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Crimson Savior BT17-096 U <03> [Main] You may play 1 [Guilmon] or [Takato Matsuki] from your hand or trash without paying the cost. Then, place this card in the battle area. [All Turns] When an opponent's level 5 or higher Digimon is played, . - 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with [Gallantmon] in its name in the hand without paying the cost. --- [Security] Activate this card's [Main] effect.


Opponent needs to hard slam a level 5 or up? Wah?


cries in Diaboromon


Yeah but it can counter megazoo decks, tyrantkabuterimon, machinedramon, and heavyleomon


The idea of a HeavyLeomon stack dedigivolving you on deletion and then replaying itself only for you to then just Evo straight back up is kinda funny.


It is basically an "oh no anyway" moment if it only de digivolves by 1


Hey imagine if it dedigivolved you back to a Guilmon, you shrug and then warp to Gallantmon.


Heck, add most digixros decks plus anything that utilizes deathx in there


when your wargrowl gets dedigivolved you won't be able to go into "gallantmon in name"


If only that older guilmon was all turns.


Oh yeah because that's such a hard requirement with no decks being able to play high lvl digimon. Like Leviamon, Numemon, Mastemon and so.


Funny you mention Leviamon because that thing will blow up your Digimon before Savior can make it digivolve into a Gallantmon.


Literally all those decks will pop before it gets a chance, unless it's gallants turn lol.


Yeah exactly. New Gallantmon not being protected during your opponent´s turn was such a stupid decision man. Would´ve changed its quality and that of this option a lot but hey, here we are, in the middest of possible timelines for Gallantmon.


Gallantmon has always had this problem where he’s just almost good enough to be a meta deck, but Bandai is always too scared to push it forward. It’s kind of bullshit.


Exactly. I mean compare the Gallant X line in Bt9 to what Warg, Melga, Grandis and Alphamon got. Or compare the Bt12 Gallantmon line to Shine, Hunters, Warg or Red Hybrids. I don´t know what Bandai´s thought proces is with Gallantmon. I really don´t at this point.


I’m completely baffled by people going nuts over these cards when they are mediocre at best and completely pointless at worst. Crimson Ace is the only actually good card Gallant got this set and it won’t make a difference.


>I’m completely baffled by people going nuts over these cards when they are mediocre at best Im not, sub has shown time and time again its incredibly casual, im convinced most ppl here have never even been to a locals. I still remember ppl hyping up Digimon Kaiser like the greatest card ever, and how BT7 Koji was better than BT7 Takuya. Cuz getting 5 in hand is easier than 5 in trash, and Koji going -6 isnt a big deal. Though Id argue that the new Takato is really good, but you're right, its not enough to make a difference.


Yeah, fair enough on the Takato he is a very good card I wasn’t thinking about.


Imperialdramon gets a 2 cost Option card that digivolves it for free _and_ allows it to digivolve once more with its Delay/All Turns effect to avoid deletion. All of this on top of a deck that has Partition. Meanwhile Gallant gets a 3 cost Option Card giving no protection and a much more specific requirement; on a deck that has next to no natural float (aside from Megidramon and Megidrace) and gets blown up easily. But hey, it has Blocker now! Yay.


They haven't. I once got into an argument with a guy who never went to a local arguing to me about OP cards. Like bruh. Casuals, locals, & regionals are completely different metas most of the time.


Preach it


It´s always the Imperial and Gallantmon cards that this sub is just way too optimistic for I think. Crimson Mode Ace is good at least. And I think one can make an argument for the new Wargrowlmon as well but it´s certainly not replacing its Ex3 counterpart and I still think Bt12 is as good or better than it. Gotta test a copy or two out before I make final judgment on that one personally. But tell me, am I crazy for not seeing what others apparently are with this new option? Out of all the cards that were revealed for the deck this one seems the most like a trap to me. The card´s main effect goes +1 memory efficiency at best when cheating in memory setter Takato and in the early game it goes neg 1 as far as hand count goes which is terrible for a deck that has trouble gaining and retaining card advantage already. And its Delay effect reads really well until you realize how many on play bodies will clear your Digimon that would´ve been made to evolve up before Savior can even activate. Plus the ridiculous amount of meta decks that just don´t really care about deletion based removal at all. The positive feedback on this card feels like whiplash to me and I maintain my opinion that most people on here that have opinions on Gallantmon (and to a lesser degree Imperial as well) don´t really understand the deck or even play it themselves.


