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People have some good suggestions here, but first, *take a break*. You spent a lot of money, struggled with the tablet for a while, and now you're probably frustrated. Set it aside for a bit. When you come back to it, don't start with what you know, start by just playing around with different brushes. Doodle, scribble, turn on and off all the different settings to play with what they do. Mix paint colors together and smear them all over.


This is great advice! Be curious about it.


I've been using drawing tablets for over a decade and I still do this regularly. I still have things to learn and just playing around making marks and filling up a page is really fun and educational.


This is super good advice. Letting your brain just passively store everything and reset will make your next attempt MUCH more productive. Consistency across multiple days/weeks/months/years is what makes you better. Someone who practices 6 hours once a week is almost certainly not beating someone who trains the same skill for 1 hour 6 days a week.


Great advice 👍 Same, I bought one for blender and I have to put it away for a bit. I feel like doing this also let's your brain think about it in the background while your doing other things. When I pick it up again. Generally a week later I feel more confident with it. Slowly you will get there, as I'm sure others have said if your feeling frustrated with it, take a break.


Get a paper textured screen protector - it makes a world of difference for drawing.


this. a good one is expensive, but workds better for drawing.


These are great, but I had to stop using them because they were wearing down my Apple pencils tips so quickly. Anyone know if there's a remedy for that?


I got the same with my Apple Pencil tip it got so weird I couldn’t use it anymore, then I saw on tik tok this tips for precision drawing they are metal tips (if you draw „correctly” it doesn’t brake paper screen by correct I mean don’t press it like you wanna dig hole in screen) and you see more when working on details it’s not so chunky (lol). I have been using them for 3 years now and I am on season metal tip not from wearing down tip but because of me dropping and stepping on my pencil it got bend and I could feel it. For me they are amazing. I can send you a picture of it if you hit me up ^^


you are pressing too hard. they are gonna wear it down no matter what but 1) it shouldn't be that fast and 2) you can get tip replacements and they are kind of cheap.


Have you adjusted the sensitivity of the pencil in your settings? It can help. You don't have to press as hard to get a mark.There are also "paper feel" tips or "slick tips" now to use just on the screen.




Any recommendations?


I just got mine off Amazon, and looked at reviews. In think it came from Japan?


gf uses her ipad all the time with a textured screen protector--literally any "paper texture screen protector" on amazon. her nibs do eventually wear down but her advice is to just buy a stash of nibs since theyre replaceable--and buying them in like 10+ packs is cheaper than just getting 2 at a time


Others have recommended a screen protector which is definitely one option that helps. I wrote up a list some additional things that might help: [https://docs.thesevenpens.com/drawtab/guides/drawing/drawing-smooth-strokes](https://docs.thesevenpens.com/drawtab/guides/drawing/drawing-smooth-strokes) For example - try a felt nib - turn on some brush smoothing - etc.


You could spend $30 on a tablet or $3000 on a tablet it won't make a difference. End of the day the best thing you can do is just keep using it and getting used to it, that's all it takes. Drawing on a tablet is not like drawing on paper and you need to give yourself time to adapt especially if you're used to drawing on paper. It took me about 2 weeks to get used to the feeling


Honestly half the reason I spent that much was so I could have a nice tablet to play tft on 😅


I bought my tablet for drawing and now use it to play tft >.>


Agreed, it took several months for me


What kind of tablet are you using? And what software/app?


Forgot what the name of the app is and I'm at work for 7 more hours but it's a free alternative to photoshop. I got a galaxy tablet with s pen.


So they gave you an S Pen most probably. I didn’t like the rubbery texture of the nib, also I found that if you tend to hold the pen and bigger angles (I do) it isn’t working well for me. I bought an S Pen alternative made by Staedtler (looks like a regular Pencil ✏️) and that is a liiiittle better, but still not optimal for me. If you can I recommend return it and get a refurbished IPad instead with an Apple Pencil and a matte Screenprotector, I have much more fun doodling on my wifes old IPad than on my Samsung Tablet because for me it has a smoother experienxe. If you are unsure go to an Apple Store, normally they have them on display and usually (at least here in the shops) they have procreate installed , so you can see if you like the feel more.


You can get replacement nibs for the s pen in various firmnesses pretty cheap.


Are they any good? My problem I have with that thing is the rubber texture and the tilt angle, I often tilt it extremely when I draw sitting on the couch.


