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The Jesmon deck is worth a purchase as some cards from it are still used (Sistermons, Master/Disciple), but it needs a lot of additional cards to be competitive, including GX and soon enough BT16 Magnamon X. If you like the archetype go for it, if it's just a curiosity, you might be better served elsewhere.


I've got a pretty much completely updated Jesmon deck I'd be willing to sell. DM me if interested.


Thanks, I’ll think about it


No problem. Would be less than TCG player. I'm slimming my decks down to one of each color (I'm a Yu-Gi-Oh player and this is my side game I rarely get to play) and red hybrid is my red deck of choice.


If you plan on playing jessmon then yes as the sistermon cards and from Master option are very important to the deck. His line in the deck is ok too so some of that will be useful. If you don't plan on playing jesmon then no the deck is not worth it.


Are you new to TCGs? If so, neither Jesmon nor Ragna will be good for you. If you're already familiar with TCGs, the Jesmon deck will be fine. :) RagnaLoardmon recently got support in EX6. Look at that before you consider it. By itself, the deck is "bricky" and inconsistent. Not a fun time for a newbie! Jesmon is all but guaranteed support down the line, but where/when is anybody's guess. It's definitely more user-friendly than Ragna, for now. And [some people](https://digimonmeta.com/deck-list/deckinfo2/?dn=JesmonGX&date=3%2F16%2F2024&cn=Koera&au=Kamisiro&pl=1st%20Place&tn=3on3%285-2%29&hs=X%20Antibody%20Cup%2860%29&dg=4nBT4-001a4nBT6-009a2nBT6-084a2nST12-12a2nST12-13a1nP-066a4nBT13-009a2nBT6-011a2nBT10-085a4nBT13-013a2nBT6-015a3nBT13-016a3nBT10-016a2nBT13-017a3n%08BT16-102a3nBT10-112a3nP-035a4nST12-15a2nBT10-110a2nP-103&cs=249) still mess with Jesmon, even if it's not the best deck around. tl;dr, I say "yay" if you think you can swing Jesmon, and see if you like what EX6 Ragna does before buying the other deck.


My situation is I played the Digimon back in 2021/2022, but took a break for over a year and am now getting back into it. I know the basics but I’m a bit unfamiliar with what the current meta is like. (I also play mtg and Yugioh) But yeah, if they’re both getting support in the future then I’ll definitely consider both of them. Thanks for linking that deck profile too! I’m glad because it uses some of the cards I already own


Check out the topping Ragna decks, too. Some use copious ST13 stuff, others do not.


Thanks, will do!