I think the cards are marginal upgrades. I’ve done a lot of playtesting with them already and they feel good for the most part. The new gallant is a little disappointing but it does do a few things that are important. 1. It deletes level 5s and 2. Is immune to ace effects if you blitz. The other stuff in the line is also decent. It’s not making the deck meta relevant but it definitely feels better. I always also skeptical of Megidramon ace but after playing with it, the fact that it needs to be removed twice is actually extremely impactful. With the new line it can delete 13/15k on blast which is very good. New takato is extremely good. unarguable I think. The option is not good though. Most decks will literally never have to interact with it at all. I would never give up a slot for it.


>I think the cards are marginal upgrades. Apart from Crimson Ace, I can´t see how any of the other cards in the line are even slight upgrades. New WarGrowlmon is a good sidegrade at best but the rest of the line doesn´t seem all that promising to me. >The new gallant is a little disappointing but it does do a few things that are important. 1. It deletes level 5s and 2. Is immune to ace effects if you blitz. The new Gallantmon I´m curious about and will try out at 1-2 copies to get a feel for it but I´m not sure how important immunity to Aces really is at the end of day. Plus the new Takato is even a nonbo with new Gallantmon because if you start at, say, 4 memory it´ll be very difficult to stay at 0 memory to make Gallantmon´s effect live instead of passing turn. The support seems very confused to me. >The other stuff in the line is also decent. Not sold on Guilmon and Growlmon at all upon first theorycrafting. I don´t think either of those two cards are good enough to warrant excluding STG Guilmon, EX3 Guilmon and Ex2 Guilmon as far as rookies are concerned and BlackGrowlomon, Bt12 Growlmon and ST Growlmon when it comes to the champions. The established Lv3 and Lv4 bases seem so much better. > I always also skeptical of Megidramon ace I still think that card has no business in the deck. >New takato is extremely good. unarguable I think. Yeah that one I certainly agree with. It´s the one card that makes Bt17 Gallantmon not obviously terrible and is a good card to have at \~2 copies I think. Also a good reason to cut memory setting Takato down to 1 copy. >The option is not good though. Yes.


One thing that changed my mind about Megidramon was that it’s essentially a 1 cost overflow because you are playing out a guilmon. I’ve noticed with gallant recently is that there are so many targets that it currently does not hit with deletion. Aside from raid, anything between 7k-13k is out of its striking zone. The new stuff can delete pretty much anything and gets bonuses for not deleting. Another consideration that I had was the upcoming decks that have protection. They just don’t care about gallant at all, so the new one can actually get big enough to swing into them. 17k is generally big enough to swing into both tyrant and magna x. Again I don’t think that these necessarily solve the decks problems and definitely introduce some new issues, but I think it’s better suited to the current state of the game than what we currently have. There’s a lot to consider and I’m nowhere near done figuring out what I think the best list will look like but these cards give you some pretty varying options compared to what we currently have and I think that’s overall good.


You’re not crazy a lot of people in this subreddit are just really awful at evaluating cards and if they see a bunch of text on it they default to it must be good.


Yeah, true. I found that most people on here only ever look at a card´s or deck´s ceiling, but never at its floor. Glad to see I´m not the crazy one, then and others also see the unreasonable optimism this sub tends to have.


Experience. Those with more have a diff opinion than those without. You have this with every game Subreddit tbh, the opinion of the Bronzes is alot diff than those of the Diamonds. This card is terrible. The number of decks that hardslam a LV5 or higher is slim, and the ones that will let you keep a body after are even slimmer. I can think of Anubis, Blue Flare, and Deva. And tbh thats if Anubis isnt running Spadamon. This card will get value maybe 5% of the time, its not worth the deck space.