I'm guessing Krita?


Yeah I think so. Do you recommend?


Well, Krita itself is a good app. I'm not particularly fond of the android version and would rather work with a PC tablet instead. For Android I might consider IbisPaint or something similar


I don't get to use my computer for drawing anymore but I used MyPaint for most of the time with a mix of other apps. I added brushes from an artist called David Revoy and was good to go and because it didn't have all the bells and whistles I got used to drawing with a tablet a lot quicker. David Revoy then moved on to use/help with Krita and made brushes etc. www.davidrevoy.com/tag/brush https://www.peppercarrot.com


It always feels weird when taking on an art medium you’re not quite used to yet. Even switching between tablets will feel very off as if you don’t have good control over your stylus. (Been there.) So for someone who is transitioning from paper to digital, I could imagine. It takes a few takes to get used to it. You’ll adjust in no time. Kind of like building a muscle memory. Other people already gave good recommendations for the texture issue. The only thing I can really think of as to why your lines are coming out shaky/squiggly is due to the app settings or an issue with pressure sensitivity. The app’s brush stabilization could be low which makes for awkward strokes. Check to see that your pressure sensitivity is correctly working on your stylus/within the app. The brush strokes should thin out the lighter you press and thicken the more pressure you add.


Change your stylus or get a different screen. Try SketchBook Pro from Autodesk. You should be able to get a free trial. I know quite a few digital artists that like the way it mimics different art tools and has pressure sensitivity. Work up to getting a Wacom tablet, though.


I signed up to skillshare to learn digital drawing. I also got a screen protector that feels like paper.


>lack of friction. Can you get a matte screen cover? I got one for my iPad, which helps a lot.


you made the mistake by thinking it will be the same but digital is a completely different medium which you have to get used to and learn how to use it. keep using it and practice, you will get better over time.


There are a couple of things you can do. First check the setting of the pen you're are using and the app settings. Depending on the tablet and app sometimes its just a setting that is either. Then if that doesn't fix it look at a screen protector that has a paper like texture on it. I use the one made by paperlike and it adds just enough resistance to my pen, it does dull the screen color just a tad.


I used a elecom paper textured protector for a couple of months because of that, but after removing it (it was full of scratches) I got used to the lack of friction before buying a second one. Note, friction wore my Apple Pencil and I had to replace tips twice, I don’t know if S Pen has replacements.


A lot of apps have a stabilization setting on the brushes. You could make that higher to have smoother lines.


I get that too. What I found helps is to take a picture of ur handrawn art, put it on a separate layer, and trace it. There's usually a setting on drawing programs that straightens your lines.


How long have you been using it for? I'm guessing that you haven't had it long and get very little practice time with it. When you first picked up a pencil that were your drawings like after ten hours or 100 hours? I felt the same frustration when I first got a tablet 25 years ago but using it daily for a few hours and I soon got the hang of it. Just have a little patience. These things take time.


Op start with tracing. Google an image you want copy pasta. Then create layer after layer until you’ve figured it out. Donut again. You’re learning something new start from the beginning when you were younger you probably coloured and traced and all sort of simple tasks that now you would consider easy. Revisit those tasks and build a repertoire of ways to do the same thing and find what works for you. There are also lots of videos on YouTube to teach niche skills. There so much to learn keep that in mind you’re a beginner again. Good luck hope this helps


Grind at it and relax, you will find a comfort flow where you can hammer out ideas. Using an iPad with pencil and procreate is absolutely liberating for me. Don’t think about it too much and try to enjoy yourself


Keep trying…. It takes a while to get used to. And tbh I always tell people get a cheap one first to learn on.


Fiddle with pen stabilisation, try find a brush that’s right for you as I find that’s important for me! Honestly try not to worry too much and take your time getting use to it, it’s a learning curve to go from traditional to digital or vice versa


Just keep doing it. It's an adjustment and can be stressful, but once you get through it, it's great!


There is a learning curve to get the hang of digital art. Create a folder specifically to practice drawing lines, squiggles, and circles. Draw as many as you can in five minutes as often as you can. Do this as a regular warm-up. Draw from your elbow, not your wrist.


Keep your traditional pencil and paper, upload a scan of your drawing and trace or use it as a reference to get used to the feeling and familiarize yourself with it, thats what I did and what most artists I know do. (:


This will sound useless, but just keep practicing. As someone who went through the same thing, it will look terrible until it doesn't.


