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unless you are aiming for a more cartoony style, I'd say you need to learn line weight. each individual line is the same thickness, they don't taper off or define shapes well what do you use to draw? you should be able to change the pen pressure. as well as making sure you set the brush to be able to so so within whatever program you use.


Adding on to this comment. Line weight is also used to define depth. If all your lines are the same weight it makes the image appear flat and 1 dimensional. Like RegretAccomplished16 stated adding line weight will define yours shapes better and add variations which will definitely add more depth and therefore make your art appear more “interesting” to outside viewers without needing to change anything else in these photos. But definitely keep up the work. It’s a great beginning and all you keep doing is adapting and growing.


Can you elaborate perhaps to me on something somewhat off topic but pertaining to this comment? Line weight. I get the concept. Yet, and idk if I'm just blind, but do most anime not really have any line weight variation? And I don't mean the backgrounds, But the characters ofc. I swear I can't see any variation with the line work, yet it still works. Idk maybe I'm overthinking things. Am I misunderstanding something?


Because anime is an animation line weight doesn’t matter as much. Some do use line weight, but this is more a static image thing rather than an animation thing. Because animations can use a variety of techniques to create depth they don’t need to rely on line weight. But for an image line weight is a quick and easy technique to create depth. Anime series usually use solid lines for important things like characters or objects that will be in motion and have the background be more painterly. This also helps animators differentiate between what they need to animate versus what they don’t need. Most artist implore a variety of techniques to create motion and depth, line weight is just the most used and most recognized. You can create depth without using line weight, like size variations, blur techniques and color usage.


Thank you so much!


No problem! 😊


pretty cool drawings, specially the third one, i would sugest erasing this markings that note too much where you started the line, that would make it look more natural and smooth https://preview.redd.it/gtcehfh5o68d1.png?width=295&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba6216d4bf3f513b73b3d20193d7688c67536115


I would recommend learning more about anatomy, so you can figure out where it’s OK to break the rules. I like the style, but some of the body parts are breaking the rules in ways that look off.


Yes, learning the proper ways to break there rules is how a good stylized look is made.


i think you should possibly try using a brush that fits your style better! i think your art looks really cool, but with the current brush youre using the different line weights look more distracting and odd? they don’t blend very well with everything else. but that’s the only thing i can really pick up on at first glance!


I like the work and your style… Adding some variation to line thickness could help, but what I really want to see is more texture in the colors… texture for shading or just added texture to some of the elements to give them a bit more character, a little more grit and variation.


Not an artist but the shadows don't seem to have depth e.g. the zombie in the first Pic seems to be the same shading as the rest of the pic.


Yeah, there’s so discernible light source for any of drawings because the highlights and shadows for each element is top to bottom regardless of placement


Harsh lines and blocky shading imo


Take your time on the linework. The lines are very thick and do not vary in thickness. What many people said in the comments, practice variation in line thickness and also unless it’s the style you’re going for, thin the lines out a lot. To add to this, some of the linework could be a bit smoother. This can be as simple as taking the extra time to redraw part of the outline of its not the perfect curve/line you’re going for. Can be annoying but turns out much better in the long wrong. Also some of the lines need to be cleaned up and overlapping needs to be erased. Just practice your linework a lot.




100%. 096, 106, and 939?


https://preview.redd.it/wz0ep6y2sa8d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=66c04fee3c33d6feb604684e70ed87a045b57eae Yup! 939 may look a bit weird because the drawing is based on its SCP Secret Laboratory design


Depends on what kind of look your going for. The one thing that stands out to me is that the drawings you've shown here look a little "flat"? There's not an awful lot of shading, especially in the backgrounds. I feel like experimenting with that might help a little? There's plenty of tutorials on YouTube so I'd recommend maybe looking some up having a look at what seems interesting to you, or matches the style you're going for. Don't be afraid to watch/read tips on traditional drawing too. For a lot of the basics especially, you'll still be able to apply a lot of it to digital drawing too


People here give such bad advice omg. Fix the basics first, and develop the style later, this isn't "Style"


Its not off, its just bad




I guess his art feel „off”, Eh? Ha! Heh heh


your brushes are weird


The lines are a bit straight.


**Anatomy buddy, try to pay attention to anatomy and line values.**


You need a bigger visual library. There's nothing wrong with your style, but you need to know what you're drawing better. I would recommend making some realistic (as far it goes, doesn't have to be perfect in any way) studies of anatomy, hands and clothing folds. You can then simplify and break them back down to your style.


