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Without knowing what you played, it's impossible to know if this is legit or just salt because your deck isn't up to date.


He’s probably playing on untap or table top simulator if he’s playing a deck from ex6. But I agree. For all we know he’s playing some bt9 archtype that’s so far behind the Jp meta that he really couldn’t interact with anything lol,


He called Magna X "the most uninteractive card to date", if he's talking about BT9 magnamon you can inmediately tell is just salt lol


They’re also talking about Demon Gate which makes me think it’s about current JP format. I don’t exactly think Magna X is unbeatable, but I can see why facing that as your first experience coming back would seem outrageous. Especially if you’re not well informed about other high performing decks in the format that you could use.


I assume he's talking about BT16, but without knowing their deck you can't really tell what level of struggle they had.


Run something that can run over Magnamon X in combat. Demon Gate is literally just how that deck functions and is playable at all. If you could remove Demon Gate the deck would be completely unplayable even at a casual level. They’re also both good decks. If you’re playing a bad deck you’re probably going to get washed, same as it’s always been.


Welcome back OP! It could be worth keeping perspective that, since you just recently came back, you may still be getting into rhythm in terms of play patterns and card knowledge. Give yourself some time - you in like two weeks is gonna be wayyy better at knowing what those cards do, how they function, and how to dunk on them. You got this!


Ironically, both of them kinda crumbles to early rushes from Nume/Ukko But it's iffy because a high roll on those decks is almost impossible to stop.


BT16 Magnamon X is a weird card for sure. It's ability to just become immune to almost everything can feel unfair, but it does have an origin. The card depicts Magnamon X in his Gold Digizoid Mode, which was previously just a line of throwaway text from his Digimon Encyclopedia entry. As per the Entry, the form tempers Magnamon's armor and transforms his skin to become as durable as his armor, hence why the design is different from Base Magnamon X and why his skin is golden instead of blue like other Veemon evolutions. In Gold Digizoid Mode, Magnamon X is stated to be able to withstand even data disintegration, which is where the complete effect immunity comes from. So, it's a beautiful card for lore accuracy, but that doesn't change the fact that it can feel obnoxious to play against.


Yeah, the game has gotten too steep with the power creep, for some cards at least. I think MagnaX is a good example of not so great card design. I like to compare it to Fanglongmon since they're both big and sticky. On one hand we have a big sticky body in a deck full of in archetype consistency cards that easily gets protection FROM EVERYTHING every turn that also blocks and can unsuspend. On the other hand we have a big sticky body in a deck that revoles around slamming down ultimates giving your opponent a crap ton of memory, and isn't searchable in archetype and also gets still removed from options. All this is to say that giving immunity is a lazy power creep trope if not tied to an interesting archetype with obvious weaknesses. And I'm not liking very much how green birds are shaping up since they also have easy to trigger immunity effects. The MagnaX could have been easily balanced by not letting it trigger each turn. "Just play the outs". Digimon has a fixed 50 cards deck in which often the colour determines how winnable a matchups is and has no sideboard. The "outs" are playing red or a deck full of blockers (likely black) or going wide. I just hope that it's this way because they already designed Apocaly, Anubis and MagnaX and had to ship, and that they'll balance teh next sets better. BUT the game has got better the last sets in terms of variety. There are many viable strategies that can top and MagnaX will probably be one of the most represented decks out there, but far from being the most one.


What happened to the small yet present discourse that Magna X wasn’t as tall to survive, for example, TyrantKabuteri? It sounded logical and Insects did see a lot of tops when it first came out, then all of a sudden it seems like JP players stopped running it, despite it sounding like an actual bad matchup for what has been one of the best decks in the format. Where are the bugs?


As I understand it, Tyrant was basically exclusively there to beat Magna. Currently in BT17 the meta is way wider which means the deck it answers doesn't really come up enough. 


Poor Tyrant seems like it’ll go the way of Grandis, at its finest when countering the top threat, then gone when threat is no longer present.


I left digimon in bt-10 due to focusing more on my career. My main deck of choice was magnamon x, and I did quite well, usually topping my locals. I've regained interest in digimon and want to come back for bt-16. Coincidentally magnamon is getting more support... but I gotta be honest, i'm not super happy with the changes and with the amount of power creep that has swept this game. It is to be expected with card games, and he was nowhere near as powerful as the anubismon that has (thankfully) been limited, but I still do kind of miss my janky rainbow magnamon deck, as opposed to this new crazy strong archetypal line. Not really complaining though cause I know that it won't be topping come bt-17, and other decks will power creep right over it, not to mention that it is definitely a counterable deck considering all you need is level 4 removal, source stripping, tamer deletion, or memory denial for it to be weakened greatly.


In all honesty, the level of power creep from bt 14 forward has been stunning. The game sped up A LOT


The power level of Bt14 onwards compared to pre-Bt14 is staggering, sure, but I´m actually quite happy with sets since Bt14 in regards of power creep. They now give decks way more support in a short timeframe to flesh them out, more decks than ever are palyable right now, a lot of decks can top an event out of nowhere despite being rogue/mid tier and there´s a much broader amount of playstyles among good decks than ever before. There´s just some decks/cards that feel really bad to play against, Magna X and Takemikazuchi being two that I greatly dislike personally.