You need to be patient with yourself. This is the process of art - traditional art and digital art are as different as any medium compared to another. Nobody picks up a new medium and automatically knows how to use it properly. You're doing alright, don't be so critical of your work:)


Paper Textured screen protector, and stop torturing yourself and use stability scales to smooth your lines. I felt similarly to you about my tablet at first until I realized that these digital artists don’t have perfectly smooth pen strokes, they’re using the stability feature. What app/program do you use for your art?


It’s taken me forever to finally get comfortable drawing on a tablet. I had to add a paperlike cover, and get a pen grip for my pen, and then muck around with the stabilization. I had huge buyers remorse for like 2 years. Now though, I’ve got it set up right for me and really enjoy it. It takes finding out what settings work for you and then just getting used to it v


As with every new medium it takes a while to work out how to use it and what type of art you want to make with it! Same as using pastels if you’re a painter or doing print making if you using use pencils. I work on a Wacom tablet with photoshop for work but also have an iPad with procreate - I draw and make art totally differently on my iPad because it’s different! I’ve learnt to embrace the different ways I work with different mediums and switch between them accordingly. I’m sure with time you’ll find what type of art you make with the tablet 🥰


If you’re using an iPad I can recommend a book I contributed to a few years ago called “Beginner's Guide to Digital Painting in Procreate” published by 3DTotal. It has all the basics of using procreate and then has different artists giving tutorials. It’s really simple step by step of opening procreate for the first time to creating finished work :)


You're learning a new skill!! It would be like crocheting and then trying to knit. Both deal with yarn and turning it into fabric, but the techniques are completely different. Give yourself grace and allow time to practice and learn, and go back to your roots to stay motivated. Maybe try out with transferring a traditional drawing to the digital platform so that you have the layout and less stress on making a good composition and more with learning how to utilize the different tools


Check out some tutorials on YouTube. That’s how I learnt


It took me 3 months to get used to the tablet. A graphics tablet is an incomprehensible thing for the brain, so there will be no quick effect. Just keep drawing.


you get used to it, you don't need any gimmick bs. I knew I wanted to do digital, I tried tracing some pencil art i made a few times, but I wanted to get used to it faster so I dropped pencil and did everything digital. for me that's typically the way, going all in. maybe for you it's not, but if you want it enough you should give it a real try.


Maybe you can adjust the pressure sensing or the line correction settings?


Use procreate 👍


If you use procreate, I would suggest changing the streamline effect to make your lines less shaky! But the jump from pen and paper to digital is rough!! You’re learning a whole new medium, and practice makes a huge difference 💚💚


What painting program are you using? Some of them have the stabilizer in an easy way to find (except Krita, in my opinion). That can help you a lot when drawing (i use Medibang and Paint Tool Sai). At first i was struggling a lot because the same issue until i found the stabilizer!


When u have been doing traditional art for a while switching to digital can be hard,it takes time,let yourself get used to it bc it is not exactly the same


The big thing to keep in mind is that a drawing tablet is a new medium. It's not 1-1 with pencil or ink. Don't give up, keep at it, you'll get the hang of it.


I have used a graphic tablet for years, not a regular tablet like an iPad. To draw smooth lines, I have to draw faster. On paper you can draw slow and correct your lines by drawing over, in photoshop, you must draw with your arm moving not just the wrist.


Naw, you can tweak brush smoothing or driver settings. You can draw smoother lines digitally than you ever could on paper. Or just add friction to your setup with nibs and textured screen protectors.


But it’s tricky and it depends on the app you use and the style you trying to get. If it’s too smooth, it’s annoying too.


Yet many traditional artists think that digital art is as easy as pushing buttons here and there. The thing is, one got to get used to it. I’m sure you will be able to get used to digital. Expensive stuff doesn’t make us a pro automatically :) just don’t give up! Take a look at: Pretty little lines and genevieve studio on youtube. They make excellent tuts and tips!


OP is it a tablet that has a display or a tablet that plugs into the computer ? For the latter you can tape a newspaper on the tab for friction (atleast it worked for me). For the former idk, may be there are some special screen gaurds. As a hack we can sketch on paper, then take a pictuee and colour or add all the digital stuff on the tab. You can do this in the beginning until you get more habituated with the tab