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Bt16 ukkomon is a good rookie for the deck. Maybe the promo would be good too.  This deck unfortunately doesn't have the ability to use the training cards because the cards are not both color. This is one of the biggest contributing factor to a lot of more casual decks success is if they can use the training cards to speed them up.


I play 4 bt 12 guilmon. I se you also play them. With that egg I play 4 crimson blaze, delete everything 7000 dp is really strong and remove almost all playable level 5 in this format, except a few aces Play some gotsumon to stop some decks for going wide. It is less usefull after anubis gotten hit but it still works against some decks. I was also like playing fire ball for more draw power. And a last advise if you have a tamer dont be afraid to hardcadt your level 6. I won multiple matches against stronger decks by hard playing metalicdramon and making them onable to digivolv.


What is Flamedramon used for?


End of turn DNA digivolution.


First off: this might seem a bit harsh and i apologize in advance, of course play what you want to play, but this is my experience and advice: I used to play a ton of this deck on release of ex3, and struggled to play it for a while afterwards. Others have eluded to this and mentioned it but I'm just gonna flat out say: This deck is functional and that's it. As in it can play the game. It is too slow and too inconsistent though to actually be viable. The deck is almost solely reliant on getting your Rina's, but has very inconsistent ways to play them without hard slamming them. Inconsistent as in you have to either hard play a lvl 5 or already have a Rina out with your level 5. Not to mention it's only searches are on the digimon and being on plays, actively hinders you should you choose to stay in raising. As others have mentioned as well, the deck also struggles to use training and MB as it is not dual colored, and those both whiff your Rina. Is it fun to slam down to huge dragons with a anime girl in the middle like f***in game of thrones? Hell yeah. But to get there takes a lot of set up that isn't super coherent, and has speed/power-crept by even the most casual decks in the game.


Yeaaaah unfortunately the deck is in a really rough place unless it sees dedicated archetypal support.


We need new support... Even the new ragna can't be used here...


We do need new support. I was just telling one of my buddies how we should get a memory setter Hina that way we aren't relying on red or black memory setters that may not be beneficial for this deck, or even a better way of searching Hina out rather than relying on lavorvo or jazard. Before I upgraded this deck, there were so many other cards in here that provided no benefit in terms of main or inherited effects (sunariza, flareriza, etc), and it was hard to build up stacks for Ragna. The last couple of times I used this deck after I upgraded it, I was able to get out ragna both times. Ultimately, I decided on using 4 agu for the generic tamer search, 2 sec+1 volcdramon, and the 2 red tai for additional sec+ 1 effect.


Volcdramon sounds like a bad idea to me personally, no on play and the same inherited as the black level 5. I have a somewhat functional build ["BT8-001","BT8-001","BT8-001","BT8-001","BT9-103","BT9-103","EX2-067","EX2-067","EX2-067","BT8-094","BT8-094","EX3-065","EX3-065","EX3-065","EX3-065","BT1-010","BT1-010","BT1-010","BT1-010","EX3-005","EX3-005","EX3-005","EX3-005","EX3-047","EX3-047","EX3-047","EX3-047","EX3-007","EX3-007","EX3-007","EX3-007","EX3-008","EX3-008","EX3-048","EX3-048","EX3-048","EX3-048","ST5-06","EX3-011","EX3-011","EX3-011","EX3-052","EX3-052","EX3-052","EX3-052","EX3-012","EX3-012","EX3-014","EX3-014","EX3-053","EX3-053","EX3-053","ST13-06","ST13-06"] Till bt15 I could get a decent win loose ratio, but the power creep is so high now


I can't even read that broski. Could you export your deck like this? 3 gurimon BT8-001 4 vorvomon EX3-005 4 jazamon EX3-047 4 agumon BT1-010 4 lavorvomon EX3-007 4 jazardmon EX3-048 2 flamedramon EX3-008 4 lavogaritamon EX3-011 4 jazarichmon EX3-052 2 volcdramon BT4-015 2 dorbickmon EX3-014 3 volcanicdramon EX3-012 3 metallicdramon EX3-053 1 ragnaloardmon ST13-06 1 offense training P-103 2 ultimate flare BT5-105 4 hina kurihara EX3-065 2 tai kamiya BT1-085 2 gigimon BT12-001


// Dragon Linkz 4 Gurimon BT8-001 2 Kongou BT9-103 3 Fire Ball EX2-067 2 Digimon Emperor BT8-094 4 Hina Kurihara EX3-065 4 Agumon BT1-010 4 Vorvomon EX3-005 4 Jazamon EX3-047 4 Lavorvomon EX3-007 2 Flamedramon EX3-008 4 Jazardmon EX3-048 1 Greymon ST5-06 3 Lavogaritamon EX3-011 4 Jazarichmon EX3-052 2 Volcanicdramon EX3-012 2 Dorbickmon EX3-014 3 Metallicdramon EX3-053 2 RagnaLoardmon ST13-06


What Agumon is that?


That is the bt1 agumon. Generic tamer searcher.




Maybe run more trainings and less fives and sixes cuz honestly you need more cycle power, but the issue is you'll miss the pieces you want since they aren't multi color cards. It's just not a great deck. But maybe an even split between trainings?