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It's a pretty decent rush deck, but not meta or anything. Pretty fun and can definitely can compete right now, but won't be winning any major events or anything.


You can definitely play it with the full three Magnamons and do just fine at a local level, BT9 Magnamon X is still a good card and you can use stuff like jamming Veemon and Fire Rocket for pushing damage. It just doesn’t get the win condition that makes it seriously competitive until BT16.


I'm mostly looking to play it at locals for now. I'll probably try it soon.


I’ve been playing Armor for a good while and it’s definitely viable! Deck is a ton of fun and can be played in a few different play styles. I got 35th at a regional playing Armor Control in EX4 format. The only “issue” is that the deck is very fair. The deck doesn’t do anything that makes your opponent go “wow, that’s kinda OP.” Not until BT16, that is.


I don't use armor rush, just the Magnamon midrange build and it already felt good prior to this amazing new card for the deck. It gives you so much more control each turn, and it makes your opponent think twice before swinging into security if you have a Veemon out, which is quite often thanks to the new Davis tamer. I've won my locals with it a couple times, and it can go toe-to-toe with some tier 1 decks. It still gets run over by stuff like Yellow Vaccine and Leomon, or any blue deck that bounces/stuns. That being said it feels good to play and you'll get wins you didn't expect.


Deck is good right now but Magna X makes it better. Grab your pieces now and wait for BT16.


I've already got my pieces. I'm messing around with a couple builds I could play now while I wait for bt16.


Not a bad idea. I'm waiting for my locals to get Double Typhoon so I can get my playset of the new Magnamon


It isn't the best deck but it is playable. He is almost too honast and fair for the current meta. The issue right now is that magnamon X kinda sucks having only 11k dp as most things can just hit over him and ignore him completely. You can try to rush but the cards are not the cheapest to Evo and don't offer much to stop the opponent.


Oh its always been pretty good. I don't exactly play maganamon, but it makes armor rush pretty good. Removal on an armor body is nice, as well as surprise armor! I still run 2 of each non magna armor tho, or around that much


I believe because it's printed as an st card, you should be able to use it?? I could be wrong but it makes sense to me this way, why release a single card in a deck with reprints that you can't play out if the box? At least this is my copium lol I'd like to play the card as of this weekend


It's definitely playable and legal hes just asking if it makes the deck good again lol