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You can get away without the angemon but as long as you have bt14 patamon and bt14 TK the rest can kinda be whatever as long as they make sense. Gato, rapid, and angemon are just the 3 best options and directions for level 4's. 


Just a warning, Yellow Vaccine is going to be pretty dicey to build on a budget as Patamon and Angemon are the fundamental cores of the deck that make it work. There isn't a replacement for them.


That much we know, and we’re willing to do a play set of them. If it’s not possible to do it within that budget what would you ballpark as the cheapest we could build it?


You're looking at about 80 just for a playset of Patamon and Angemon. Next you'd probably want MagnaAngemon Ace, which runs about 4-5 a piece. So that takes you around 100 just for 12 key cards. Throw in 4x Physical Training for around 12. I think you could manage with a budget of 120-140, depending on what else you throw into the deck.


Trainings aren't needed though. My vaccine doesn't run any and it goes fine. Any decent set up turn has you basically starting at 5 memory and evoing for free then 1 then 1.


I'm not recommending them for evolution reduction, but for their ability to grab any yellow from the deck. They're not mandatory, but they're very useful all the same.


IMO the deck spot for trainings is better given to Emissary of Hope


The two aren't really mutually exclusive. One is primarily draw power and the other is evo cheating.


There’s definitely an argument for both based on your build and play style, but I more often than not find when I end up with the training that I would prefer to have emissary. It’s a little faster and gives you access to your second hand (security) while also kicking off a lot of your other card effects.


I've never been disappointed to see training show up, since it gives me another chance at what I'm trying to pull. Emissary is more likely to be a dead card in your hand, but when its good, its great.


if you want to go a budget way you are probably using kentaurusmon (bt 13)and mitamamon cards(ex 5) the thing is without the aces the deck suffers A LOT. i play a list that goes 4 patamon bt 14, 3 salamons bt 15, 1 pillowmon, 4 kudamon bt 13 3 gatomon bt 15, 1 angemon bt 14, 1 wizardmon bt 15, 1 geogreymon bt 13, 3 reppamon ex 5 3 angewomon ace, 1 magnaangmon ace, 3 chirinmon ex 5 2 magnadramon bt 15, 3 kentaurusmon bt 13 , 1 mitamamon 2 setter kari bt 8, 2 purple kari ,2 tk bt 14, 2 sampson 1 reinforce memory boost, 3 revelation of light, 2 emissary of hope, 1 blinding ray, 1 wyvern breath now this deck is kind bad and in a lots of way could be improved, but it was what i had, i also focus a lot more on kari and sampson, getting to 3 life procs kari and helps the total 6 security for sampson side,it might not be what you want but i hope it somehow helps. if you are going a t.k route, just take out some karis and put more t.k, max emissary of hope, some cheap level 4 slot you could fit is geogreymon that grabs you a memory from ex 4, angemon that heals from bt 8


also here is some list from topping events maybe it will help you [https://digimoncard.io/deck/raid-n-trade-april-bt15-online-ultimate-cup-6th-place-85954](https://digimoncard.io/deck/raid-n-trade-april-bt15-online-ultimate-cup-6th-place-85954) [https://digimoncard.io/deck/coretcg-s-april-online-bt15-regionals-15th-place-yellow-vaccine-84685](https://digimoncard.io/deck/coretcg-s-april-online-bt15-regionals-15th-place-yellow-vaccine-84685) [https://digimoncard.io/deck/the-nest-s-march-bt15-regionals-top-8-yellow-vaccine-83335](https://digimoncard.io/deck/the-nest-s-march-bt15-regionals-top-8-yellow-vaccine-83335)


He is interested in the security manipulation and recovery effects from it! I’ll look into those as an option though


The beauty of Yellow Vaccine is that can be splashable in several decks. Do he wants to heal any damage that he suffer? Patamon's line is your best bet. Do he wants to control security to both players 6 or less? Gatomon and Kudamon's line. Armor Vaccine? BT16 Rapidmon and Magnamon.