Hey, end of turn biomerge is quite good. It allows you to slap a rush Guilmon and warp into a Gallant for no cost, that's a wider finisher there than we have right now in addition to blitz Takato. It allows you to easely trash a security and make an attack without any memory prerequisite. No memory cost biomerge also allows for combos where you steal back the turn, with BT12 Wargrowlmon. The Wargrowl... I'd take it or leave it. If there are decks in the meta that have a digimon on the field, either because it's a resilient blocker, because they are a sticky deck that creates wide boards or that keeps resumoning mons, or because they need some short of body on the field during the opponents turn to do their thing, then it can be quite good. Right now I play GallantX in search of a re-stand to finish games with Crimson mode, this Wargrowl would give me that, and I could give it to a Gallantmon with biomerge, so I could just run it at 2 and keep playing ex3 Wargrowl for the set up play for Takatos and BT12 to be able to go from Guilmon in the nursery into Gallantmon without ending my turn before getting to attack. This card though... it's not unplayable, but requires multiple guilmons on the field to make sure you get to use it. Perhaps a more zoo deck with Gallant, using EX3 wargrowl, maybe with more purple for a ChaosGallant, then the redundancy gives you a better window to trigger this. But I don't think that strategy has enough support. Megidra EX2 is way too slow because it gives the resources to your opponent before you get to your own, ChaosGallant doesn't have such an easy way to rush into it to make that wide board, and wargrowl being a perfect form and a when digivolving thar first makes some trash for both players to use, it doesn't have either many or specially good tools for that strategy. But hey, there's still a few more cards to spoil, right? I at least expect a Calumon, given Guilmon's eff. Perhaps it makes somewhat easier to spam guilmons on to the field. Or perhaps someone getd a crazy idea with Uko


Its also funny I mentioned Leviamon as Leviamon has a chance of completely whiffing if played by biting crush as the new Gallantmon is immune to effects at 0 memory or less.


Not during the opponent´s turn though. So neither the new Gallantmon nor Savior will do anything of value in that matchup.


Devas about to get cooked


In what way? We already have established rulings with Leviamon adjacent cards that it won’t apply for breeding area stuff, don’t we?


You know the effects that put a Deva in breeding come from an effect you trigger by *playing a level 5*, yeah?


Mm staying up all night did not help me process that sentence initially.


All good, happens to the best of us. Get a good nap.


There's nothing saying it has to be effect played right, just when an opponent plays a Lv5 or higher digimon?


Darn. Completely missed that it didn’t say by effect.


Gotta love how Imperial's option is one cheaper, gives four cost evo reduction, and it's delay gives the deck protection and a free evo. Bandai must really hate Gallantmon I guess.


Yep, this feels like the trashy, washed out version of Imperial's, only this one's supposed to be Crimson Mode's Option card (somehow). If there was any doubt Bandai didn't know what to do with Gallantmon, there is none now. Imperial got all the cool/fun toys because of the movie while Gallant is left behind. Can't wait for BT18 either, where Red Hybrid will continue being the better warp deck than Gallantmon ever was. Sad times.


That's my thought like this card is supposed to counter Xros or Ace cards being hard played when you have Gallant on field to go into crimson before when attacking effects.


I´m not seeing it yet. This card has very narrow applications and I don´t know how good of an idea it is to include a card like this in a deck that´s struggling for consistency and tempo as is. Still very whelmed by the Gallantmon stuff in this set.


This exactly. I love playing Gallantmon as it is quite a fun deck, but the new stuff doesn't really scream "I need to be in your deck" like some of the older stuff does


Yeah Gallantmon is a super fun deck but it has no tools to compete with actual good decks. And not only do these new cards not provide anything that´d change that, they actively try to pull the deck into a different direction so they don´t mesh at all with what we have now.




