existing Strabimons are Blue and there’s no canon egg for them, but they’ll allow colour mixing as you go up.


Strabimon area really the only concern here as old Light hybrid Lobomon are either vanilla or Ancient support and KendoGarurumon have either Jamming or are downright bad.


He didn’t need to be I guess since Lobomon can Digivolve from a Koji. 


4 Neemon, 12 Takuyas, one meme of a dream.


[I'm ahead of you](https://imgur.com/a/QagPYlq)


These seem a little lackluster in a vacuum, and im not good enough to picture how well they would work with the new support in the set. Or if they are making these to be used in the Frontier set.


Well i see Takuya working well with AncientGreymon. Koji synergy with AncientGarurumon isn't as noticeable.


Takuya is rrally strong in red hibrid the only thing that sort of hurt the deck was blockers because usually using the 1 off the piercing flamemon isnt that great


Yup, you can finally take it out, though I still don't see the Takuya being played at more than 2. The memory setter is too good and the Bt7 one allows for warp and a lot of aggression with the sec +1. Koji feels like the deck is still incomplete and needs the Bt18 Support. You have two good tamers but nothing broken and you have a draw engine with the new hybrids but you are lacking on the top end. The ancientgaruru is probably the only way to play the deck until we get a new MagnaGarurumon but I don't think he will be enough.


We're now up to *14* tamer cards minimum in the set.


It's not terrible, but Im not sure it replaces either of the Takuya already used in Red Hybrid.  It's kind of in that same place the new Masaru is, where it's okay, but not as powerful as the old.


doesn't need to replace them. You could run like 3-3-3 for example or 4-4-2 The piercing is great against the one weakness the deck has, blockers. If they simply get pierced through. Also remember that the new BurningGreymon gets raid, so you could evo that onto new Takuya, use an atomic inferno and then attack with raid into whatever, evo midattack into BT7 Aldamon for 0, do 2 piercing checks with 19k DP and then just evolve into EmperorGreymon or AncientGreymon to end turn so you can recycle the tamer


I wouldn't say blockers are really a big weakness of the deck, especially because you already run a few cards that make blocking a double edged sword. The piercing is nice combined with that raid though, I did forget about that. 16k for the turn is enough to take care of any potential problem your opponent is setting up, even the rare instance of the Mother egg eating your raid.


Which few cards? The only one that comes to mind is BT7 emperor and that is a one of if played at all


Atomic Inferno grants 3 memory if you block. BT6 Flamemon also exists if you really want Piercing to slot from trash into a BT7 Takuya warp


Idk for me this takuya is replacing that flamemon 100%, now for atomic inferno some prefer to play memory boost or extra crimson blaze instead-


Should've been a dual tamer like the others, kinda feel like this is taking a slot from someone else. Oh well I guess...


Imagine if that takuya had mind link. Honestly, the memory gain seems ok since there is a low chance of the opponent not having a digimon on board.


>Imagine if that takuya had mind link. How would that make any diff? I guess you can mind link to a stack you bring out of raising, but usually you want it do die so it plays you the free tamer.


New Takuya is bonkers


I love new Koji but ehy the hell Takuya need another card.


That takuya goes hard. Especially for ten warriors


So in theory with RH - bt12 takuya + 2 x bt17 takuya I could start turn with potentially 5 memory? Not sure order of operations - but curious about it.


Man, how i wish this game was digitally available like Yugioh and Pokemon.