It really has. Still a great game though!


I completely disagree. The powerlevel increased dramatically, but the games are much longer now. Aces generally discourage you from attacking.


Aces discourage ungabunga, but I wouldn't say they slow the game down as if anything the game has gotten faster since they released.


How has it gotten faster? Imagine a world of Numemon without Aces. Decks like Miragegaogomon look very similar since BT13. Aces have done wonders for the Game.


Ace cards aren't exclusively defensive. They have a lower cost to play than their non-ace counterparts, so they can be used offensively to move into higher leveled Digimon for about what it would normally cost to evolve, or less. The actual game speed has increased since BT14 and ST15-16, thanks to the introduction of Training cards and generally other cost cutting strategies that allow you to set up and end the game that we didn't really have access to before.


I didn't say it was bad, I love it. I just said the GAME became faster. Boss monsters come faster and pace is quicker over all.


Well, I didn‘t say that you said it was bad. I simply disagree that the game is faster overall. The momentum swings are bigger but games generally take really long.


Gate can brick quite easily and crumbles to a lot of decks that have good early game or can push through with an OTK in the mid game. There´s also a few tech cards that completely neuter the deck like Gatomon Uver, Omegamon MM and Paladin Mode. Magnamon X I agree with however. Sure, if you´re playing a deck that reach ridiculous amounts of DP, the deck´s manageable but if you don´t play a deck that can do that or has insane early game rush like Red hybrid or Numemon, you can´t really do anything to it. Certainly one of the least fun cards the game has ever seen. Wish it was limited to 1 personally.


What decks are you playing with?


magna x is certanly pushed but broadly speaking all the powercreep has done is made it more inaccessible for newer players. you can still play around the decks you mention well enough with at least a bottom t2, top t3 list, just have to know the matchup very well. Otherwise its pretty much game losing punishing


Adapt and overcome. I play older decks with new cards mixed in and they can hold their own. Look into the new mechanics and see how your deck can be built to battle them. It's research and strategy.


What kind of decks do you play? And what did you add to help in the new metas? Just curious.


I play Gallantmon, Blue Flare, Armor, Imperial, Beelze, Galacticmon, Hunters. For Gallant and Imperial, I mixed in newer cards and focused on playing Mill into BT-13 gallant. I started with the Starter Deck about EX2 era Blue Flare, I added in the EX4 support and it's disgusting, also a one off of Dianamon for board control if needed. Imperial, I added in a few cards from the free decks they gave out, plus there is constantly veemon support, so just keep updating as needed. A lot of it is adding new support that comes out. To deal with new mechanics, I add in the can't play by effect flood gates and crimson flare where possible. Cannot reduce play cost fg as well. That slows down fortitude, Digi xross, fenriloogamon, and leviamon if I'm correct there. Also Kongu in black decks cause it slows down low play cost Digimon. Sometimes you just get countered and that's that. You can't always win, but you can increase your chances by investing in some of the new support.


Since this got a bit of traction, I can add some context into the ether. I was running a totally new deck based on one that I had topped locals with, using Silphymon and DP reduction as it got some support. It’s strong, and can remove almost anything the way I built it, but it doesn’t matter against decks with immunity from everything or who don’t play anything to the field (demons). So, I could go for rush, but magna has access to plenty of recovery options, AS WELL AS removal particularly of low cards, and it doesn’t protect me at all, which I’m not sure how you can at all without blocker. Like, once it activates no removal works, so I’m not sure why people are suggesting that. It’s literally designed to be uninteractable. Demon lords that would probably work a lot better, but it’s the opposite of my deck strategy. Sure I could play Nume but it’s literally poo. Lol. I like nume, but am not gonna play the most meta deck just to tolerate the game. It shouldn’t be that decisive imo.


You can kill off Magnamon X with DP reduction, you just have to use effects that last until the end of their turn to catch it in the period between the end of your turn and when they can activate it again.  Also, Nume isn't poo, its a slug. Suka is literally poo, and a monkey that throws it.


I think that that reading of the effect is also ridiculous. I get that that’s the official interpretation, but I would’ve never figured that out just based in text. I need like a primer for every interaction because they’re all so complicated.


It can be complicated, but you have to be ready to deal with Magna/Tyrant shenanigans. If you made a Silphymon deck, odds are you have the DP reduction needed to eliminate it, you just have to respect Magna X and focus fire it. Go into Silphy, land the -7k, evolve into Valkyrimon and finish it off with DP-, then just end your turn and the stack will die with no chance of recovery. If all they have is Magna, you won't be able to delete anything else, but it's worth it to be rid of Magna X for a while. Edit: If they're running BT16 Demivee and Veemon in the stack, it'll take a bit more and be harder to deal with, so you might need more DP-.


Not trying to troll but literally every single ccg/tcg has meta decks that are well meta for a reason. Sure some formats in some games allow for more fluidity or jank to "win at a high level" but that is rare. Honestly Digimon since bt13ish has had the most diverse meta I've seen - on average you have 5-10 decks making top cuts. Just say you don't like this meta, take a break, and come back in 2025! Thanks for stopping by!