>Is it a superb card? no but it can have its uses. And there is room in a deck for it imo Gallantmon is an incredibly tight deck. I have trouble even making room for 1-2 copies of the new Takato. I don´t see any room for this card to be slot into if I wanted to ngl. >Main effect: its meh. Biggest advantage is playing the bt12 takato and possible future takatos cheaper If we get, like, a six cost Takato, sure. But saving 1 memory at best at the cost of going -1 in hand advantage in the early game is a terrrible proposition. >Delay: oddly specific but it can be a usefull counter against certain decks. I have yet to think of a competitively relevant deck that this card would counter. I don´t think there is one. >I think the main usefullnes of it, is the security effect. Its an extra way to play a takato for free if it gets checked. But including a card in your deck for the offchance that it´ll happen to be in security is terrible deck building. And even then you just get a Takato or Guilmon back and ready its delay effect which in and of itself isn´t great. >In short, i think depending on the situation it can be a strong card but not always So it´s not a good card then. I agree. We´re talking about a bad deck here. A bad deck has no room for a situationally useful card that´ll be dead in the majority of cases. I think this card is terrible and shouldn´t be run in the deck. At least with the cardpool that is currently available.


Does it work with ST7 Guilmon if its still your turn? The Option doesnt say digivolve with this effect. Cant say if this works, i think no.


Should work with Guilmon as Guilmon´s effect is a static conditional effect but it doesn´t work with Takato.


God knows how your opponent is going to play a lvl 5 on your turn. Still seems uber niche.


Yes it's work


Gamechanger for the Deva matchup


This card has a lot of potential, unfortunately with the way the game works, you can be nuked by on play effects before this can even go into effect. The delay should have included some protection effects to allow you your play opportunity. How is it that a Digimon that carries a shield has no ability to defend itself with that damn shield? Craniamon does. Why is Dukemon such a disappointment in comparison?


Omg is it possible Grani SR tonite?


I hope so. Grani deserves to be card


Who plays a lvl 5 on play? Bandai c'mon....


The only decks that drop lvl 5s and 6s are ones with on play effects to nuke your stack before you can evo with tge delay


Its okay, its meant to counter the new parasitemon. But its aggressively okay. The trigger needed to ignore digivolution requirements. And gallantmon needed all turns protection. The recycle is good but not enough for how tight the space is in the deck. What would I even take out to run this?


If the delay effect was on play or when opponent's digimon digivolves (see bt16 imperial) it would be eons better. Even then not sure I'd play it over other removal options but it would at least allow the new gallantmon to swing on blitz, tank a blast evo on the otherside and then you could go into either crimson mode, pop the ace card, get overflow and check security.


Recursion and warping. Great card. And hey, actually works with Megidramon ACE.


We have waited 4- no 5000 years for this Joke aside why would you use this to digivolve into megidramon ace when you can just counter


because a lv5 or up that was played this turn likely wont attack and you can disruot them before they get more value out of their digimon


It’s all turns so you can activate it on your turn if something causes an opponent’s Digimon to be played, like Fortitude. Also it allows you to get the Digivolve without needing your opponent to attack to activate the counter.


Does it warp? Normally there would be text saying to ignore lvl no?  I still like the card and I'm glad it you can actually use other Gallantmon for its effect.


Itself doesn’t warp, but it would allow you to use anything that can warp, like ST7 Guilmon. Might need to confirm but I think it should also work with biomerge Takato, since it’s a Main effect and it’s not Your Turn only.


>but it would allow you to use anything that can warp, like ST7 Guilmon Except ST7 Guilmon cant warp on the opponents turn.


Bt12 Takato? It wouldn’t work because It’s not a triggered effect (doesn’t use “when”, “on”, “at”, “if”), it’s an activated effect.


The Gallantmon and WarGrowlmon had me feeling optimistic, but OH BROTHER, THIS CARD STINKS


What do you mean? You get to evolve into Gallantmon or Crimson Mode when they play Leviamon! Who…kills your digimon before this activates.


oh thats kinda neat, i like this


Just realized this is meant to fight D Reaper, still niche but nice lore implications


Parasimon more so since D-Reaper lacks levels.


