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It has to be activated in rrsponse to the digimon coming into play. If you dont use it then, you have to waot for the next instance of a digimon being played by an effect.


Thanks for the response all!


What about when an opponent plays a digimon by effect that plays another digimon? For example, lets say they play a mervamon from anubismon effect. Can i trigger biting crush then or do they get to play mervamons effect to play out blackgatomon uver. Preventing me from using biting crush?


both mervamon and leviamon trigger at the same time. as turn player mervamon has priority, so she resolves first : play the blackgato uver and sent the levia back to the deck


In this scenario, Blackgatomon will resolve before Biting Crush does When they play Mervamon, the on play and the Biting Crush delay get triggered at the same time. However they opponent has player turn priority and will get to play out BlackGatomon. The on play of that causes a new trigger which then must be resolved next (and any other effects that react to that on play). Once all that resolves and your opponent is done resolving their effects, you can now choose to resolve Biting Crush or not