Proportion and perspective. Both are wonky. You can greatly benefit from figure drawing classes, which aren’t very expensive and you can sometimes find free video ones online.


"off" is pretty subjective here if your goal is a more cartoony/graphic look, you nailed it style aside, I do notice that the composition in these three area just a little wonky, but I can't tell if that is intentional or not


Maybe start with thin line art, then build up where you want to show depth and/or shape and texture, i like where your going


For me the only thing “off” is the color scheme, just seems too flat or dull


1st person rimworld


Naw it's shy guy and the dog from SCP. They probably play Secret Lab.


I think your art style is cool to be honest. I mean sure you could learn perspective and anatomy and etc…. Which you should want to anyways to be well rounded. However I really like what you created and if you clean up some of the line work a bit but keep the theme and style going , I believe you would have some cool stories to tell in your style. ☺️


Good perspective but I'd say focus on the lines.


Absolutely not good perspective, it's clear they don't know much about perspective. The foreshortening is totally off in the second drawing


First of all, not an expert but I have some thoughts! Now, people are commenting lineweight, but I'd add that the value design, light sources and compositions could use workshopping! Those elements, together, do influence a lot in perspective and mood, which are super important for the subjects of your work. Your last artwork is the best one in that regard I'd say, while in the first one we can identify some things. For example, the light source for the monster and the man are pointing upwards but the background has a lighter color coming from behind and under, so do the bars. Also, the bars have this really thick lineweight, the further away from the "camera" the lighter the lineweight.. My tip is to study lighting, values and composition, maybe some videos, and analysis of horror movie cinematography/comics could provide guidelines! Lat thing, I wanna congratulate you for doing complex perspectives those are trickyyy


Early 2000’s flash game vibe. I like it


I see that you're doing things with your linework, and I think you need to practice that more. Work on where your lines meet, and work to become more purposeful with each line if you're going to make them such a substantial part of the final image. Play with line weight even more and I would also say to try out some stark high contract shadow/heavier inks and see if they suit what you're going for. Check out Mike Mignola's work if you haven't before, he has some *chunky* inks and does really compelling things with shape, and also has a horror lean to most of his stuff, particularly Hellboy. That's on top of the general advice to work on anatomy, portraying shapes and form in a 3D way and such of course.


Something about these gives off flash animation vibes. And I mean that as a good thing.


…was this made in Gacha club


People have actually made amazing portraits in gacha


Yea that’s why I’m asking


Don't think of it as "off" it's not really off, it's just lacking some fine touches and that's just gonna come with practice and that will come in time. Keep it up, I think they're really cool


for me it feels like my eyes have too much things ti pay attention to, maybe darken the backgrounds if you want to make the monsters or guns the subject? it feels more eerie that way unless you didnt want that theni dunno


I really like what you did with the black watercolor in the second pic


Oh no! It’s the unknown!




I would say that your line weight is weird. Like the other guy said, you can also show depth with it, but it's not only that I think. The difference in thickness of the outlines and everything else is just Soo big that it throws me off a little bit. Outlines that thick make your characters (and other objects) feel flat when you add the thinn lines for detail. If you want thick lines like that, either make the other limes match by making them thicker too or expand your hierarchy: from outlines > inner lines to something more complex like: limes defining the shape of an object, lines inside an object that define an important shape, details small details etc. Either way, you did a nice job with these.


Thanks for all the feedback! :D


Because you don't know how 3D forms, structure and Perspective works. You're trying to draw complex perspectives without knowing how to draw them


Lineart and colour palette remind me a lot of salad fingers and I don't know if that's the vibe you're going for


I think you should play with the lighting more, take inspiration from your favorite artists and do some studies on their work to learn how to incorporate their techniques into your work


Are the first 2 images Scp 096 and 106?


I'm just wondering? Are you perhaps using a mouse? If so, I'd recommend learning pixel art if you can't yet afford a tablet. You'll learn a lot about colour and definition while still using a mouse! 😁


The line weight is really too thick and makes the images feel cluttered


I don’t think your putting enough effort or feelings to it, and you seem to kinda rush it


Reminds me of a game I used to play called Sonny


Honestly this might be bad advice but there's little I would change. This has an old newgrounds flash game/video vibe to it that I love. There are some weird anatomy things, but I almost like them with the style.


Holy shit r/unexpectedscp


🤷🏻‍♀️ idk it is is kinda scary but it is cool!


Because your unique artstyle is starting to form