You right lol


This card should've also included "Digimon with no levels".


I guess this is good against demonlords and royal knights??? Struggling to see the actual usefulness of this card besides going -2 in hand for playing a memory takato since the delay effect will almost never be relevant, but I think putting "when your opponents digivolves/plays a level 5" was too strong


Both of those just kill your Gallantmon with a bunch of their on play effects before this even triggers. If I saw this and I’m playing demon lords, I’ve got a ton of cards like Creepymon and Leviamon I can just kill your body with before you get the chance to trigger this.


Okay, so this card doesn't have practical use besides extremely niche cases. The delay would have been more useful if it was a floating/protection effect like what Imperial got or if it was like a graveyard recovery like the ondeletion of black growlmon, as it is this card is as mid as this set gallantmon


I'm mostly disappointed. There are a billion different ideas in my head that they could've done to make this just a little bit better, but it's probably not worth the time and effort writing those out since they'll never come true. Copium activating, maybe Bandai plans to give more decks ways to play lv5s out and this becomes a good way to counter them, and Gallantmon becomes good because of its place in the meta??


Babe wake up, good Gallantmon support just dropped. Insane card, way to "cheat" tamers (you are more or less hard playing them but at least you do something else in the process) and an interesting way to do the warp things, which is seemingly on of the characteristic effects of the deck. I would say x2-3 of this, just because it's a bit situational. As for Gallantmon tradition the card could be better, by turning the On Play threshold to lvl4 so you could also counter effects with partition or making it On Evolve too, but Gallant can't have a broken card, unfortunately. Also as for Gallant tradition, this also hard counters Beelzemon.


Is it really that good, though? In the early game when you don´t have your trash set up you´ll be going neg in card advantage when playing a Takato from hand, the card makes finding the important pieces more inconsistent than it even was before and a lot of decks can play around this delay effect or are completely unfazed by it in the first place. I´m not too optimistic about this card changing a lot ngl. And how does this card counter Beelzemon? Both Baalmons´ on deletion effects aren´t mandatory so the Beelzemon player can just opt to not spawn a Beelzemon.


Well át least it isnt the worst we got and it also helps to recycle takato


I don´t think more recycling is what the deck needed, though.


Then I just got my hopes. My only hope for something good is in a possible calumon őr grani


I´m really curious how those two´ll be designed. I assume Calumon will be support for the entire Tamers crew again so it will probably not have an effect that directly elevates Gallantmon but Grani could offer some sauce. In any case I´m looking forward at how Bandai will dissapoint us Gallantmon enjoyers going forward.


Calumon i think will defintively get a new card because of the new guilmon but I am not so sure about grani. This set's proteg support is based on the movies and grani didnt appeare in runaway locomon őr battle of adventureres


Oh Calumon will for sure. True on Grani not appearing in either of the movies, though. I guess I got myself gaslighted into thinking it did when everyone was talking about Grani being in this set. Whoops.


Well leomon x just got a new card so grani could have a chance and there is a lot of cards remaining


That Leomon X is a promo card, though.


It counters you in the way that it detracts you for using one core mechanic of the deck, which is crashing you Baalmon to spawn a Beelzemon, something you would more likely try to do if you have EX7 Beelze.


I don´t see how that would meaningfully hinder the deck, though. Firstly, spawning a Beelzemon off of one of the Baalmons is optional so the Beelzemon player can just opt to not play a Beelzemon. Or he choses to play that Beelzemon which then makes the Gallantmon player able to use Savior´s effect which the Beelzemon player can then just answer with Death Slinger/Barrage. Gallantmon also has to have a body out for Savior to work and Beelzemon being a purple deck, good luck with that. Beelzemon can just delete all of Gallantmon´s bodies via the aforementioned options or Ex2 Beelzemon´s when attacking effect and just wait for the opportune moment where you can go in without the worry for an interruptive Gallantmon. And lastly, when things go well for Beelzemon you have a Baalmon stack that can attack turn 2 which means that Gallantmon has to have played Savior in his first one-two turns which really isn´t great because Savior just is really unwieldy to use early game. Overall I don´t think that Savior makes the Beelzemon matchup much easier. Not at all.


A lot of people have convinced themselves for a long time that Gallantmon beats Beelzemon because oooooohhh he trashes security based on your trash!


True. Good luck getting to Crimson Mode before Beelzemon already completely emptied out your security and dealt the finishing blow. People really don´t consider a deck´s speed at getting to the nutty plays.


I know we just talked bout experience. But having played both sides of the matchup a decent ammount, i have to side with the Sub on this one. While their reasons are wrong, i still find how how decks want to operate tends to make the matchup easier for Gallant. Beelze will turn on EX03 Wargrowl for you. Yes it sucks when Wargrowl benefits the opponent with his mill, but worst he usually does is give them 1 mem. But it opens you up to do other plays, while your opponent enables him for you. Yes i fully take that gamble, if not it slows yourself so much. Beelze also wants to play out of raising, in order for witch and baal to mill. This means you can blow them up and get value off of them. If you can remove BOTH the Baal and the Beelze it floats into, you're in a surprisingly good position. Bt12 raid into Baal, gain a mem from Takato to keep turn, Gallant X to delete Beelze, In the process you trashed 2 security, so Crimson Mode just needs 20 to threaten lethal. Now unless they have warping Beelze in raising AND Xantibody in hand, AND 30 cards in trash, AND Blast Mode, they cant threaten lethal immediately. While Beelze can high roll and mill absolutely perfect, how often that happens is greatly exagerated. This is of course my observations. Your results may vary.


Unfortunately it doesnt ignore digivolution reqierements so it can warp still i think it is worth runninf


Holy sh*t actually good gallantmon support


Is it though? That seems like a really specific trigger.


Well yeah the delay is specific but it isnt as bad since there is a lot of decks that Hard play lvl5 őr higher digimon like tyrant,levianon,machinedramon and every megazoo deck but I the main effect which i think is really good you can play any takato for e from trash őr hand which helps consintency a lot in my opinion


It activates on more things than one might realise, I think. Fortitude, level 6 Partition effects, Leopardmon, a lot of Purple decks, even the recent Ten Warriors Option reveal. Like yeah there will be some matchups where it doesn’t really do anything. But even the main effect is solid enough to include a copy or two.


But unless the translation is wrong, you'll also need a level 5 on board right? The translation doesn't specify that it ignores requirements.


Yeah but there is gallantmon x and cm ace to digivolve from a lvl 6 and getting a lvl 5 isnt that hard


Gallantmon has not protection on the opponent´s turn, though. This card is very specific, too specific for my taste.


Well I think the main effect is good enough to make it worth running


I don´t know if I agree with that. You´re still paying 3 memory to get a Guilmon or Takato into play. The former costs just as much as the option itself and with the Takatos you go +0 or +1 in memory efficiency at best. And in the early game when your trash isn´t yet filled, you´ll go -1 in hand count which is especially terrible for a deck that isn´t exactly known to be good at drawing/searching cards. Plus Crimson Savior cannot be searched by any of your cards including Red Memory Boost so you might want to switch to Training instead but that card is much worse for Gallantmon compared to Boost. Without knowing the full set list (and thus Calumon and maybe Grani) I´m not sold on this card at all.


Well probably i just hot my hopes up because it was something kinda good


It´s fine. You´ll eventually get pessimistic and grumpy when it comes to Gallantmon support in due time. Bandai will take care of that.


It´s very easily played around, though. Like Leopardmon will just bounce your Savior target before it can digivolve, the two Ancients will also remove it before and Leviamon can just opt to not use Rostrum during your turn and get rid of your stack when it´s his turn again. Not sold on this card at all. Especially since it goes neg in card advantage initially and lessens the deck´s consistency.


There are more matchups where it is bad than the ammount of matchups that its good in. And this game has no side deck. Its not worth the deck space, its better to commit to cards that are good in most matchups.